
来源:互联网 发布:疯狂java讲义下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 01:10
       斐波那契数列(Fibonacci sequence),又称黄金分割数列、因数学家列昂纳多·斐波那契(Leonardoda Fibonacci)以兔子繁殖为例子而引入,故又称为“兔子数列”,指的是这样一个数列:1、1、2、3、5、8、13、21、34、……在数学上,斐波纳契数列以如下被以递归的方法定义:F(0)=0,F(1)=1, F(n)=F(n-1)+F(n-2)(n>=2,n∈N*)。

func Fib(n int) int {        if n == 1 || n == 2 {     return 1        }        return (Fib(n-2) + Fib(n-1))}



var fibarry = [3]int{0, 1, 0}func fibonacci(n int) int {for i := 2; i <= n; i++ {fibarry[2] = fibarry[0] + fibarry[1]fibarry[0] = fibarry[1]fibarry[1] = fibarry[2]}return fibarry[2]}
      这种算法避免了计算机的重复计算,而且占用内存始终为2个单位,相对上一个的递推算法简直是天壤之别,本人在2核 2.4 GHz  Intel i5 处理器下计算第1000 000个斐波那契数的用时为3s。那现在有一种问题,还有没有更优的算法呢?如果从计算机的层面考虑是没有,但是数学的能力是无穷的,所以答案是肯定的!






package matriximport ("math/big")type Matrix struct {rows, columns int        // the number of rows and columns.data          []*big.Int // the contents of the matrix as one long slice.}// Set lets you define the value of a matrix at the given row and// column.func (A *Matrix) Set(r int, c int, val *big.Int) {A.data[findIndex(r, c, A)] = val}// Get retrieves the contents of the matrix at the row and column.func (A *Matrix) Get(r, c int) *big.Int {return A.data[findIndex(r, c, A)]}// Column returns a slice that represents a column from the matrix.// This works by examining each row, and adding the nth element of// each to the column slice.func (A *Matrix) Column(n int) []*big.Int {col := make([]*big.Int, A.rows)for i := 1; i <= A.rows; i++ {col[i-1] = A.Row(i)[n-1]}return col}// Row returns a slice that represents a row from the matrix.func (A *Matrix) Row(n int) []*big.Int {return A.data[findIndex(n, 1, A):findIndex(n, A.columns+1, A)]}// Multiply multiplies two matrices together and return the resulting matrix.// For each element of the result matrix, we get the dot product of the// corresponding row from matrix A and column from matrix B.func Multiply(A, B Matrix) *Matrix {C := Zeros(A.rows, B.columns)for r := 1; r <= C.rows; r++ {A_row := A.Row(r)for c := 1; c <= C.columns; c++ {B_col := B.Column(c)C.Set(r, c, dotProduct(A_row, B_col))}}return &C}// Identity creates an identity matrix with n rows and n columns.  When you// multiply any matrix by its corresponding identity matrix, you get the// original matrix.  The identity matrix looks like a zero-filled matrix with// a diagonal line of one's starting at the upper left.func Identity(n int) Matrix {A := Zeros(n, n)for i := 0; i < len(A.data); i += (n + 1) {A.data[i] = big.NewInt(1)}return A}// Zeros creates an r x c sized matrix that's filled with zeros.  The initial// state of an int is 0, so we don't have to do any initialization.func Zeros(r, c int) Matrix {return Matrix{r, c, make([]*big.Int, r*c)}}// New creates an r x c sized matrix that is filled with the provided data.// The matrix data is represented as one long slice.func New(r, c int, data []*big.Int) Matrix {if len(data) != r*c {panic("[]*big.Int data provided to matrix.New is great than the provided capacity of the matrix!'")}A := Zeros(r, c)A.data = datareturn A}// findIndex takes a row and column and returns the corresponding index// from the underlying data slice.func findIndex(r, c int, A *Matrix) int {return (r-1)*A.columns + (c - 1)}// dotProduct calculates the algebraic dot product of two slices.  This is just// the sum  of the products of corresponding elements in the slices.  We use// this when we multiply matrices together.func dotProduct(a, b []*big.Int) *big.Int {total := new(big.Int)x := new(big.Int)z := new(big.Int)for i := 0; i < len(a); i++ {y := x.Mul(a[i], b[i])total = z.Add(total, y)//total = total.Add(total, total.Mul(a[i], b[i]))}return total}


       对于a^b,可将b转化为二进制,即b=b0+b1*2+b2*2^2+...+bn*2^n ,这里我们的b0对应的是b二进制的第一位,那么我们的a^b运算就可以拆解成a^b0*a^b1*2*...*a^(bn*2^n),对于b来说,二进制位不是0就是1,那么对于bx为0的项我们的计算结果是1就不用考虑了,我们真正想要的其实是b的非0二进制位,那么除去了b的0的二进制位之后我们得到的式子是a^(bx*2^x)*...*a(bn*2^n),通过这种方法,可以在O(lbn)的时间内计算出a的n次幂,这就是快速幂运算的本质所在。代码如下:

for b > 0 {if b&1 == 1 {s = *matrix.Multiply(s, a)b = b >> 1} else {b = b >> 1}a = *matrix.Multiply(a, a)}return s}

package mainimport ("fmt""math/big""time""util/matrix")//求矩阵的n次幂func MatPow(a matrix.Matrix, b int) matrix.Matrix {arr0 := [4]*big.Int{big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(1)}s := matrix.New(2, 2, arr0[0:4])for b > 0 {if b&1 == 1 {s = *matrix.Multiply(s, a)b = b >> 1} else {b = b >> 1}a = *matrix.Multiply(a, a)}return s}//矩阵的N次幂与fib(1)和Fib(0)组成的2行1列的矩阵相乘求fib(n+1)和Fib(n)组成的2行1列的矩阵//从fib(n+1)和Fib(n)的2行1列的矩阵中取出fib(n)func Fib(n int) *big.Int {arr0 := [6]*big.Int{big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(1), big.NewInt(0), big.NewInt(2), big.NewInt(1)}k := matrix.New(2, 2, arr0[0:4])s := MatPow(k, n)d := matrix.New(2, 1, arr0[0:2])s = *matrix.Multiply(s, d)return s.Get(2, 1)}func main() {start := time.Now()n := 1000000m := Fib(n)fmt.Println("f(n)的结果是", m)end := time.Now()delta := end.Sub(start)fmt.Printf("longCalculation took this amount of time: %s\n", delta)}

基于这个算法,本人在2核 2.4 GHz  Intel i5 处理器下计算第1000 000个斐波那契数的用时为305ms,计算性能又提升了1000倍,所以数学的力量是无穷的!


