
来源:互联网 发布:centos 7iso镜像安装 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 10:08








/*一、指向成员变量的指针并非指针class member variables*/class DemoClass{public:    DemoClass() : m_a(100),m_b(3) { }    // ....  public:    int m_0;    int m_a;    int m_b;};int DemoClass::*pClassMemberVariable = NULL; // ipm是一个指针,指向类DemoClass的一个int成员,该处初始化为0  void testMemberVariablePointer(){    DemoClass aC;    cout << &(aC.m_a) << endl;  // 0x22fecc      cout << &(aC.m_b) << endl;                                //ipm = &(aC.m_a); // 编译错误: cannot convert 'int*' to 'int DemoClass::*' in assignment      pClassMemberVariable = &DemoClass::m_a; // ok      cout << pClassMemberVariable << endl; //注意!!!有偏移量了!    cout << aC.*pClassMemberVariable << endl;    //cout << *pClassMemberVariable << endl;  //编译错误:error C2171: “*”:“int DemoClass::* ”类型的操作数非法    //cout << aC.pClassMemberVariable << endl;//编译错误:error C2039: “pClassMemberVariable”: 不是“DemoClass”的成员    cout << aC.m_a << endl;  // 100      aC.*pClassMemberVariable = 99;  //语法解释:pClassMemberVariable相当于一个类属指针,通过偏移量的方式指向m_a的地址。                                    //所以,pClassMemberVariable其实并不是一个真实的指针,你不能通过使用*pClassMemberVariable                                    //的方式来访问它。    cout << aC.m_a << endl;  // 99      pClassMemberVariable = &DemoClass::m_b; //更改pClassMemberVariable的偏移量    cout << pClassMemberVariable << endl; //注意!!!偏移量改变了!    DemoClass *pC = &aC;    cout << pC->m_a << endl;  // 99      pC->*pClassMemberVariable = 1001; //  这个用法等价于 aC.*pClassMemberVariable = 99;     cout << aC.m_a << " | " << pC->m_a << " | " << pC->*pClassMemberVariable << endl;  // 1001 | 1001 | 1001      cout << aC.m_b << " | " << pC->m_b << " | " << pC->*pClassMemberVariable << endl;  // 1001 | 1001 | 1001  }

由此可见,给定一个成员变量在类中的偏移量,为了访问位于那个偏移量的数据成员,我们还需要该类的一个对象的地址。这时候就需要用到  .* 和 ->* 两个操作符了。其实这两个操作符也没啥新奇的。. 和 ->分别为对象和对象指针的成员访问操作符, 而 * 则为解引用操作符。当写下 aC.*pClassMemberVariable 时,其实就是请求将 aC的地址加上pClassMemberVariable所表示的偏移量,然后访问该 aC 所表示的对象中的特定数据成员。当写下 pC->*pClassMemberVariable 时,其实就是pC所指向的地址加上pClassMemberVariable所表示的偏移量,然后访问pC所指向的对象中的特定数据成员。

贴两个pClassMemberVariable 改变的运行截图:




/*二、指向成员函数的指针并非指针class member function*/struct Point{    int x;    int y;};class Shape{public:    // ....      /*virtual*/ void moveTo(Point newLocation)    {        cout << "Shape::(" << newLocation.x << ", " << newLocation.y << ")" << endl;    }    bool validate() const    {        cout << "Shape::validate()" << endl;        return true;    }    virtual bool draw() const = 0;    // ....  };class Circle : public Shape{    // ....     //virtual void moveTo(Point newLocation)    //{    //    cout << "Circle::(" << newLocation.x << ", " << newLocation.y << ")" << endl;    //}    virtual bool draw() const    {        return true;    }    // ....  };void (Shape::*pClassMemberFunction)(Point) = NULL;void testMemberFunctionPointer(){    pClassMemberFunction = &Shape::moveTo;    Circle circle;    //pClassMemberFunction = &circle.moveTo; // 编译错误:ISO C++ forbids taking the address of a bound member function to form a pointer to member function.  Say '&Circle::moveTo'      Point pt;    pt.x = 9999;    pt.y = 9999;    (circle.*pClassMemberFunction)(pt); // 通过对象直接调用 .*      pt.x = 888;    (&circle->*pClassMemberFunction)(pt);    Shape *ps = &circle;    (ps->*pClassMemberFunction)(pt); // 通过指针调用 ->*      void (Circle::*pClassMemberFunction2)(Point) = &Shape::moveTo;    (circle.*pClassMemberFunction2)(pt);    void (Shape::*pClassMemberFunction3)(Point) = &Circle::moveTo;    (circle.*pClassMemberFunction3)(pt);    bool (Shape::*pmV)() const = 0;    pmV = &Shape::validate;    (circle.*pmV)();}


int main(int argc, char**argv){    testMemberVariablePointer();    testMemberFunctionPointer();    return 0;}
