Seeeduino + TFT(带触摸)

来源:互联网 发布:macbook绘画软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 14:47

讲真,用arduino比我学过的任何一款单片机都简单,不但半个小时就把软件、驱动装好了并且走了一遍开发流程。但是arduino IDE的功能实在是太鸡肋了,除了自带了一个串口助手,其他功能还真是少的可怜。接下来就是找一个合适的库,找到后,直接调用现成的函数,搞了将近一个小时的成果:

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>    // Core graphics library#include <Adafruit_TFTLCD.h> // Hardware-specific library#include <TouchScreen.h>#define YP A3  // must be an analog pin, use "An" notation!#define XM A2  // must be an analog pin, use "An" notation!#define YM 9   // can be a digital pin#define XP 8   // can be a digital pin#define TS_MINX 150//触摸屏的参数#define TS_MINY 180#define TS_MAXX 920#define TS_MAXY 940// For better pressure precision, we need to know the resistance// between X+ and X- Use any multimeter to read it// For the one we're using, its 300 ohms across the X plateTouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(XP, YP, XM, YM, 300);#define LCD_CS A3#define LCD_CD A2#define LCD_WR A1#define LCD_RD A0// optional#define LCD_RESET A4// Assign human-readable names to some common 16-bit color values:#define BLACK   0x0000#define BLUE    0x001F#define RED     0xF800#define GREEN   0x07E0#define CYAN    0x07FF#define MAGENTA 0xF81F#define YELLOW  0xFFE0#define WHITE   0xFFFFAdafruit_TFTLCD tft(LCD_CS, LCD_CD, LCD_WR, LCD_RD, LCD_RESET);#define BOXSIZE 40#define PENRADIUS 2int oldcolor, currentcolor;void setup(void) {  Serial.begin(115200);  Serial.println(F("Paint!"));  tft.reset();  uint16_t identifier = tft.readID();  if(identifier == 0x9328)  {    Serial.println(F("Found ILI9328 LCD driver"));  }   else  {    Serial.print(F("Unknown LCD driver chip: "));    Serial.println(identifier, HEX);    return;  }  tft.begin(identifier);  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);/*  tft.fillRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, RED);  tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, YELLOW);  tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*2, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, GREEN);  tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*3, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, CYAN);  tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*4, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, BLUE);  tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*5, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, MAGENTA);   // tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*6, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, WHITE);  tft.fillRect(0, tft.height()-BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, tft.height(),WHITE);  tft.fillRect(tft.width()-20, tft.height()-20,tft.width(), tft.height(),CYAN);  tft.drawRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, WHITE);*/  currentcolor = RED;  pinMode(8, OUTPUT);}#define MINPRESSURE 10#define MAXPRESSURE 1000int showFlag(2);unsigned long int showTime(0);void loop(){  if(showFlag==0)  {   // Serial.println(showTime);    showTime++;    if(showTime>60000)    {      showFlag=1;     }      digitalWrite(8, HIGH);      TSPoint p = ts.getPoint();      digitalWrite(8, LOW);      //tft.fillRect(tes, test, tes+BOXSIZE, test+BOXSIZE, BLUE);       //Serial.print(tes);      //Serial.print("    ");      //Serial.println(test);      // if sharing pins, you'll need to fix the directions of the touchscreen pins     // pinMode(XP, OUTPUT);      pinMode(XM, OUTPUT);      pinMode(YP, OUTPUT);    //  pinMode(YM, OUTPUT);      // we have some minimum pressure we consider 'valid'      // pressure of 0 means no pressing!      if (p.z > MINPRESSURE && p.z < MAXPRESSURE)      {        /*        Serial.print("X = "); Serial.print(p.x);        Serial.print("\tY = "); Serial.print(p.y);        Serial.print("\tPressure = "); Serial.println(p.z);        */        // scale from 0->1023 to tft.width        p.x = map(p.x, TS_MINX, TS_MAXX, tft.width(), 0);        p.y = map(p.y, TS_MINY, TS_MAXY, tft.height(), 0);       // Serial.print("("); Serial.print(p.x);       // Serial.print(", "); Serial.print(p.y);        if (p.y < BOXSIZE)         {           showTime=0;           oldcolor = currentcolor;           if (p.x < BOXSIZE)            {              currentcolor = RED;              tft.drawRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, WHITE);           }            else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*2)           {             currentcolor = YELLOW;             tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, WHITE);           }           else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*3)            {             currentcolor = GREEN;             tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*2, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, WHITE);           }           else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*4)            {             currentcolor = CYAN;             tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*3, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, WHITE);           }            else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*5)           {             currentcolor = BLUE;             tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*4, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, WHITE);           }           else if (p.x < BOXSIZE*6)            {             