QQ小红点终极版 DragPointView

来源:互联网 发布:linux文件复制粘贴命令 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 09:08



















    <declare-styleable name="DragPointView">        <!--最大可拖拽距离-->        <attr name="maxDragLength" format="dimension"/>        <!--中心圆形半径-->        <attr name="centerCircleRadius" format="dimension"/>        <!--拖拽圆形半径-->        <attr name="dragCircleRadius" format="dimension"/>        <!--中心圆形变化最小比例-->        <attr name="centerMinRatio" format="float"/>        <!--恢复动画时长-->        <attr name="recoveryAnimDuration" format="integer"/>        <!--回弹系数-->        <attr name="recoveryAnimBounce" format="float"/>        <!--贝塞尔部分颜色-->        <attr name="colorStretching" format="color"/>        <!--标记-->        <attr name="sign" format="string"/>        <!--清理标记-->        <attr name="clearSign" format="string"/>        <!--是否可拖拽-->        <attr name="canDrag" format="boolean"/>    </declare-styleable>


public abstract class AbsDragPointView extends TextView{ ... }



    @Override    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {        if (!canDrag || ClearViewHelper.getInstance().isClearSigning(sign)                || (mRecoveryAnim != null && mRecoveryAnim.isRunning())                || (mRemoveAnim != null && mRemoveAnim.isRunning())) {            return super.onTouchEvent(event);        }        if (mRecoveryAnim == null || !mRecoveryAnim.isRunning()) {            switch (event.getAction()) {                case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:                    if(getParent() != null)                    getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);                    downX = event.getRawX();                    downY = event.getRawY();                    isInCircle = true;                    postInvalidate();                    break;                case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:                    float dx = (int) event.getRawX() - downX;                    float dy = (int) event.getRawY() - downY;                    mCenterCircle.x = mWidthHalf - dx;                    mCenterCircle.y = mHeightHalf - dy;                    mDistanceCircles = MathUtils.getDistance(mCenterCircle, mDragCircle);                    mIsDragOut = mIsDragOut ? mIsDragOut : mDistanceCircles > mMaxDragLength;                    setX(origX + dx);                    setY(origY + dy);                    postInvalidate();                    break;                case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:                case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:                    getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false);                    upX = getX();                    upY = getY();                    upAndCancelEvent();                    break;            }        }        return true;    }

控件层次,什么意思呢?咱们的整个布局,最终形成了一个view tree就像多叉树一样。每个控件位于某个层次就决定了它的展示范围,如果我们的控件处于某个父容器中,那么它的最大可显空间也就是父容器的空间。但是,咱们的需求是在全屏幕的任何位置都是可显的。

同样,这里我也想到了两个方案。第一个方案就是设置父容器设置clipChildren属性为true,这个方案缺陷很多,因为我实践过了。主要的问题:1.该控件的直接或者间接关系的所有父容器都需要设置 2.在ListView或者RecyclerView等列表控件中即时设置的clipChildren属性,控件的可显范围也只是其自身及以上的位置 3.无法拖拽到ActionBar,ToolBar以及状态栏位置。可想而知,这个idea pass了。




