
来源:互联网 发布:蝙蝠侠 超人 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 07:20





int msgget(key_t key,int flag);

  • key key值
  • flag 消息队列访问权限

函数返回值: 成功 消息队列 ID,出错 -1;


int msgsnd(int msqid,const void * msgp,size_t size,int flag);
  • msqid: 消息队列的ID
  • msgp: 指向消息的指针。常用的消息结构msgbuf如下:
struct msgbuf{    long mtype; //消息类型char mtext[N];//消息正文};

  • size : 发送的消息正文的字节数
  • flag :
    IPC_NOWAIT : 消息没有发送完成函数也会立即返回。
    0 : 直到发送完成函数才返回。

函数返回值: 成功 0,出错 -1;


int msgrcv(int msgid,void *msgp,size_t size,long msgtype,int flag)

- msqid: 消息队列的ID号
- msgp :接收消息的缓冲区
- size :要接收消息的字节数
- msgtype:
1. 0:接收消息队列中第一个消息
2. 大于0,接收消息队列中第一个类型为 msgtyp的消息
3. 小于0,接收消息队列中类型值不小于msgtyp的绝对值且类型值又最小的消息
- flag:0,若无消息,函数会一直阻塞
- IPC_NOWAIT,若无消息,进程会立即返回ENOMSG

函数返回值: 成功,接收到的消息的长度。失败 返回-1;


int msgctl(int msgqid,int cmd,struct msqid_ds *buf)
函数参数 :
- msgqid 消息队列ID
- cmd:
1. IPC_STAT 读取消息队列的属性,并将其保存在buf执行的缓冲区中
2. IPC_SET 设置消息队列的属性,这个值取自buf参数
3. IPC_RMID 从系统中删除消息队列
- buf: 消息队列缓冲区

函数返回值:成功 0,失败 -1;

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/ipc.h>#include <sys/msg.h>#define BFUSZ 512#define TYPE 100struct msgbuf{long mtype;    char mtext[BFUSZ];};int main(){int qid,len;    key_t key;    struct msgbuf msg;    if( (key = ftok(".",'a'))== -1)    {    perror("ftok");    exit(-1);    }    if( (qid = msgget(key,IPC_CREAT|0666)) == -1)    {    perror("msgget");    exit(-1);    }    printf("opened queue%d\n",qid);    if( (fgets((&msg)->mtext,BFUSZ,stdin))==NULL)    {    puts("no message");    exit(-1);    }    msg.mtype = TYPE;    len = strlen(msg.mtext)+1;    if( msgsnd(qid,&msg,len,0)<0)    {    perror("msgsnd");    exit(-1);    }    if( msgrcv(qid,&msg,BFUSZ,0,0)<0)    {    perror("msgrcv");    exit(-1);    }    printf("message is: %s\n",(&msg)->mtext);if(msgctl(qid,IPC_RMID,NULL)<0){    perror("msgctl");    exit(1);}    return 0;}


信号灯 (semaphore) 也叫做信号量。它是不同进程间或同一进程内部不同线程间同步的机制。

- posix有名信号灯
- posix基于内存的信号灯(无名信号灯)
- System V信号灯(IPC对象)

System V信号灯是一个或者多个信号灯的集合。其中的每一个都是耽误的计数信号灯。而Posix信号灯指的是单个信号灯

System V信号灯由内核维护。主要函数semget,semop,semctl

int semget(key_t key , int nsems,int semflg);

- key:和信号灯集相关联的key值
- nsems:信号灯集中包含的信号灯数目
- semflg 信号灯集的访问权限 通常为IPC_CREAT|0666

函数返回值:成功 信号灯集ID
失败 -1;

int semop(int semid ,struct sembuf * opsptr,size_t nops);

- semid:信号灯集ID

    struct sembuf{    short sem_num; //要操作的信号灯编号short sem_op; //0:等待,直到信号灯的值变为0    //1:释放资源,V操作    //-1:申请资源,P操作short sem_flg; //0,IPC_NOWAIT,SEM_UNDO    };

