
来源:互联网 发布:linux 发送arp包 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 00:35
<?php(一)模糊查询的多字段之间关系为ADNpublic function findWithInput(){    $SellerLocation = D('SellerLocation');    $input = I('input');    if (!$input) {        $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'false', 'data' => 'Unable to get your input parameters'), 'JSON');//无法获取用户输入参数    } else {//多字段之间是AND关系        $where['store_name & street & province & city & county & town & specific_address'] = array('like', "%$input%");        $list = $SellerLocation->where($where)->fetchSql(true)->select();//只返回SQL语句,并不进行真实查询//生成SQL语句为:SELECT * FROM `maigade_seller_location` WHERE ( (`store_name` LIKE '%1219%') AND (`street` LIKE '%1219%') AND (`province` LIKE '%1219%') AND (`city` LIKE '%1219%') AND (`county` LIKE '%1219%') AND (`town` LIKE '%1219%') AND (`specific_address` LIKE '%1219%') )        if ($list != null) {            $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'success', 'data' => $list), 'JSON');        } elseif ($list == null) {            $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'false', 'data' => 'According to the information you have entered is not found in the vicinity of the shop'), 'JSON');        } else {            $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'false', 'data' => 'Select store error'), 'JSON');        }    }}(二)模糊查询的多字段之间关系为ORpublic function findWithInput(){    $SellerLocation = D('SellerLocation');    $input = I('input');    if (!$input) {        $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'false', 'data' => 'Unable to get your input parameters'), 'JSON');//无法获取用户输入参数    } else {//多字段之间是OR关系        $where['store_name | street | province | city | county | town | specific_address'] = array('like', "%$input%");        $list = $SellerLocation->where($where)->fetchSql(true)->select();//只返回SQL语句,并不进行真实查询//生成SQL语句为:SELECT * FROM `maigade_seller_location` WHERE ( `store_name` LIKE '%1219%' OR `street` LIKE '%1219%' OR `province` LIKE '%1219%' OR `city` LIKE '%1219%' OR `county` LIKE '%1219%' OR `town` LIKE '%1219%' OR `specific_address` LIKE '%1219%' )        if ($list != null) {            $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'success', 'data' => $list), 'JSON');        } elseif ($list == null) {            $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'false', 'data' => 'According to the information you have entered is not found in the vicinity of the shop'), 'JSON');        } else {            $this->ajaxReturn(array('result' => 'false', 'data' => 'Select store error'), 'JSON');        }    }}