
来源:互联网 发布:分布式算法有哪些 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 06:23
在ART上用YAHFA、Legend以及一个java层实现的Andix:ART深度探索开篇:从Method Hook谈起对系统中不同的类进行hook,发现除了framework层的类(如telephonymanager)和应用中的类有效外,对于java核心库的类(如IOBridge和Class等)的hook都无效,所以我就以telephonymanager和IOBridge这两个类为例,试图从编译解析加载等角度分析这两者的区别以及造成hook结果不同的原因,如果有大牛能指点一二的话,不胜感激。。。

首先对于应用层的类,由于是标准的从apk经过dex2oat生成OAT文件(虽然后缀还是dex),然后加载到系统中进行类解析和方法链接等流程,这种流程在老罗博客和上述三种常见的ART hook上进行了详细分析,而上述三种hook方法正是针对这种流程设计的,所以毫无疑问有效,此处不再赘述。







08-09 16:10:47.463: I/art(324): GenerateImage: /system/bin/dex2oat --image=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.art --dex-file=/system/framework/core-libart.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/conscrypt.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/okhttp.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/core-junit.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/ext.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/framework.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/voip-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/ims-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/apache-xml.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar --oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat --instruction-set=arm --instruction-set-features=smp,div,atomic_ldrd_strd --base=0x6fc33000 --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx64m --image-classes=/system/etc/preloaded-classes --instruction-set-variant=krait --instruction-set-features=default08-09 16:10:47.632: I/dex2oat(627): /system/bin/dex2oat --image=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.art --dex-file=/system/framework/core-libart.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/conscrypt.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/okhttp.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/core-junit.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/ext.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/framework.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/telephony-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/voip-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/ims-common.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/apache-xml.jar --dex-file=/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar --oat-file=/data/dalvik-cache/arm/system@framework@boot.oat --instruction-set=arm --instruction-set-features=smp,div,atomic_ldrd_strd --base=0x6fc33000 --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx64m --image-classes=/system/etc/preloaded-classes --instruction-set-variant=krait --instruction-set-features=default08-09 16:10:47.639: I/dex2oat(627): setting boot class path to /system/framework/core-libart.jar:/system/framework/conscrypt.jar:/system/framework/okhttp.jar:/system/framework/core-junit.jar:/system/framework/bouncycastle.jar:/system/framework/ext.jar:/system/framework/framework.jar:/system/framework/telephony-common.jar:/system/framework/voip-common.jar:/system/framework/ims-common.jar:/system/framework/apache-xml.jar:/system/framework/org.apache.http.legacy.boot.jar







首先AndroidRuntime::start函数中会进行jni的初始化,实际上就是加载虚拟机的so库,并从中导出三个函数,其中JNI_CreateJavaVM用来启动虚拟机。Android 5.0之后默认加载的就是libart.so。


上述过程详前半部分细解析请查看我整理精简过的老罗的博客:Android ART运行时无缝替换Dalvik虚拟机的过程分析,为了省事我不再复制粘贴过来了,请自行跳转查看,然后再回来继续。


extern "C" jint JNI_CreateJavaVM(JavaVM** p_vm, JNIEnv** p_env, void* vm_args) {  ATRACE_BEGIN(__FUNCTION__);  const JavaVMInitArgs* args = static_cast<JavaVMInitArgs*>(vm_args);  if (IsBadJniVersion(args->version)) {    LOG(ERROR) << "Bad JNI version passed to CreateJavaVM: " << args->version;    ATRACE_END();    return JNI_EVERSION;  }  RuntimeOptions options;  for (int i = 0; i < args->nOptions; ++i) {    JavaVMOption* option = &args->options[i];    options.push_back(std::make_pair(std::string(option->optionString), option->extraInfo));  }  bool ignore_unrecognized = args->ignoreUnrecognized;  if (!Runtime::Create(options, ignore_unrecognized)) {    ATRACE_END();    return JNI_ERR;  }  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();  bool started = runtime->Start();  if (!started) {    delete Thread::Current()->GetJniEnv();    delete runtime->GetJavaVM();    LOG(WARNING) << "CreateJavaVM failed";    ATRACE_END();    return JNI_ERR;  }  *p_env = Thread::Current()->GetJniEnv();  *p_vm = runtime->GetJavaVM();  ATRACE_END();  return JNI_OK;}




