cartographer源码分析(36)-io- outlier_removing_points_processor.h

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文件:coloring_points_processor.h#ifndef CARTOGRAPHER_IO_OUTLIER_REMOVING_POINTS_PROCESSOR_H_#define CARTOGRAPHER_IO_OUTLIER_REMOVING_POINTS_PROCESSOR_H_#include "cartographer/common/lua_parameter_dictionary.h"#include "cartographer/io/points_processor.h"#include "cartographer/mapping_3d/hybrid_grid.h"namespace cartographer {namespace io {/*OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor是PointsProcessor的第八个子类(8).OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor:作用:; 异常体素过滤器,Remove有移动痕迹的体素。只保留没有移动的体素数据成员:const double voxel_size_;PointsProcessor* const next_;State state_;mapping_3d::HybridGridBase<VoxelData> voxels_;*/// Voxel filters the data and only passes on points that we believe are on// non-moving objects.class OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor : public PointsProcessor { public:  constexpr static const char* kConfigurationFileActionName =      "voxel_filter_and_remove_moving_objects";  OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor(double voxel_size, PointsProcessor* next);  static std::unique_ptr<OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor> FromDictionary(      common::LuaParameterDictionary* dictionary, PointsProcessor* next);  ~OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor() override {}  OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor(const OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor&) =      delete;  OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor& operator=(      const OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor&) = delete;//删除移动的体素。  void Process(std::unique_ptr<PointsBatch> batch) override;  FlushResult Flush() override; private:  // To reduce memory consumption by not having to keep all rays in memory, we  // filter outliers in three phases each going over all data: First we compute  // all voxels containing any hits, then we compute the rays passing through  // each of these voxels, and finally we output all hits in voxels that are  // considered obstructed.  struct VoxelData {    int hits = 0;    int rays = 0;  };  enum class State {    kPhase1,    kPhase2,    kPhase3,  };  // First phase counts the number of hits per voxel.  void ProcessInPhaseOne(const PointsBatch& batch);  // Second phase counts how many rays pass through each voxel. This is only  // done for voxels that contain hits. This is to reduce memory consumption by  // not adding data to free voxels.  void ProcessInPhaseTwo(const PointsBatch& batch);  // Third phase produces the output containing all inliers. We consider each  // hit an inlier if it is inside a voxel that has a sufficiently high  // hit-to-ray ratio.  void ProcessInPhaseThree(std::unique_ptr<PointsBatch> batch);  const double voxel_size_; //体素大小  PointsProcessor* const next_;  State state_;  mapping_3d::HybridGridBase<VoxelData> voxels_; //包含多个体素的网格Grid。};}  // namespace io}  // namespace cartographer#endif  // CARTOGRAPHER_IO_OUTLIER_REMOVING_POINTS_PROCESSOR_H_ "cartographer/io/outlier_removing_points_processor.h"#include "cartographer/common/lua_parameter_dictionary.h"#include "cartographer/common/make_unique.h"#include "glog/logging.h"namespace cartographer {namespace io {/*VOXEL_SIZE = 5e-2*/std::unique_ptr<OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor>OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor::FromDictionary(    common::LuaParameterDictionary* const dictionary,    PointsProcessor* const next) {  return common::make_unique<OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor>(      dictionary->GetDouble("voxel_size"), next); //构造一个对象,返回一个智能指针}/*构造函数,传递一个 voxel_size 和  PointsProcessor* next*/OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor::OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor(    const double voxel_size, PointsProcessor* next)    : voxel_size_(voxel_size),      next_(next),      state_(State::kPhase1),      voxels_(voxel_size_) {  LOG(INFO) << "Marking hits...";}/*根据3个不同的state分别处理 points*/void OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor::Process(    std::unique_ptr<PointsBatch> points) {  switch (state_) {    case State::kPhase1:      ProcessInPhaseOne(*points);      break;    case State::kPhase2:      ProcessInPhaseTwo(*points);      break;    case State::kPhase3:      ProcessInPhaseThree(std::move(points));      break;  }}/*更新state,并返回 FlushResult结果*/PointsProcessor::FlushResult OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor::Flush() {  switch (state_) {    case State::kPhase1:      LOG(INFO) << "Counting rays...";      state_ = State::kPhase2;      return FlushResult::kRestartStream;    case State::kPhase2:      LOG(INFO) << "Filtering outliers...";      state_ = State::kPhase3;      return FlushResult::kRestartStream;    case State::kPhase3:      CHECK(next_->Flush() == FlushResult::kFinished)          << "Voxel filtering and outlier removal must be configured to occur "             "after any stages that require multiple passes.";             // multiple passes:多次传输。      return FlushResult::kFinished;  }  LOG(FATAL);}/*state 1,统计光线的数量。*/void OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor::ProcessInPhaseOne(    const PointsBatch& batch) {  for (size_t i = 0; i < batch.points.size(); ++i) {    ++voxels_.mutable_value(voxels_.GetCellIndex(batch.points[i]))->hits;  }}/**/void OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor::ProcessInPhaseTwo(    const PointsBatch& batch) {  // TODO(whess): This samples every 'voxel_size' distance and could be improved  // by better ray casting, and also by marking the hits of the current range  // data to be excluded.  for (size_t i = 0; i < batch.points.size(); ++i) {    const Eigen::Vector3f delta = batch.points[i] - batch.origin;    const float length = delta.norm();    for (float x = 0; x < length; x += voxel_size_) {      const auto index =          voxels_.GetCellIndex(batch.origin + (x / length) * delta);      if (voxels_.value(index).hits > 0) {        ++voxels_.mutable_value(index)->rays;      }    }  }}void OutlierRemovingPointsProcessor::ProcessInPhaseThree(    std::unique_ptr<PointsBatch> batch) {  constexpr double kMissPerHitLimit = 3;  std::vector<int> to_remove;  for (size_t i = 0; i < batch->points.size(); ++i) {    const auto voxel = voxels_.value(voxels_.GetCellIndex(batch->points[i]));    if (!(voxel.rays < kMissPerHitLimit * voxel.hits)) {      to_remove.push_back(i);    }  }  RemovePoints(to_remove, batch.get());  next_->Process(std::move(batch));}}  // namespace io}  // namespace cartographer

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