public abstract class AbsDragPointView extends TextView{    protected float mCenterRadius;    protected float mDragRadius;    protected float mCenterMinRatio;    protected float mRecoveryAnimBounce;    protected int mMaxDragLength;    protected int colorStretching;    protected int mRecoveryAnimDuration;    protected String sign;    protected String clearSign;    protected boolean canDrag;    protected PointViewAnimObject mRemoveAnim;    protected Interpolator mRecoveryAnimInterpolator;    protected OnPointDragListener mOnPointDragListener;    protected AbsDragPointView mNextRemoveView;    public AbsDragPointView(Context context) {        super(context);    }    public AbsDragPointView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {        super(context, attrs);    }    public AbsDragPointView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);    }    public PointViewAnimObject getRemoveAnim(){        return mRemoveAnim;    }    public AbsDragPointView setRemoveAnim(PointViewAnimObject removeAnim){        this.mRemoveAnim = removeAnim;        return this;    }    public AbsDragPointView setRemoveAnim(Animator mRemoveAnim) {        this.mRemoveAnim = new PointViewAnimObject(mRemoveAnim,this);        return this;    }    public AbsDragPointView setRemoveAnim(AnimationDrawable mRemoveAnim) {        this.mRemoveAnim = new PointViewAnimObject(mRemoveAnim,this);        return this;    }    public OnPointDragListener getOnPointDragListener() {        return mOnPointDragListener;    }    public String getClearSign() {        return clearSign;    }    public AbsDragPointView setClearSign(String clearSign) {        this.clearSign = clearSign;        return this;    }    public float getCenterRadius() {        return mCenterRadius;    }    public AbsDragPointView setCenterRadius(float mCenterRadius) {        this.mCenterRadius = mCenterRadius;        postInvalidate();        return this;    }    public float getDragRadius() {        return mDragRadius;    }    public AbsDragPointView setDragRadius(float mDragRadius) {        this.mDragRadius = mDragRadius;        postInvalidate();        return this;    }    public int getMaxDragLength() {        return mMaxDragLength;    }    public AbsDragPointView setMaxDragLength(int mMaxDragLength) {        this.mMaxDragLength = mMaxDragLength;        return this;    }    public float getCenterMinRatio() {        return mCenterMinRatio;    }    public AbsDragPointView setCenterMinRatio(float mCenterMinRatio) {        this.mCenterMinRatio = mCenterMinRatio;        postInvalidate();        return this;    }    public int getRecoveryAnimDuration() {        return mRecoveryAnimDuration;    }    public AbsDragPointView setRecoveryAnimDuration(int mRecoveryAnimDuration) {        this.mRecoveryAnimDuration = mRecoveryAnimDuration;        return this;    }    public float getRecoveryAnimBounce() {        return mRecoveryAnimBounce;    }    public AbsDragPointView setRecoveryAnimBounce(float mRecoveryAnimBounce) {        this.mRecoveryAnimBounce = mRecoveryAnimBounce;        return this;    }    public int getColorStretching() {        return colorStretching;    }    public AbsDragPointView setColorStretching(int colorStretching) {        this.colorStretching = colorStretching;        postInvalidate();        return this;    }    public String getSign() {        return sign;    }    public AbsDragPointView setSign(String sign) {        this.sign = sign;        return this;    }    public void setRecoveryAnimInterpolator(Interpolator mRecoveryAnimInterpolator) {        this.mRecoveryAnimInterpolator = mRecoveryAnimInterpolator;    }    public Interpolator getRecoveryAnimInterpolator() {        return mRecoveryAnimInterpolator;    }    public void clearRemoveAnim() {        this.mRemoveAnim = null;    }    public AbsDragPointView setOnPointDragListener(OnPointDragListener onDragListener) {        this.mOnPointDragListener = onDragListener;        return this;    }    public boolean isCanDrag() {        return canDrag;    }    public AbsDragPointView setCanDrag(boolean canDrag) {        this.canDrag = canDrag;        return this;    }    public AbsDragPointView getNextRemoveView() {        return mNextRemoveView;    }    public void setNextRemoveView(AbsDragPointView mNextRemoveView) {        this.mNextRemoveView = mNextRemoveView;    }    public abstract void reset();    public abstract void startRemove();}


public class DragPointView extends AbsDragPointView {    public static final float DEFAULT_CENTER_MIN_RATIO = 0.5f;    public static final int DEFAULT_RECOVERY_ANIM_DURATION = 200;    private DragViewHelper dragViewHelper;    public DragPointView(Context context) {        super(context);        init();    }    @Override    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {        super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);        int flowMaxRadius = Math.min(getMeasuredWidth() / 2, getMeasuredHeight() / 2);        mCenterRadius = mCenterRadius == 0 ? flowMaxRadius : Math.min(mCenterRadius, flowMaxRadius);        mDragRadius = mDragRadius == 0 ? flowMaxRadius : Math.min(mDragRadius, flowMaxRadius);        mMaxDragLength = mMaxDragLength == 0 ? flowMaxRadius * 10 : mMaxDragLength;    }    public DragPointView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {        this(context, attrs, 0);    }    public DragPointView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);        TypedArray array = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.DragPointView, defStyleAttr, 0);        mMaxDragLength = array.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.                DragPointView_maxDragLength, MathUtils.dip2px(context, 0));        mCenterRadius = array.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.DragPointView_centerCircleRadius, 0);        mDragRadius = array.getDimensionPixelSize(R.styleable.DragPointView_centerCircleRadius, 0);        mCenterMinRatio = array.getFloat(R.styleable.DragPointView_centerMinRatio, DEFAULT_CENTER_MIN_RATIO);        mRecoveryAnimDuration = array.getInt(R.styleable.                DragPointView_recoveryAnimDuration, DEFAULT_RECOVERY_ANIM_DURATION);        colorStretching = array.getColor(R.styleable.DragPointView_colorStretching, 0);        mRecoveryAnimBounce = array.getFloat(R.styleable.DragPointView_recoveryAnimBounce, 0f);        sign = array.getString(R.styleable.DragPointView_sign);        clearSign = array.getString(R.styleable.DragPointView_clearSign);        canDrag = array.getBoolean(R.styleable.DragPointView_canDrag, true);        init();    }    @Override    public void startRemove() {        dragViewHelper.startRemove();    }    private void init() {        dragViewHelper = new DragViewHelper(getContext(),this);    }    @Override    public void reset() {    }}