bool Runtime::Create(const RuntimeOptions& options, bool ignore_unrecognized) {  // TODO: acquire a static mutex on Runtime to avoid racing.  if (Runtime::instance_ != nullptr) {    return false;  }  InitLogging(nullptr);  // Calls Locks::Init() as a side effect.  instance_ = new Runtime;  if (!instance_->Init(options, ignore_unrecognized)) {    // TODO: Currently deleting the instance will abort the runtime on destruction. Now This will    // leak memory, instead. Fix the destructor. b/19100793.    // delete instance_;    instance_ = nullptr;    return false;  }  return true;}

bool Runtime::Init(const RuntimeOptions& raw_options, bool ignore_unrecognized) {    ........      std::unique_ptr<ParsedOptions> parsed_options(      ParsedOptions::Create(raw_options, ignore_unrecognized, &runtime_options));    ........      heap_ = new gc::Heap(runtime_options.GetOrDefault(Opt::MemoryInitialSize),                       runtime_options.GetOrDefault(Opt::HeapGrowthLimit),                       runtime_options.GetOrDefault(Opt::HeapMinFree),                       runtime_options.GetOrDefault(Opt::HeapMaxFree),                       runtime_options.GetOrDefault(Opt::HeapTargetUtilization),                       runtime_options.GetOrDefault(Opt::ForegroundHeapGrowthMultiplier),                       runtime_options.GetOrDefault(Opt::MemoryMaximumSize),                       runtime_options.GetOrDefault(Opt::NonMovingSpaceCapacity),                       runtime_options.GetOrDefault(Opt::Image),                       runtime_options.GetOrDefault(Opt::ImageInstructionSet),    ........      java_vm_ = new JavaVMExt(this, runtime_options);    ........      Thread* self = Thread::Attach("main", false, nullptr, false);    ........      class_linker_ = new ClassLinker(intern_table_);  if (GetHeap()->HasImageSpace()) {    ATRACE_BEGIN("InitFromImage");    class_linker_->InitFromImage();    ........      } else {    ........        std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const DexFile>> boot_class_path;    OpenDexFiles(dex_filenames,                 dex_locations,                 runtime_options.GetOrDefault(Opt::Image),                 &boot_class_path);    instruction_set_ = runtime_options.GetOrDefault(Opt::ImageInstructionSet);    class_linker_->InitWithoutImage(std::move(boot_class_path));    ........      }    ........      return true;}




