Akka(13): 分布式运算:Cluster-Sharding-运算的集群分片

来源:互联网 发布:大数据培训 达内就业 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 03:28




package clustersharding.entityimport akka.actor._import akka.cluster._import akka.persistence._import scala.concurrent.duration._import akka.cluster.sharding._object Calculator {  sealed trait Command  case class Num(d: Double) extends Command  case class Add(d: Double) extends Command  case class Sub(d: Double) extends Command  case class Mul(d: Double) extends Command  case class Div(d: Double) extends Command  case object ShowResult extends Command  sealed trait Event  case class SetResult(d: Any) extends Event  def getResult(res: Double, cmd: Command) = cmd match {    case Num(x) => x    case Add(x) => res + x    case Sub(x) => res - x    case Mul(x) => res * x    case Div(x) => {      val _ = res.toInt / x.toInt //yield ArithmeticException when /0.00      res / x    }    case _ => new ArithmeticException("Invalid Operation!")  }  case class State(result: Double) {    def updateState(evt: Event): State = evt match {      case SetResult(n) => copy(result = n.asInstanceOf[Double])    }  }  case object Disconnect extends Command    //exit cluster  def props = Props(new Calcultor)}class Calcultor extends PersistentActor with ActorLogging {  import Calculator._  val cluster = Cluster(context.system)  var state: State = State(0)  override def persistenceId: String = self.path.parent.name+"-"+self.path.name  override def receiveRecover: Receive = {    case evt: Event => state = state.updateState(evt)    case SnapshotOffer(_,st: State) => state = state.copy(result =  st.result)  }  override def receiveCommand: Receive = {    case Num(n) => persist(SetResult(getResult(state.result,Num(n))))(evt => state = state.updateState(evt))    case Add(n) => persist(SetResult(getResult(state.result,Add(n))))(evt => state = state.updateState(evt))    case Sub(n) => persist(SetResult(getResult(state.result,Sub(n))))(evt => state = state.updateState(evt))    case Mul(n) => persist(SetResult(getResult(state.result,Mul(n))))(evt => state = state.updateState(evt))    case Div(n) => persist(SetResult(getResult(state.result,Div(n))))(evt => state = state.updateState(evt))    case ShowResult => log.info(s"Result on ${cluster.selfAddress.hostPort} is: ${state.result}")    case Disconnect =>      log.info(s"${cluster.selfAddress} is leaving cluster!!!")      cluster.leave (cluster.selfAddress)  }  override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {    log.info(s"Restarting calculator: ${reason.getMessage}")    super.preRestart(reason, message)  }}class CalcSupervisor extends Actor {  def decider: PartialFunction[Throwable,SupervisorStrategy.Directive] = {    case _: ArithmeticException => SupervisorStrategy.Resume  }  override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy =    OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 5, withinTimeRange = 5 seconds){      decider.orElse(SupervisorStrategy.defaultDecider)    }  val calcActor = context.actorOf(Calculator.props,"calculator")  override def receive: Receive = {    case msg@ _ => calcActor.forward(msg)  }}



/**   * Register a named entity type by defining the [[akka.actor.Props]] of the entity actor and   * functions to extract entity and shard identifier from messages. The [[ShardRegion]] actor   * for this type can later be retrieved with the [[#shardRegion]] method.   *   * The default shard allocation strategy [[ShardCoordinator.LeastShardAllocationStrategy]]   * is used. [[akka.actor.PoisonPill]] is used as `handOffStopMessage`.   *   * Some settings can be configured as described in the `akka.cluster.sharding` section   * of the `reference.conf`.   *   * @param typeName the name of the entity type   * @param entityProps the `Props` of the entity actors that will be created by the `ShardRegion`   * @param settings configuration settings, see [[ClusterShardingSettings]]   * @param extractEntityId partial function to extract the entity id and the message to send to the   *   entity from the incoming message, if the partial function does not match the message will   *   be `unhandled`, i.e. posted as `Unhandled` messages on the event stream   * @param extractShardId function to determine the shard id for an incoming message, only messages   *   that passed the `extractEntityId` will be used   * @return the actor ref of the [[ShardRegion]] that is to be responsible for the shard   */  def start(    typeName:        String,    entityProps:     Props,    settings:        ClusterShardingSettings,    extractEntityId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId,    extractShardId:  ShardRegion.ExtractShardId): ActorRef = {    val allocationStrategy = new LeastShardAllocationStrategy(      settings.tuningParameters.leastShardAllocationRebalanceThreshold,      settings.tuningParameters.leastShardAllocationMaxSimultaneousRebalance)    start(typeName, entityProps, settings, extractEntityId, extractShardId, allocationStrategy, PoisonPill)  }


