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文件:xray_points_processor.h#ifndef CARTOGRAPHER_IO_XRAY_POINTS_PROCESSOR_H_#define CARTOGRAPHER_IO_XRAY_POINTS_PROCESSOR_H_#include <map>#include "Eigen/Core"#include "cartographer/common/lua_parameter_dictionary.h"#include "cartographer/io/file_writer.h"#include "cartographer/io/points_processor.h"#include "cartographer/mapping/detect_floors.h"#include "cartographer/mapping/proto/trajectory.pb.h"#include "cartographer/mapping_3d/hybrid_grid.h"#include "cartographer/transform/rigid_transform.h"/*配置文件概览:VOXEL_SIZE = 5e-2YZ_TRANSFORM =  {  translation = { 0., 0., 0. },  rotation = { 0. , 0., math.pi, },}{    action = "write_xray_image",    voxel_size = VOXEL_SIZE,    filename = "xray_yz_all_intensity",    transform = YZ_TRANSFORM,},*/namespace cartographer {namespace io {/*xray_points_processor.h是PointsProcessor的第三个子类(3).功能:将x射线以体素为voxel_size写入image。数据成员:1), 2), */// Creates X-ray cuts through the points with pixels being 'voxel_size' big.class XRayPointsProcessor : public PointsProcessor { public:  constexpr static const char* kConfigurationFileActionName =      "write_xray_image";  XRayPointsProcessor(double voxel_size, const transform::Rigid3f& transform,                      const std::vector<mapping::Floor>& floors,                      const string& output_filename,                      FileWriterFactory file_writer_factory,                      PointsProcessor* next);  static std::unique_ptr<XRayPointsProcessor> FromDictionary(      const mapping::proto::Trajectory& trajectory,      FileWriterFactory file_writer_factory,      common::LuaParameterDictionary* dictionary, PointsProcessor* next);  ~XRayPointsProcessor() override {}//将点云写入.png文件,然后流水到下一处理器  void Process(std::unique_ptr<PointsBatch> batch) override;  FlushResult Flush() override;  Eigen::AlignedBox3i bounding_box() const { return bounding_box_; } private:  struct ColumnData {    double sum_r = 0.;    double sum_g = 0.;    double sum_b = 0.;    uint32_t count = 0;  };  struct Aggregation {    mapping_3d::HybridGridBase<bool> voxels;    std::map<std::pair<int, int>, ColumnData> column_data;  };  void WriteVoxels(const Aggregation& aggregation,                   FileWriter* const file_writer);  void Insert(const PointsBatch& batch, const transform::Rigid3f& transform,              Aggregation* aggregation);  PointsProcessor* const next_;  FileWriterFactory file_writer_factory_; //负责文件写入的工厂  // If empty, we do not separate into floors.  std::vector<mapping::Floor> floors_; //楼层  const string output_filename_;       //文件名称  const transform::Rigid3f transform_; //点云涉及的变换  // Only has one entry if we do not separate into floors.  std::vector<Aggregation> aggregations_; //聚集数据  // Bounding box containing all cells with data in all 'aggregations_'.  Eigen::AlignedBox3i bounding_box_; //边界框};}  // namespace io}  // namespace cartographer#endif  // CARTOGRAPHER_IO_XRAY_POINTS_PROCESSOR_H_ "cartographer/io/xray_points_processor.h"#include <cmath>#include <string>#include "Eigen/Core"#include "cairo/cairo.h"#include "cartographer/common/lua_parameter_dictionary.h"#include "cartographer/common/make_unique.h"#include "cartographer/common/math.h"#include "cartographer/io/cairo_types.h"#include "cartographer/mapping/detect_floors.h"#include "cartographer/mapping_3d/hybrid_grid.h"namespace cartographer {namespace io {namespace {struct PixelData {  size_t num_occupied_cells_in_column = 0;  double mean_r = 0.;  double mean_g = 0.;  double mean_b = 0.;};using PixelDataMatrix =    Eigen::Matrix<PixelData, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic>;double Mix(const double a, const double b, const double t) {  return a * (1. - t) + t * b;}//cairo回调函数,将data写入FileWritercairo_status_t CairoWriteCallback(void* const closure,                                  const unsigned char* data,                                  const unsigned int length) {  if (static_cast<FileWriter*>(closure)->Write(          reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), length)) {    