
来源:互联网 发布:少年托洛茨基 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 22:04


   1. super.method() //protected
   2. 创建子类对象instance,通过instance.method()访问



   一般我们问这个这个问题呢,其实是没有明白protected权限到底controll了什么,都知道protected修饰的成员变量和方法可以被包外的子类访问到,这里被包外子类访问实质并不是可以在子类中通过创建父类对象来访问这个protected方法, 而是可以通过创建子类对象来访问的。这也可以说是protected权限对包外访问时的一种限制,在包内则可以像public那样可以在任意地方访问。



package com.learn.pra05;/** * 父类Person在com.learn.pra05; * @author mengyi * */public class Person {    /**     * 保护类型的实例方法     */    protected void print(){        System.out.println("Person!");    }}package com.learn.pra06;import com.learn.pra05.Person;/** * 子类所在的包为com.learn.pra06 * @author mengyi * */public class Worker extends Person{    public static void main(String[] args){        Person person = new Person();        person.print();    }}


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problem:     The method print() from the type Person is not visible    at com.learn.pra06.Worker.main(Worker.java:8)

   说Person 的print 方法在这里不可见,Worker确实继承了Person,但只是通过继承产生了自己能访问的方法表包括父类的保护区域(实例方法),并无权限访问父类对象的方法表中保护区域,就是只能通过Worker自己的对象去访问自己的方法表中保护区域来调用已继承的print方法,Worker是无权限查看Person方法表中保护区域信息,更别说用通过Person对象调用了。这里也就很好的解释了为什么继承的子类看不到private方法,和为什么包外无法访问父类的default方法,因为编译器规定不能继承过来,所以子类的方法表不存在这些修饰符修饰的方法,更别谈调用了。
   这里再给出《java in a nutshell》中的一段话:
protected access requires a little more elaboration. Suppose class A declares a protected field x and is extended by a class B, which is defined in a different package (this last point is important). Class B inherits the protected field x, and its code can access that field in the current instance of B or in any other instances of B that the code can refer to. This does not mean, however, that the code of class B can start reading the protected fields of arbitrary instances of A! If an object is an instance of A but is not an instance of B, its fields are obviously not inherited by B, and the code of class B cannot read them.

package com.learn.pra05;public class Person {    protected void print(){        System.out.println("Person!");    }}package com.learn.pra06;import com.learn.pra05.Person;public class Worker extends Person{    public void personPrint(){        super.print();    }    public static void main(String[] args){        Worker worker=new Worker();        worker.personPrint();    }}


聪明的你肯定想到了若是protected static 修饰的保护型静态方法呢?


 package com.learn.pra05;public class Person {    protected static void speak(){        System.out.println("Person speak!");    }}package com.learn.pra06;import com.learn.pra05.Person;public class Worker extends Person{    public static void main(String[] args){        Person person = new Person();        person.speak();    }}

   上面这段代码不仅编译通过,而且运行结果为:Person speak!
   是否吃惊呢?还是早已知晓呢?解释在上面已给出,此处再啰嗦一下,因为Work类继承了Person类,包括保护型区域,而该区域里含有protected static void speak()这个方法,又因为静态方法访问会被编译方法器静态绑定无需经过对象去访问方法表,比如此次的字节码为:INVOKESTATIC com/learn/pra05/Person.speak ()V,所以类Work可以访问对象person的静态区域(其实就是Person类的方法区域)!



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