public interface OnPointDragListener {    void onRemoveStart(AbsDragPointView view);    void onRemoveEnd(AbsDragPointView view);    void onRecovery(AbsDragPointView view);}


* Sets the visual x position of this view, in pixels. This is equivalent to setting the
* {@link #setTranslationX(float) translationX} property to be the difference between
* the x value passed in and the current {@link #getLeft() left} property.
* @param x The visual x position of this view, in pixels.
public void setX(float x) {
setTranslationX(x - mLeft);

class DragPointViewWindow extends AbsDragPointView implements ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener, Animator.AnimatorListener {    private DragPointView origView;    private Bitmap origBitmap;    private Paint mPaint;    private Path mPath;    protected int mWidthHalf, mHeightHalf;    private float mRatioRadius;    private int mMaxRadiusTrebling;    private boolean isInCircle;    private float downX, downY;    private PointF[] mDragTangentPoint;    private PointF[] mCenterTangentPoint;    private PointF mCenterCircle;    private PointF mCenterCircleCopy;    private PointF mDragCircle;    private PointF mDragCircleCopy;    private double mDistanceCircles;    private PointF mControlPoint;    private boolean mIsDragOut;    private ValueAnimator mRecoveryAnim;    private float origX, origY, upX, upY;    public void setOrigBitmap(Bitmap origBitmap) {        this.origBitmap = origBitmap;    }    public String getClearSign() {        return clearSign;    }    public DragPointViewWindow setClearSign(String clearSign) {        this.clearSign = clearSign;        return this;    }    public DragPointViewWindow setCenterRadius(float mCenterRadius) {        this.mCenterRadius = mCenterRadius;        return this;    }    public DragPointViewWindow setDragRadius(float mDragRadius) {        this.mDragRadius = mDragRadius;        return this;    }    public DragPointViewWindow(Context context) {        super(context);        init();    }    public DragPointViewWindow(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {        this(context, attrs, 0);    }    public DragPointViewWindow(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);        init();    }    @Override    protected void onSizeChanged(int w, int h, int oldw, int oldh) {        super.onSizeChanged(w, h, oldw, oldh);        mCenterCircle.x = mDragCircle.x = mWidthHalf = getMeasuredWidth() / 2;        mCenterCircle.y = mDragCircle.y = mHeightHalf = getMeasuredHeight() / 2;        int flowMaxRadius = Math.min(mWidthHalf, mHeightHalf);        mMaxRadiusTrebling = flowMaxRadius * 3;        origX = getX();        origY = getY();    }    private void init() {        mPath = new Path();        mPaint = new Paint();        mPaint.setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL);        mPaint.setTextSize(18f);        mPaint.setColor(colorStretching);        mPaint.setAntiAlias(true);        mPaint.setDither(true);        mDragTangentPoint = new PointF[2];        mCenterTangentPoint = new PointF[2];        mControlPoint = new PointF();        mCenterCircle = new PointF();        mCenterCircleCopy = new PointF();        mDragCircle = new PointF();        mDragCircleCopy = new PointF();    }    @Override    protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {        if (getBackground() != null)            return;        drawCenterCircle(canvas);        if (isInCircle) {            drawBezierLine(canvas);            drawOriginBitmap(canvas);        }    }    private void drawOriginBitmap(Canvas canvas) {        if (origBitmap != null && !origBitmap.isRecycled())            canvas.drawBitmap(origBitmap, 0, 0, mPaint);    }    private void drawCenterCircle(Canvas canvas) {        if (mIsDragOut || !isInCircle) return;        mPaint.setColor(colorStretching);        mRatioRadius = Math.min(mCenterRadius, Math.min(mWidthHalf, mHeightHalf));        if (isInCircle && Math.abs(mCenterMinRatio) < 1.f) {            mRatioRadius = (float) (Math.max((mMaxDragLength - mDistanceCircles) * 1.f / mMaxDragLength, Math.abs(mCenterMinRatio)) * mCenterRadius);            mRatioRadius = Math.min(mRatioRadius, Math.min(mWidthHalf, mHeightHalf));        }        canvas.drawCircle(mCenterCircle.x, mCenterCircle.y, mRatioRadius, mPaint);    }    public void setOrigView(DragPointView origView) {        this.origView = origView;    }    private void drawBezierLine(Canvas canvas) {        if (mIsDragOut) return;        mPaint.setColor(colorStretching);        float dx = mDragCircle.x - mCenterCircle.x;        float dy = mDragCircle.y - mCenterCircle.y;        // 控制点        mControlPoint.set((mDragCircle.x + mCenterCircle.x) / 2,                (mDragCircle.y + mCenterCircle.y) / 2);        // 四个切点        if (dx != 0) {            float k1 = dy / dx;            float k2 = -1 / k1;            mDragTangentPoint = MathUtils.getIntersectionPoints(                    mDragCircle.x, mDragCircle.y, mDragRadius, (double) k2);            mCenterTangentPoint = MathUtils.getIntersectionPoints(                    mCenterCircle.x, mCenterCircle.y, mRatioRadius, (double) k2);        } else {            mDragTangentPoint = MathUtils.getIntersectionPoints(                    mDragCircle.x, mDragCircle.y, mDragRadius, (double) 0);            mCenterTangentPoint = MathUtils.getIntersectionPoints(                    mCenterCircle.x, mCenterCircle.y, mRatioRadius, (double) 0);        }        // 路径构建        mPath.reset();        mPath.moveTo(mCenterTangentPoint[0].x, mCenterTangentPoint[0].y);        