Android 自定义圆形Imageview

来源:互联网 发布:点对点网速测试软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 00:23
public class RoundImageView extends ImageView {

    private float xRadius = 10;
    private float yRadius = 10;
    private Paint paint = new Paint();

    public RoundImageView(Context context) {

    public RoundImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);

    public float getxRadius() {
        return xRadius;

    public void setxRadius(float xRadius) {
        this.xRadius = xRadius;

    public float getyRadius() {
        return yRadius;

    public void setyRadius(float yRadius) {
        this.yRadius = yRadius;

    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
        // java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast
        // to
        BitmapShader shader;
        if (getDrawable() instanceof BitmapDrawable) {
            BitmapDrawable bitmapDrawable = (BitmapDrawable)getDrawable();
            // clip
            shader = new BitmapShader(bitmapDrawable.getBitmap(), Shader.TileMode.CLAMP, Shader.TileMode.CLAMP);
            RectF rect = new RectF(0.0f, 0.0f, getWidth(), getHeight());
            int width = bitmapDrawable.getBitmap().getWidth();
            int height = bitmapDrawable.getBitmap().getHeight();
            RectF src = null;
            if (((float)width) / height > 1) {
                src = new RectF(0.0f, 0.0f, height, height);
            } else {
                src = new RectF(0.0f, 0.0f, width, width);
            Matrix matrix = canvas.getMatrix();
            matrix.setRectToRect(src, rect, Matrix.ScaleToFit.CENTER);

            // 抗锯齿
            // draw round circle for HeadImage or other
            canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, this.getWidth() / 2, this.getHeight() / 2, paint);
             canvas.drawRoundRect(rect, xRadius, yRadius / 2, paint);