
来源:互联网 发布:数据库物理设计怎么写 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 03:46




本篇源码解析是基于Picasso 2.5.2版本。





static volatile Picasso singleton = null;public static Picasso with(Context context) {  if (singleton == null) {    synchronized (Picasso.class) {      if (singleton == null) {        singleton = new Builder(context).build();(1)      }    }  }  return singleton;}


Picasso.Builder:public Picasso build() {    Context context = this.context;    /**     * 1、创建下载方式     */    if (downloader == null) {        downloader = Utils.createDefaultDownloader(context);    }    /**     * 2、构建内存缓存策略(LruCache)     */    if (cache == null) {        cache = new LruCache(context);    }    /**     * 3、构建线程池     */    if (service == null) {        service = new PicassoExecutorService();    }    /**     * 4、请求转换器,用于请求前更改请求信息     */    if (transformer == null) {        transformer = Picasso.RequestTransformer.IDENTITY;    }    /**     * 5、快照,统计某一时间Picasso中的各项数据     */    Stats stats = new Stats(cache);    /**     * 6、分发器     */    Dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher(context, service, HANDLER, downloader, cache, stats);    /**     * 7、创建Picasso实例     */    return new Picasso(context, dispatcher, cache, listener, transformer, requestHandlers, stats,            defaultBitmapConfig, indicatorsEnabled, loggingEnabled);}



private Downloader downloader;if (downloader == null) {    downloader = Utils.createDefaultDownloader(context);}




Utils.java:static Downloader createDefaultDownloader(Context context) {  try {    Class.forName("com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient");    return OkHttpLoaderCreator.create(context);  } catch (ClassNotFoundException ignored) {  }  return new UrlConnectionDownloader(context);}private static class OkHttpLoaderCreator {  static Downloader create(Context context) {    return new OkHttpDownloader(context);  }}


OkHttpDownloader.java:public OkHttpDownloader(final Context context) {  this(Utils.createDefaultCacheDir(context));}public OkHttpDownloader(final File cacheDir) {  this(cacheDir, Utils.calculateDiskCacheSize(cacheDir));}public OkHttpDownloader(final File cacheDir, final long maxSize) {  this(defaultOkHttpClient());  try {    client.setCache(new com.squareup.okhttp.Cache(cacheDir, maxSize));  } catch (IOException ignored) {  }}



UrlConnectionDownloader.java:static volatile Object cache;@Override public Downloader.Response load(Uri uri, int networkPolicy) throws IOException {    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.ICE_CREAM_SANDWICH) {        installCacheIfNeeded(context);    }    //省略XX行代码    ....}private static void installCacheIfNeeded(Context context) {  // DCL + volatile should be safe after Java 5.  if (cache == null) {    try {      synchronized (lock) {        if (cache == null) {          cache = ResponseCacheIcs.install(context);        }      }    } catch (IOException ignored) {    }  }}private static class ResponseCacheIcs {  static Object install(Context context) throws IOException {    File cacheDir = Utils.createDefaultCacheDir(context);    HttpResponseCache cache = HttpResponseCache.getInstalled();    if (cache == null) {      long maxSize = Utils.calculateDiskCacheSize(cacheDir);      cache = HttpResponseCache.install(cacheDir, maxSize);    }    return cache;  }  static void close(Object cache) {    try {      ((HttpResponseCache) cache).close();    } catch (IOException ignored) {    }  }}

上面在load方法中会先判断当前Android的版本,HttpURLConnection在Android 4.0之后增加了一个Response Cache,因此这里会做版本的判断是否开启缓存。


private Cache cache;if (cache == null) {  cache = new LruCache(context);}


LruCache中Lru算法的实现就是通过LinkedHashMap来实现的。LinkedHashMap继承于HashMap,它使用了一个双向链表来存储Map中的Entry顺序关系,这种顺序有两种,一种是LRU顺序,一种是插入顺序,这可以由其构造函数public LinkedHashMap(int initialCapacity,float loadFactor, boolean accessOrder)指定。所以,对于get、put、remove等操作,LinkedHashMap除了要做HashMap做的事情,还做些调整Entry顺序链表的工作。LruCache中将LinkedHashMap的顺序设置为LRU顺序来实现LRU缓存,每次调用get(也就是从内存缓存中取图片),则将该对象移到链表的尾端。调用put插入新的对象也是存储在链表尾端,这样当内存缓存达到设定的最大值时,将链表头部的对象(近期最少用到的)移除。

