
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝实名认证账号出售 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 06:37


        每个派生类对象都有基类部分,包括基类的private成员。类可以访问共基类的public 和 protected 成员,就好像那些成员是派生类自己的成员一样。派生类不能访问基类的 private 成员。也就是说,虽然派生类继承了基类的私有成员,但是不可访问。比如下面的例子:

class father{public:    int publ_i;    father(int a, int b, int c):publ_i(a),priv_i(b), prot_i(c) {}    void display_f()    {        cout << "[father]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;        cout << "[father]priv_i is " << priv_i << endl;        cout << "[father]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;    }private:    int priv_i;protected:    int prot_i;};class son: public father{public:    son(int a, int b, int c):father(a, b, c) {};    void display_s()    {        cout << "[son]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;        cout << "[son]priv_i is " << priv_i << endl;        cout << "[son]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;    }};


test.cpp: In member function ‘void son::display_s()’:test.cpp:17:6: error: ‘int father::priv_i’ is private  int priv_i;      ^test.cpp:29:32: error: within this context   cout << "[son]priv_i is " << priv_i << endl;                                ^


class father{public:    int publ_i;    father(int a, int b, int c):publ_i(a),priv_i(b), prot_i(c) {}    void display_f(const father& ff) const    {        cout << "[father]my publ_i is " << this->publ_i << endl;        cout << "[father]my priv_i is " << this->priv_i << endl;        cout << "[father]my prot_i is " << this->prot_i << endl;                cout << "[father]ff.publ_i is " << ff.publ_i << endl;        cout << "[father]ff.priv_i is " << ff.priv_i << endl;        cout << "[father]ff.prot_i is " << ff.prot_i << endl;    }private:    int priv_i;protected:    int prot_i;};int main(){       father ff1(1,2,3);    father ff2(4,5,6);        ff1.display_f(ff2);}


[father]my publ_i is 1[father]my priv_i is 2[father]my prot_i is 3[father]ff.publ_i is 4[father]ff.priv_i is 5[father]ff.prot_i is 6

3:派生类只能通过派生类对象访问其基类的 protected成员,派生类对其基类类型对象的 protected成员没有特殊访问权限。比如:

class father{public:    int publ_i;    father(int a, int b, int c):publ_i(a),priv_i(b), prot_i(c) {}    void display_f()    {        cout << "[father]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;        cout << "[father]priv_i is " << priv_i << endl;        cout << "[father]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;    }private:    int priv_i;protected:    int prot_i;};class son: public father{public:    son(int a, int b, int c):father(a, b, c) {};    void display_sf(son& ss, father& ff)    {        cout << "[son]ss.publ_i is " << ss.publ_i << endl;        cout << "[son]ss.prot_i is " << ss.prot_i << endl;        cout << "[son]ff.publ_i is " << ff.publ_i << endl;        cout << "[son]ff.prot_i is " << ff.prot_i << endl;    }};


test2.cpp: In member function ‘void son::display_sf(son&, father&)’:test2.cpp:20:6: error: ‘int father::prot_i’ is protected  int prot_i;      ^test2.cpp:34:38: error: within this context   cout << "[son]ff.prot_i is " << ff.prot_i << endl;                                      ^

4:C++ 中的函数调用默认不使用动态绑定。要触发动态绑定,满足两个条件:第一,只有指定为虚函数的成员函数才能进行动态绑定。成员函数默认为非虚函数,对非虚函数的调用在编译时确定;第二,必须通过基类类型的引用或指针进行函数调用。引用和指针的静态类型与动态类型可以不同,这是 C++ 用以支持多态性的基石。


        为了指明函数为虚函数,在其返回类型前面加上保留字 virtual。除了构造函数之外,任意非 static 成员函数都可以是虚函数。保留字只在类内部的成员函数声明中出现,不能用在类定义体外部出现的函数定义上。




        一旦函数在基类中声明为虚函数,它就一直为虚函数,派生类无法改变该函数为虚函数这一事实。派生类重定义虚函数时,可以使用 virtual 保留字,但不是必须这样做。



class father{public:    int publ_i;    father(int a, int b, int c):publ_i(a),priv_i(b), prot_i(c) {}    virtual void display()    {        cout << "[father]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;        cout << "[father]priv_i is " << priv_i << endl;        cout << "[father]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;    }private:    int priv_i;protected:    int prot_i;};class son: public father{public:    son(int a, int b, int c):father(a, b, c) {};    void display()    {        cout << "[son]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;        cout << "[son]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;    }};int main(){    son ss(4, 5, 6);        father *fp = &ss;    fp->display();        fp->father::display();}

         上面的” fp->father::display();”语句,将强制调用father中定义的版本,该调用将在编译时确定。上述代码的结果如下:

[son]publ_i is 4[son]prot_i is 6[father]publ_i is 4[father]priv_i is 5[father]prot_i is 6


class son: public father{public:    son(int a, int b, int c):father(a, b, c) {};    void display()    {        father::display();    }};int main(){    son ss(4, 5, 6);        father *fp = &ss;    fp->display();}