ParsedOptions* ParsedOptions::Create(const RuntimeOptions& options, bool ignore_unrecognized,                                     RuntimeArgumentMap* runtime_options) {  CHECK(runtime_options != nullptr);  std::unique_ptr<ParsedOptions> parsed(new ParsedOptions());  if (parsed->Parse(options, ignore_unrecognized, runtime_options)) {    return parsed.release();  }  return nullptr;}bool ParsedOptions::Parse(const RuntimeOptions& options, bool ignore_unrecognized,                          RuntimeArgumentMap* runtime_options) {  //  gLogVerbosity.class_linker = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  //  gLogVerbosity.compiler = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  //  gLogVerbosity.gc = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  //  gLogVerbosity.heap = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  //  gLogVerbosity.jdwp = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  //  gLogVerbosity.jit = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  //  gLogVerbosity.jni = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  //  gLogVerbosity.monitor = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  //  gLogVerbosity.profiler = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  //  gLogVerbosity.signals = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  //  gLogVerbosity.startup = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  //  gLogVerbosity.third_party_jni = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  //  gLogVerbosity.threads = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  //  gLogVerbosity.verifier = true;  // TODO: don't check this in!  for (size_t i = 0; i < options.size(); ++i) {    if (true && options[0].first == "-Xzygote") {      LOG(INFO) << "option[" << i << "]=" << options[i].first;    }  }  auto parser = MakeParser(ignore_unrecognized);  // Convert to a simple string list (without the magic pointer options)  std::vector argv_list;  if (!ProcessSpecialOptions(options, nullptr, &argv_list)) {    return false;  }  CmdlineResult parse_result = parser->Parse(argv_list);  // Handle parse errors by displaying the usage and potentially exiting.  if (parse_result.IsError()) {    if (parse_result.GetStatus() == CmdlineResult::kUsage) {      UsageMessage(stdout, "%s\n", parse_result.GetMessage().c_str());      Exit(0);    } else if (parse_result.GetStatus() == CmdlineResult::kUnknown && !ignore_unrecognized) {      Usage("%s\n", parse_result.GetMessage().c_str());      return false;    } else {      Usage("%s\n", parse_result.GetMessage().c_str());      Exit(0);    }    UNREACHABLE();  }  using M = RuntimeArgumentMap;  RuntimeArgumentMap args = parser->ReleaseArgumentsMap();  // -help, -showversion, etc.  if (args.Exists(M::Help)) {    Usage(nullptr);    return false;  } else if (args.Exists(M::ShowVersion)) {    UsageMessage(stdout, "ART version %s\n", Runtime::GetVersion());    Exit(0);  } else if (args.Exists(M::BootClassPath)) {    LOG(INFO) << "setting boot class path to " << *args.Get(M::BootClassPath);  }  // Set a default boot class path if we didn't get an explicit one via command line.  if (getenv("BOOTCLASSPATH") != nullptr) {    args.SetIfMissing(M::BootClassPath, std::string(getenv("BOOTCLASSPATH")));  }  // Set a default class path if we didn't get an explicit one via command line.  if (getenv("CLASSPATH") != nullptr) {    args.SetIfMissing(M::ClassPath, std::string(getenv("CLASSPATH")));  }  // Default to number of processors minus one since the main GC thread also does work.  args.SetIfMissing(M::ParallelGCThreads, gc::Heap::kDefaultEnableParallelGC ?      static_cast(sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_CONF) - 1u) : 0u);  // -Xverbose:  {    LogVerbosity *log_verbosity = args.Get(M::Verbose);    if (log_verbosity != nullptr) {      gLogVerbosity = *log_verbosity;    }  }  // -Xprofile:  Trace::SetDefaultClockSource(args.GetOrDefault(M::ProfileClock));  if (!ProcessSpecialOptions(options, &args, nullptr)) {      return false;  }  {    // If not set, background collector type defaults to homogeneous compaction.    // If foreground is GSS, use GSS as background collector.    // If not low memory mode, semispace otherwise.    gc::CollectorType background_collector_type_;    gc::CollectorType collector_type_ = (XGcOption{}).collector_type_;  // NOLINT [whitespace/braces] [5]    bool low_memory_mode_ = args.Exists(M::LowMemoryMode);    background_collector_type_ = args.GetOrDefault(M::BackgroundGc);    {      XGcOption* xgc = args.Get(M::GcOption);      if (xgc != nullptr && xgc->collector_type_ != gc::kCollectorTypeNone) {        collector_type_ = xgc->collector_type_;      }    }    if (background_collector_type_ == gc::kCollectorTypeNone) {      if (collector_type_ != gc::kCollectorTypeGSS) {        background_collector_type_ = low_memory_mode_ ?            gc::kCollectorTypeSS : gc::kCollectorTypeHomogeneousSpaceCompact;      } else {        background_collector_type_ = collector_type_;      }    }    args.Set(M::BackgroundGc, BackgroundGcOption { background_collector_type_ });  }  // If a reference to the dalvik core.jar snuck in, replace it with  // the art specific version. This can happen with on device  // boot.art/boot.oat generation by GenerateImage which relies on the  // value of BOOTCLASSPATH.#if defined(ART_TARGET)  std::string core_jar("/core.jar");  std::string core_libart_jar("/core-libart.jar");#else  // The host uses hostdex files.  std::string core_jar("/core-hostdex.jar");  std::string core_libart_jar("/core-libart-hostdex.jar");#endif  auto boot_class_path_string = args.GetOrDefault(M::BootClassPath);  size_t core_jar_pos = boot_class_path_string.find(core_jar);  if (core_jar_pos != std::string::npos) {    boot_class_path_string.replace(core_jar_pos, core_jar.size(), core_libart_jar);    args.Set(M::BootClassPath, boot_class_path_string);  }  {    auto&& boot_class_path = args.GetOrDefault(M::BootClassPath);    auto&& boot_class_path_locations = args.GetOrDefault(M::BootClassPathLocations);    if (args.Exists(M::BootClassPathLocations)) {      size_t boot_class_path_count = ParseStringList<':'>::Split(boot_class_path).Size();      if (boot_class_path_count != boot_class_path_locations.Size()) {        Usage("The number of boot class path files does not match"            " the number of boot class path locations given\n"            "  boot class path files     (%zu): %s\n"            "  boot class path locations (%zu): %s\n",            boot_class_path.size(), boot_class_path_string.c_str(),            boot_class_path_locations.Size(), boot_class_path_locations.Join().c_str());        return false;      }    }  }  if (!args.Exists(M::CompilerCallbacksPtr) && !args.Exists(M::Image)) {    std::string image = GetAndroidRoot();    image += "/framework/boot.art";    args.Set(M::Image, image);  }  if (args.GetOrDefault(M::HeapGrowthLimit) == 0u) {  // 0 means no growth limit    args.Set(M::HeapGrowthLimit, args.GetOrDefault(M::MemoryMaximumSize));  }  *runtime_options = std::move(args);  return true;}



