Working with Commands

来源:互联网 发布:dnf战斗力查询 软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 09:02

Working with Commands

commands can be one of four different things:
- an executable program.
- a command built into the shell itself.
- a shell function.
- an alias.


display a command’s type,command is the name that you want to examine.

type command


dispaly an executable’s location.Only works for executable program,not builtins and aliases

which ls#will show /bin/ls
which cd#cd is a shell builtin command,can't use which

what is

display the name and one line description of a man page matching a specified keyword.

whatis ls#will show  "ls         (1) - list directory contents"


Using the alias command,we can create our own command.

alias foo='cd /usr;ls -alh;cd -'

then you can use the foo command,it’s function is to change the directory to /usr,then ls and return to the previous directory.
Also,you can remove the alias command using unalias command:

unalias foo