
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝领优惠券是真的吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 11:14




  public static Picasso with(Context context) {    if (singleton == null) {      synchronized (Picasso.class) {        if (singleton == null) {          singleton = new Builder(context).build();        }      }    }    return singleton;  }
发现picasso是一个懒加载单例模式;进入 Builder(context)方法

/** Start building a new {@link Picasso} instance. */    public Builder(Context context) {      if (context == null) {        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Context must not be null.");      }      this.context = context.getApplicationContext();    }

 /** Create the {@link Picasso} instance. */    public Picasso build() {      Context context = this.context;      if (downloader == null) {        downloader = Utils.createDefaultDownloader(context);      }      if (cache == null) {        cache = new LruCache(context);      }      if (service == null) {        service = new PicassoExecutorService();      }      if (transformer == null) {        transformer = RequestTransformer.IDENTITY;      }      Stats stats = new Stats(cache);      Dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher(context, service, HANDLER, downloader, cache, stats);      return new Picasso(context, dispatcher, cache, listener, transformer, requestHandlers, stats,          defaultBitmapConfig, indicatorsEnabled, loggingEnabled);    }  }

  1. downloader=UrlConnectionDownloader,负责网络请求。
  2. cache=LruCache,内存缓存(内部使用linkedHashMap),负责缓存bitmap
  3. service=PicassoExecutorService,一个线程池ExecutorService,负责以线程池的方式执行BitmapHunter
  4. transformer = RequestTransformer.IDENTITY,为改善图片加载速度使用,这儿要配置了cdn才有用
  5.  dispatcher = new Dispatcher,负责调度图片加载action进入service
ok,到这里picasso的几个重要组件就已经出场了。下面进入 Picass.load(String path)

 public RequestCreator load(String path) {    if (path == null) {      return new RequestCreator(this, null, 0);    }    if (path.trim().length() == 0) {      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path must not be empty.");    }    return load(Uri.parse(path));  } public RequestCreator load(Uri uri) {    return new RequestCreator(this, uri, 0);  } RequestCreator(Picasso picasso, Uri uri, int resourceId) {    if (picasso.shutdown) {      throw new IllegalStateException(          "Picasso instance already shut down. Cannot submit new requests.");    }    this.picasso = picasso;    this.data = new Request.Builder(uri, resourceId, picasso.defaultBitmapConfig);  }

好了,此处稍微的跑偏了下,下面进入正题。RequestCreator创建好后,进入RequestCreator.into(ImageView target)

  public void into(ImageView target) {    into(target, null);  }
  public void into(ImageView target, Callback callback) {    long started = System.nanoTime();    checkMain();    if (target == null) {      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target must not be null.");    }    if (!data.hasImage()) {      picasso.cancelRequest(target);      if (setPlaceholder) {        setPlaceholder(target, getPlaceholderDrawable());      }      return;    }    if (deferred) {      if (data.hasSize()) {        throw new IllegalStateException("Fit cannot be used with resize.");      }      int width = target.getWidth();      int height = target.getHeight();      if (width == 0 || height == 0) {        if (setPlaceholder) {          setPlaceholder(target, getPlaceholderDrawable());        }        picasso.defer(target, new DeferredRequestCreator(this, target, callback));        return;      }      data.resize(width, height);    }    Request request = createRequest(started);    String requestKey = createKey(request);    if (shouldReadFromMemoryCache(memoryPolicy)) {      Bitmap bitmap = picasso.quickMemoryCacheCheck(requestKey);      if (bitmap != null) {        picasso.cancelRequest(target);        setBitmap(target, picasso.context, bitmap, MEMORY, noFade, picasso.indicatorsEnabled);        if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {          log(OWNER_MAIN, VERB_COMPLETED, request.plainId(), "from " + MEMORY);        }        if (callback != null) {          callback.onSuccess();        }        return;      }    }    if (setPlaceholder) {      setPlaceholder(target, getPlaceholderDrawable());    }    Action action =        new ImageViewAction(picasso, target, request, memoryPolicy, networkPolicy, errorResId,            errorDrawable, requestKey, tag, callback, noFade);    picasso.enqueueAndSubmit(action);  }
此处代码较多,不过业务逻辑不难。checkMain()检测此处是否运行与主线程,然后检查target是否为空,是空的话直接抛出异常。一般情况下data.hasImage()等于true,deferred为false,因此这两步跳过。接着根据RequestCreator中的data创建出一个request,再以request创建一个与之对应的requestKey,然后根据requestKey去cache中寻找是否有与之对应的bitmap,这里是第一次加载,所以返回null。setPlaceholder默认是true,所以会首先会给target设置一个默认图片,设置完默认图片后,接着是把request以及一些相关的参数在做一层封装得到一个ImageViewAction。  下面是这两个类的成员图,缩进的表示类属性


  void enqueueAndSubmit(Action action) {    Object target = action.getTarget();    if (target != null && targetToAction.get(target) != action) {      // This will also check we are on the main thread.      cancelExistingRequest(target);      targetToAction.put(target, action);    }    submit(action);  }
 void submit(Action action) {    dispatcher.dispatchSubmit(action);  }

void dispatchSubmit(Action action) {    handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(REQUEST_SUBMIT, action));  }