Heap::Heap(size_t initial_size, size_t growth_limit, size_t min_free, size_t max_free,           double target_utilization, double foreground_heap_growth_multiplier,           size_t capacity, size_t non_moving_space_capacity, const std::string& image_file_name,           const InstructionSet image_instruction_set, CollectorType foreground_collector_type,           CollectorType background_collector_type,           space::LargeObjectSpaceType large_object_space_type, size_t large_object_threshold,           size_t parallel_gc_threads, size_t conc_gc_threads, bool low_memory_mode,           size_t long_pause_log_threshold, size_t long_gc_log_threshold,           bool ignore_max_footprint, bool use_tlab,           bool verify_pre_gc_heap, bool verify_pre_sweeping_heap, bool verify_post_gc_heap,           bool verify_pre_gc_rosalloc, bool verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc,           bool verify_post_gc_rosalloc, bool gc_stress_mode,           bool use_homogeneous_space_compaction_for_oom,           uint64_t min_interval_homogeneous_space_compaction_by_oom)   ......   {      ......     if (!image_file_name.empty()) {    ATRACE_BEGIN("ImageSpace::Create");    std::string error_msg;    auto* image_space = space::ImageSpace::Create(image_file_name.c_str(), image_instruction_set,                                                  &error_msg);    ATRACE_END();    if (image_space != nullptr) {      AddSpace(image_space);      // Oat files referenced by image files immediately follow them in memory, ensure alloc space      // isn't going to get in the middle      uint8_t* oat_file_end_addr = image_space->GetImageHeader().GetOatFileEnd();      CHECK_GT(oat_file_end_addr, image_space->End());      requested_alloc_space_begin = AlignUp(oat_file_end_addr, kPageSize);    } else {      LOG(ERROR) << "Could not create image space with image file '" << image_file_name << "'. "                   << "Attempting to fall back to imageless running. Error was: " << error_msg;    }  }     ......   }