object CalculatorShard {  import Calculator._  case class CalcCommands(eid: String, msg: Command)  //user should use it to talk to shardregion  val shardName = "calcShard"  val getEntityId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = {    case CalcCommands(id,msg) => (id,msg)  }  val getShardId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = {    case CalcCommands(id,_) => id.head.toString  }  def entityProps = Props(new CalcSupervisor)}



package clustersharding.shardimport akka.persistence.journal.leveldb._import akka.actor._import akka.cluster.sharding._import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryimport akka.util.Timeoutimport scala.concurrent.duration._import akka.pattern._import clustersharding.entity.CalculatorShardobject CalcShards {  def create(port: Int) = {    val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=${port}")      .withFallback(ConfigFactory.load("sharding"))    // Create an Akka system    val system = ActorSystem("ShardingSystem", config)    startupSharding(port,system)  }  def startupSharedJournal(system: ActorSystem, startStore: Boolean, path: ActorPath): Unit = {    // Start the shared journal one one node (don't crash this SPOF)    // This will not be needed with a distributed journal    if (startStore)      system.actorOf(Props[SharedLeveldbStore], "store")    // register the shared journal    import system.dispatcher    implicit val timeout = Timeout(15.seconds)    val f = (system.actorSelection(path) ? Identify(None))    f.onSuccess {      case ActorIdentity(_, Some(ref)) =>        SharedLeveldbJournal.setStore(ref, system)      case _ =>        system.log.error("Shared journal not started at {}", path)        system.terminate()    }    f.onFailure {      case _ =>        system.log.error("Lookup of shared journal at {} timed out", path)        system.terminate()    }  }  def startupSharding(port: Int, system: ActorSystem) = {    startupSharedJournal(system, startStore = (port == 2551), path =      ActorPath.fromString("akka.tcp://ShardingSystem@"))    ClusterSharding(system).start(      typeName = CalculatorShard.shardName,      entityProps = CalculatorShard.entityProps,      settings = ClusterShardingSettings(system),      extractEntityId = CalculatorShard.getEntityId,      extractShardId = CalculatorShard.getShardId    )  }}


package clustersharding.demoimport akka.actor.ActorSystemimport akka.cluster.sharding._import clustersharding.entity.CalculatorShard.CalcCommandsimport clustersharding.entity._import clustersharding.shard.CalcShardsimport com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryobject ClusterShardingDemo extends App {  CalcShards.create(2551)  CalcShards.create(0)  CalcShards.create(0)  CalcShards.create(0)  Thread.sleep(1000)  val shardingSystem = ActorSystem("ShardingSystem",ConfigFactory.load("sharding"))  CalcShards.startupSharding(0,shardingSystem)  Thread.sleep(1000)  val calcRegion = ClusterSharding(shardingSystem).shardRegion(CalculatorShard.shardName)  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("1012",Calculator.Num(13.0))   //shard 1, entity 1012  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("1012",Calculator.Add(12.0))  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("1012",Calculator.ShowResult)  //shows address too  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("1012",Calculator.Disconnect)   //disengage cluster  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("2012",Calculator.Num(10.0))   //shard 2, entity 2012  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("2012",Calculator.Mul(3.0))  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("2012",Calculator.Div(2.0))  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("2012",Calculator.Div(0.0))   //divide by zero  Thread.sleep(15000)  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("1012",Calculator.ShowResult)   //check if restore result on another node  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("2012",Calculator.ShowResult)}


