SSL P1963 提高组 俄罗斯方块

来源:互联网 发布:java项目流程怎么说 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 06:21


在下落的过程中,游戏者可以作90、 180或270 度旋转,还可以左右移动,对于每一次方块落地,我们要求方块的每一部分都必须与地面接触,例如,
有一个宽度为6列的平台,每一列的初始高度(已经占用的方格数)分别为2, 1, 1, 1, 0 和 1。编号为5的方块下落,有且仅有5种不同的落地方法:
1 ≤ C ≤ 100, 1 ≤ P ≤ 7
高度介于在 0 到 100,之间



var    a:array [0..101] of longint;    i,n,m,ans:longint;procedure workone;begin    for i:=4 to n do      if (a[i]=a[i-1]) and (a[i]=a[i-2]) and (a[i]=a[i-3])         then inc(ans);    ans:=ans+n;end;procedure worktwo;begin    for i:=2 to n do      if a[i]=a[i-1] then inc(ans);end;procedure workthree;begin    for i:=3 to n do      if (a[i]=a[i-1]+1) and (a[i]=a[i-2]+1)         then inc(ans);    for i:=2 to n do      if a[i]=a[i-1]-1         then inc(ans);end;procedure workfour;begin    for i:=1 to n-2 do      if (a[i]=a[i+1]+1) and (a[i]=a[i+2]+1)         then inc(ans);    for i:=2 to n do      if a[i]=a[i-1]+1         then inc(ans);end;procedure workfive;begin    for i:=3 to n do      if ((a[i]=a[i-1]) and (a[i]=a[i-2])) or         ((a[i]=a[i-1]+1) and (a[i]=a[i-2])) then inc(ans);    for i:=2 to n do      if (a[i]=a[i-1]+1) or (a[i]=a[i-1]-1)         then inc(ans);end;procedure worksix;begin    for i:=3 to n do      if ((a[i]=a[i-1]) and (a[i]=a[i-2])) or         ((a[i]=a[i-1]) and (a[i]=a[i-2]+1)) then inc(ans);    for i:=2 to n do      if (a[i]=a[i-1]) or (a[i]=a[i-1]-2) then inc(ans);end;procedure workseven;begin    for i:=3 to n do      if ((a[i]=a[i-1]) and (a[i]=a[i-2])) or         ((a[i]=a[i-1]-1) and (a[i]=a[i-2]-1)) then inc(ans);    for i:=2 to n do      if (a[i]=a[i-1]+2) or (a[i]=a[i-1]) then inc(ans);end;begin    readln(n,m);    for i:=1 to n do read(a[i]);    ans:=0;    case m of         1:workone;         2:worktwo;         3:workthree;         4:workfour;         5:workfive;         6:worksix;         7:workseven;    end;    writeln(ans);end.