return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;  }  return CAIRO_STATUS_WRITE_ERROR;}/*使用cairo库将mat以png文件写入filename*/// Write 'mat' as a pleasing-to-look-at PNG into 'filename'void WritePng(const PixelDataMatrix& mat, FileWriter* const file_writer) {  const int stride =      cairo_format_stride_for_width(CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, mat.cols());  CHECK_EQ(stride % 4, 0);  std::vector<uint32_t> pixels(stride / 4 * mat.rows(), 0.);  float max = std::numeric_limits<float>::min();  for (int y = 0; y < mat.rows(); ++y) {    for (int x = 0; x < mat.cols(); ++x) {      const PixelData& cell = mat(y, x);      if (cell.num_occupied_cells_in_column == 0.) {        continue;      }      max = std::max<float>(max, std::log(cell.num_occupied_cells_in_column));    }  }  for (int y = 0; y < mat.rows(); ++y) {    for (int x = 0; x < mat.cols(); ++x) {      const PixelData& cell = mat(y, x);      if (cell.num_occupied_cells_in_column == 0.) {        pixels[y * stride / 4 + x] =            (255 << 24) | (255 << 16) | (255 << 8) | 255;        continue;      }      // We use a logarithmic weighting for how saturated a pixel will be. The      // basic idea here was that walls (full height) are fully saturated, but      // details like chairs and tables are still well visible.      const float saturation =          std::log(cell.num_occupied_cells_in_column) / max;      double mean_r_in_column = (cell.mean_r / 255.);      double mean_g_in_column = (cell.mean_g / 255.);      double mean_b_in_column = (cell.mean_b / 255.);      double mix_r = Mix(1., mean_r_in_column, saturation);      double mix_g = Mix(1., mean_g_in_column, saturation);      double mix_b = Mix(1., mean_b_in_column, saturation);      const int r = common::RoundToInt(mix_r * 255.);      const int g = common::RoundToInt(mix_g * 255.);      const int b = common::RoundToInt(mix_b * 255.);      pixels[y * stride / 4 + x] = (255 << 24) | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;    }  }  // TODO(hrapp): cairo_image_surface_create_for_data does not take ownership of  // the data until the surface is finalized. Once it is finalized though,  // cairo_surface_write_to_png fails, complaining that the surface is already  // finalized. This makes it pretty hard to pass back ownership of the image to  // the caller.  cairo::UniqueSurfacePtr surface(      cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(          reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(, CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32,          mat.cols(), mat.rows(), stride),      cairo_surface_destroy);  CHECK_EQ(cairo_surface_status(surface.get()), CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS);  CHECK_EQ(cairo_surface_write_to_png_stream(surface.get(), &CairoWriteCallback,                                             file_writer),           CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS);  CHECK(file_writer->Close());}bool ContainedIn(const common::Time& time,                 const std::vector<mapping::Timespan>& timespans) {  for (const mapping::Timespan& timespan : timespans) {    if (timespan.start <= time && time <= timespan.end) {      return true;    }  }  return false;}}  // namespaceXRayPointsProcessor::XRayPointsProcessor(    const double voxel_size, const transform::Rigid3f& transform,    const std::vector<mapping::Floor>& floors, const string& output_filename,    FileWriterFactory file_writer_factory, PointsProcessor* const next)    : next_(next),      file_writer_factory_(file_writer_factory),      floors_(floors),      output_filename_(output_filename),      transform_(transform) {  for (size_t i = 0; i < (floors_.empty() ? 