[INFO] [07/15/2017 09:32:49.414] [ShardingSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-20] [akka.tcp://ShardingSystem@] Result on ShardingSystem@ is: 25.0[INFO] [07/15/2017 09:32:49.414] [ShardingSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-20] [akka.tcp://ShardingSystem@] akka.tcp://ShardingSystem@ is leaving cluster!!![WARN] [07/15/2017 09:32:49.431] [ShardingSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-18] [akka://ShardingSystem/system/sharding/calcShard/2/2012/calculator] / by zero[INFO] [07/15/2017 09:33:01.320] [ShardingSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-4] [akka.tcp://ShardingSystem@] Result on ShardingSystem@ is: 15.0[INFO] [07/15/2017 09:33:01.330] [ShardingSystem-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-18] [akka.tcp://ShardingSystem@] Result on ShardingSystem@ is: 25.0




name := "cluster-sharding"version := "1.0"scalaVersion := "2.11.9"resolvers += "Akka Snapshot Repository" at "http://repo.akka.io/snapshots/"val akkaversion = "2.4.8"libraryDependencies ++= Seq(  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-actor" % akkaversion,  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-remote" % akkaversion,  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster" % akkaversion,  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-tools" % akkaversion,  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-cluster-sharding" % akkaversion,  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-persistence" % "2.4.8",  "com.typesafe.akka" %% "akka-contrib" % akkaversion,  "org.iq80.leveldb" % "leveldb" % "0.7",  "org.fusesource.leveldbjni" % "leveldbjni-all" % "1.8")


akka.actor.warn-about-java-serializer-usage = offakka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown = offakka.log-dead-letters = offakka {  loglevel = INFO  actor {    provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"  }  remote {    log-remote-lifecycle-events = off    netty.tcp {      hostname = ""      port = 0    }  }  cluster {    seed-nodes = [      "akka.tcp://ShardingSystem@"]    log-info = off  }  persistence {    journal.plugin = "akka.persistence.journal.leveldb-shared"    journal.leveldb-shared.store {      # DO NOT USE 'native = off' IN PRODUCTION !!!      native = off      dir = "target/shared-journal"    }    snapshot-store.plugin = "akka.persistence.snapshot-store.local"    snapshot-store.local.dir = "target/snapshots"  }}


package clustersharding.entityimport akka.actor._import akka.cluster._import akka.persistence._import scala.concurrent.duration._import akka.cluster.sharding._object Calculator {  sealed trait Command  case class Num(d: Double) extends Command  case class Add(d: Double) extends Command  case class Sub(d: Double) extends Command  case class Mul(d: Double) extends Command  case class Div(d: Double) extends Command  case object ShowResult extends Command  sealed trait Event  case class SetResult(d: Any) extends Event  def getResult(res: Double, cmd: Command) = cmd match {    case Num(x) => x    case Add(x) => res + x    case Sub(x) => res - x    case Mul(x) => res * x    case Div(x) => {      val _ = res.toInt / x.toInt //yield ArithmeticException when /0.00      res / x    }    case _ => new ArithmeticException("Invalid Operation!")  }  case class State(result: Double) {    def updateState(evt: Event): State = evt match {      case SetResult(n) => copy(result = n.asInstanceOf[Double])    }  }  case object Disconnect extends Command    //exit cluster  def props = Props(new Calcultor)}class Calcultor extends PersistentActor with ActorLogging {  import Calculator._  val cluster = Cluster(context.system)  var state: State = State(0)  override def persistenceId: String = self.path.parent.name+"-"+self.path.name  override def receiveRecover: Receive = {    case evt: Event => state = state.updateState(evt)    case SnapshotOffer(_,st: State) => state = state.copy(result =  st.result)  }  override def receiveCommand: Receive = {    case Num(n) => persist(SetResult(getResult(state.result,Num(n))))(evt => state = state.updateState(evt))    case Add(n) => persist(SetResult(getResult(state.result,Add(n))))(evt => state = state.updateState(evt))    case Sub(n) => persist(SetResult(getResult(state.result,Sub(n))))(evt => state = state.updateState(evt))    case Mul(n) => persist(SetResult(getResult(state.result,Mul(n))))(evt => state = state.updateState(evt))    case Div(n) => persist(SetResult(getResult(state.result,Div(n))))(evt => state = state.updateState(evt))    case ShowResult => log.info(s"Result on ${cluster.selfAddress.hostPort} is: ${state.result}")    case Disconnect =>      log.info(s"${cluster.selfAddress} is leaving cluster!!!")      cluster.leave (cluster.selfAddress)  }  override def preRestart(reason: Throwable, message: Option[Any]): Unit = {    log.info(s"Restarting calculator: ${reason.getMessage}")    super.preRestart(reason, message)  }}class CalcSupervisor extends Actor {  def decider: PartialFunction[Throwable,SupervisorStrategy.Directive] = {    case _: ArithmeticException => SupervisorStrategy.Resume  }  override def supervisorStrategy: SupervisorStrategy =    OneForOneStrategy(maxNrOfRetries = 5, withinTimeRange = 5 seconds){      decider.orElse(SupervisorStrategy.defaultDecider)    }  val calcActor = context.actorOf(Calculator.props,"calculator")  override def receive: Receive = {    case msg@ _ => calcActor.forward(msg)  }}object CalculatorShard {  import Calculator._  case class CalcCommands(eid: String, msg: Command)  //user should use it to talk to shardregion  val shardName = "calcShard"  val getEntityId: ShardRegion.ExtractEntityId = {    case CalcCommands(id,msg) => (id,msg)  }  val getShardId: ShardRegion.ExtractShardId = {    case CalcCommands(id,_) => id.head.toString  }  def entityProps = Props(new CalcSupervisor)}


