来源:互联网 发布:立体照片制作软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:16
PS3="Enter the space shuttle to get quick information : " # set shuttle list# exit option select shuttle in columbia endeavour challenger discovery atlantis enterprise pathfinder exitdocase $shuttle incolumbia)echo "--------------"echo "Space Shuttle Columbia was the first spaceworthy space shuttle in NASA's orbital fleet."echo "--------------";;endeavour)echo "--------------"echo "Space Shuttle Endeavour is one of three currently operational orbiters in the Space Shuttle." echo "--------------";;challenger) echo "--------------"    echo "Space Shuttle Challenger was NASA's second Space Shuttle orbiter to be put into service."echo "--------------"    ;;discovery) echo "--------------"echo "Discovery became the third operational orbiter, and is now the oldest one in service."echo "--------------";;atlantis)echo "--------------"echo "Atlantis was the fourth operational shuttle built."echo "--------------";;enterprise)echo "--------------"echo "Space Shuttle Enterprise was the first Space Shuttle orbiter."echo "--------------";;pathfinder)echo "--------------"echo "Space Shuttle Orbiter Pathfinder is a Space Shuttle simulator made of steel and wood."echo "--------------";;                exit)                echo "Bye!"                        break                        ;;*)echo "Error: Please try again (select 1..8)!";;esacdone