mPath.quadTo(mControlPoint.x, mControlPoint.y, mDragTangentPoint[0].x, mDragTangentPoint[0].y);        mPath.lineTo(mDragTangentPoint[1].x, mDragTangentPoint[1].y);        mPath.quadTo(mControlPoint.x, mControlPoint.y,                mCenterTangentPoint[1].x, mCenterTangentPoint[1].y);        mPath.close();        canvas.drawPath(mPath, mPaint);    }    @Override    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {        if (!canDrag || ClearViewHelper.getInstance().isClearSigning(sign)                || (mRecoveryAnim != null && mRecoveryAnim.isRunning())                || (mRemoveAnim != null && mRemoveAnim.isRunning())) {            return super.onTouchEvent(event);        }        if (mRecoveryAnim == null || !mRecoveryAnim.isRunning()) {            switch (event.getAction()) {                case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:                    if(getParent() != null)                    getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(true);                    downX = event.getRawX();                    downY = event.getRawY();                    isInCircle = true;                    postInvalidate();                    break;                case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:                    float dx = (int) event.getRawX() - downX;                    float dy = (int) event.getRawY() - downY;                    mCenterCircle.x = mWidthHalf - dx;                    mCenterCircle.y = mHeightHalf - dy;                    mDistanceCircles = MathUtils.getDistance(mCenterCircle, mDragCircle);                    mIsDragOut = mIsDragOut ? mIsDragOut : mDistanceCircles > mMaxDragLength;                    setX(origX + dx);                    setY(origY + dy);                    postInvalidate();                    break;                case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP:                case MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL:                    getParent().requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false);                    upX = getX();                    upY = getY();                    upAndCancelEvent();                    break;            }        }        return true;    }    private void upAndCancelEvent() {        if (isInCircle && mDistanceCircles == 0) {            reset();            if (mOnPointDragListener != null) {                mOnPointDragListener.onRecovery(this);            }        } else if (!mIsDragOut) {            mCenterCircleCopy.set(mCenterCircle.x, mCenterCircle.y);            mDragCircleCopy.set(mDragCircle.x, mDragCircle.y);            if (mRecoveryAnim == null) {                mRecoveryAnim = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(1.f, -Math.abs(mRecoveryAnimBounce));                mRecoveryAnim.setDuration(mRecoveryAnimDuration);                mRecoveryAnim.addUpdateListener(this);                mRecoveryAnim.addListener(this);            }            if (mRecoveryAnimInterpolator != null)                mRecoveryAnim.setInterpolator(mRecoveryAnimInterpolator);            mRecoveryAnim.start();        } else {            if (mDistanceCircles <= mMaxRadiusTrebling) {                reset();                if (mOnPointDragListener != null) {                    mOnPointDragListener.onRecovery(this);                }            } else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(clearSign)) {                ClearViewHelper.getInstance().clearPointViewBySign(origView, clearSign);            } else {                startRemove();            }        }    }    @Override    public void startRemove() {        if (mRemoveAnim == null) {            setVisibility(GONE);            if (mNextRemoveView != null)                mNextRemoveView.startRemove();            if (mOnPointDragListener != null) {                mOnPointDragListener.onRemoveStart(this);                mOnPointDragListener.onRemoveEnd(this);            }        } else {            mRemoveAnim.start(mOnPointDragListener);        }    }    @Override    protected void onDetachedFromWindow() {        super.onDetachedFromWindow();        if (mRecoveryAnim != null && mRecoveryAnim.isRunning()) {            mRecoveryAnim.cancel();        }        if (mRemoveAnim != null) {            mRemoveAnim.cancel();        }    }    @Override    public void reset() {        mIsDragOut = false;        isInCircle = false;        mDragCircle.x = mCenterCircle.x = mWidthHalf;        mDragCircle.y = mCenterCircle.y = mHeightHalf;        mDistanceCircles = 0;        setTranslationX(0);        setTranslationY(0);        origX = getX();        origY = getY();        postInvalidate();    }    @Override    public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) {        float value = (float) valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue();        float dx = (origX - upX);        float dy = (origY - upY);        mCenterCircle.x = dx * value + mWidthHalf;        mCenterCircle.y = dy * value + mHeightHalf;        setX(upX + dx * (1 - value));        setY(upY + dy * (1 - value));        postInvalidate();    }    @Override    public void onAnimationStart(Animator animator) {    }    @Override    public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) {        reset();        if (mOnPointDragListener != null) {            mOnPointDragListener.onRecovery(this);        }    }    @Override    public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animator) {    }    @Override    public void onAnimationRepeat(Animator animator) {    }}



