ros源码分析(2)—roslaunch 包分析

来源:互联网 发布:怎样软件编写 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 16:09

python distutils


  • 编写setup脚本(一般是;
  • 编写一个setup配置文件(可选);
  • 创建一个源码发布;
  • 创建一个或多个构建(二进制)发布(可选);


from distutils.core import setupsetup(name='Distutils',      version='1.0',      description='Python Distribution Utilities',      author='Greg Ward',      author_email='',      url='',      packages=['distutils', 'distutils.command'],     )


roslaunch 包结构分析


from distutils.core import setupfrom catkin_pkg.python_setup import generate_distutils_setup#参数收集,返回到d,dictd = generate_distutils_setup(    packages=['roslaunch'],    package_dir={'': 'src'},    scripts=['scripts/roscore',             'scripts/roslaunch',             'scripts/roslaunch-complete',             'scripts/roslaunch-deps',             'scripts/roslaunch-logs'],    requires=['genmsg', 'genpy', 'roslib', 'rospkg'])#将字典反转为参数值setup(**d)


catkin_pkgStandalone Python library for the Catkin package system.


#catkin_pkg\src\catkin_pkg\python_setup.pyfrom .package import InvalidPackage, parse_packagedef generate_distutils_setup(package_xml_path=os.path.curdir, **kwargs):    """    Extract the information relevant for distutils from the package    manifest. The following keys will be set:    The "name" and "version" are taken from the eponymous tags.    A single maintainer will set the keys "maintainer" and    "maintainer_email" while multiple maintainers are merged into the    "maintainer" fields (including their emails). Authors are handled    likewise.    The first URL of type "website" (or without a type) is used for    the "url" field.    The "description" is taken from the eponymous tag if it does not    exceed 200 characters. If it does "description" contains the    truncated text while "description_long" contains the complete.    All licenses are merged into the "license" field.    :param kwargs: All keyword arguments are passed through. The above        mentioned keys are verified to be identical if passed as a        keyword argument    :returns: return dict populated with parsed fields and passed        keyword arguments    :raises: :exc:`InvalidPackage`    :raises: :exc:`IOError`    """    package = parse_package(package_xml_path)    data = {}    data['name'] =    data['version'] = package.version    # either set one author with one email or join all in a single field    if len(package.authors) == 1 and package.authors[0].email is not None:        data['author'] = package.authors[0].name        data['author_email'] = package.authors[0].email    else:        data['author'] = ', '.join([('%s <%s>' % (, if is not None else for a in package.authors])    # either set one maintainer with one email or join all in a single field    if len(package.maintainers) == 1:        data['maintainer'] = package.maintainers[0].name        data['maintainer_email'] = package.maintainers[0].email    else:        data['maintainer'] = ', '.join(['%s <%s>' % (, for m in package.maintainers])    # either set the first URL with the type 'website' or the first URL of any type    websites = [url.url for url in package.urls if url.type == 'website']    if websites:        data['url'] = websites[0]    elif package.urls:        data['url'] = package.urls[0].url    if len(package.description) <= 200:        data['description'] = package.description    else:        data['description'] = package.description[:197] + '...'        data['long_description'] = package.description    data['license'] = ', '.join(package.licenses)    #输入参数kwargs中收集的key如果在package.xml中有,则值必须一样;    #如果没有,则添加到返回值中。    # pass keyword arguments and verify equality if generated and passed in    for k, v in kwargs.items():        if k in data:            if v != data[k]:                raise InvalidPackage('The keyword argument "%s" does not match the information from package.xml: "%s" != "%s"' % (k, v, data[k]))        else:            data[k] = v    return data


<package>  <name>roslaunch</name>  <version>1.13.0</version>  <description>    roslaunch is a tool for easily launching multiple ROS <a    href="">nodes</a> locally and remotely    via SSH, as well as setting parameters on the <a    href=" Server">Parameter    Server</a>. It includes options to automatically respawn processes    that have already died. roslaunch takes in one or more XML    configuration files (with the <tt>.launch</tt> extension) that    specify the parameters to set and nodes to launch, as well as the    machines that they should be run on.  </description>  <maintainer email="">Dirk Thomas</maintainer>  <license>BSD</license>  <url></url>  <author>Ken Conley</author>  <buildtool_depend version_gte="0.5.78">catkin</buildtool_depend>  <run_depend>python-paramiko</run_depend>  <run_depend version_gte="1.0.37">python-rospkg</run_depend>  <run_depend>python-yaml</run_depend>  <run_depend>rosclean</run_depend>  <run_depend>rosgraph_msgs</run_depend>  <run_depend>roslib</run_depend>  <run_depend version_gte="1.11.16">rosmaster</run_depend>  <run_depend>rosout</run_depend>  <run_depend>rosparam</run_depend>  <run_depend version_gte="1.13.3">rosunit</run_depend>  <test_depend>rosbuild</test_depend>  <export>    <rosdoc config="rosdoc.yaml"/>    <architecture_independent/>  </export></package>


So far we have been dealing with pure and non-pure Python modules, which are usually not run by themselves but imported by scripts.
Scripts are files containing Python source code, intended to be started from the command line. Scripts don’t require Distutils to do anything very complicated.

所以,python 模块主要是用来被其他模块去import,而script是为了直接在命令行执行,类似于应用程序。

scripts=['scripts/roscore',             'scripts/roslaunch',             'scripts/roslaunch-complete',             'scripts/roslaunch-deps',             'scripts/roslaunch-logs']

而roscore最终会去import roslaunch package,去调用其中的main函数。

#ros_comm\tools\roslaunch\scripts\roscoreimport roslaunchroslaunch.main(['roscore', '--core'] + sys.argv[1:])

后续将对roslaunch package源代码进行分析,但是由于其又依赖于ros_comm的其他tools,例如rosmaster,rosgraph,所以后续将逐步对ros_comm中的tools从简到难进行分析。