ImageSpace* ImageSpace::Create(const char* image_location,                               const InstructionSet image_isa,                               std::string* error_msg) {  std::string system_filename;  bool has_system = false;  std::string cache_filename;  bool has_cache = false;  bool dalvik_cache_exists = false;  bool is_global_cache = true;  const bool found_image = FindImageFilename(image_location, image_isa, &system_filename,                                             &has_system, &cache_filename, &dalvik_cache_exists,                                             &has_cache, &is_global_cache);  if (Runtime::Current()->IsZygote()) {    MarkZygoteStart(image_isa, Runtime::Current()->GetZygoteMaxFailedBoots());  }  ImageSpace* space;  bool relocate = Runtime::Current()->ShouldRelocate();  bool can_compile = Runtime::Current()->IsImageDex2OatEnabled();  if (found_image) {    const std::string* image_filename;    bool is_system = false;    bool relocated_version_used = false;    if (relocate) {      if (!dalvik_cache_exists) {        *error_msg = StringPrintf("Requiring relocation for image '%s' at '%s' but we do not have "                                  "any dalvik_cache to find/place it in.",                                  image_location, system_filename.c_str());        return nullptr;      }      if (has_system) {        if (has_cache && ChecksumsMatch(system_filename.c_str(), cache_filename.c_str())) {          // We already have a relocated version          image_filename = &cache_filename;          relocated_version_used = true;        } else {          // We cannot have a relocated version, Relocate the system one and use it.          std::string reason;          bool success;          // Check whether we are allowed to relocate.          if (!can_compile) {            reason = "Image dex2oat disabled by -Xnoimage-dex2oat.";            success = false;          } else if (!ImageCreationAllowed(is_global_cache, &reason)) {            // Whether we can write to the cache.            success = false;          } else {            // Try to relocate.            success = RelocateImage(image_location, cache_filename.c_str(), image_isa, &reason);          }          if (success) {            relocated_version_used = true;            image_filename = &cache_filename;          } else {            *error_msg = StringPrintf("Unable to relocate image '%s' from '%s' to '%s': %s",                                      image_location, system_filename.c_str(),                                      cache_filename.c_str(), reason.c_str());            // We failed to create files, remove any possibly garbage output.            // Since ImageCreationAllowed was true above, we are the zygote            // and therefore the only process expected to generate these for            // the device.            PruneDalvikCache(image_isa);            return nullptr;          }        }      } else {        CHECK(has_cache);        // We can just use cache's since it should be fine. This might or might not be relocated.        image_filename = &cache_filename;      }    } else {      if (has_system && has_cache) {        // Check they have the same cksum. If they do use the cache. Otherwise system.        if (ChecksumsMatch(system_filename.c_str(), cache_filename.c_str())) {          image_filename = &cache_filename;          relocated_version_used = true;        } else {          image_filename = &system_filename;          is_system = true;        }      } else if (has_system) {        image_filename = &system_filename;        is_system = true;      } else {        CHECK(has_cache);        image_filename = &cache_filename;      }    }    {      // Note that we must not use the file descriptor associated with      // ScopedFlock::GetFile to Init the image file. We want the file      // descriptor (and the associated exclusive lock) to be released when      // we leave Create.      ScopedFlock image_lock;      image_lock.Init(image_filename->c_str(), error_msg);      VLOG(startup) << "Using image file " << image_filename->c_str() << " for image location "                    << image_location;      // If we are in /system we can assume the image is good. We can also      // assume this if we are using a relocated image (i.e. image checksum      // matches) since this is only different by the offset. We need this to      // make sure that host tests continue to work.      space = ImageSpace::Init(image_filename->c_str(), image_location,                               !(is_system || relocated_version_used), error_msg);    }    if (space != nullptr) {      return space;    }    if (relocated_version_used) {      // Something is wrong with the relocated copy (even though checksums match). Cleanup.      // This can happen if the .oat is corrupt, since the above only checks the .art checksums.      // TODO: Check the oat file validity earlier.      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Attempted to use relocated version of %s at %s generated from %s "                                "but image failed to load: %s",                                image_location, cache_filename.c_str(), system_filename.c_str(),                                error_msg->c_str());      PruneDalvikCache(image_isa);      return nullptr;    } else if (is_system) {      // If the /system file exists, it should be up-to-date, don't try to generate it.      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to load /system image '%s': %s",                                image_filename->c_str(), error_msg->c_str());      return nullptr;    } else {      // Otherwise, log a warning and fall through to GenerateImage.      LOG(WARNING) << *error_msg;    }  }  if (!can_compile) {    *error_msg = "Not attempting to compile image because -Xnoimage-dex2oat";    return nullptr;  } else if (!dalvik_cache_exists) {    *error_msg = StringPrintf("No place to put generated image.");    return nullptr;  } else if (!ImageCreationAllowed(is_global_cache, error_msg)) {    return nullptr;  } else if (!GenerateImage(cache_filename, image_isa, error_msg)) {    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to generate image '%s': %s",                              cache_filename.c_str(), error_msg->c_str());    // We failed to create files, remove any possibly garbage output.    // Since ImageCreationAllowed was true above, we are the zygote    // and therefore the only process expected to generate these for    // the device.    PruneDalvikCache(image_isa);    return nullptr;  } else {    // Check whether there is enough space left over after we have generated the image.    if (!CheckSpace(cache_filename, error_msg)) {      // No. Delete the generated image and try to run out of the dex files.      PruneDalvikCache(image_isa);      return nullptr;    }    // Note that we must not use the file descriptor associated with    // ScopedFlock::GetFile to Init the image file. We want the file    // descriptor (and the associated exclusive lock) to be released when    // we leave Create.    ScopedFlock image_lock;    image_lock.Init(cache_filename.c_str(), error_msg);    space = ImageSpace::Init(cache_filename.c_str(), image_location, true, error_msg);    if (space == nullptr) {      *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to load generated image '%s': %s",                                cache_filename.c_str(), error_msg->c_str());    }    return space;  }}