  • nops:要操作的信号灯个数

函数返回值: 成功 0,失败 -1;
int semctl(int semid,int semnum,int cmd …/* union semun arg */)
- semid: 信号灯集 ID
- semnum:要修改的信号灯编号
- cmd:
1. GETVAL:获取信号灯的值
2. SETVAL:设置信号灯的值
3. IPC_RMID:从系统中删除信号灯集
函数返回值:成功 0,失败 -1;

/*********************** read ************************************/

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <errno.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/ipc.h>#include <sys/sem.h>#include <sys/shm.h>union semun {    int val; /* Value for SETVAL */    struct semid_ds *buf; /* Buffer for IPC_STAT, IPC_SET */    unsigned short *array; /* Array for GETALL, SETALL */    struct seminfo *__buf; /* Buffer for IPC_INFO    (Linux-specific) */};#define N 64#define READ 0#define WRITE 1void sem_init(int semid, int array[], int n){    union semun myun;    int i;for (i=0; i<n; i++)    {    myun.val = array[i];    semctl(semid, i, SETVAL, myun);    }return;}void pv(int semid, int num, int op){    struct sembuf buf;buf.sem_num = num;    buf.sem_op = op;    buf.sem_flg = 0;    if (semop(semid, &buf, 1) < 0)    {    exit(0);    }return;}int main(){    key_t key;    int shmid, semid;    char *shmaddr;    int array[] = {0, 1};    if ((key = ftok(".", 's')) < 0)    {    perror("fail to ftok");    exit(-1);    }if ((semid = semget(key, 2, 0666|IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL)) < 0)    {    if (EEXIST == errno)    {    semid = semget(key, 2, 0666);    }    else    {    perror("fail to semget");    exit(-1);    }    }    else    {    sem_init(semid, array, 2);    }if ((shmid = shmget(key, N, 0666|IPC_CREAT)) < 0)    {    perror("fail to shmget");    exit(-1);    }shmaddr = (char *)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);while ( 1 )    {    pv(semid, READ, -1);    printf("read from shm : %s", shmaddr);    pv(semid, WRITE, 1);    }return 0;}

/********************************** write ********************************/

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <errno.h>#include <string.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/ipc.h>#include <sys/sem.h>#include <sys/shm.h>union semun {    int val; /* Value for SETVAL */    struct semid_ds *buf; /* Buffer for IPC_STAT, IPC_SET */    unsigned short *array; /* Array for GETALL, SETALL */    struct seminfo *__buf; /* Buffer for IPC_INFO    (Linux-specific) */};#define N 64#define READ 0#define WRITE 1void sem_init(int semid, int array[], int n){    union semun myun;    int i;for (i=0; i<n; i++)    {    myun.val = array[i];    semctl(semid, i, SETVAL, myun);    }return;}void pv(int semid, int num, int op){    struct sembuf buf;buf.sem_num = num;    buf.sem_op = op;    buf.sem_flg = 0;    semop(semid, &buf, 1);return;}int main(){    key_t key;    int shmid, semid;    char *shmaddr;    int array[] = {0, 1};    if ((key = ftok(".", 's')) < 0)    {    perror("fail to ftok");    exit(-1);    }if ((semid = semget(key, 2, 0666|IPC_CREAT|IPC_EXCL)) < 0)    {    if (EEXIST == errno)    {    semid = semget(key, 2, 0666);    }    else    {    perror("fail to semget");    exit(-1);    }    }    else    {    sem_init(semid, array, 2);    }if ((shmid = shmget(key, N, 0666|IPC_CREAT)) < 0)    {    perror("fail to shmget");    exit(-1);    }shmaddr = (char *)shmat(shmid, NULL, 0);while ( 1 )    {    pv(semid, WRITE, -1);    printf("write to shm : ");    fgets(shmaddr, N, stdin);    if (strncmp(shmaddr, "quit\n", 5) == 0) break;    pv(semid, READ, 1);    }    shmdt(shmaddr);    shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL);    semctl(semid, 0, IPC_RMID);return 0;}
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