1 : floors.size()); ++i) {    aggregations_.emplace_back(        Aggregation{mapping_3d::HybridGridBase<bool>(voxel_size), {}});  }}std::unique_ptr<XRayPointsProcessor> XRayPointsProcessor::FromDictionary(    const mapping::proto::Trajectory& trajectory,    FileWriterFactory file_writer_factory,    common::LuaParameterDictionary* const dictionary,    PointsProcessor* const next) {  std::vector<mapping::Floor> floors;  if (dictionary->HasKey("separate_floors") &&      dictionary->GetBool("separate_floors")) {    floors = mapping::DetectFloors(trajectory);  }  return common::make_unique<XRayPointsProcessor>(      dictionary->GetDouble("voxel_size"),      transform::FromDictionary(dictionary->GetDictionary("transform").get())          .cast<float>(),      floors, dictionary->GetString("filename"), file_writer_factory, next);}void XRayPointsProcessor::WriteVoxels(const Aggregation& aggregation,                                      FileWriter* const file_writer) {  if (bounding_box_.isEmpty()) {    LOG(WARNING) << "Not writing output: bounding box is empty.";    return;  }  // Returns the (x, y) pixel of the given 'index'.  const auto voxel_index_to_pixel = [this](const Eigen::Array3i& index) {    // We flip the y axis, since matrices rows are counted from the top.    return Eigen::Array2i(bounding_box_.max()[1] - index[1],                          bounding_box_.max()[2] - index[2]);  };  // Hybrid grid uses X: forward, Y: left, Z: up.  // For the screen we are using. X: right, Y: up  const int xsize = bounding_box_.sizes()[1] + 1;  const int ysize = bounding_box_.sizes()[2] + 1;  PixelDataMatrix image = PixelDataMatrix(ysize, xsize);  for (mapping_3d::HybridGridBase<bool>::Iterator it(aggregation.voxels);       !it.Done(); it.Next()) {    const Eigen::Array3i cell_index = it.GetCellIndex();    const Eigen::Array2i pixel = voxel_index_to_pixel(cell_index);    PixelData& pixel_data = image(pixel.y(), pixel.x());    const auto& column_data =        std::make_pair(cell_index[1], cell_index[2]));    pixel_data.mean_r = column_data.sum_r / column_data.count;    pixel_data.mean_g = column_data.sum_g / column_data.count;    pixel_data.mean_b = column_data.sum_b / column_data.count;    ++pixel_data.num_occupied_cells_in_column;  }  WritePng(image, file_writer);}void XRayPointsProcessor::Insert(const PointsBatch& batch,                                 const transform::Rigid3f& transform,                                 Aggregation* const aggregation) {  constexpr Color kDefaultColor = {{0, 0, 0}};  for (size_t i = 0; i < batch.points.size(); ++i) {    const Eigen::Vector3f camera_point = transform * batch.points[i];    const Eigen::Array3i cell_index =        aggregation->voxels.GetCellIndex(camera_point);    *aggregation->voxels.mutable_value(cell_index) = true;    bounding_box_.extend(cell_index.matrix());    ColumnData& column_data =        aggregation->column_data[std::make_pair(cell_index[1], cell_index[2])];    const auto& color =        batch.colors.empty() ? kDefaultColor :;    column_data.sum_r += color[0];    column_data.sum_g += color[1];    column_data.sum_b += color[2];    ++column_data.count;  }}void XRayPointsProcessor::Process(std::unique_ptr<PointsBatch> batch) {  if (floors_.empty()) {    CHECK_EQ(aggregations_.size(), 1);    Insert(*batch, transform_, &aggregations_[0]);  } else {    for (size_t i = 0; i < floors_.size(); ++i) {      if (!ContainedIn(batch->time, floors_[i].timespans)) {        continue;      }      Insert(*batch, transform_, &aggregations_[i]);    }  }  next_->Process(std::move(batch));}PointsProcessor::FlushResult XRayPointsProcessor::Flush() {  if (floors_.empty()) {    CHECK_EQ(aggregations_.size(), 1);    WriteVoxels(aggregations_[0],                file_writer_factory_(output_filename_ + ".png").get());  } else {    for (size_t i = 0; i < floors_.size(); ++i) {      WriteVoxels(          aggregations_[i],          file_writer_factory_(output_filename_ + std::to_string(i) + ".png")              .get());    }  }  switch (next_->Flush()) {    case FlushResult::kRestartStream:      LOG(FATAL) << "X-Ray generation must be configured to occur after any "                    "stages that require multiple passes.";    case FlushResult::kFinished:      return FlushResult::kFinished;  }  LOG(FATAL);}}  // namespace io}  // namespace cartographer

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