1). 如果找到了boot.art
2). 如果没找到boot.art



bool ImageSpace::FindImageFilename(const char* image_location,                                   const InstructionSet image_isa,                                   std::string* system_filename,                                   bool* has_system,                                   std::string* cache_filename,                                   bool* dalvik_cache_exists,                                   bool* has_cache,                                   bool* is_global_cache) {  *has_system = false;  *has_cache = false;  // image_location = /system/framework/boot.art  // system_image_location = /system/framework/<image_isa>/boot.art  std::string system_image_filename(GetSystemImageFilename(image_location, image_isa));  if (OS::FileExists(system_image_filename.c_str())) {    *system_filename = system_image_filename;    *has_system = true;  }  bool have_android_data = false;  *dalvik_cache_exists = false;  std::string dalvik_cache;  GetDalvikCache(GetInstructionSetString(image_isa), true, &dalvik_cache,                 &have_android_data, dalvik_cache_exists, is_global_cache);  if (have_android_data && *dalvik_cache_exists) {    // Always set output location even if it does not exist,    // so that the caller knows where to create the image.    //    // image_location = /system/framework/boot.art    // *image_filename = /data/dalvik-cache/<image_isa>/boot.art    std::string error_msg;    if (!GetDalvikCacheFilename(image_location, dalvik_cache.c_str(), cache_filename, &error_msg)) {      LOG(WARNING) << error_msg;      return *has_system;    }    *has_cache = OS::FileExists(cache_filename->c_str());  }  return *has_system || *has_cache;}