private Context context;    private FrameLayout container;    private DragPointView originView;    private DragPointViewWindow windowView;    private OnPointDragListener onPointDragListener;    private Runnable animRunnable;    private WindowManager windowManager;    private WindowManager.LayoutParams windowParams;    private FrameLayout.LayoutParams layoutParams;    public DragViewHelper(Context context, final DragPointView originView) {        this.context = context;        this.originView = originView;        this.originView.setOnTouchListener(this);        animRunnable = new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                windowView.startRemove();            }        };    }    public void addViewToWindow() {        if (windowManager == null) {            windowManager = (WindowManager) context.getSystemService(Context.WINDOW_SERVICE);        }        if (windowView == null) {            createWindowView();        }        if (windowParams == null ||                layoutParams == null) {            initParams();        }        if (container == null) {            container = new FrameLayout(context);            container.setClipChildren(false);            container.setClipToPadding(false);            windowView.setLayoutParams(layoutParams);            container.addView(windowView, layoutParams);        }        int[] ps = new int[2];        originView.getLocationInWindow(ps);        layoutParams.setMargins(ps[0], ps[1], 0, 0);        layoutParams.width = originView.getWidth();        layoutParams.height = originView.getHeight();        windowView.setOrigView(originView);        originView.setDrawingCacheEnabled(true);        Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(originView.getDrawingCache());        originView.setDrawingCacheEnabled(false);        windowView.setOrigBitmap(bitmap);        onPointDragListener = originView.getOnPointDragListener();        windowView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        if(container.getParent() != null)            windowManager.removeView(container);        windowManager.addView(container, windowParams);        originView.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);    }    private void createWindowView() {        windowView = new DragPointViewWindow(context);        windowView.setCanDrag(originView.isCanDrag());        windowView.setCenterMinRatio(originView.getCenterMinRatio());        windowView.setCenterRadius(originView.getCenterRadius());        windowView.setColorStretching(originView.getColorStretching());        windowView.setDragRadius(originView.getDragRadius());        windowView.setClearSign(originView.getClearSign());        windowView.setSign(originView.getSign());        windowView.setMaxDragLength(originView.getMaxDragLength());        windowView.setRecoveryAnimBounce(originView.getRecoveryAnimBounce());        windowView.setRecoveryAnimDuration(originView.getRecoveryAnimDuration());        windowView.setRecoveryAnimInterpolator(originView.getRecoveryAnimInterpolator());        if (originView.getRemoveAnim() != null)            windowView.setRemoveAnim(originView.getRemoveAnim().setView(windowView));        windowView.setOnPointDragListener(this);    }