[father]publ_i is 4[father]priv_i is 5[father]prot_i is 6


class father{public:    int publ_i;    virtual void display(int a = 1, int b = 2, int c = 3)    {        cout << "[father]a is " << a << endl;        cout << "[father]b is " << b << endl;        cout << "[father]c is " << c << endl;    }private:    int priv_i;protected:    int prot_i;};class son: public father{public:    virtual void display(int a = 4, int b = 5, int c = 6)    {        cout << "[son]a is " << a << endl;        cout << "[son]b is " << b << endl;        cout << "[son]c is " << c << endl;    }};int main(){    son ss;        father *fp = &ss;    son *sp = &ss;    fp->display();    sp->display();}


[son]a is 1[son]b is 2[son]c is 3[son]a is 4[son]b is 5[son]c is 6

7:如果成员在基类中为 private,则只有基类和基类的友元可以访问该成员。派生类不能访问基类的 private 成员,也不能使自己的用户能够访问那些成员。

        如果基类成员为 public 或 protected,则派生列表中使用的访问标号决定该成员在派生类中的访问级别:

        • 如果是公用继承,基类成员保持自己的访问级别:基类的 public 成员为派生类的 public 成员,基类的 protected 成员为派生类的 protected成员。

        • 如果是受保护继承,基类的 public 和 protected 成员在派生类中为protected成员。

        • 如果是私有继承,基类的的所有成员在派生类中为 private 成员。



class father{public:    int publ_i;    father(int a, int b, int c):publ_i(a),priv_i(b), prot_i(c) {}    virtual void display()    {        cout << "[father]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;        cout << "[father]priv_i is " << priv_i << endl;        cout << "[father]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;    }    void fun()    {        cout << "[father]fun" << endl;    }private:    int priv_i;protected:    int prot_i;};class public_son: public father{public:    public_son(int a, int b, int c):father(a, b, c) {};    void display()    {        cout << "[public_son]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;        cout << "[public_son]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;    }};class grandson1:public public_son{public:    grandson1(int a, int b, int c):public_son(a, b, c) {};    void display()    {        cout << "[grandson1]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;        cout << "[grandson1]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;    }};int main(){    public_son ss(1, 2, 3);    ss.display();    ss.fun();}


[public_son]publ_i is 1[public_son]prot_i is 3[father]fun


class protected_son: protected father{public:    protected_son(int a, int b, int c):father(a, b, c) {};    void display()    {        cout << "[protected_son]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;        cout << "[protected_son]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;    }};class grandson2:public protected_son{    public:    grandson2(int a, int b, int c):protected_son(a, b, c) {};    void display()    {        cout << "[grandson2]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;        cout << "[grandson2]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;    }};


    protected_son s1(1,2,3);    s1.fun();


inherit.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:inherit.cpp:20:7: error: ‘void father::fun()’ is inaccessible  void fun()       ^inherit.cpp:113:9: error: within this context  s1.fun();         ^inherit.cpp:113:9: error: ‘father’ is not an accessible base of ‘protected_son’


    grandson2 s2(4, 5, 6);    s2.fun();


inherit.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:inherit.cpp:20:7: error: ‘void father::fun()’ is inaccessible  void fun()       ^inherit.cpp:116:9: error: within this context  s2.fun();         ^inherit.cpp:116:9: error: ‘father’ is not an accessible base of ‘grandson2’


class private_son: private father{public:    private_son(int a, int b, int c):father(a, b, c) {};    void display()    {        cout << "[private_son]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;        cout << "[private_son]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;    }};class grandson3:public private_son{public:    grandson3(int a, int b, int c):private_son(a, b, c) {};    void display()    {        cout << "[grandson1]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;        cout << "[grandson1]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;    }};int main(){    private_son s1(1,2,3);    s1.display();    s1.fun();}


inherit.cpp: In member function ‘virtual void grandson3::display()’:inherit.cpp:11:6: error: ‘int father::publ_i’ is inaccessible  int publ_i;      ^inherit.cpp:103:38: error: within this context   cout << "[grandson1]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;                                      ^inherit.cpp:28:6: error: ‘int father::prot_i’ is protected  int prot_i;      ^inherit.cpp:104:38: error: within this context   cout << "[grandson1]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;                                      ^inherit.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:inherit.cpp:20:7: error: ‘void father::fun()’ is inaccessible  void fun()       ^inherit.cpp:115:9: error: within this context  s1.fun();         ^inherit.cpp:115:9: error: ‘father’ is not an accessible base of ‘private_son’



8:派生类可以使用using声明,修改继承成员的访问级别。(C++ primer第四版 15.2.5中说,派生类不能使访问级别比基类中原来指定的更严格或更宽松,这是错的,实验证明,对于基类中的public成员或protected成员,派生类可以使用using声明修改它们的访问权限):

class private_son: private father{public:    private_son(int a, int b, int c):father(a, b, c) {};    using father::prot_i;    void display()    {        cout << "[private_son]publ_i is " << publ_i << endl;        cout << "[private_son]prot_i is " << prot_i << endl;    }};int main(){    private_son ss1(4, 5, 6);    ss1.prot_i = 10;    ss1.display();}


