
来源:互联网 发布:北京电脑编程学校 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/02 01:37


#include <iostream>#include <iomanip>#include <array>using namespace std;/*const double Pi = 3.14;class Figure{public:    Figure(){};    virtual double area() const = 0;};class Circle :public Figure{public:    Circle(double myr){        R = myr;    }    virtual double area() const    {        return Pi * R * R;    }protected:    double R;};class Rectangle :public Figure{public:    Rectangle(double myr, double myw){        R = myr;        W = myw;    }    virtual double area() const {        return R * W;    }private:    double R;    double W;};void func(Figure &a){    cout << a.area() << endl;}int main(){    Circle a(3.0);    Rectangle b(2.0, 4.0);    cout << "the area of circle is ";    func(a);    cout << "the area of retangle is ";    func(b);    return 0;}*//*class Base{public:    Base(){};     virtual ~Base() {        cout << "Base destructor is called." << endl;    }};class Subclass:public Base{public:    Subclass(){};    virtual ~Subclass();};Subclass::~Subclass(){    cout << "Subclass destructor is called." << endl;}int main(){    Base *p = new Subclass;    delete p;    return 0;}*//*class Complex{public:    Complex( double r = 0.0, double i = 0.0);    Complex operator + (Complex c);    Complex operator - (Complex c);    void display();private:    double real,image;};Complex::Complex( double r, double i){    real = r;    image = i;}Complex Complex::operator + (Complex c){    Complex temp;    temp.real = real + c.real;    temp.image = image + c.image;    return temp;}Complex Complex::operator - (Complex c){    Complex temp;    temp.real = real - c.real;    temp.image = image - c.image;    return temp;}void Complex::display(){    if(image < 0)    {        cout << real << image << "i" << endl;    }else    {        cout << real << "+" << image << "i" << endl;    }}int main(){    Complex c1(12.4,13.3),c2(14.4,26.5);    Complex c;    cout << "c1 = ";    c1.display();    cout << "c2 = ";    c2.display();    c = c1 + c2;    cout << "c1 + c2 = ";    c.display();    c = c1 - c2;    cout << "c1 - c2 = ";    c.display();    return 0;}*//*int main(){    int a[20],i,j;    a[0] = a[1] = 1;    for(i = 2;i < 20;i++)    {        a[i] = a[i-1] + a[i - 2];    }    for(j = 0;j < 20;j++)    {        cout << a[j] << "\t" ;        if((j+1) % 5 == 0)            cout << endl;    }    return 0;}*//*int b[5]; //全局变量int main(){    int a[5]; //局部变量    static int c[5]; //静态变量    int i;    for(i = 0;i < 5;i++)        cout << a[i] << " ";    cout << endl;    for(i = 0;i < 5;i++)        cout << b[i] << " ";    cout << endl;    for(i = 0;i < 5;i++)        cout << c[i] << " ";    cout << endl;    return 0;}*/// 将一个正整数分解到数组中,然后正向和反向输出/*int main(){    int a[11];    int n,i = 0;    cout << "请输入一个正整数:" << endl;    cin >> n;    while(n)    {        a[i] = n % 10;        n /= 10;        i++;    }    cout << "正向输入的结果是:" << endl;    for(int j = i-1;j >= 0;j--)    {        cout << a[j] << " ";    }    cout << endl;    cout << "反向输入的结果是:" << endl;    for(int j = 0;j < i;j++)    {        cout << a[j] << " ";    }    cout << endl;    return 0;}*//*class Myclass{public:    Myclass();    Myclass(int,int);    Myclass(Myclass &);    void print();    const Myclass &operator = (Myclass &);private:    int m,n;};Myclass::Myclass():m(5),n(1){    cout << "Default constructor." << endl;}Myclass::Myclass(int i,int j){    m = i;    n = j;    cout << "Parameter Constructor." << endl;}Myclass::Myclass(Myclass &my){    m = my.m;    n = my.n;    cout << "Copy constructor." << endl;559}void Myclass::print(){    cout << "m=" << m << ",n=" << n << endl;}const Myclass& Myclass::operator = (Myclass &my){    m = my.n;    n = my.m;    return *this;}int main(){    Myclass a,b(10,5);    Myclass c(b);    a.print();    b.print();    c.print();    c = a;    c.print();    return 0;}*//*#include <string>int main(){    try{        cout << "This is try block." << endl;        int a,b;        cout <<"we want to do /, please input two numbers:";        while(cin >> a >> b){        if(b == 0)        {            throw b;        }cout << "the result is " << a/b << endl;        }        cout << endl;}catch(int ){    cout << "分母不应该为0." << endl;}    cout << "这里是try catch的外面" << endl;    return 0;}*//*int main(){    try{        cout << "begin" << endl;        cout << "1" << endl;        string a;        cout << "name: " << endl;        cin >> a;        if(a != "cathy"){            throw string("Julia is nooooo");        }        throw int(112);        cout << "2" << endl;    }catch(int e)    {        cout << e << endl;        cout << "3" << endl;    }catch(string e){        cout << e << endl;        cout << "4" << endl;    }    cout << "end" << endl;    return 0;}*//*int main(){    string str[5] = {"aads","adsfs","ssfsd","sdfs","sdas"};    string *cp[] = {&str[4],&str[3],&str[2],&str[1],&str[0]};    int i = 0;    while(i < 5)    {        cout << *cp[i] << endl;        i++;    }    return 0;}*///#include <iostream>/*#include <vector>int main(){    vector <int> ivec;    ivec.push_back(1);    ivec.push_back(2);    ivec.push_back(3);    ivec.push_back(4);    for(vector <int> ::iterator iter = ivec.begin();iter != ivec.end();++iter)    {        cout << *iter << endl;    }    return 0;}*//*#include <fstream>#include <iomanip>#include <cstdlib>void outputLine(int , const string &, double);int main(){    ifstream inClientFile ("E:\\query.txt",ios::in);    if( !inClientFile ){        cerr << "File could not be opened" << endl;        exit ( EXIT_FAILURE );    }    int account;    string name;    double balance;    cout << left << setw(10) << "Account" << setw(13) << "Name" << "Balance"         << endl << fixed << showpoint;    while(inClientFile >> account >> name >> balance)        outputLine  (account, name, balance);    return 0;}void outputLine(int account , const string & name, double balance){    cout << left << setw(10) << account << setw(13) << name << balance << endl;}*///#include <string.h>/*#include <string>using namespace std;int main(){    char input[10000];    int n;    while(cin >> input)    {        n = strlen(input);        int temp = 1;        for(int i = 0,j = n-1;i<=j;++i,--j)        {            if(input(i) != input[j])            {                temp = 0;                break;            }        }        if(temp)        {            cout << "Yes!" << endl;        }else{            cout << "No!" << endl;        }    }    return 0;}*/#include <iostream>#include <string.h>using namespace std;int main(){    string word;    cin >> word;    int n = word.length();    int count = 0;    for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--)    {        if (word[i] != 0)        {            count ++;        }        else        {            break;        }    }    cout << count ;    return 0;}