
来源:互联网 发布:怎么样开淘宝网店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 17:56




Declaration:All Right Reserved!!!


@Testpublic void doBusinessOperationXyz(@Mocked final Dependency mockInstance){   ...   new Expectations() {{      ...      // An expectation for an instance method:      mockInstance.someMethod(1, "test"); result = "mocked";      ...   }};   // A call to code under test occurs here, leading to mock invocations   // that may or may not match specified expectations.}

    该示例给出的是Dependency#someMethod(int, String)方法的expectation,并且需要通过特定的参数匹配方法调用。



@Testpublic void someTestMethod(){   // 1. Preparation: whatever is required before the code under test can be exercised.   ...   // 2. The code under test is exercised, usually by calling a public method.   ...   // 3. Verification: whatever needs to be checked to make sure the code exercised by   //    the test did its job.   ...}



import mockit.*;... other imports ...public class SomeTest{   // Zero or more "mock fields" common to all test methods in the class:   @Mocked Collaborator mockCollaborator;   @Mocked AnotherDependency anotherDependency;   ...   @Test   public void testWithRecordAndReplayOnly(mock parameters)   {      // Preparation code not specific to JMockit, if any.      new Expectations() {{ // an "expectation block"         // One or more invocations to mocked types, causing expectations to be recorded.         // Invocations to non-mocked types are also allowed anywhere inside this block         // (though not recommended).      }};      // Unit under test is exercised.      // Verification code (JUnit/TestNG assertions), if any.   }   @Test   public void testWithReplayAndVerifyOnly(mock parameters)   {      // Preparation code not specific to JMockit, if any.      // Unit under test is exercised.      new Verifications() {{ // a "verification block"         // One or more invocations to mocked types, causing expectations to be verified.         // Invocations to non-mocked types are also allowed anywhere inside this block         // (though not recommended).      }};      // Additional verification code, if any, either here or before the verification block.   }   @Test   public void testWithBothRecordAndVerify(mock parameters)   {      // Preparation code not specific to JMockit, if any.      new Expectations() {{         // One or more invocations to mocked types, causing expectations to be recorded.      }};      // Unit under test is exercised.      new VerificationsInOrder() {{ // an ordered verification block         // One or more invocations to mocked types, causing expectations to be verified         // in the specified order.      }};      // Additional verification code, if any, either here or before the verification block.   }}




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