public LruCache(Context context) {    this(Utils.calculateMemoryCacheSize(context));}public LruCache(int maxSize) {    if (maxSize <= 0) {        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Max size must be positive.");    }    this.maxSize = maxSize;    this.map = new LinkedHashMap<String, Bitmap>(0, 0.75f, true);}


static int calculateMemoryCacheSize(Context context) {  ActivityManager am = getService(context, ACTIVITY_SERVICE);  boolean largeHeap = (context.getApplicationInfo().flags & FLAG_LARGE_HEAP) != 0;//(1)  int memoryClass = am.getMemoryClass();//(2)  if (largeHeap && SDK_INT >= HONEYCOMB) {    memoryClass = ActivityManagerHoneycomb.getLargeMemoryClass(am);//(3)  }  // Target ~15% of the available heap.  return 1024 * 1024 * memoryClass / 7;}

在(1)处会去获取largeHeap是否开启,largeHeap开启是通过在manifest中设置largeHeap=true设置的,设置为true后应用可以使用最大内存值, Android官方给的建议是,作为程序员的我们应该努力减少内存的使用,想回收和复用的方法,而不是想方设法增大内存。当内存很大的时候,每次gc的时间也会长一些,性能会下降。
如果largeHeap没有开启或是当前设备的版本小于3.1使用的是(2)处的am.getMemoryClass()获取应用正常情况下的内存大小;反之执行(3)处,这里调用Utils的静态内部类ActivityManagerHoneycomb的静态方法getLargeMemoryClass(am),在该方法中通过ActivityManger的getLargeMemory方法获取 开启largeHeap最大的内存大小。最后会取它的百分之15的大小。

@Override public void set(String key, Bitmap bitmap) {    if (key == null || bitmap == null) {        throw new NullPointerException("key == null || bitmap == null");    }    Bitmap previous;    synchronized (this) {        putCount++;        size += Utils.getBitmapBytes(bitmap);        previous = map.put(key, bitmap);        if (previous != null) {            size -= Utils.getBitmapBytes(previous);        }    }    trimToSize(maxSize);}


private void trimToSize(int maxSize) {    while (true) {        String key;        Bitmap value;        synchronized (this) {            if (size < 0 || (map.isEmpty() && size != 0)) {                throw new IllegalStateException(                        getClass().getName() + ".sizeOf() is reporting inconsistent results!");            }            if (size <= maxSize || map.isEmpty()) {                break;            }            Map.Entry<String, Bitmap> toEvict = map.entrySet().iterator().next();            key = toEvict.getKey();            value = toEvict.getValue();            map.remove(key);            size -= Utils.getBitmapBytes(value);            evictionCount++;        }    }}


@Override public Bitmap get(String key) {  if (key == null) {    throw new NullPointerException("key == null");  }  Bitmap mapValue;  synchronized (this) {    mapValue = map.get(key);    if (mapValue != null) {      hitCount++;      return mapValue;    }    missCount++;  }  return null;}


public final void evictAll() {  trimToSize(-1); // -1 will evict 0-sized elements}


@Override public final synchronized void clearKeyUri(String uri) {  boolean sizeChanged = false;  int uriLength = uri.length();  for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String, Bitmap>> i = map.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {    Map.Entry<String, Bitmap> entry = i.next();    String key = entry.getKey();    Bitmap value = entry.getValue();    int newlineIndex = key.indexOf(KEY_SEPARATOR);    if (newlineIndex == uriLength && key.substring(0, newlineIndex).equals(uri)) {      i.remove();      size -= Utils.getBitmapBytes(value);      sizeChanged = true;    }  }  if (sizeChanged) {    trimToSize(maxSize);  }}



private ExecutorService service;if (service == null) {  service = new PicassoExecutorService();}

