
来源:互联网 发布:域名如何icp备案 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 14:39

一、Drawable Animation


二、View Animation


三、Property Animation

属性动画,通过不断的改变View的属性,不断的重绘而形成动画效果。相比于视图动画,View的属性是真正改变了。注意:Android 3.0(API 11)以上才支持。

anim文件夹下存放tween animation和frame animation;xml文件里只有scale、rotate、translate、alpha、set五个标签;在代码中使用AnimationUtils.loadAnimation()方法加载;使用mView.setAnimation(mAnimation)为mView加载动画;使用mView.startAnimation()开启动画;

animator文件夹下存放property animation,即属性动画,xml文件里有animator、objectAnimator和set三个标签;在代码中使用AnimatorInflater.loadAnimator()方法加载动画;使用mAnimation.setTarget(mView)为mView加载动画。使用mAnimation.start()开启动画






/** * Start the animation playing. This version of start() takes a boolean flag that indicates * whether the animation should play in reverse. The flag is usually false, but may be set * to true if called from the reverse() method. * * <p>The animation started by calling this method will be run on the thread that called * this method. This thread should have a Looper on it (a runtime exception will be thrown if * this is not the case). Also, if the animation will animate * properties of objects in the view hierarchy, then the calling thread should be the UI * thread for that view hierarchy.</p> * * @param playBackwards Whether the ValueAnimator should start playing in reverse. */private void start(boolean playBackwards) {    if (Looper.myLooper() == null) {        throw new AndroidRuntimeException("Animators may only be run on Looper threads");    }    mReversing = playBackwards;    mPlayingBackwards = playBackwards;    if (playBackwards && mSeekFraction != -1) {        if (mSeekFraction == 0 && mCurrentIteration == 0) {            // special case: reversing from seek-to-0 should act as if not seeked at all            mSeekFraction = 0;        } else if (mRepeatCount == INFINITE) {            mSeekFraction = 1 - (mSeekFraction % 1);        } else {            mSeekFraction = 1 + mRepeatCount - (mCurrentIteration + mSeekFraction);        }        mCurrentIteration = (int) mSeekFraction;        mSeekFraction = mSeekFraction % 1;    }    if (mCurrentIteration > 0 && mRepeatMode == REVERSE &&            (mCurrentIteration < (mRepeatCount + 1) || mRepeatCount == INFINITE)) {        // if we were seeked to some other iteration in a reversing animator,        // figure out the correct direction to start playing based on the iteration        if (playBackwards) {            mPlayingBackwards = (mCurrentIteration % 2) == 0;        } else {            mPlayingBackwards = (mCurrentIteration % 2) != 0;        }    }    int prevPlayingState = mPlayingState;    mPlayingState = STOPPED;    mStarted = true;    mStartedDelay = false;    mPaused = false;    updateScaledDuration(); // in case the scale factor has changed since creation time    AnimationHandler animationHandler = getOrCreateAnimationHandler();    animationHandler.mPendingAnimations.add(this);    if (mStartDelay == 0) {        // This sets the initial value of the animation, prior to actually starting it running        if (prevPlayingState != SEEKED) {            setCurrentPlayTime(0);        }        mPlayingState = STOPPED;        mRunning = true;        notifyStartListeners();    }    animationHandler.start();}