static bool GenerateImage(const std::string& image_filename, InstructionSet image_isa,                          std::string* error_msg) {  const std::string boot_class_path_string(Runtime::Current()->GetBootClassPathString());  std::vector<std::string> boot_class_path;  Split(boot_class_path_string, ':', &boot_class_path);  if (boot_class_path.empty()) {    *error_msg = "Failed to generate image because no boot class path specified";    return false;  }  // We should clean up so we are more likely to have room for the image.  if (Runtime::Current()->IsZygote()) {    LOG(INFO) << "Pruning dalvik-cache since we are generating an image and will need to recompile";    PruneDalvikCache(image_isa);  }  std::vector<std::string> arg_vector;  std::string dex2oat(Runtime::Current()->GetCompilerExecutable());  arg_vector.push_back(dex2oat);  std::string image_option_string("--image=");  image_option_string += image_filename;  arg_vector.push_back(image_option_string);  for (size_t i = 0; i < boot_class_path.size(); i++) {    arg_vector.push_back(std::string("--dex-file=") + boot_class_path[i]);  }  std::string oat_file_option_string("--oat-file=");  oat_file_option_string += ImageHeader::GetOatLocationFromImageLocation(image_filename);  arg_vector.push_back(oat_file_option_string);  // Note: we do not generate a fully debuggable boot image so we do not pass the  // compiler flag --debuggable here.  Runtime::Current()->AddCurrentRuntimeFeaturesAsDex2OatArguments(&arg_vector);  CHECK_EQ(image_isa, kRuntimeISA)      << "We should always be generating an image for the current isa.";  int32_t base_offset = ChooseRelocationOffsetDelta(ART_BASE_ADDRESS_MIN_DELTA,                                                    ART_BASE_ADDRESS_MAX_DELTA);  LOG(INFO) << "Using an offset of 0x" << std::hex << base_offset << " from default "            << "art base address of 0x" << std::hex << ART_BASE_ADDRESS;  arg_vector.push_back(StringPrintf("--base=0x%x", ART_BASE_ADDRESS + base_offset));  if (!kIsTargetBuild) {    arg_vector.push_back("--host");  }  const std::vector<std::string>& compiler_options = Runtime::Current()->GetImageCompilerOptions();  for (size_t i = 0; i < compiler_options.size(); ++i) {    arg_vector.push_back(compiler_options[i].c_str());  }  std::string command_line(Join(arg_vector, ' '));  LOG(INFO) << "GenerateImage: " << command_line;  return Exec(arg_vector, error_msg);}

有了boot.art和boot.oat之后,就调用 ImageSpace::Init初始化image空间

ImageSpace* ImageSpace::Init(const char* image_filename, const char* image_location,                             bool validate_oat_file, std::string* error_msg) {................  std::unique_ptr space(new ImageSpace(image_filename, image_location,                                                   map.release(), bitmap.release(), image_end));  // VerifyImageAllocations() will be called later in Runtime::Init()  // as some class roots like ArtMethod::java_lang_reflect_ArtMethod_  // and ArtField::java_lang_reflect_ArtField_, which are used from  // Object::SizeOf() which VerifyImageAllocations() calls, are not  // set yet at this point.  space->oat_file_.reset(space->OpenOatFile(image_filename, error_msg));  if (space->oat_file_.get() == nullptr) {    DCHECK(!error_msg->empty());    return nullptr;  }  space->oat_file_non_owned_ = space->oat_file_.get();  if (validate_oat_file && !space->ValidateOatFile(error_msg)) {    DCHECK(!error_msg->empty());    return nullptr;  }  Runtime* runtime = Runtime::Current();  runtime->SetInstructionSet(space->oat_file_->GetOatHeader().GetInstructionSet());  runtime->SetResolutionMethod(image_header.GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kResolutionMethod));  runtime->SetImtConflictMethod(image_header.GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kImtConflictMethod));  runtime->SetImtUnimplementedMethod(      image_header.GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kImtUnimplementedMethod));  runtime->SetCalleeSaveMethod(      image_header.GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kCalleeSaveMethod), Runtime::kSaveAll);  runtime->SetCalleeSaveMethod(      image_header.GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kRefsOnlySaveMethod), Runtime::kRefsOnly);  runtime->SetCalleeSaveMethod(      image_header.GetImageMethod(ImageHeader::kRefsAndArgsSaveMethod), Runtime::kRefsAndArgs);  if (VLOG_IS_ON(heap) || VLOG_IS_ON(startup)) {    LOG(INFO) << "ImageSpace::Init exiting (" << PrettyDuration(NanoTime() - start_time)             << ") " << *space.get();  }  return space.release();}