我们知道在UI线程不能进行耗时操作,尤其是网络操作,因此 ,访问网络的操作需要在子线程中进行,但开启 过多的线程会降低系统的性能,提高内存的开销,所以我们需要线程池来管理这些线程,在Picasso中它自己定义了线程池的类PicassoExecutorService,PicassoExecutorService继承自ThreadPoolExecutor。

PicassoExecutorService.java:class PicassoExecutorService extends ThreadPoolExecutor {  private static final int DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT = 3;  PicassoExecutorService() {    super(DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT, DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT, 0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,        new PriorityBlockingQueue<Runnable>(), new Utils.PicassoThreadFactory());  }  void adjustThreadCount(NetworkInfo info) {    if (info == null || !info.isConnectedOrConnecting()) {      setThreadCount(DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT);      return;    }    switch (info.getType()) {      case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI:      case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIMAX:      case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_ETHERNET:        setThreadCount(4);        break;      case ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE:        switch (info.getSubtype()) {          case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_LTE:  // 4G          case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_HSPAP:          case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EHRPD:            setThreadCount(3);            break;          case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_UMTS: // 3G          case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_CDMA:          case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_0:          case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_A:          case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EVDO_B:            setThreadCount(2);            break;          case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_GPRS: // 2G          case TelephonyManager.NETWORK_TYPE_EDGE:            setThreadCount(1);            break;          default:            setThreadCount(DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT);        }        break;      default:        setThreadCount(DEFAULT_THREAD_COUNT);    }  }  private void setThreadCount(int threadCount) {    setCorePoolSize(threadCount);    setMaximumPoolSize(threadCount);  }  @Override  public Future<?> submit(Runnable task) {    PicassoFutureTask ftask = new PicassoFutureTask((BitmapHunter) task);    execute(ftask);    return ftask;  }  private static final class PicassoFutureTask extends FutureTask<BitmapHunter>      implements Comparable<PicassoFutureTask> {    private final BitmapHunter hunter;    public PicassoFutureTask(BitmapHunter hunter) {      super(hunter, null);      this.hunter = hunter;    }    @Override    public int compareTo(PicassoFutureTask other) {      Picasso.Priority p1 = hunter.getPriority();      Picasso.Priority p2 = other.hunter.getPriority();      // High-priority requests are "lesser" so they are sorted to the front.      // Equal priorities are sorted by sequence number to provide FIFO ordering.      return (p1 == p2 ? hunter.sequence - other.hunter.sequence : p2.ordinal() - p1.ordinal());    }  }}



Dispatcher dispatcher = new Dispatcher(context, service, HANDLER, downloader, cache, stats);


final Handler handler;void dispatchSubmit(Action action) {  handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(REQUEST_SUBMIT, action));}void dispatchCancel(Action action) {  handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(REQUEST_CANCEL, action));}void dispatchPauseTag(Object tag) {  handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(TAG_PAUSE, tag));}void dispatchResumeTag(Object tag) {  handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(TAG_RESUME, tag));}void dispatchComplete(BitmapHunter hunter) {  handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(HUNTER_COMPLETE, hunter));}void dispatchRetry(BitmapHunter hunter) {  handler.sendMessageDelayed(handler.obtainMessage(HUNTER_RETRY, hunter), RETRY_DELAY);}void dispatchFailed(BitmapHunter hunter) {  handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(HUNTER_DECODE_FAILED, hunter));}void dispatchNetworkStateChange(NetworkInfo info) {  handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(NETWORK_STATE_CHANGE, info));}void dispatchAirplaneModeChange(boolean airplaneMode) {  handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(AIRPLANE_MODE_CHANGE,      airplaneMode ? AIRPLANE_MODE_ON : AIRPLANE_MODE_OFF, 0));}




