python核心编程v2.0 第三章习题答案

来源:互联网 发布:如何修改mac锁屏界面 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 01:16


#coding=utf-8import osls = os.linesepwhile True :    filename = raw_input('Filename :\n')    # wronly : 只写模式 creat:创建新文件 excl 若文件已存在则返回错误    try:        fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL)    except OSError, e :        print "already has the file\n"    else:        breakall = ''while True :    entry = raw_input('>')    if entry == '.' :        all = all + '.'        break    else:        all = all + entry        all = all +' 'os.write(fd,all)os.close(fd)
import oswhile True :    fname = raw_input('Filename = :\n')    if os.path.exists(fname) :        fobj = open(fname,'r')        for eachlines in fobj :            print eachlines,        fobj.close()        break    else:        print "no such file"


 import oswhile True :    fname = raw_input('Filename = :\n')    if os.path.exists(fname) :        fobj = open(fname,'r')        for eachlines in fobj :             #去除每行最后的换行符            eachlines = eachlines.strip('\n')            print eachlines        fobj.close()        break    else:        print "no such file"


#coding=utf-8import osdef makefile() :    ls = os.linesep    while True :        filename = raw_input('Filename :\n')        # wronly : 只写模式 creat:创建新文件 excl 若文件已存在则返回错误        try:            fd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL)        except OSError, e :            print "already has the file\n"        else:            break    all = ''    while True :        entry = raw_input('>')        if entry == '.' :            all = all + '.'            break        else:            all = all + entry            all = all +' '    os.write(fd,all)    os.close(fd)def readfile() :    while True :        fname = raw_input('Filename = :\n')        if os.path.exists(fname) :            fobj = open(fname,'r')            for eachlines in fobj :                eachlines = eachlines.strip('\n')                print eachlines            fobj.close()            break        else:            print "no such file"if __name__ == '__main__' :    while True :        index = raw_input('read=r,write=w,quit=q:\n')        if index == 'w':            makefile()        elif index == 'r' :            readfile()        elif index == 'q' :            break


#!/usr/bin/env python#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-#=============================================================================#     FileName:#         Desc:#       Author: ToughGuy#        Email:     HomePage:      Version: 0.0.1#   LastChange: 2013-02-20 14:52:11#      History:#=============================================================================from Tkinter import *import tkMessageBox,tkFileDialogimport platform# nl = os.linesep#从系统中打开文件,将内容读在edit.box中def openfile():    global filename             # 使用global声明为全局变量,方便后边的程序调用    systype = platform.system() # 判断系统类型    if systype == 'windows':        basedir = 'c:\\'    else:        basedir = '/'    filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(initialdir=basedir)    try:        fobj_r = open(filename, 'r')    except IOError, errmsg:        print '*** Failed open file:', errmsg    else:        editbox.delete(1.0, END)        for eachline in fobj_r:            editbox.insert(INSERT, eachline)        fobj_r.close()#将editbox中的内容保存在当前文件中def savefile():    save_data = editbox.get(1.0, END)    try:        fobj_w = open(filename, 'w')        fobj_w.writelines(save_data.encode('utf-8')) # 感谢OSC-骠骑将军 指教        fobj_w.close()        tkMessageBox.showinfo(title='提示',                message='保存成功')    except IOError, errmsg:        tkMessageBox.showwarning(title='保存失败', message='保存出错    ')        tkMessageBox.showwarning(title='错误信息', message=errmsg)    except NameError:        tkMessageBox.showwarning(title='保存失败', message='未打开文件')def showlinenum():    tkMessageBox.showinfo(title='提示',            message='这个功能作者现在不会写,放这里装饰用的.')def destroy_ui(ui):    ui.destroy()def aboutauthor():    author_ui = Toplevel()    author_ui.title('关于')    author_ui.geometry('200x80')    about_string = Label(author_ui,            text="作者: ToughGuy\n\n主页:")    confirmbtn = Button(author_ui, text='确定',            command=lambda:destroy_ui(author_ui))    about_string.pack()    confirmbtn.pack()        # author_ui.mainloop()#创建框架def CreateMenus():    # 初始化菜单    Menubar = Menu(root)    # 创建文件菜单    filemenu = Menu(Menubar, tearoff=0)    filemenu.add_command(label='打开文件', command=openfile)    filemenu.add_command(label='保存文件', command=savefile)    filemenu.add_command(label='退出', command=lambda:destroy_ui(root))    Menubar.add_cascade(label='文件', menu=filemenu)    # 创建编辑菜单    editmenu = Menu(Menubar, tearoff=0)    editmenu.add_command(label='显示行号', command=showlinenum)    Menubar.add_cascade(label='编辑', menu=editmenu)    # 创建帮助菜单    helpmenu = Menu(Menubar, tearoff=0)    helpmenu.add_command(label='关于作者', command=aboutauthor)    Menubar.add_cascade(label='帮助', menu=helpmenu)    root.config(menu=Menubar)root = Tk()root.title('文本编辑器')root.geometry('500x400')CreateMenus()#创建编辑区域editbox = Text(root, width=70, height=25, bg='white')editbox.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)root.mainloop()