[private_son]publ_i is 4[private_son]prot_i is 10



9:使用 class 保留字定义的派生默认具有private 继承,而用 struct 保留字定义的类默认具有 public 继承:

class Base { /* ... */ };struct D1 : Base { /* ... */ }; // public inheritance by defaultclass D2 : Base { /* ... */ }; // private inheritance by default



11:如果基类定义 static 成员,则整个继承层次中只有一个这样的成员。无论从基类派生出多少个派生类,每个 static 成员只有一个实例。








class father{public:    int publ_i;    father(int a=1, int b=2, int c=3):publ_i(a),priv_i(b), prot_i(c)     {    }private:    int priv_i;protected:    int prot_i;};class son: public father{public:    void son_func()    {        cout << "this is son func" << endl;    }};int main(){    father *fp = new son;    fp->son_func();}


test.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:test.cpp:30:6: error: ‘class father’ has no member named ‘son_func’  fp->son_func();      ^



class father{public:    int publ_i;    father(int a=1, int b=2, int c=3):publ_i(a),priv_i(b), prot_i(c)     {    }    void fun()    {        cout << "this is father fun" << endl;    }private:    int priv_i;protected:    int prot_i;};class son: public father{public:    void fun(int a)    {        cout << "this is son fun" << endl;    }};int main(){    son ss;    ss.fun(3);    ss.fun();}


test.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:test.cpp:35:9: error: no matching function for call to ‘son::fun()’  ss.fun();         ^test.cpp:25:7: note: candidate: void son::fun(int)  void fun(int a)       ^test.cpp:25:7: note:   candidate expects 1 argument, 0 provided




this is son funthis is father fun


        如果派生类需要仅仅重定义一个重载集中某些版本的行为,并且想要继承其他版本的含义,派生类可以为重载成员使用之前提过的 using 声明。一个 using 声明只指定一个名字,不指定形参表,因此,为基类成员函数名称而作的 using 声明将该函数的所有重载实例加到派生类的作用域,之后,派生类只需要重定义必须定义的那些函数,对其他版本可以使用继承的定义:

class father{public:    int publ_i;    father(int a=1, int b=2, int c=3):publ_i(a),priv_i(b), prot_i(c)     {    }    void fun()    {        cout << "this is father fun" << endl;    }    void fun(int a)    {        cout << "this is father fun(int a)" << endl;    }private:    int priv_i;protected:    int prot_i;};class son: public father{public:    using father:fun;    void fun(int a)    {        cout << "this is son fun(int a)" << endl;    }};int main(){    son ss;    ss.fun(3);    ss.fun();}


this is son fun(int a)this is father fun


class Base {public:virtual int fcn();};class D1 : public Base {public:// hides fcn in the base; this fcn is not virtualint fcn(int); // parameter list differs from fcn in Base// D1 inherits definition of Base::fcn()};class D2 : public D1 {public:int fcn(int); // nonvirtual function hides D1::fcn(int)int fcn(); // redefines virtual fcn from Base};

       D1 中的 fcn 版本没有重定义 Base 的虚函数 fcn,相反,它屏蔽了基类的fcn。结果 D1 有两个名为 fcn 的函数:从 Base 继承了一个名为 fcn 的虚函数,又定义了自己的名为 fcn 的非虚成员函数,该函数接受一个 int 形参。但是,从 Base 继承的虚函数不能通过 D1 对象(或 D1 的引用或指针)调用,因为该函数被 fcn(int) 的定义屏蔽了。

        类 D2 重定义了它继承的两个函数,它重定义了 Base 中定义的 fcn 的原始版本并重定义了 D1 中定义的非虚版本。


Base bobj; D1 d1obj; D2 d2obj;Base *bp1 = &bobj, *bp2 = &d1obj, *bp3 = &d2obj;bp1->fcn(); // ok: virtual call, will call Base::fcnat run timebp2->fcn(); // ok: virtual call, will call Base::fcnat run timebp3->fcn(); // ok: virtual call, will call D2::fcnat run time

16:在成员函数形参表后面写上 = 0 ,可以指定该成员函数为纯虚函数。含有(或继承)一个或多个纯虚函数的类是抽象基类。将函数定义为纯虚能够说明,该函数为后代类型提供了可以覆盖的接口,但是这个类中的版本决不会调用。重要的是,用户将不能创建抽象基类的对象。试图创建抽象基类的对象将发生编译时错误:

class father{public:    int publ_i;    father(int a=1, int b=2, int c=3):publ_i(a),priv_i(b), prot_i(c)     {    }    virtual void fun() = 0;private:    int priv_i;protected:    int prot_i;};class son: public father{    void fun(int a) {}};

         father类包含纯虚函数fun(),派生类son继承了该纯虚函数,而且重定义了一个原型不同的同名函数fun(int a),因此,son也是个抽象基类。所以,语句”son ss”将会是编译错误:

test.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:test.cpp:27:6: error: cannot declare variable ‘ss’ to be of abstract type ‘son’  son ss;      ^test.cpp:19:7: note:   because the following virtual functions are pure within ‘son’: class son: public father       ^test.cpp:12:15: note:   virtual void father::fun()  virtual void fun() = 0;               ^