Picasso.Builderbuild:return new Picasso(context, dispatcher, cache, listener, transformer, requestHandlers, stats,    defaultBitmapConfig, indicatorsEnabled, loggingEnabled);


int builtInHandlers = 7;int extraCount = (extraRequestHandlers != null ? extraRequestHandlers.size() : 0);List<RequestHandler> allRequestHandlers =        new ArrayList<RequestHandler>(builtInHandlers + extraCount);allRequestHandlers.add(new ResourceRequestHandler(context));if (extraRequestHandlers != null) {    allRequestHandlers.addAll(extraRequestHandlers);}allRequestHandlers.add(new ContactsPhotoRequestHandler(context));allRequestHandlers.add(new MediaStoreRequestHandler(context));allRequestHandlers.add(new ContentStreamRequestHandler(context));allRequestHandlers.add(new AssetRequestHandler(context));allRequestHandlers.add(new FileRequestHandler(context));allRequestHandlers.add(new NetworkRequestHandler(dispatcher.downloader, stats));requestHandlers = Collections.unmodifiableList(allRequestHandlers);



this.cleanupThread = new Picasso.CleanupThread(referenceQueue, HANDLER);this.cleanupThread.start();


private static class CleanupThread extends Thread {    private final ReferenceQueue<Object> referenceQueue;    private final Handler handler;    CleanupThread(ReferenceQueue<Object> referenceQueue, Handler handler) {        this.referenceQueue = referenceQueue;        this.handler = handler;        setDaemon(true);        setName(THREAD_PREFIX + "refQueue");    }    @Override public void run() {        Process.setThreadPriority(THREAD_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND);        while (true) {            try {                Action.RequestWeakReference<?> remove =                        (Action.RequestWeakReference<?>) referenceQueue.remove(THREAD_LEAK_CLEANING_MS);                Message message = handler.obtainMessage();                if (remove != null) {                    message.what = REQUEST_GCED;                    message.obj = remove.action;                    handler.sendMessage(message);                } else {                    message.recycle();                }            } catch (InterruptedException e) {                break;            } catch (final Exception e) {                handler.post(new Runnable() {                    @Override public void run() {                        throw new RuntimeException(e);                    }                });                break;            }        }    }    void shutdown() {        interrupt();    }}


static final Handler HANDLER = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()) {    @Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) {        switch (msg.what) {            case HUNTER_BATCH_COMPLETE: {                ...                break;            }            case REQUEST_GCED: {                Action action = (Action) msg.obj;                if (action.getPicasso().loggingEnabled) {                    log(OWNER_MAIN, VERB_CANCELED, action.request.logId(), "target got garbage collected");                }                action.picasso.cancelExistingRequest(action.getTarget());                break;            }            case REQUEST_BATCH_RESUME:               ...                break;            default:                throw new AssertionError("Unknown handler message received: " + msg.what);        }    }};


private void cancelExistingRequest(Object target) {  checkMain();  Action action = targetToAction.remove(target);  if (action != null) {    action.cancel();    dispatcher.dispatchCancel(action);  }  if (target instanceof ImageView) {    ImageView targetImageView = (ImageView) target;    DeferredRequestCreator deferredRequestCreator =        targetToDeferredRequestCreator.remove(targetImageView);    if (deferredRequestCreator != null) {      deferredRequestCreator.cancel();    }  }}






public RequestCreator load(String path) {  if (path == null) {    return new RequestCreator(this, null, 0);  }  if (path.trim().length() == 0) {    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Path must not be empty.");  }  return load(Uri.parse(path));}