currentcolor = MAGENTA;             tft.drawRect(BOXSIZE*5, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, WHITE);           }           if (oldcolor != currentcolor)           {              if (oldcolor == RED) tft.fillRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, RED);              if (oldcolor == YELLOW) tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, YELLOW);              if (oldcolor == GREEN) tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*2, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, GREEN);              if (oldcolor == CYAN) tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*3, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, CYAN);              if (oldcolor == BLUE) tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*4, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, BLUE);              if (oldcolor == MAGENTA) tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*5, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, MAGENTA);           }        }        if (((p.y-PENRADIUS) > BOXSIZE) && ((p.y+PENRADIUS) < tft.height())) //画点        {          showTime=0;          tft.fillCircle(p.x, p.y, PENRADIUS, currentcolor);        } if (p.y >tft.height()-BOXSIZE && p.x < BOXSIZE)        {          showTime=0;     //     Serial.println("erase");          // press the bottom of the screen to erase           tft.fillRect(0, BOXSIZE, tft.width(), tft.height(), BLACK);          tft.fillRect(0, tft.height()-BOXSIZE,BOXSIZE, tft.height(),WHITE);          tft.fillRect(tft.width()-20, tft.height()-20,tft.width(), tft.height(),currentcolor);        }        if(p.y >tft.height()-20 && p.x > tft.width()-20)        {            showFlag=1;         }      }  }  if(showFlag==1)  {     showTime=0;    for (uint8_t rotation = 0; rotation <= 4; rotation++)     {      tft.setRotation(rotation);      testText();      delay(5000);     }    testFillScreen();    delay(1000);    testText();    delay(3000);    testLines(CYAN);    delay(1000);    testFastLines(RED, BLUE);    delay(1000);    testRects(GREEN);    delay(1000);    testFilledRects(YELLOW, MAGENTA);    delay(1000);    testFilledCircles(10, MAGENTA);    testCircles(10, WHITE);    delay(1000);    testTriangles();    delay(1000);    testFilledTriangles();    delay(1000);    testRoundRects();    delay(1000);    testFilledRoundRects();    delay(1000);    showFlag=2;  }  if(showFlag==2)  {    tft.reset();    delay(500);    tft.begin(0x9328);    tft.setCursor(0, 0);//光标放在原点,以免下次回来时串行    tft.fillScreen(BLACK);    tft.setTextColor(BLUE);    tft.setTextSize(6);    tft.println(" ");    tft.println(" ");    tft.println(" PRINT");    tft.println(" ");    tft.setTextColor(MAGENTA);    tft.setTextSize(2);    tft.println("    It is easy !!");    tft.println(" ");    tft.setTextSize(1);    tft.setTextColor(GREEN);    tft.println("          Touch me like you do!");    delay(5000);    tft.fillScreen(BLACK);    tft.fillRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, RED);    tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, YELLOW);    tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*2, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, GREEN);    tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*3, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, CYAN);    tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*4, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, BLUE);    tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*5, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, MAGENTA);     // tft.fillRect(BOXSIZE*6, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, WHITE);    tft.fillRect(0, tft.height()-BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, tft.height(),WHITE);    tft.fillRect(tft.width()-20, tft.height()-20,tft.width(), tft.height(),CYAN);    tft.drawRect(0, 0, BOXSIZE, BOXSIZE, WHITE);    currentcolor = RED;    pinMode(13, OUTPUT);    showFlag=0;  }}unsigned long testFillScreen() {  unsigned long start = micros();  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  tft.fillScreen(RED);  tft.fillScreen(GREEN);  tft.fillScreen(BLUE);  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  return micros() - start;}unsigned long testText() {  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  unsigned long start = micros();  tft.setCursor(0, 0);  tft.setTextColor(WHITE);  tft.setTextSize(1);  tft.println("Hello World!");  tft.setTextColor(YELLOW); tft.setTextSize(2);  tft.println(20170806);  tft.setTextColor(RED);    tft.setTextSize(3);  //tft.println(0xABCDEF, HEX);  tft.print(15776);  tft.print(696109);  tft.println();  tft.setTextColor(GREEN);  tft.setTextSize(4);  tft.println("Hou Lidong");  tft.setTextSize(2);  tft.println("I like play it!");  tft.setTextSize(1);  tft.println("I try to using the TFT");  tft.println("boring will become a habit");  tft.println("I am so lonely and hungry");  tft.println("I just feel not good");  tft.println("and the arduino ide is too simple");  tft.println("I think IAR or keil will be more useful");  tft.println("just write something here");  //delay(999999);  return micros() - start;}unsigned long testLines(uint16_t color){  unsigned long start, t;  int           x1, y1, x2, y2,                w = tft.width(),                h = tft.height();  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  x1 = y1 = 0;  y2    = h - 1;  start = micros();  for (x2 = 0; x2 < w; x2 += 6) tft.