    @Override    public void onRemoveStart(AbsDragPointView view) {        if (onPointDragListener != null) {            onPointDragListener.onRemoveStart(originView);        }    }    @Override    public void onRemoveEnd(AbsDragPointView view) {        if (windowManager != null && container != null) {            windowManager.removeView(container);        }        if (onPointDragListener != null) {            onPointDragListener.onRemoveEnd(originView);        }        if (originView != null) {            originView.setVisibility(View.GONE);        }    }    @Override    public void onRecovery(AbsDragPointView view) {        if (windowManager != null && container != null) {            windowManager.removeView(container);        }        if (originView != null) {            originView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        }        if (onPointDragListener != null) {            onPointDragListener.onRecovery(originView);        }    }

在写Helper的时候有个小问题,就是windowParams.type = WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_TOAST;为什么用TYPE_TOAST而不是其他的呢?这里涉及到android 6.0 SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW 权限验证的问题,使用TYPE_TOAST可以巧妙避开校验

OK,最后来说说连带效果的实现。首先,上述中我定义的两个属性:sign与clearSign。sign作为某个控件的特殊标记,标记所属类别。而clearSign标记当自身清除时候要连带清除哪个类别的控件。这里我同样写了clear helper类来实现

public class ClearViewHelper {    private void ClearViewHelper(){}    public static ClearViewHelper getInstance(){        return ClearViewHelperHolder.clearViewHelper;    }    private SparseArray<Boolean> clearSigning = new SparseArray<>();    public void clearPointViewBySign(AbsDragPointView dragPointView, String clearSign) {        List<AbsDragPointView> list = new ArrayList<>();        list.add(dragPointView);        getAllPointViewVisible(dragPointView.getRootView(), list, clearSign);        if (list.contains(dragPointView))            list.remove(dragPointView);        list.add(0, dragPointView);        for (int i = 0; i < list.size() - 1; i++) {            list.get(i).setNextRemoveView(list.get(i + 1));        }        clearSigning.put(clearSign.hashCode(), true);        list.get(0).startRemove();    }    public void clearSignOver(String clearSign) {        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(clearSign)) return;        clearSigning.put(clearSign.hashCode(), false);    }    public boolean isClearSigning(String clearSign) {        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(clearSign)) return false;        Boolean clear = clearSigning.get(clearSign.hashCode());        return clear == null ? false : clear.booleanValue();    }    private void getAllPointViewVisible(View view, List<AbsDragPointView> list, String clearSign) {        if (view instanceof ViewGroup) {            for (int i = 0; i < ((ViewGroup) view).getChildCount(); i++) {                View child = ((ViewGroup) view).getChildAt(i);                getAllPointViewVisible(child, list, clearSign);            }        } else if (view instanceof AbsDragPointView) {            AbsDragPointView v = (AbsDragPointView) view;            if (v.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE                    && clearSign.equals(v.getSign())                    && !list.contains(view))                list.add((AbsDragPointView) view);        }    }    private static class ClearViewHelperHolder{        public static ClearViewHelper clearViewHelper = new ClearViewHelper();    }}

ClearViewHelper 是个单例实现,在DragPointViewWindow中UP/CANCEL事件产生后,调用upAndCancelEvent()方法

    private void upAndCancelEvent() {        if (isInCircle && mDistanceCircles == 0) {            reset();            if (mOnPointDragListener != null) {                mOnPointDragListener.onRecovery(this);            }        } else if (!mIsDragOut) {            mCenterCircleCopy.set(mCenterCircle.x, mCenterCircle.y);            mDragCircleCopy.set(mDragCircle.x, mDragCircle.y);            if (mRecoveryAnim == null) {                mRecoveryAnim = ValueAnimator.ofFloat(1.f, -Math.abs(mRecoveryAnimBounce));                mRecoveryAnim.setDuration(mRecoveryAnimDuration);                mRecoveryAnim.addUpdateListener(this);                mRecoveryAnim.addListener(this);            }            if (mRecoveryAnimInterpolator != null)                mRecoveryAnim.setInterpolator(mRecoveryAnimInterpolator);            mRecoveryAnim.start();        } else {            if (mDistanceCircles <= mMaxRadiusTrebling) {                reset();                if (mOnPointDragListener != null) {                    mOnPointDragListener.onRecovery(this);                }            } else if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(clearSign)) {                ClearViewHelper.getInstance().clearPointViewBySign(origView, clearSign);            } else {                startRemove();            }        }    }