public RequestCreator load(Uri uri) {  return new RequestCreator(this, uri, 0);}

这里只是创建RequestCreator对象,也就说RequestCreator中的into方法才是真正执行加载图片的操作 。

public void into(ImageView target) {  into(target, null);}public void into(ImageView target, Callback callback) {  long started = System.nanoTime();  checkMain();  if (target == null) {    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Target must not be null.");  }  if (!data.hasImage()) {//(1)    picasso.cancelRequest(target);//(2)    if (setPlaceholder) {      setPlaceholder(target, getPlaceholderDrawable());    }    return;  }  if (deferred) {    if (data.hasSize()) {      throw new IllegalStateException("Fit cannot be used with resize.");    }    int width = target.getWidth();    int height = target.getHeight();    if (width == 0 || height == 0) {      if (setPlaceholder) {        setPlaceholder(target, getPlaceholderDrawable());      }      picasso.defer(target, new DeferredRequestCreator(this, target, callback));      return;    }    data.resize(width, height);  }  Request request = createRequest(started);  String requestKey = createKey(request);  if (shouldReadFromMemoryCache(memoryPolicy)) {    Bitmap bitmap = picasso.quickMemoryCacheCheck(requestKey);    if (bitmap != null) {      picasso.cancelRequest(target);      setBitmap(target, picasso.context, bitmap, MEMORY, noFade, picasso.indicatorsEnabled);      if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {        log(OWNER_MAIN, VERB_COMPLETED, request.plainId(), "from " + MEMORY);      }      if (callback != null) {        callback.onSuccess();      }      return;    }  }  if (setPlaceholder) {    setPlaceholder(target, getPlaceholderDrawable());  }  Action action =      new ImageViewAction(picasso, target, request, memoryPolicy, networkPolicy, errorResId,          errorDrawable, requestKey, tag, callback, noFade);  picasso.enqueueAndSubmit(action);}


into方法:if (!data.hasImage()) {  picasso.cancelRequest(target);  if (setPlaceholder) {    setPlaceholder(target, getPlaceholderDrawable());  }  return;}


RequestCreator(Picasso picasso, Uri uri, int resourceId) {  if (picasso.shutdown) {    throw new IllegalStateException(        "Picasso instance already shut down. Cannot submit new requests.");  }  this.picasso = picasso;  this.data = new Request.Builder(uri, resourceId, picasso.defaultBitmapConfig);}

这里面的resourceId的值是根据Picasso的load方法来决定,调用load(int resourceId)方法时,resourceId才会有值,如果加载的是String型的uri、File以及Uri最后都会被转换成Uri。在(1)调用Request的内部类Builder的hasImage方法,此方法用于判断load方法传入的Uri或是resourceId是否为空,如果为空执行取消此次的请求,就像(2)处调用Picasso的cancelRequest方法。

public void cancelRequest(ImageView view) {  cancelExistingRequest(view);}private void cancelExistingRequest(Object target) {  checkMain();  Action action = targetToAction.remove(target);  if (action != null) {    action.cancel();    dispatcher.dispatchCancel(action);  }  if (target instanceof ImageView) {    ImageView targetImageView = (ImageView) target;    DeferredRequestCreator deferredRequestCreator =        targetToDeferredRequestCreator.remove(targetImageView);    if (deferredRequestCreator != null) {      deferredRequestCreator.cancel();    }  }}


into方法:if (deferred) {  if (data.hasSize()) {    throw new IllegalStateException("Fit cannot be used with resize.");  }  int width = target.getWidth();  int height = target.getHeight();  if (width == 0 || height == 0) {    if (setPlaceholder) {      setPlaceholder(target, getPlaceholderDrawable());    }    picasso.defer(target, new DeferredRequestCreator(this, target, callback));    return;  }  data.resize(width, height);}


into方法:Request request = createRequest(started);String requestKey = createKey(request);


private Request createRequest(long started) {  int id = nextId.getAndIncrement();  Request request = data.build();  request.id = id;  request.started = started;  boolean loggingEnabled = picasso.loggingEnabled;  if (loggingEnabled) {    log(OWNER_MAIN, VERB_CREATED, request.plainId(), request.toString());  }  Request transformed = picasso.transformRequest(request);  if (transformed != request) {    // If the request was changed, copy over the id and timestamp from the original.    transformed.id = id;    transformed.started = started;    if (loggingEnabled) {      log(OWNER_MAIN, VERB_CHANGED, transformed.logId(), "into " + transformed);    }  }  return transformed;}


into方法:if (shouldReadFromMemoryCache(memoryPolicy)) {  Bitmap bitmap = picasso.quickMemoryCacheCheck(requestKey);  if (bitmap != null) {    picasso.cancelRequest(target);    setBitmap(target, picasso.context, bitmap, MEMORY, noFade, picasso.indicatorsEnabled);    if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {      log(OWNER_MAIN, VERB_COMPLETED, request.plainId(), "from " + MEMORY);    }    if (callback != null) {      callback.onSuccess();    }    return;  }}


