#POJ1987#Distance Statistics(树+点分治)

来源:互联网 发布:linux查看磁盘使用情况 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 11:08

Distance Statistics
Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 64000KTotal Submissions: 2472 Accepted: 883Case Time Limit: 1000MS


Frustrated at the number of distance queries required to find a reasonable route for his cow marathon, FJ decides to ask queries from which he can learn more information. Specifically, he supplies an integer K (1 <= K <= 1,000,000,000) and wants to know how many pairs of farms lie at a distance at most K from each other (distance is measured in terms of the length of road required to travel from one farm to another). Please only count pairs of distinct farms (i.e. do not count pairs such as (farm #5, farm #5) in your answer). 


* Lines 1 ..M+1: Same input format as in "Navigation Nightmare" 

* Line M+2: A single integer, K. 


* Line 1: The number of pairs of farms that are at a distance of at most K from each-other. 

Sample Input

7 61 6 13 E6 3 9 E3 5 7 S4 1 3 N2 4 20 W4 7 2 S10

Sample Output



There are 5 roads with length smaller or equal than 10, namely 1-4 (3), 4-7 (2), 1-7 (5), 3-5 (7) and 3-6 (9). 








#include<iostream>#include<cstdio>#include<cstdlib>#include<cmath>#include<cstring>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;const int MaxN = 50005;struct node{    int v, w, nxt;}edge[MaxN << 1];int N, M, K, cnt;int Ans = 0, tot, Max_Size, Root;int fir[MaxN], Sz[MaxN], Mu[MaxN], Dis[MaxN];bool vis[MaxN];bool getint(int & num){    char c; int flg = 1;    num = 0;    while((c = getchar()) < '0' || c > '9'){        if(c == '-')    flg = -1;        if(c == -1) return 0;    }    while(c >= '0' && c <= '9'){        num = num * 10 + c - 48;        if((c = getchar()) == -1)   return 0;    }    num *= flg;    return 1;}void addedge(int a, int b, int c){    edge[++ cnt].v = b, edge[cnt].w = c, edge[cnt].nxt = fir[a], fir[a] = cnt;    edge[++ cnt].v = a, edge[cnt].w = c, edge[cnt].nxt = fir[b] ,fir[b] = cnt;}void Get_Size(int u, int fa){    Sz[u] = 1;    Mu[u] = 0;    for(int i = fir[u]; i; i = edge[i].nxt) if(! vis[edge[i].v] && edge[i].v != fa){        Get_Size(edge[i].v, u);        Sz[u] += Sz[edge[i].v];        Mu[u] = max(Mu[u], Sz[edge[i].v]);    }}void Get_Root(int R, int u, int fa){    Mu[u] = max(Sz[R] - Sz[u], Mu[u]);    if(Mu[u] < Max_Size)    Max_Size = Mu[u], Root = u;    for(int i = fir[u]; i; i = edge[i].nxt) if(! vis[edge[i].v] && edge[i].v != fa)        Get_Root(R, edge[i].v, u);}void Get_Dis(int u, int d, int fa){    Dis[++ tot] = d;    for(int i = fir[u]; i; i = edge[i].nxt) if(! vis[edge[i].v] && edge[i].v != fa)        Get_Dis(edge[i].v, d + edge[i].w, u);}int Count(int u, int d){    int rt = 0;    tot = 0;    Get_Dis(u, d, 0);    sort(Dis + 1, Dis + tot + 1);    int i = 1, j = tot;    while(i < j){        while(Dis[i] + Dis[j] > K && i < j) --j;        rt += j - i;        ++ i;    }    return rt;}void Dfs(int u){    Max_Size = N;    Get_Size(u, 0);//求子树大小    Get_Root(u, u, 0);//求重心    Ans += Count(Root, 0);//所有满足的条件的(包括重复)    vis[Root] = 1;    //printf("%d\n", Root);    for(int i = fir[Root]; i; i = edge[i].nxt)  if(! vis[edge[i].v]){        Ans -= Count(edge[i].v, edge[i].w);//去除重复        Dfs(edge[i].v);    }}int main(){    char s[5];    while(getint(N) && getint(M)){        Ans = 0, cnt = 0;        memset(fir, 0, sizeof(fir));        memset(vis, 0, sizeof(vis));        int a, b, c;        for(int i = 1; i <= M; ++ i){            getint(a), getint(b), getint(c);            scanf("%s", s);            addedge(a, b, c);        }        getint(K);        Dfs(1);        printf("%d\n", Ans);    }    return 0;}