在clearPointViewBySign方法中首先调用getAllPointViewVisible方法找到view tree中所有可见的并且是执行sign的DrawPointView,并将自身放于首位,依次执行消除动画list.get(0).startRemove();

    @Override    public void startRemove() {        if (mRemoveAnim == null) {            setVisibility(GONE);            if (mNextRemoveView != null)                mNextRemoveView.startRemove();            if (mOnPointDragListener != null) {                mOnPointDragListener.onRemoveStart(this);                mOnPointDragListener.onRemoveEnd(this);            }        } else {            mRemoveAnim.start(mOnPointDragListener);        }    }


public class PointViewAnimObject {    private Object object;    private AbsDragPointView view;    private Drawable background;    public PointViewAnimObject setView(AbsDragPointView view) {        this.view = view;        return this;    }    public PointViewAnimObject(Object object, AbsDragPointView view) {        this.object = object;        this.view = view;    }    public void start(OnPointDragListener removeListener) {        if (object == null)            throw new RuntimeException("remove anim is null.");        if (removeListener != null)            removeListener.onRemoveStart(view);        view.setPivotX(view.getWidth() / 2);        view.setPivotY(view.getHeight() / 2);        if (object instanceof AnimationDrawable) {            background = view.getBackground();            start((AnimationDrawable) object, removeListener);        } else if (object instanceof Animator) {            start((Animator) object, removeListener);        } else if (object instanceof Animation) {            start((Animation) object, removeListener);        }    }    private void start(AnimationDrawable object, final OnPointDragListener removeListener) {        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {            int duration = 0;            for (int i = 0; i < object.getNumberOfFrames(); i++) {                duration += object.getDuration(i);            }            view.postDelayed(new Runnable() {                @Override                public void run() {                    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN) {                        view.setBackground(background);                    }                    end(removeListener);                }            }, duration + 5);            view.setText("");            int drawableL = (view.getWidth() + view.getHeight()) / 2;            ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp = view.getLayoutParams();            lp.height = lp.width = drawableL;            view.setLayoutParams(lp);            view.setBackground(object);            if (object.isRunning())                object.stop();            object.start();        } else {            end(removeListener);        }    }    private void start(Animator object, final OnPointDragListener removeListener) {        view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE);        Animator copy = object.clone();        copy.setTarget(view);        copy.removeAllListeners();        copy.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() {            @Override            public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) {                animation.removeListener(this);                end(removeListener);            }        });        copy.start();    }    private void start(Animation object, final OnPointDragListener removeListener) {        long duration = object.getDuration();        object.cancel();        view.startAnimation(object);        view.postDelayed(new Runnable() {            @Override            public void run() {                view.clearAnimation();                end(removeListener);            }        }, duration);    }    private void end(OnPointDragListener listener) {        view.setVisibility(View.INVISIBLE);        view.reset();        if (listener != null)            listener.onRemoveEnd(view);        AbsDragPointView nextRemoveView = view.getNextRemoveView();        if (nextRemoveView != null) {            view.setNextRemoveView(null);            nextRemoveView.startRemove();        } else {            ClearViewHelper.getInstance().clearSignOver(view.getSign());        }    }    public void cancel() {        if (object == null)            throw new RuntimeException("remove anim is null.");        if (object instanceof AnimationDrawable) {            ((AnimationDrawable) object).stop();        } else if (object instanceof Animator) {            ((Animator) object).cancel();        } else if (object instanceof Animation) {            ((Animation) object).cancel();        }    }    public boolean isRunning() {        if (object == null)            return false;        if (object instanceof AnimationDrawable) {            return ((AnimationDrawable) object).isRunning();        } else if (object instanceof Animator) {            return ((Animator) object).isRunning();        } else if (object instanceof Animation) {            if (((Animation) object).hasStarted()) {                return !((Animation) object).hasEnded();            } else {                return false;            }        }        return false;    }}


这里写图片描述 这里写图片描述 这里写图片描述



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