Bitmap quickMemoryCacheCheck(String key) {  Bitmap cached = cache.get(key);  if (cached != null) {    stats.dispatchCacheHit();  } else {    stats.dispatchCacheMiss();  }  return cached;}




public void cancelRequest(ImageView view) {  cancelExistingRequest(view);}private void cancelExistingRequest(Object target) {  checkMain();  Action action = targetToAction.remove(target);  if (action != null) {    action.cancel();    dispatcher.dispatchCancel(action);  }  if (target instanceof ImageView) {    ImageView targetImageView = (ImageView) target;    DeferredRequestCreator deferredRequestCreator =        targetToDeferredRequestCreator.remove(targetImageView);    if (deferredRequestCreator != null) {      deferredRequestCreator.cancel();    }  }}


into方法:if (setPlaceholder) {  setPlaceholder(target, getPlaceholderDrawable());}Action action =    new ImageViewAction(picasso, target, request, memoryPolicy, networkPolicy, errorResId,        errorDrawable, requestKey, tag, callback, noFade);picasso.enqueueAndSubmit(action);


Picasso.java:void enqueueAndSubmit(Action action) {  Object target = action.getTarget();  if (target != null && targetToAction.get(target) != action) {    // This will also check we are on the main thread.    cancelExistingRequest(target);    targetToAction.put(target, action);  }  submit(action);}


void submit(Action action) {  dispatcher.dispatchSubmit(action);}


Dispatcher.javavoid dispatchSubmit(Action action) {  handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(REQUEST_SUBMIT, action));}


@Overridepublic void handleMessage(final Message msg) {    switch (msg.what) {        case REQUEST_SUBMIT: {            Action action = (Action) msg.obj;            dispatcher.performSubmit(action);            break;        }        //省略XX行代码            ...        default:            Picasso.HANDLER.post(new Runnable() {                @Override                public void run() {                    throw new AssertionError("Unknown handler message received: " + msg.what);                }            });    }}


void performSubmit(Action action) {  performSubmit(action, true);}void performSubmit(Action action, boolean dismissFailed) {  if (pausedTags.contains(action.getTag())) {    pausedActions.put(action.getTarget(), action);    if (action.getPicasso().loggingEnabled) {      log(OWNER_DISPATCHER, VERB_PAUSED, action.request.logId(),          "because tag '" + action.getTag() + "' is paused");    }    return;  }  BitmapHunter hunter = hunterMap.get(action.getKey());  if (hunter != null) {    hunter.attach(action);    return;  }  if (service.isShutdown()) {    if (action.getPicasso().loggingEnabled) {      log(OWNER_DISPATCHER, VERB_IGNORED, action.request.logId(), "because shut down");    }    return;  }  hunter = forRequest(action.getPicasso(), this, cache, stats, action);  hunter.future = service.submit(hunter);  hunterMap.put(action.getKey(), hunter);  if (dismissFailed) {    failedActions.remove(action.getTarget());  }  if (action.getPicasso().loggingEnabled) {    log(OWNER_DISPATCHER, VERB_ENQUEUED, action.request.logId());  }}



static BitmapHunter forRequest(Picasso picasso, Dispatcher dispatcher, Cache cache, Stats stats,    Action action) {  Request request = action.getRequest();  List<RequestHandler> requestHandlers = picasso.getRequestHandlers();  // Index-based loop to avoid allocating an iterator.  //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach  for (int i = 0, count = requestHandlers.size(); i < count; i++) {    RequestHandler requestHandler = requestHandlers.get(i);    if (requestHandler.canHandleRequest(request)) {      return new BitmapHunter(picasso, dispatcher, cache, stats, action, requestHandler);    }  }  return new BitmapHunter(picasso, dispatcher, cache, stats, action, ERRORING_HANDLER);}



