
来源:互联网 发布:扫描条形码识别软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/08 15:35

本博客主要是H264的视频码流有ffmpeg 解码后,有opencv先,这里贴出全部代码,你只需自己建个工程,配置一下ffmpeg库和opencv3.0库就好了。(这里采用自己打开h264文件,解析出来每个nalu数据,把每一个nalu数据送给ffmpeg库,解码出yuv,然后把yuv转成BGR格式,用opencv显示出来)
头文件 H264.h

#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <conio.h>#include <string.h>#include <winsock2.h>typedef struct{    int startcodeprefix_len;      //! 4 for parameter sets and first slice in picture, 3 for everything else (suggested)    unsigned len;                 //! Length of the NAL unit (Excluding the start code, which does not belong to the NALU)    unsigned max_size;            //! Nal Unit Buffer size    int forbidden_bit;            //! should be always FALSE    int nal_reference_idc;        //! NALU_PRIORITY_xxxx    int nal_unit_type;            //! NALU_TYPE_xxxx        char *buf;                    //! contains the first byte followed by the EBSP    unsigned short lost_packets;  //! true, if packet loss is detected} NALU_t;int GetNalu();void FreeNALU(NALU_t *n);NALU_t *AllocNALU(int buffersize);void OpenBitstreamFile(char *fn);int GetAnnexbNALU(NALU_t *nalu);void dump(NALU_t *nal);int DumpChar(char * filename, char * buf, int len);FILE * getFile();


// rtspSend.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.//#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <memory.h>#include "h264.h"static char* dumpRoot = ".\\dump\\";static char file2open[1024];#define  UDP_MAX_SIZE 1400FILE *bits = NULL;                //!< the bit stream filestatic int FindStartCode2(unsigned char *Buf);//查找开始字符0x000001static int FindStartCode3(unsigned char *Buf);//查找开始字符0x00000001//  static int info2=0, info3=0;// RTP_FIXED_HEADER *rtp_hdr;// NALU_HEADER      *nalu_hdr;// FU_INDICATOR *fu_ind;// FU_HEADER        *fu_hdr;FILE * getFile(){    return bits;}//为NALU_t结构体分配内存空间NALU_t *AllocNALU(int buffersize){    NALU_t *nal =NULL;    if ((nal = (NALU_t*)calloc (1, sizeof (NALU_t))) == NULL)    {        printf("AllocNALU: n");        exit(0);    }    nal->max_size=buffersize;    if ((nal->buf = (char*)calloc (buffersize, sizeof (char))) == NULL)    {        free (nal);        printf ("AllocNALU: nal->buf");        exit(0);    }    return nal;}//释放void FreeNALU(NALU_t *n){    if (n)    {        if (n->buf)        {            free(n->buf);            n->buf=NULL;        }        free (n);    }}void OpenBitstreamFile (char *fn){    if (NULL == (bits=fopen(fn, "rb")))    {        printf("open file error\n");        exit(0);    }}//这个函数输入为一个NAL结构体,主要功能为得到一个完整的NALU并保存在NALU_t的buf中,//获取他的长度,填充F,IDC,TYPE位。//并且返回两个开始字符之间间隔的字节数,即包含有前缀的NALU的长度int GetAnnexbNALU (NALU_t *nalu){    int pos = 0;    int StartCodeFound, rewind;    unsigned char *Buf;    if ((Buf = (unsigned char*)calloc (nalu->max_size , sizeof(char))) == NULL)         printf ("GetAnnexbNALU: Could not allocate Buf memory\n");    nalu->startcodeprefix_len=3;//初始化码流序列的开始字符为3个字节    if (3 != fread (Buf, 1, 3, bits))//从码流中读3个字节    {        free(Buf);        return 0;    }    info2 = FindStartCode2 (Buf);//判断是否为0x000001     if(info2 != 1)     {        //如果不是,再读一个字节        if(1 != fread(Buf+3, 1, 1, bits))//读一个字节        {            free(Buf);            return 0;        }        info3 = FindStartCode3 (Buf);//判断是否为0x00000001        if (info3 != 1)//如果不是,返回-1        {             free(Buf);            return -1;        }        else         {            //如果是0x00000001,得到开始前缀为4个字节            pos = 4;            nalu->startcodeprefix_len = 4;        }    }    else    {        //如果是0x000001,得到开始前缀为3个字节        nalu->startcodeprefix_len = 3;        pos = 3;    }    //查找下一个开始字符的标志位    StartCodeFound = 0;    info2 = 0;    info3 = 0;    while (!StartCodeFound)    {        if (feof (bits))//判断是否到了文件尾        {            nalu->len = (pos-1)-nalu->startcodeprefix_len;            memcpy (nalu->buf, &Buf[nalu->startcodeprefix_len], nalu->len);                 nalu->forbidden_bit = nalu->buf[0] & 0x80; //1 bit            nalu->nal_reference_idc = nalu->buf[0] & 0x60; // 2 bit            nalu->nal_unit_type = (nalu->buf[0]) & 0x1f;// 5 bit            free(Buf);            return pos-1;        }        Buf[pos++] = fgetc (bits);//读一个字节到BUF中        info3 = FindStartCode3(&Buf[pos-4]);//判断是否为0x00000001        if(info3 != 1)            info2 = FindStartCode2(&Buf[pos-3]);//判断是否为0x000001        StartCodeFound = (info2 == 1 || info3 == 1);    }    // Here, we have found another start code (and read length of startcode bytes more than we should    // have.  Hence, go back in the file    rewind = (info3 == 1)? -4 : -3;    if (0 != fseek (bits, rewind, SEEK_CUR))//把文件指针指向前一个NALU的末尾    {        free(Buf);        printf("GetAnnexbNALU: Cannot fseek in the bit stream file");    }    // Here the Start code, the complete NALU, and the next start code is in the Buf.      // The size of Buf is pos, pos+rewind are the number of bytes excluding the next    // start code, and (pos+rewind)-startcodeprefix_len is the size of the NALU excluding the start code    nalu->len = (pos+rewind)-nalu->startcodeprefix_len;    memcpy (nalu->buf, &Buf[nalu->startcodeprefix_len], nalu->len);//拷贝一个完整NALU,不拷贝起始前缀0x000001或0x00000001    nalu->forbidden_bit = nalu->buf[0] & 0x80;      //1 bit    nalu->nal_reference_idc = nalu->buf[0] & 0x60;  //2 bit    nalu->nal_unit_type = (nalu->buf[0]) & 0x1f;    //5 bit    free(Buf);    return (pos+rewind);//返回两个开始字符之间间隔的字节数,即包含有前缀的NALU的长度}static int FindStartCode2 (unsigned char *Buf){    if(Buf[0]!=0 || Buf[1]!=0 || Buf[2] !=1)         return 0; //判断是否为0x000001,如果是返回1    else         return 1;}static int FindStartCode3 (unsigned char *Buf){    if(Buf[0]!=0 || Buf[1]!=0 || Buf[2] !=0 || Buf[3] !=1)         return 0;//判断是否为0x00000001,如果是返回1    else         return 1;}int rtpnum = 0;//输出NALU长度和TYPEvoid dump(NALU_t *nal){    if (!nal)         return;    printf("%3d, len: %6d  ",rtpnum++, nal->len);    printf("nal_unit_type: %x\n", nal->nal_unit_type);}int DumpChar(char * filename, char * buf, int len){    FILE* file;    int w, h;    unsigned char * temp = (unsigned char *)buf;    sprintf(file2open, "%s%s", dumpRoot, filename);    int mHeight = 0;    int mWidth = 100;    int mYu = 0;    mHeight = len / 100;    mYu = len % 100;    file = fopen(file2open, "w+");    for (h = 0; h < mHeight; h++)    {        for (w = 0; w < mWidth - 1; w++)        {            fprintf_s(file, "%3x,", temp[h * mWidth + w]);        }        fprintf_s(file, "%3x\n", temp[h * mWidth + w]);    }    for (w = 0; w < mYu - 1; w++)    {        fprintf_s(file, "%3x,", temp[h * mWidth + w]);    }    fprintf_s(file, "%3x\n", temp[h * mWidth + w]);    fclose(file);    return 0;}


