
来源:互联网 发布:淘宝店充值话费充错了 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/16 17:49


create table table1( id varchar(300) primary key, name varchar(200) not null);

insert into table1 (id,name) values (‘aa’,’bb’);

update table1 set id = ‘bb’ where id=’cc’;

delete from table1 where id =’cc’;

drop table table1;

alter table table1 rename to table2;

insert into table1 (select * from table2);

create table table1 select * from table2 where 1>1;

create table table1 select * from table2;

create table table1 as select id, name from table2 where 1>1;

select id,name (case gender when 0 then ‘男’ when 1 then ‘女’ end ) gender from table1


select abs(-2) value from dual; –(2)

select ceil(-2.001) value from dual; –(-2)

select floor(-2.001) value from dual; –(-3)

select trunc(-2.001) value from dual; – (-2)

select round(1.234564,4) value from dual; –(1.2346)

select power(4,2) value from dual; –(16)

select sqrt(16) value from dual; –(4)

select dbms_random.value() from dual; (默认是0到1之间)
 select dbms_random.value(2,4) value from dual; (2-4之间随机数)

  select sign(-3) value from dual; –(-1)
  select sign(3) value from dual; –(1)

select greatest(-1,3,5,7,9) value from dual; –(9)

select least(-1,3,5,7,9) value from dual; –(-1)

select nvl(null,10) value from dual; –(10)
select nvl(score,10) score from student;


rownum小于某个数时可以直接作为查询条件(注意oracle不支持select top)
select * from student where rownum <3;

select * from(select rownum rn ,id,name from student) where rn>2;
select * from (select rownum rn, student.* from student) where rn >3;

select * from (select rownum rn, student.* from student) where rn >3 and rn<6;

select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRUVER d order by drivernumber)t )p where p.rn<10;

select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t )p where p.rn<9 and p.rn>6;

select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t where rownum<9 )p where p.rn>6;–效率远高于方式一


1. 不排序

select * from (select rownum rn, d.* from DJDRIVER d )p where p.rn<=20 and p.rn>=10;

select * from (select rownum rn, d.* from DJDRIVER d )p where p.rn between 10 and 20;


select * from (select rownum rn, d.* from DJDRIVER d where rownum<=20 )p where p.rn>=10;

2. 排序

select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t )p where p.rn<=20 and p.rn>=10;

select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t )p where p.rn between 10 and 20;


select * from (select rownum rn, t.* from ( select d.* from DJDRIVER d order by DJDRIVER_DRIVERTIMES)t where rownum<=20 )p where p.rn>=10;



select substr(‘abcdefg’,1,5)substr, –字符串截取
instr(‘abcdefg’,’bc’) instr, –查找子串

   'Hello'||'World' concat,                         --连接   trim('  wish  ') trim,                           --去前后空格   rtrim('wish  ') rtrim,                           --去后面空格   ltrim('  wish') ltrim,                           --去前面空格   trim(leading 'w' from 'wish') deleteprefix,      --去前缀   trim(trailing 'h' from 'wish') deletetrailing,   --去后缀   trim('w' from 'wish') trim1,   ascii('A') A1,    ascii('a') A2,                                   --ascii(转换为对应的十进制数)   chr(65) C1,    chr(97) C2,                                      --chr(十进制转对应字符)   length('abcdefg') len,                           --length    lower('WISH')lower,    upper('wish')upper,    initcap('wish')initcap,                            --大小写变换   replace('wish1','1','youhappy') replace,           --替换   translate('wish1','1','y')translate,               --转换,对应一位(前面的位数大于等于后面的位数)   translate('wish1','sh1','hy')translate1,   concat('11','22') concat                     --连接

from dual;



select to_number(‘0123’)number1, –converts a string to number
trunc(to_number(‘0123.123’),2) number2,
to_number(‘120.11’,’999.99’) number3,
    to_number(‘0a’,’xx’) number4, –converts a hex number to decimal
to_number(100000,’xxxxxx’) number5

from dual;



  1. count
    –count (distinct|all)
    select count(1) as count from student;–效率最高
    select count(*) as count from student;
    select count(distinct score) from student;

  2. avg
    –avg (distinct|all)
    select avg(score) score from student;
    select avg(distinct score) from student;
    select classno,avg(score) score from student group by classno;

  3. max
    –max (distinct|all)
    select max(score) from student;
    select classno, max(score) score from student group by classno;
  4. min
    –min (distinct|all)
    select min(score) from student;
    select classno, min(score) score from student group by classno;
  5. stddev(standard deviation)标准差
    select stddev(score) from student;
    select classno, stddev(score) score from student group by classno;
  6. sum
    select sum(score) from student;
    select classno, sum(score) score from student group by classno;
  7. median–中位数
    select median(score) from student;
    select classno, median(score) score from student group by classno;