在这里调用了new ImageSpace用来加载boot.art,而OpenOatFile方法再调用OatFile::Open方法打开boot.oat文件。

       1. ImageHeader::kResolutionMethod: 用来描述一个还未进行解析和链接的ART方法。
       2. ImageHeader::kCalleeSaveMethod: 用来描述一个由被调用者保存的r4-r11、lr和s0-s31寄存器的ART方法,即由被调用者保存非参数使用的通用寄存器以及所有的浮点数寄存器。
       3. ImageHeader::kRefsOnlySaveMethod: 用来描述一个由被调用者保存的r5-r8、r10-r11和lr寄存器的ART方法,即由被调用者保存非参数使用的通用寄存器。
       4. ImageHeader::kRefsAndArgsSaveMethod: 用来描述一个由被调用者保存的r1-r3、r5-r8、r10-r11和lr寄存器的ART方法,即由被调用者保存参数和非参数使用的通用寄存器。
       上面四个特殊的ArtMethod对象从Image Space取出来之后,会通过调用Runtime类的成员函数SetResolutionMethod和SetCalleeSaveMethod保存在用来描述ART运行时的一个Runtime对象的内部,其中,第2、3和4个ArtMethod对象在ART运行时内部对应的类型分别为Runtime::kSaveAll、Runtime::kRefsOnly和Runtime::kRefsAndArgs。

       1. ImageHeader::kResolutionMethod: 用来描述一个还未进行解析和链接的ART方法。
       2. ImageHeader::kCalleeSaveMethod: 用来描述一个由被调用者保存的r4-r11、lr和s0-s31寄存器的ART方法,即由被调用者保存非参数使用的通用寄存器以及所有的浮点数寄存器。
       3. ImageHeader::kRefsOnlySaveMethod: 用来描述一个由被调用者保存的r5-r8、r10-r11和lr寄存器的ART方法,即由被调用者保存非参数使用的通用寄存器。
       4. ImageHeader::kRefsAndArgsSaveMethod: 用来描述一个由被调用者保存的r1-r3、r5-r8、r10-r11和lr寄存器的ART方法,即由被调用者保存参数和非参数使用的通用寄存器。
       上面四个特殊的ArtMethod对象从Image Space取出来之后,会通过调用Runtime类的成员函数SetResolutionMethod和SetCalleeSaveMethod保存在用来描述ART运行时的一个Runtime对象的内部,其中,第2、3和4个ArtMethod对象在ART运行时内部对应的类型分别为Runtime::kSaveAll、Runtime::kRefsOnly和Runtime::kRefsAndArgs。


OatFile* ImageSpace::OpenOatFile(const char* image_path, std::string* error_msg) const {  const ImageHeader& image_header = GetImageHeader();  std::string oat_filename = ImageHeader::GetOatLocationFromImageLocation(image_path);  CHECK(image_header.GetOatDataBegin() != nullptr);  OatFile* oat_file = OatFile::Open(oat_filename, oat_filename, image_header.GetOatDataBegin(),                                    image_header.GetOatFileBegin(),                                    !Runtime::Current()->IsAotCompiler(),                                    nullptr, error_msg);  if (oat_file == nullptr) {    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to open oat file '%s' referenced from image %s: %s",                              oat_filename.c_str(), GetName(), error_msg->c_str());    return nullptr;  }  uint32_t oat_checksum = oat_file->GetOatHeader().GetChecksum();  uint32_t image_oat_checksum = image_header.GetOatChecksum();  if (oat_checksum != image_oat_checksum) {    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to match oat file checksum 0x%x to expected oat checksum 0x%x"                              " in image %s", oat_checksum, image_oat_checksum, GetName());    return nullptr;  }  int32_t image_patch_delta = image_header.GetPatchDelta();  int32_t oat_patch_delta = oat_file->GetOatHeader().GetImagePatchDelta();  if (oat_patch_delta != image_patch_delta && !image_header.CompilePic()) {    // We should have already relocated by this point. Bail out.    *error_msg = StringPrintf("Failed to match oat file patch delta %d to expected patch delta %d "                              "in image %s", oat_patch_delta, image_patch_delta, GetName());    return nullptr;  }  return oat_file;}



Android ART虚拟机中 boot.art 和 boot.oat 之间什么关系?



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