  @Override public void handleMessage(final Message msg) {      switch (msg.what) {        case REQUEST_SUBMIT: {          Action action = (Action) msg.obj;          dispatcher.performSubmit(action);          break;        }
  void performSubmit(Action action) {    performSubmit(action, true);  }
 void performSubmit(Action action, boolean dismissFailed) {    if (pausedTags.contains(action.getTag())) {      pausedActions.put(action.getTarget(), action);      if (action.getPicasso().loggingEnabled) {        log(OWNER_DISPATCHER, VERB_PAUSED, action.request.logId(),            "because tag '" + action.getTag() + "' is paused");      }      return;    }    BitmapHunter hunter = hunterMap.get(action.getKey());    if (hunter != null) {      hunter.attach(action);      return;    }    if (service.isShutdown()) {      if (action.getPicasso().loggingEnabled) {        log(OWNER_DISPATCHER, VERB_IGNORED, action.request.logId(), "because shut down");      }      return;    }    hunter = forRequest(action.getPicasso(), this, cache, stats, action);    hunter.future = service.submit(hunter);    hunterMap.put(action.getKey(), hunter);    if (dismissFailed) {      failedActions.remove(action.getTarget());    }    if (action.getPicasso().loggingEnabled) {      log(OWNER_DISPATCHER, VERB_ENQUEUED, action.request.logId());    }  }

pausedTags里记录的是对暂停的ImageViewAction的引用,这里是第一次执行,pausedTags.contains(action.getTag())返回 false,hunterMap.get(action.getKey())也返回null,于是到了forRequest函数

  static BitmapHunter forRequest(Picasso picasso, Dispatcher dispatcher, Cache cache, Stats stats,      Action action) {    Request request = action.getRequest();    List<RequestHandler> requestHandlers = picasso.getRequestHandlers();    // Index-based loop to avoid allocating an iterator.    //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach    for (int i = 0, count = requestHandlers.size(); i < count; i++) {      RequestHandler requestHandler = requestHandlers.get(i);      if (requestHandler.canHandleRequest(request)) {        return new BitmapHunter(picasso, dispatcher, cache, stats, action, requestHandler);      }    }    return new BitmapHunter(picasso, dispatcher, cache, stats, action, ERRORING_HANDLER);  }

  1. ResourceRequestHandler
  2. ContactsPhotoRequestHandler
  3. MediaStoreRequestHandler
  4. ContentStreamRequestHandler
  5. AssetRequestHandler
  6. FileRequestHandler
  7. NetworkRequestHandler  
从不同handler的名字我们基本就可以知道要何种handler,由于这里请求的是网络地址,猜测应该是NetworkRequestHandler ,打开NetworkRequestHandler 的canHandleRequest(Request data)方法

class NetworkRequestHandler extends RequestHandler {  static final int RETRY_COUNT = 2;  private static final String SCHEME_HTTP = "http";  private static final String SCHEME_HTTPS = "https";  @Override public boolean canHandleRequest(Request data) {    String scheme = data.uri.getScheme();    return (SCHEME_HTTP.equals(scheme) || SCHEME_HTTPS.equals(scheme));  }
果真是NetworkRequestHandler ,在找到对应的RequestHandler之后,再对ImageViewAction做一层封装,就得到了一个BitmapHunter,


其实到这里,图片加载都还未真正开始,从RequestCreator-->Request--> ImageViewAction -->BitmapHunter,前面的都是对一个图片加载任务的一层层封装,为的是前期收集



 @Override public void run() {    try {      updateThreadName(data);      if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {        log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_EXECUTING, getLogIdsForHunter(this));      }      result = hunt();    

 Bitmap hunt() throws IOException {    Bitmap bitmap = null;    if (shouldReadFromMemoryCache(memoryPolicy)) {      bitmap = cache.get(key);      if (bitmap != null) {        stats.dispatchCacheHit();        loadedFrom = MEMORY;        if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {          log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_DECODED, data.logId(), "from cache");        }        return bitmap;      }    }    data.networkPolicy = retryCount == 0 ? NetworkPolicy.OFFLINE.index : networkPolicy;    RequestHandler.Result result = requestHandler.load(data, networkPolicy);  
这里再次检查cache中是否存在与key对应的bitmap缓存,这里假设第一次加载,返回null。然后就是requestHandler.load(data, networkPolicy),这里的requestHandler是NetworkRequestHandler 
 @Override public Result load(Request request, int networkPolicy) throws IOException {    Response response = downloader.load(request.uri, request.networkPolicy);    if (response == null) {      return null;    }    Picasso.LoadedFrom loadedFrom = response.cached ? DISK : NETWORK;    Bitmap bitmap = response.getBitmap();    if (bitmap != null) {      return new Result(bitmap, loadedFrom);    }    InputStream is = response.getInputStream();    if (is == null) {      return null;    }    // Sometimes response content length is zero when requests are being replayed. Haven't found    // root cause to this but retrying the request seems safe to do so.    if (loadedFrom == DISK && response.getContentLength() == 0) {      Utils.closeQuietly(is);      throw new ContentLengthException("Received response with 0 content-length header.");    }    if (loadedFrom == NETWORK && response.getContentLength() > 0) {      stats.dispatchDownloadFinished(response.getContentLength());    }    return new Result(is, loadedFrom);  }
NetworkRequestHandler 里接着又调用download.load方法,download是UrlConnectionDownloader

