
来源:互联网 发布:centos broadcom 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 11:16
  1. 首先通过pip install builtwith安装builtwith
C:\Users\Administrator>pip install builtwith  Collecting builtwith    Downloading builtwith-1.3.2.tar.gz  Installing collected packages: builtwith    Running install for builtwith ... done  Successfully installed builtwith-1.3.2
  1. 在pycharm中新建工程并输入下面测试代码
import builtwith  tech_used = builtwith.parse('')  print(tech_used)  


C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\python.exe F:/python/first/FirstPy  Traceback (most recent call last):    File "F:/python/first/FirstPy", line 1, in <module>      import builtwith    File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\builtwith\", line 43      except Exception, e:                      ^  SyntaxError: invalid syntax  Process finished with exit code 1

1. Python2中的 “Exception ,e”的写法已经不支持,需要修改为“Exception as e”。
2. Python2中print后的表达式在Python3中都需要用括号括起来(只要加括号不用修改其他的东西)。
3. builtwith中使用的是Python2中的urllib2工具包,这个工具包在Python3中是不存在的,需要修改urllib2相关的代码。
首先将import urllib2替换为下面的代码:

import urllib.request  import urllib.error  


C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\python.exe F:/python/first/FirstPy  Traceback (most recent call last):    File "F:/python/first/FirstPy", line 3, in <module>      builtwith.parse('')    File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\builtwith\", line 62, in builtwith      if contains(html, snippet):    File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\builtwith\", line 105, in contains      return re.compile(regex.split('\\;')[0], flags=re.IGNORECASE).search(v)  TypeError: cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object  Process finished with exit code 1  


if html is None:      html =  修改为-》if html is None:       html =       html = html.decode('utf-8')  

但是如果把网站换成 ‘’,运行再次报错如下:

C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\python.exe F:/python/first/FirstPy  Error: 'utf-8' codec can't decode byte 0xcd in position 500: invalid continuation byte  Traceback (most recent call last):    File "F:/python/first/FirstPy", line 2, in <module>      tech_used = builtwith.parse('')    File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\builtwith\", line 63, in builtwith      if contains(html, snippet):    File "C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python36\lib\site-packages\builtwith\", line 106, in contains      return re.compile(regex.split('\\;')[0], flags=re.IGNORECASE).search(v)  TypeError: cannot use a string pattern on a bytes-like object  Process finished with exit code 1  


C:\Users\Administrator>pip install chardet  Collecting chardet    Downloading chardet-2.3.0-py2.py3-none-any.whl (180kB)      100% |████████████████████████████████| 184kB 616kB/s  Installing collected packages: chardet  Successfully installed chardet-2.3.0  C:\Users\Administrator>  

将builtwith对应的代码做下面修改,记得 import chardet!!!!:

encode_type = chardet.detect(html)      if encode_type['encoding'] == 'utf-8':          html = html.decode('utf-8')      else:          html = html.decode('gbk') 

然后遇到的最大问题,最后这段代码不管怎么写结果都显示缩进错误,1个小时的各种尝试后终于发现问题所在写if xxxx:直接敲回车换行就会出现缩进和空格的错误,要手动删掉前面的缩进手打空格对齐才可以。