package clustersharding.shardimport akka.persistence.journal.leveldb._import akka.actor._import akka.cluster.sharding._import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryimport akka.util.Timeoutimport scala.concurrent.duration._import akka.pattern._import clustersharding.entity.CalculatorShardobject CalcShards {  def create(port: Int) = {    val config = ConfigFactory.parseString(s"akka.remote.netty.tcp.port=${port}")      .withFallback(ConfigFactory.load("sharding"))    // Create an Akka system    val system = ActorSystem("ShardingSystem", config)    startupSharding(port,system)  }  def startupSharedJournal(system: ActorSystem, startStore: Boolean, path: ActorPath): Unit = {    // Start the shared journal one one node (don't crash this SPOF)    // This will not be needed with a distributed journal    if (startStore)      system.actorOf(Props[SharedLeveldbStore], "store")    // register the shared journal    import system.dispatcher    implicit val timeout = Timeout(15.seconds)    val f = (system.actorSelection(path) ? Identify(None))    f.onSuccess {      case ActorIdentity(_, Some(ref)) =>        SharedLeveldbJournal.setStore(ref, system)      case _ =>        system.log.error("Shared journal not started at {}", path)        system.terminate()    }    f.onFailure {      case _ =>        system.log.error("Lookup of shared journal at {} timed out", path)        system.terminate()    }  }  def startupSharding(port: Int, system: ActorSystem) = {    startupSharedJournal(system, startStore = (port == 2551), path =      ActorPath.fromString("akka.tcp://ShardingSystem@"))    ClusterSharding(system).start(      typeName = CalculatorShard.shardName,      entityProps = CalculatorShard.entityProps,      settings = ClusterShardingSettings(system),      extractEntityId = CalculatorShard.getEntityId,      extractShardId = CalculatorShard.getShardId    )  }}


package clustersharding.demoimport akka.actor.ActorSystemimport akka.cluster.sharding._import clustersharding.entity.CalculatorShard.CalcCommandsimport clustersharding.entity._import clustersharding.shard.CalcShardsimport com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactoryobject ClusterShardingDemo extends App {  CalcShards.create(2551)  CalcShards.create(0)  CalcShards.create(0)  CalcShards.create(0)  Thread.sleep(1000)  val shardingSystem = ActorSystem("ShardingSystem",ConfigFactory.load("sharding"))  CalcShards.startupSharding(0,shardingSystem)  Thread.sleep(1000)  val calcRegion = ClusterSharding(shardingSystem).shardRegion(CalculatorShard.shardName)  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("1012",Calculator.Num(13.0))   //shard 1, entity 1012  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("1012",Calculator.Add(12.0))  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("1012",Calculator.ShowResult)  //shows address too  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("1012",Calculator.Disconnect)   //disengage cluster  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("2012",Calculator.Num(10.0))   //shard 2, entity 2012  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("2012",Calculator.Mul(3.0))  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("2012",Calculator.Div(2.0))  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("2012",Calculator.Div(0.0))   //divide by zero  Thread.sleep(15000)  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("1012",Calculator.ShowResult)   //check if restore result on another node  calcRegion ! CalcCommands("2012",Calculator.ShowResult)}

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