
来源:互联网 发布:godaddy域名转移 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 11:46



#ifndef MYSTACK_ARRAY_H#define MYSTACK_ARRAY_H#include <iostream>using namespace std;template<class T>class MyStack{public:    MyStack(int capacity) :        m_capacity(capacity),        m_top(0)    {        m_element = new T[capacity];    }    ~MyStack()    {        delete []m_element;    }    void push(T value); //入栈    T pop();          //出栈    T top();          //获取栈顶元素    int capacity();   //获取容量    int counts();     //获取栈内元素个数    bool isEmpty();   //判断栈是否为空    void print();     //打印栈private:    T  *m_element;    int m_top;    int m_capacity;};template<class T>void MyStack<T>::push(T value){    if(m_top >= m_capacity)    {        cout << "push failed, the stack is full." << endl;    }    else    {        m_element[m_top++] = value; //如何实现new空间的动态增长?    }}template<class T>T MyStack<T>::pop(){    if(0 == m_top)    {        cout << "pop failed, the stack is empty." << endl;        T value;        return value;    }    return m_element[--m_top];}template<class T>T MyStack<T>::top(){    if(0 == m_top)    {        cout << "top failed, the stack is empty." << endl;        T value;        return value;    }    return m_element[m_top-1];}template<class T>int MyStack<T>::capacity(){    return m_capacity;}template<class T>int MyStack<T>::counts(){    return m_top;}template<class T>bool MyStack<T>::isEmpty(){    return m_top;}template<class T>void MyStack<T>::print(){    if(0 == m_top)    {        cout << "print failed, the stack is empty." << endl;    }    else    {        for(int i = m_top-1; i >= 0; i--)        {            cout << m_element[i] << endl;        }    }}#endif // MYSTACK_ARRAY_H


#include "mystack_array.h"int main(){    MyStack<char> myStack(2);    myStack.push('a');    myStack.push('b');    myStack.push('c');    myStack.print();    myStack.pop();    myStack.pop();    myStack.push('e');    myStack.push('f');    myStack.print();    cout << myStack.top() << endl;    cout << myStack.counts() << endl;    cout << myStack.isEmpty() << endl;    return 0;}




#ifndef MYSTACK_LIST_H#define MYSTACK_LIST_H#include <iostream>using namespace std;template<class T>struct Node{    Node() :        m_pNext(nullptr)    {    }    Node(T value) :        m_value(value), m_pNext(nullptr)    {    }    T m_value;    Node<T> *m_pNext;};template<class T>class MyStack{public:    MyStack()    {        m_capacity = 0;        m_pHead = new Node<T>;    }    void push(T value); //入栈    T pop();          //出栈    T top();          //获取栈顶元素    int counts();     //获取栈内元素个数    bool isEmpty();   //判断栈是否为空    void print();     //打印栈private:    int m_capacity;  //容量    Node<T> *m_pHead;//栈头};template<class T>void MyStack<T>::push(T value){    Node<T> *pnode = new Node<T>(value);    pnode->m_pNext = m_pHead->m_pNext;//先将头节点所指向的下一个节点(也就是最后的空节点)赋值给新建节点的下一个节点,使得新建节点的next指针指向最后节点    m_pHead->m_pNext = pnode;//然后将新建节点赋值给头节点的next指针,使得头结点的next指针指向新建节点    m_capacity++;}template<class T>T MyStack<T>::pop(){    if( nullptr == m_pHead->m_pNext )    {        cout << "pop failed, the stack is empty." << endl;        T value;        return value;    }    else    {        Node<T> *temp = m_pHead->m_pNext;//先获取头结点的下一个节点(即所需要出栈的节点)        m_pHead->m_pNext = m_pHead->m_pNext->m_pNext;//然后将出栈的节点的下一节点赋值给头节点的next指针,即头指针指向出栈节点的下一节点,这样出栈节点就从链表中剔除了        T value = temp->m_value;        delete temp;        temp = NULL;        m_capacity--;        return value;    }}template<class T>T MyStack<T>::top(){    if( nullptr == m_pHead->m_pNext )    {        cout << "top failed, the stack is empty." << endl;        T value;        return value;    }    else    {        return m_pHead->m_pNext->m_value;    }}template<class T>int MyStack<T>::counts(){    return m_capacity;}template<class T>bool MyStack<T>::isEmpty(){    return m_capacity;}template<class T>void MyStack<T>::print(){    if( nullptr == m_pHead->m_pNext )    {        cout << "print failed, the stack is empty." << endl;        return;    }    else    {        Node<T> *temp = m_pHead;        while(temp->m_pNext != nullptr)        {            temp = temp->m_pNext;            cout << temp->m_value << endl;        }    }}#endif // MYSTACK_LIST_H


#include "mystack_list.h"int main(){    MyStack<char> myStack;    myStack.push('a');    myStack.push('b');    myStack.push('c');    myStack.print();    myStack.pop();    myStack.pop();    myStack.push('e');    myStack.push('f');    myStack.print();    cout << myStack.top() << endl;    cout << myStack.counts() << endl;    cout << myStack.isEmpty() << endl;    return 0;}