import sysimport osimport reimport jsonimport urllib.request  import urllib.errorimport chardetdef builtwith(url, headers=None, html=None, user_agent='builtwith'):    """Detect the technology used to build a website    >>> builtwith('')     {u'blogs': [u'PHP', u'WordPress'], u'font-scripts': [u'Google Font API'], u'web-servers': [u'Nginx'], u'javascript-frameworks': [u'Modernizr'], u'programming-languages': [u'PHP'], u'cms': [u'WordPress']}    >>> builtwith('')     {u'javascript-frameworks': [u'jQuery', u'Modernizr'], u'web-frameworks': [u'Twitter Bootstrap'], u'web-servers': [u'Nginx']}    >>> builtwith('')     {u'javascript-frameworks': [u'jQuery'], u'mobile-frameworks': [u'jQuery Mobile'], u'operating-systems': [u'Windows Server'], u'web-servers': [u'IIS']}    >>> builtwith('')     {u'cdn': [u'CloudFlare'], u'web-servers': [u'Nginx'], u'javascript-frameworks': [u'jQuery', u'Modernizr'], u'programming-languages': [u'PHP'], u'cms': [u'WordPress'], u'blogs': [u'PHP', u'WordPress']}    >>> builtwith('')     {u'font-scripts': [u'Google Font API'], u'miscellaneous': [u'Gravatar'], u'web-servers': [u'LiteSpeed'], u'javascript-frameworks': [u'jQuery'], u'programming-languages': [u'PHP'], u'web-frameworks': [u'Twitter Bootstrap'], u'cms': [u'Joomla'], u'video-players': [u'YouTube']}    """    techs = {}    # check URL    for app_name, app_spec in data['apps'].items():        if 'url' in app_spec:            if contains(url, app_spec['url']):                add_app(techs, app_name, app_spec)    # download content    if None in (headers, html):        try:            request = urllib.request.Request(url, None, {'User-Agent': user_agent})            if html:                # already have HTML so just need to make HEAD request for headers                request.get_method = lambda : 'HEAD'            response = urllib.request.urlopen(request)            if headers is None:                headers = response.headers            if html is None:                html =                encode_type=chardet.detect(html)                if encode_type['encoding']=='utf-8':                    html=html.decode('utf-8')                else:                    html=html.decode('gbk')        except Exception as e:            print ('Error:', e)            request = None    # check headers    if headers:        for app_name, app_spec in data['apps'].items():            if 'headers' in app_spec:                if contains_dict(headers, app_spec['headers']):                    add_app(techs, app_name, app_spec)    # check html    if html:        for app_name, app_spec in data['apps'].items():            for key in 'html', 'script':                snippets = app_spec.get(key, [])                if not isinstance(snippets, list):                    snippets = [snippets]                for snippet in snippets:                    if contains(html, snippet):                        add_app(techs, app_name, app_spec)                        break        # check meta        # XXX add proper meta data parsing        metas = dict(re.compile('<meta[^>]*?name=[\'"]([^>]*?)[\'"][^>]*?content=[\'"]([^>]*?)[\'"][^>]*?>', re.IGNORECASE).findall(html))        for app_name, app_spec in data['apps'].items():            for name, content in app_spec.get('meta', {}).items():                if name in metas:                    if contains(metas[name], content):                        add_app(techs, app_name, app_spec)                        break    return techsparse = builtwithdef add_app(techs, app_name, app_spec):    """Add this app to technology    """    for category in get_categories(app_spec):        if category not in techs:            techs[category] = []        if app_name not in techs[category]:            techs[category].append(app_name)            implies = app_spec.get('implies', [])            if not isinstance(implies, list):                implies = [implies]            for app_name in implies:                add_app(techs, app_name, data['apps'][app_name])def get_categories(app_spec):    """Return category names for this app_spec    """    return [data['categories'][str(c_id)] for c_id in app_spec['cats']]def contains(v, regex):    """Removes meta data from regex then checks for a regex match    """    return re.compile(regex.split('\\;')[0], flags=re.IGNORECASE).search(v)def contains_dict(d1, d2):    """Takes 2 dictionaries    Returns True if d1 contains all items in d2"""    for k2, v2 in d2.items():        v1 = d1.get(k2)        if v1:            if not contains(v1, v2):                return False        else:            return False    return Truedef load_apps(filename=''):    """Load apps from Wappalyzer JSON (    """    # get the path of this filename relative to the current script    # XXX add support to download update    filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__), filename)    return json.load(open(filename))data = load_apps()if __name__ == '__main__':    urls = sys.argv[1:]    if urls:        for url in urls:            results = builtwith(url)            for result in sorted(results.items()):                print ('%s: %s' % result)    else:        print ('Usage: %s url1 [url2 url3 ...]' % sys.argv[0])
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