@Override public Response load(Uri uri, int networkPolicy) throws IOException {    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) {      installCacheIfNeeded(context);    }    HttpURLConnection connection = openConnection(uri);    connection.setUseCaches(true);    if (networkPolicy != 0) {      String headerValue;      if (NetworkPolicy.isOfflineOnly(networkPolicy)) {        headerValue = FORCE_CACHE;      } else {        StringBuilder builder = CACHE_HEADER_BUILDER.get();        builder.setLength(0);        if (!NetworkPolicy.shouldReadFromDiskCache(networkPolicy)) {          builder.append("no-cache");        }        if (!NetworkPolicy.shouldWriteToDiskCache(networkPolicy)) {          if (builder.length() > 0) {            builder.append(',');          }          builder.append("no-store");        }        headerValue = builder.toString();      }      connection.setRequestProperty("Cache-Control", headerValue);    }    int responseCode = connection.getResponseCode();    if (responseCode >= 300) {      connection.disconnect();      throw new ResponseException(responseCode + " " + connection.getResponseMessage(),          networkPolicy, responseCode);    }    long contentLength = connection.getHeaderFieldInt("Content-Length", -1);    boolean fromCache = parseResponseSourceHeader(connection.getHeaderField(RESPONSE_SOURCE));    return new Response(connection.getInputStream(), fromCache, contentLength);  }

Response返回到NetworkRequestHandler 的load方法。由于这里返回的Response的bitmap为null,因此在NetworkRequestHandler里又是把Response中的stream在封装成Result返回到上一层。


 data.networkPolicy = retryCount == 0 ? NetworkPolicy.OFFLINE.index : networkPolicy;    RequestHandler.Result result = requestHandler.load(data, networkPolicy);    if (result != null) {      loadedFrom = result.getLoadedFrom();      exifRotation = result.getExifOrientation();      bitmap = result.getBitmap();      // If there was no Bitmap then we need to decode it from the stream.      if (bitmap == null) {        InputStream is = result.getStream();        try {          bitmap = decodeStream(is, data);        } finally {          Utils.closeQuietly(is);        }      }    }    if (bitmap != null) {      if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {        log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_DECODED, data.logId());      }      stats.dispatchBitmapDecoded(bitmap);      if (data.needsTransformation() || exifRotation != 0) {        synchronized (DECODE_LOCK) {          if (data.needsMatrixTransform() || exifRotation != 0) {            bitmap = transformResult(data, bitmap, exifRotation);            if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {              log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_TRANSFORMED, data.logId());            }          }          if (data.hasCustomTransformations()) {            bitmap = applyCustomTransformations(data.transformations, bitmap);            if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {              log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_TRANSFORMED, data.logId(), "from custom transformations");            }          }        }        if (bitmap != null) {          stats.dispatchBitmapTransformed(bitmap);        }      }    }    return bitmap;  }
由于返回的result在请求成功的情况下不为空,但是result里的bitmap为null,因此会调用decodeStream(is, data)方法,该方法的作用是根据target的宽高来把is解析成bitmap,

if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {        log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_EXECUTING, getLogIdsForHunter(this));      }      result = hunt();      if (result == null) {        dispatcher.dispatchFailed(this);      } else {        dispatcher.dispatchComplete(this);      }    } catch (Downloader.ResponseException e) {      if (!e.localCacheOnly || e.responseCode != 504) {        exception = e;      }      dispatcher.dispatchFailed(this);    } catch (NetworkRequestHandler.ContentLengthException e) {      exception = e;      dispatcher.dispatchRetry(this);    } catch (IOException e) {      exception = e;      dispatcher.dispatchRetry(this);    } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {      StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();      stats.createSnapshot().dump(new PrintWriter(writer));      exception = new RuntimeException(writer.toString(), e);      dispatcher.dispatchFailed(this);    } catch (Exception e) {      exception = e;      dispatcher.dispatchFailed(this);    } finally {      Thread.currentThread().setName(Utils.THREAD_IDLE_NAME);    }  }
class ImageViewAction extends Action<ImageView> { @Override public void complete(Bitmap result, Picasso.LoadedFrom from) {    if (result == null) {      throw new AssertionError(          String.format("Attempted to complete action with no result!\n%s", this));    }    ImageView target = this.target.get();    if (target == null) {      return;    }    Context context = picasso.context;    boolean indicatorsEnabled = picasso.indicatorsEnabled;    PicassoDrawable.setBitmap(target, context, result, from, noFade, indicatorsEnabled);    if (callback != null) {      callback.onSuccess();    }  }






