
来源:互联网 发布:sem和seo利与弊端 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 11:40


       In this problem, a dictionary is collection of key-value pairs, where keys are lower-case letters, andvalues are non-negative integers. Given an old dictionary and a new dictionary, find out what werechanged.Each dictionary is formatting as follows:


Each key is a string of lower-case letters, and each value is a non-negative integer without leadingzeros or prefix ‘+’. (i.e. -4, 03 and +77 are illegal). Each key will appear at most once, but keys canappear in any order.


          The first line contains the number of test cases T (T ≤ 1000). Each test case contains two lines. Thefirst line contains the old dictionary, and the second line contains the new dictionary. Each line willcontain at most 100 characters and will not contain any whitespace characters. Both dictionaries couldbe empty.WARNING: there are no restrictions on the lengths of each key and value in the dictionary. Thatmeans keys could be really long and values could be really large.


          For each test case, print the changes, formatted as follows:

                                 • First, if there are any new keys, print ‘+’ and then the new keys in increasing order (lexicographically),separated by commas.

                                 • Second, if there are any removed keys, print ‘-’ and then the removed keys in increasing order(lexicographically), separated by commas.

                                 • Last, if there are any keys with changed value, print ‘*’ and then these keys in increasing order(lexicographically), separated by commas.

        If the two dictionaries are identical, print ‘No changes’ (without quotes) instead.Print a blank line after each test case.

 Sample Input








Sample Output




  No changes







#include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<map>using namespace std;///思路,///分开标记,一个标记一个///不同的存起来。map<string,string> p;map<string,string> xia;string temp[205];string jian[105],jia[105],chen[105];///还有一个坑就是,空格的名字,不能要,应该去除.int main(){    int n;    cin>>n;    getchar();    string a,b;    char str[105];    for(int i=0;i<n;i++)    {       ///清除之前的标记。        p.clear();        xia.clear();        gets(str);        int q=0;        int k=0;        for(int j=1;j<strlen(str);j++)        {            if(str[j]=='}')            {                p[a]=b;                if(a[0]!=' ')                temp[k++]=a;                a="";                b="";                break;            }            if(str[j]==':'){                q=1;                continue;            }            if(str[j]==','){                p[a]=b;                if(a[0]!=' ')                temp[k++]=a;                a="";                b="";                q=0;                continue;            }            if(q==0){                a+=str[j];            }else{                b+=str[j];            }        }        gets(str);         q=0;        for(int j=1;j<strlen(str);j++)        {            if(str[j]=='}')            {                xia[a]=b;                if(p[a]=="" && a[0]!=' ')                  temp[k++]=a;                a="";                b="";                break;            }            if(str[j]==':'){                q=1;                continue;            }            if(str[j]==','){                xia[a]=b;                if(p[a]=="" && a[0]!=' ')                  temp[k++]=a;                a="";                b="";                q=0;                continue;            }            if(q==0){                a+=str[j];            }else{                b+=str[j];            }        }        int flag=0;        int ji = 0;        int ta = 0;        int ch = 0;        for(int j=0;j<k;j++)        {            ///上下相同的            if(p[temp[j]] == xia[temp[j]]) {                flag ++;                continue;            }            if(p[temp[j]]!="" && xia[temp[j]]!="")            {                chen[ch++]=temp[j];                continue;            }            if(p[temp[j]]!="" && xia[temp[j]]==""){                jian[ta++]=temp[j];                continue;            }            if(p[temp[j]]=="" && xia[temp[j]]!=""){                jia[ji++]=temp[j];                continue;            }        }        ///按照字典序排序        if(flag==k){            printf("No changes\n");        }else{            if(ji!=0){               sort(jia,jia+ji);                printf("+");                cout<<jia[0];                for(int j=1;j<ji;j++){                    cout<<","<<jia[j];                }                cout<<endl;            }            if(ta!=0){                    sort(jian,jian+ta);                printf("-");                cout<<jian[0];                for(int j=1;j<ta;j++){                    cout<<","<<jian[j];                }                cout<<endl;            }            if(ch!=0){                    sort(chen,chen+ch);                printf("*");                cout<<chen[0];                for(int j=1;j<ch;j++){                    cout<<","<<chen[j];                }                cout<<endl;            }        }        cout<<endl;    }    return 0;}


#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>#include<iostream>#include<sstream>#include<map>#include<vector>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;typedef map<string, string> DICT;DICT dict1, dict2;void input_dict(DICT& dict){    dict.clear();    string s, key, value;    getline(cin, s);    for (int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {        if (!isdigit(s[i]) && !isalpha(s[i]))          s[i] = ' ';    }    stringstream ss(s);    while (ss >> key >> value)        dict[key] = value;}void print_keys(char ch, vector<string> vs){    printf("%c", ch);    for (int i = 0; i < vs.size(); i++)      cout << vs[i] << ((i == vs.size()-1) ? '\n' : ',');}int main(){    int kase;    cin >> kase;    getchar();    while (kase--) {        input_dict(dict1);        input_dict(dict2);        vector<string> add, del, modi;        DICT::iterator it1, it2;        for (it1 = dict1.begin(); it1 != dict1.end(); it1++) {            it2 = dict2.find(it1->first);            if (it2 == dict2.end()) del.push_back(it1->first);            else if (it2->second != it1->second) modi.push_back(it1->first);        }        for (it2 = dict2.begin(); it2 != dict2.end(); it2++) {            it1 = dict1.find(it2->first);            if (it1 == dict1.end()) add.push_back(it2->first);        }        if (add.size()) print_keys('+', add);        if (del.size()) print_keys('-', del);        if (modi.size()) print_keys('*', modi);        if (!add.size() && !del.size() && !modi.size()) printf("No changes\n");        printf("\n");    }    return 0;}

