c++(字符串操作 1)

来源:互联网 发布:企业网站seo教程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 19:48

Function: 统计一行字符串中 的单词个数,并将 每个单词首字母 变为大写字母

  1 /*  2  * File: lineword.cpp  3  * ------------------  4  * This program converts initial letter of every word in line to upper.  5  */  6   7 #include <iostream>  8 #include <string>  9  10 std::string lineToWord(std::string line); 11 std::string wordToUpper(std::string word); 12  13 int num; //number of words in line 14  15 int main() 16 { 17         std::string line; 18         num = 0; 19         std::cout<< "please enter string message: "; 20         getline(std::cin, line); 21         std::cout<< "result:[ " << num << " words ] "<< lineToWord(line) << std::endl; 22  23         return 0; 24 } 25  26 /* 27  * Function: lineToWord 28  * Usage: string translation = lineToWord(word); 29  * --------------------------------------------- 30  * acquire every word in line. 31  */ 32  33 std::string lineToWord(std::string line) 34 { 35         std::string result = ""; 36         int start = -1; //是否为单词的首字母的标识符 37         for(int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++) 38         { 39                 char ch = line[i]; 40                 if(isalpha(ch)) //isalpha()函数,判断字符是否为一字母 41                 { 42                         if(start == -1) start = i; 43                 } 44                 else 45                 { 46                         if(start >= 0) 47                         { 48                                 result += wordToUpper(line.substr(start, i - start));  //.substr(),截取输入行中的单词 49                                 start = -1; 50                         } 51                         result += ch;   //加上非字母的其它字符 52                 } 53         } 54         if(start >= 0) result += wordToUpper(line.substr(start));  //处理最后一个单词 55         return result; 56 } 57  58 /* 59  * Function: wordToUpper 60  * Usage: string word = wordToUpper(word); 61  * --------------------------------------- 62  * convert the initial letter of word to upper letter 63  */ 64  65 std::string wordToUpper(std::string word) 66 { 67         char ch = toupper(word[0]);  //toupper(),转换为大写字母 68         word = ch + word.substr(1); 69         num++; 70         return word; 71 }

