来源:互联网 发布:什么软件测八卦 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 15:52

Given a positive integer n, write a program to find out a nonzero multiple m of n whose decimal representation contains only the digits 0 and 1. You may assume that n is not greater than 200 and there is a corresponding m containing no more than 100 decimal digits.
The input file may contain multiple test cases. Each line contains a value of n (1 <= n <= 200). A line containing a zero terminates the input.
For each value of n in the input print a line containing the corresponding value of m. The decimal representation of m must not contain more than 100 digits. If there are multiple solutions for a given value of n, any one of them is acceptable.
Sample Input
Sample Output

         题意:给一个数,让你找到一个数字对所给数取模,结果为0,但是这个数只能由数字0和1构成答案或许不唯一,输出一个结果即可。不过呢,数据有点大,要用long long int .  既然是搜索,肯定有规律啦。一位一位的确定,比如求被6整除的不为零整数,且整数的每位上是0或1
              从个位,十位,百位。。。一直确定上去(即10%6,11%6,100%6 .......),即每次扩展都在末尾加上0或者1

   还有,这个题用到了同余模定理,(a*b)%n = (a%n *b%n)%n(a+b)%n = (a%n +b%n)%n.这也是为什么用long long int的一个原因。因为范围有限,所以搜到18层时要退出,进行下一个搜索。

#include<stdio.h>int n,f;void dfs(long long int m,int step)   //step记录搜索达到的层数{    if(f||step>18)return ;        //如果找到一个值,或者层数大于18层要跳出循环,根据f得值确定是否进行下一轮搜索。    if(m%n==0&&m)    {        printf("%lld\n",m);        f=1;        return;    }    dfs(m*10,step+1);    dfs(m*10+1,step+1);}int main(){    while(~scanf("%d",&n)&&n)    {        f=0;                    //标记是否找到值       dfs(1,0);                //m初始为一。    }    return 0;}
