UVA 10038

来源:互联网 发布:大学生论文单片机课题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 23:28

A sequence of n > 0 integers is called a jolly jumper if the absolute values of the difference between successive elements take on all the values 1 through n − 1. For instance,

1 4 2 3

is a jolly jumper, because the absolutes differences are 3, 2, and 1 respectively. The definition implies that any sequence of a single integer is a jolly jumper. You are to write a program to determine whether or not each of a number of sequences is a jolly jumper.


Each line of input contains an integer n ≤ 3000 followed by n integers representing the sequence.


For each line of input, generate a line of output saying ‘Jolly’ or ‘Not jolly’.

Sample Input

4 1 4 2 3
5 1 4 2 -1 6

Sample Output

Not jolly

题意:给定一个整数n,有一个长度为n的整数序列,如果这个序列相邻两个整数之间的差的绝对值均在1到n-1之间,并且这之间的每个数字都只出现一次,那么这个序列叫做Jolly Jumpers。


注意:需要注意的是,题目并没有告诉我们序列中数字的大小,所以使用int类型会出现runtime error的错误,需要使用long类型。

#include <cstdio>#include <stack>#include <memory.h>#include <cstdlib>using namespace std;int main(){    int cnt[3005];    int n;    while(~scanf("%d", &n)){        long a, b, k;        bool isJolly = true;        stack<long> num;        memset(cnt, 0, sizeof(int)*n);        k = n;        while(k--){            long x;            scanf("%ld", &x);            num.push(x);        }        for(int i = 1; i < n; i++){            a = num.top();            num.pop();            b = num.top();            long diff = labs(a-b);            cnt[diff]++;            if(cnt[diff] > 1 || diff < 1 || diff > n-1){                isJolly = false;                break;            }        }        if(isJolly)            printf("Jolly\n");        else            printf("Not jolly\n");    }    return 0;}