@Override public void run() {  try {    updateThreadName(data);    if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {      log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_EXECUTING, getLogIdsForHunter(this));    }    result = hunt();    if (result == null) {      dispatcher.dispatchFailed(this);    } else {      dispatcher.dispatchComplete(this);    }  } catch (Downloader.ResponseException e) {    if (!e.localCacheOnly || e.responseCode != 504) {      exception = e;    }    dispatcher.dispatchFailed(this);  } catch (NetworkRequestHandler.ContentLengthException e) {    exception = e;    dispatcher.dispatchRetry(this);  } catch (IOException e) {    exception = e;    dispatcher.dispatchRetry(this);  } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {    StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();    stats.createSnapshot().dump(new PrintWriter(writer));    exception = new RuntimeException(writer.toString(), e);    dispatcher.dispatchFailed(this);  } catch (Exception e) {    exception = e;    dispatcher.dispatchFailed(this);  } finally {    Thread.currentThread().setName(Utils.THREAD_IDLE_NAME);  }}Bitmap hunt() throws IOException {  Bitmap bitmap = null;  if (shouldReadFromMemoryCache(memoryPolicy)) {    bitmap = cache.get(key);    if (bitmap != null) {      stats.dispatchCacheHit();      loadedFrom = MEMORY;      if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {        log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_DECODED, data.logId(), "from cache");      }      return bitmap;    }  }  data.networkPolicy = retryCount == 0 ? NetworkPolicy.OFFLINE.index : networkPolicy;  RequestHandler.Result result = requestHandler.load(data, networkPolicy);  if (result != null) {    loadedFrom = result.getLoadedFrom();    exifRotation = result.getExifOrientation();    bitmap = result.getBitmap();    // If there was no Bitmap then we need to decode it from the stream.    if (bitmap == null) {      InputStream is = result.getStream();      try {        bitmap = decodeStream(is, data);      } finally {        Utils.closeQuietly(is);      }    }  }  if (bitmap != null) {    if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {      log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_DECODED, data.logId());    }    stats.dispatchBitmapDecoded(bitmap);    if (data.needsTransformation() || exifRotation != 0) {      synchronized (DECODE_LOCK) {        if (data.needsMatrixTransform() || exifRotation != 0) {          bitmap = transformResult(data, bitmap, exifRotation);          if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {            log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_TRANSFORMED, data.logId());          }        }        if (data.hasCustomTransformations()) {          bitmap = applyCustomTransformations(data.transformations, bitmap);          if (picasso.loggingEnabled) {            log(OWNER_HUNTER, VERB_TRANSFORMED, data.logId(), "from custom transformations");          }        }      }      if (bitmap != null) {        stats.dispatchBitmapTransformed(bitmap);      }    }  }  return bitmap;}


@Override public Result load(Request request, int networkPolicy) throws IOException {  Response response = downloader.load(request.uri, request.networkPolicy);  if (response == null) {    return null;  }  Picasso.LoadedFrom loadedFrom = response.cached ? DISK : NETWORK;  Bitmap bitmap = response.getBitmap();  if (bitmap != null) {    return new Result(bitmap, loadedFrom);  }  InputStream is = response.getInputStream();  if (is == null) {    return null;  }  // Sometimes response content length is zero when requests are being replayed. Haven't found  // root cause to this but retrying the request seems safe to do so.  if (loadedFrom == DISK && response.getContentLength() == 0) {    Utils.closeQuietly(is);    throw new ContentLengthException("Received response with 0 content-length header.");  }  if (loadedFrom == NETWORK && response.getContentLength() > 0) {    stats.dispatchDownloadFinished(response.getContentLength());  }  return new Result(is, loadedFrom);}



