
来源:互联网 发布:java计算器实现 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 17:58

Spark SQL catalyst RuleExecutor的作用是分批次(batch)执行一系列的优化规则直到稳定点(fixpoint)或最大迭代次数,如图所示:


/** 优化规则执行器 */
abstract class RuleExecutor[TreeType <: TreeNode[_]] extends Logging {
  /** 控制运行次数的策略,如果在达到最大迭代次数前到达稳定点就停止运行 */
  abstract class Strategy { def maxIterations: Int }
  /** 只运行一次的策略 */
  case object Once extends Strategy { val maxIterations = 1 }
  /** 运行到稳定点或者最大迭代次数的策略,2选1 */
  case class FixedPoint(maxIterations: Int) extends Strategy
  /** 一批规则 */
  protected case class Batch(name: String, strategy: Strategy, rules: Rule[TreeType]*)
  /** Defines a sequence of rule batches, to be overridden by the implementation. */
  protected val batches: Seq[Batch]
   * 执行器入口
   Executes the batches of rules defined by the subclass. The batches are executed serially
   * using the defined execution strategy. Within each batch, rules are also executed serially.
  def execute(plan: TreeType): TreeType = {
    var curPlan = plan
    batches.foreach { batch =>
      // 用来对比执行规则前后,初始的plan有无变化
      val batchStartPlan = curPlan
      var iteration = 1
      var lastPlan = curPlan
      var continue = true
      // 执行直到达到稳定点或者最大迭代次数
      while (continue) {
        curPlan = batch.rules.foldLeft(curPlan) {
          case (plan, rule) =>
            val startTime = System.nanoTime()
            val result = rule(plan)
            val runTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime
            RuleExecutor.timeMap.addAndGet(rule.ruleName, runTime)
            if (!result.fastEquals(plan)) {
                  |=== Applying Rule ${rule.ruleName} ===
                  |${sideBySide(plan.treeString, result.treeString).mkString("\n")}
        iteration += 1
        // 到达最大迭代次数, 不再执行优化
        if (iteration > batch.strategy.maxIterations) {
          // 只对最大迭代次数大于1的情况打log
          if (iteration != 2) {
            logInfo(s"Max iterations (${iteration - 1}) reached for batch ${}")
          continue = false
         // plan不变了,到达稳定点,不再执行优化
        if (curPlan.fastEquals(lastPlan)) {
            s"Fixed point reached for batch ${} after ${iteration - 1} iterations.")
          continue = false
        lastPlan = curPlan
      if (!batchStartPlan.fastEquals(curPlan)) {
          |=== Result of Batch ${} ===
          |${sideBySide(plan.treeString, curPlan.treeString).mkString("\n")}
      else {
        logTrace(s"Batch ${} has no effect.")
