
来源:互联网 发布:软件社区 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:49


  procedure fibonacci_output(p_limit number) is    i    number := 0;    t    number := 1;    temp number := 1;  begin    dbms_output.put_line(i);    while temp < p_limit loop      dbms_output.put_line(temp);      temp := i + t;      i    := t;      t    := temp;    end loop;  end;

–2. 输入一个日期,计算该日期在该年内第几天

  Procedure date_num(p_date varchar2) is    first_day date;    n         number := 0;  begin    first_day := TRUNC(to_date(p_date,'yyyy-mm-dd'), 'YEAR');    n         := to_date(p_date,'yyyy-mm-dd') - first_day + 1;    dbms_output.put_line('the date is the ' || n || 'th day of the year');  end;

–3. 个人所得税计算:个人所得税分段计算,具体分段如下:
/*0-3500 免征税
3501-4500 10%
4501-9000 20%
9000以上 25%

  function tax_calc(p_salary number) return number is    tax_sum number;  begin    if p_salary > 0 and p_salary < 3500 then      tax_sum := 0;    elsif p_salary > 3501 and p_salary < 4500 then      tax_sum := (p_salary-3500) * 0.1;    elsif p_salary > 4501 and p_salary < 9000 then      tax_sum := 1000*0.1+(p_salary-4500) * 0.2;    elsif p_salary >= 9000 then      tax_sum := 1000*0.1+4500*0.2+(p_salary-9000) * 0.25;    end if;    dbms_output.put_line('the tax you should pay is : ' || tax_sum);    return tax_sum;  end;
  1. A/B/C三种物品的价格分别为p_a_price,p_b_price,p_c_price,总金额为p_total,计算A/B/C数量(整数)分别为多少,
  procedure  quantity_calc(p_a_price in number,p_b_price in number,p_c_price in number,p_total in number,                    x_a_quantity out number,x_b_quantity out number, x_c_quantity out number ) is  i number:=0;  j number:=0;  t number:=0;  begin        for i in 0..trunc(p_total/p_a_price,0) loop           for j in 0..trunc(p_total/p_b_price,0) loop               for t in 0..trunc(p_total/p_c_price,0) loop                   if(i*p_a_price+j*p_b_price+t*p_c_price)=p_total then                         x_a_quantity:=i;                        x_b_quantity:=j;                        x_c_quantity:=t;                    end if;               end loop;            end loop;         end loop;    end;

–1. 创建一个过程,给所有成绩低于该课程平均分的男生加2分,女生加3分,加完分后,如果超过100分,

  Procedure update_score is    CURSOR cur_core IS      select hsc.student_no, hs.student_name, hs.student_gender, hsc.core        from (SELECT hsc.course_no, avg(hsc.core) AVG_C                FROM hand_student_core hsc               group by (hsc.course_no)) H,             hand_student hs,             hand_student_core hsc       where hsc.core < H.AVG_C         and hsc.course_no = H.course_no         AND hsc.student_no = hs.student_no         FOR UPDATE OF hsc.core;  --TYPE core_ind IS TABLE OF cur_core INDEX BY hand_student_core.student_no%TYPE;     begin    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line('学生编号  学生姓名');    for rec_core in cur_core loop      if (rec_core.core + 2) > 60 and rec_core.student_gender = '男' then        UPDATE hand_student_core hsc           SET hsc.core = rec_core.core + 2         WHERE CURRENT OF cur_core;      elsif (rec_core.core + 3) > 60 and rec_core.student_gender = '女' then        UPDATE hand_student_core hsc           SET hsc.core = rec_core.core + 3         WHERE CURRENT OF cur_core;      elsif ((rec_core.core + 2) > 100 and rec_core.student_gender = '男') OR            ((rec_core.core + 3) < 100 and rec_core.student_gender = '女') then        UPDATE hand_student_core hsc           SET hsc.core = 100         WHERE CURRENT OF cur_core;      elsif ((rec_core.core + 2) < 60 and rec_core.student_gender = '男') OR            ((rec_core.core + 3) < 60 and rec_core.student_gender = '女') THEN            --core_ind(rec_core.student_no).student_no=rec_core.student_no;            --core_ind(rec_core.student_no).student_name= rec_core.student_name;             DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line(rec_core.student_no || '  ' ||rec_core.student_name);        --如何按学号顺序实现,没头绪。。      END IF;    END LOOP;   commit;--没提交上去,好奇怪。。  EXCEPTION    WHEN OTHERS THEN      ROLLBACK;  END;

–2. 写一个procedure,对学分小于6分的补课程,

  procedure student_score is    cursor course_to_learn is      select h.student_no, sum(h.c) sum_c        from (select hsc.student_no,                     hsc.course_no,                     case                       when hsc.core between 60 and 69 then                        1                       when hsc.core between 70 and 79 then                        2                       when hsc.core > 80 then                        3                       when hsc.core < 60 then                        0                     end c                from hand_student_core hsc) h       group by (h.student_no);    need_core number;    cursor c_minus(s varchar2) is      select TA.course_no        from ((select hc.course_no from hand_course hc) minus              (select hsc.course_no                 from hand_student_core hsc                where hsc.student_no = s)) TA;    i number;  begin    for rec in course_to_learn loop      if rec.sum_c < 6 then        need_core := 6 - rec.sum_c;        need_core := ceil(need_core / 3);        dbms_output.put_line('学生学号:' || rec.student_no);        dbms_output.put_line('需要修的课程数:' || need_core);        dbms_output.put_line('可选修课程如下:' || need_core);        i := 0;        FOR minu_c in c_minus(rec.student_no) loop          i := i + 1;          dbms_output.put_line(minu_c.course_no);          exit when i = need_core;        end loop;      end if;    end loop;  end;