void performComplete(BitmapHunter hunter) {  if (shouldWriteToMemoryCache(hunter.getMemoryPolicy())) {    cache.set(hunter.getKey(), hunter.getResult());  }  hunterMap.remove(hunter.getKey());  batch(hunter);  if (hunter.getPicasso().loggingEnabled) {    log(OWNER_DISPATCHER, VERB_BATCHED, getLogIdsForHunter(hunter), "for completion");  }}


private void batch(BitmapHunter hunter) {  if (hunter.isCancelled()) {    return;  }  batch.add(hunter);  if (!handler.hasMessages(HUNTER_DELAY_NEXT_BATCH)) {    handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(HUNTER_DELAY_NEXT_BATCH, BATCH_DELAY);  }}


void performBatchComplete() {  List<BitmapHunter> copy = new ArrayList<BitmapHunter>(batch);  batch.clear();  mainThreadHandler.sendMessage(mainThreadHandler.obtainMessage(HUNTER_BATCH_COMPLETE, copy));  logBatch(copy);}


@Overridepublic void handleMessage(final Message msg) {    switch (msg.what) {        case HUNTER_BATCH_COMPLETE: {            @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<BitmapHunter> batch = (List<BitmapHunter>) msg.obj;            //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach            for (int i = 0, n = batch.size(); i < n; i++) {                BitmapHunter hunter = batch.get(i);                hunter.picasso.complete(hunter);            }            break;        }        //省略XX行代码            ...        default:            Picasso.HANDLER.post(new Runnable() {                @Override                public void run() {                    throw new AssertionError("Unknown handler message received: " + msg.what);                }            });    }}void complete(BitmapHunter hunter) {  Action single = hunter.getAction();  List<Action> joined = hunter.getActions();  boolean hasMultiple = joined != null && !joined.isEmpty();  boolean shouldDeliver = single != null || hasMultiple;  if (!shouldDeliver) {    return;  }  Uri uri = hunter.getData().uri;  Exception exception = hunter.getException();  Bitmap result = hunter.getResult();  LoadedFrom from = hunter.getLoadedFrom();  if (single != null) {    deliverAction(result, from, single);  }  if (hasMultiple) {    //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach    for (int i = 0, n = joined.size(); i < n; i++) {      Action join = joined.get(i);      deliverAction(result, from, join);    }  }  if (listener != null && exception != null) {    listener.onImageLoadFailed(this, uri, exception);  }}private void deliverAction(Bitmap result, LoadedFrom from, Action action) {  if (action.isCancelled()) {    return;  }  if (!action.willReplay()) {    targetToAction.remove(action.getTarget());  }  if (result != null) {    if (from == null) {      throw new AssertionError("LoadedFrom cannot be null.");    }    action.complete(result, from);    if (loggingEnabled) {      log(OWNER_MAIN, VERB_COMPLETED, action.request.logId(), "from " + from);    }  } else {    action.error();    if (loggingEnabled) {      log(OWNER_MAIN, VERB_ERRORED, action.request.logId());    }  }}


Action action =    new ImageViewAction(picasso, target, request, memoryPolicy, networkPolicy, errorResId,        errorDrawable, requestKey, tag, callback, noFade);


@Override public void complete(Bitmap result, Picasso.LoadedFrom from) {  if (result == null) {    throw new AssertionError(        String.format("Attempted to complete action with no result!\n%s", this));  }  ImageView target = this.target.get();  if (target == null) {    return;  }  Context context = picasso.context;  boolean indicatorsEnabled = picasso.indicatorsEnabled;  PicassoDrawable.setBitmap(target, context, result, from, noFade, indicatorsEnabled);  if (callback != null) {    callback.onSuccess();  }}


static void setBitmap(ImageView target, Context context, Bitmap bitmap,    Picasso.LoadedFrom loadedFrom, boolean noFade, boolean debugging) {  Drawable placeholder = target.getDrawable();  if (placeholder instanceof AnimationDrawable) {    ((AnimationDrawable) placeholder).stop();  }  PicassoDrawable drawable =      new PicassoDrawable(context, bitmap, placeholder, loadedFrom, noFade, debugging);  target.setImageDrawable(drawable);}