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);  x2    = w - 1;  for (y2 = 0; y2 < h; y2 += 6) tft.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);  t     = micros() - start; // fillScreen doesn't count against timing  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  x1    = w - 1;  y1    = 0;  y2    = h - 1;  start = micros();  for (x2 = 0; x2 < w; x2 += 6) tft.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);  x2    = 0;  for (y2 = 0; y2 < h; y2 += 6) tft.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);  t    += micros() - start;  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  x1    = 0;  y1    = h - 1;  y2    = 0;  start = micros();  for (x2 = 0; x2 < w; x2 += 6) tft.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);  x2    = w - 1;  for (y2 = 0; y2 < h; y2 += 6) tft.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);  t    += micros() - start;  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  x1    = w - 1;  y1    = h - 1;  y2    = 0;  start = micros();  for (x2 = 0; x2 < w; x2 += 6) tft.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);  x2    = 0;  for (y2 = 0; y2 < h; y2 += 6) tft.drawLine(x1, y1, x2, y2, color);  return micros() - start;}unsigned long testFastLines(uint16_t color1, uint16_t color2) {  unsigned long start;  int           x, y, w = tft.width(), h = tft.height();  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  start = micros();  for (y = 0; y < h; y += 5) tft.drawFastHLine(0, y, w, color1);  for (x = 0; x < w; x += 5) tft.drawFastVLine(x, 0, h, color2);  return micros() - start;}unsigned long testRects(uint16_t color) {  unsigned long start;  int           n, i, i2,                cx = tft.width()  / 2,                cy = tft.height() / 2;  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  n     = min(tft.width(), tft.height());  start = micros();  for (i = 2; i < n; i += 6)   {    i2 = i / 2;    tft.drawRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, color);  }  return micros() - start;}unsigned long testFilledRects(uint16_t color1, uint16_t color2){  unsigned long start, t = 0;  int           n, i, i2,                cx = tft.width()  / 2 - 1,                cy = tft.height() / 2 - 1;  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  n = min(tft.width(), tft.height());  for (i = n; i > 0; i -= 6)  {    i2    = i / 2;    start = micros();    tft.fillRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, color1);    t    += micros() - start;    // Outlines are not included in timing results    tft.drawRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, color2);  }  return t;}unsigned long testFilledCircles(uint8_t radius, uint16_t color) {  unsigned long start;  int x, y, w = tft.width(), h = tft.height(), r2 = radius * 2;  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  start = micros();  for (x = radius; x < w; x += r2)   {    for (y = radius; y < h; y += r2)    {      tft.fillCircle(x, y, radius, color);    }  }  return micros() - start;}unsigned long testCircles(uint8_t radius, uint16_t color){  unsigned long start;  int    x, y, r2 = radius * 2,                      w = tft.width()  + radius,                      h = tft.height() + radius;  // Screen is not cleared for this one -- this is  // intentional and does not affect the reported time.  start = micros();  for (x = 0; x < w; x += r2)  {    for (y = 0; y < h; y += r2)    {      tft.drawCircle(x, y, radius, color);    }  }  return micros() - start;}unsigned long testTriangles() {  unsigned long start;  int           n, i, cx = tft.width()  / 2 - 1,                      cy = tft.height() / 2 - 1;  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  n     = min(cx, cy);  start = micros();  for (i = 0; i < n; i += 5)  {    tft.drawTriangle(      cx    , cy - i, // peak      cx - i, cy + i, // bottom left      cx + i, cy + i, // bottom right      tft.color565(0, 0, i));  }  return micros() - start;}unsigned long testFilledTriangles(){  unsigned long start, t = 0;  int           i, cx = tft.width()  / 2 - 1,                   cy = tft.height() / 2 - 1;  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  start = micros();  for (i = min(cx, cy); i > 10; i -= 5)   {    start = micros();    tft.fillTriangle(cx, cy - i, cx - i, cy + i, cx + i, cy + i,                     tft.color565(0, i, i));    t += micros() - start;    tft.drawTriangle(cx, cy - i, cx - i, cy + i, cx + i, cy + i,                     tft.color565(i, i, 0));  }  return t;}unsigned long testRoundRects() {  unsigned long start;  int           w, i, i2,                cx = tft.width()  / 2 - 1,                cy = tft.height() / 2 - 1;  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  w     = min(tft.width(), tft.height());  start = micros();  for (i = 0; i < w; i += 6)  {    i2 = i / 2;    tft.drawRoundRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, i / 8, tft.color565(i, 0, 0));  }  return micros() - start;}unsigned long testFilledRoundRects() {  unsigned long start;  int           i, i2,                cx = tft.width()  / 2 - 1,                cy = tft.height() / 2 - 1;  tft.fillScreen(BLACK);  start = micros();  for (i = min(tft.width(), tft.height()); i > 20; i -= 6)   {    i2 = i / 2;    tft.fillRoundRect(cx - i2, cy - i2, i, i, i / 8, tft.color565(0, i, 0));  }  return micros() - start;}