#include "H264.h"extern "C"{#include "libavcodec/avcodec.h"#include "libavformat/avformat.h"#include "libswscale/swscale.h"#include "libavutil/avutil.h" };#include "opencv2/opencv.hpp"AVCodec         *pCodec = NULL;AVCodecContext  *pCodecCtx = NULL;SwsContext      *img_convert_ctx = NULL;AVFrame         *pFrame = NULL;AVFrame         *pFrameBGR = NULL;int H264_Init(void){    /* register all the codecs */    avcodec_register_all();    /* find the h264 video decoder */    pCodec = avcodec_find_decoder(CODEC_ID_H264);    if (!pCodec) {        fprintf(stderr, "codec not found\n");    }    pCodecCtx = avcodec_alloc_context3(pCodec);    //初始化参数,下面的参数应该由具体的业务决定      //pCodecCtx->time_base.num = 1;    //pCodecCtx->frame_number = 1; //每包一个视频帧      //pCodecCtx->codec_type = AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO;    //pCodecCtx->bit_rate = 0;    //pCodecCtx->time_base.den = 30;//帧率      //pCodecCtx->width = 960;//视频宽      //pCodecCtx->height = 544;//视频高      /* open the coderc */    if (avcodec_open2(pCodecCtx, pCodec, NULL) < 0) {        fprintf(stderr, "could not open codec\n");    }    // Allocate video frame      pFrame = avcodec_alloc_frame();    if (pFrame == NULL)        return -1;    // Allocate an AVFrame structure      pFrameBGR = avcodec_alloc_frame();    if (pFrameBGR == NULL)        return -1;    return 0;}static int dumpCount = 0;static int first = 0;static uint8_t *out_buffer = NULL;int H264_2_RGB(char *inputbuf, int frame_size, unsigned char *outputbuf, unsigned int*outsize){    int             decode_size;    int             numBytes;    int             av_result;    uint8_t         *buffer = NULL;    printf("Video decoding\n");    int ret, got_picture;    AVPacket packet;    av_init_packet(&packet);    packet.size = frame_size;    packet.data = (uint8_t *)inputbuf;    ret = avcodec_decode_video2(pCodecCtx, pFrame, &got_picture, &packet);    if (ret < 0)    {        printf("Decode Error. ret = %d(解码错误)\n", ret);        return -1;    }    if (first == 0)    {        out_buffer = (uint8_t *)av_malloc(avpicture_get_size(AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height));        avpicture_fill((AVPicture *)pFrameBGR, out_buffer, AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height);        first = 1;    }    struct SwsContext *img_convert_ctx;    img_convert_ctx = sws_getContext(pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, pCodecCtx->pix_fmt, pCodecCtx->width, pCodecCtx->height, AV_PIX_FMT_BGR24, SWS_BICUBIC, NULL, NULL, NULL);    sws_scale(img_convert_ctx, (const uint8_t* const*)pFrame->data, pFrame->linesize, 0, pCodecCtx->height, pFrameBGR->data, pFrameBGR->linesize);    memcpy(outputbuf, pFrameBGR->data[0], pCodecCtx->width * pCodecCtx->height * 3);    *outsize = pCodecCtx->width * pCodecCtx->height * 3;    return 0;}void H264_Release(void){    avcodec_close(pCodecCtx);    av_free(pCodecCtx);    av_free(pFrame);    av_free(pFrameBGR);}int main(int argc, char* argv[])  {      OpenBitstreamFile("./x264.h264");    NALU_t *nal;    char fName[300];    int Frame = 0;    nal = AllocNALU(8000000);//为结构体nalu_t及其成员buf分配空间。返回值为指向nalu_t存储空间的指针    H264_Init();    unsigned char *outputbuf = (unsigned char *)calloc(1000 * 1000, sizeof(char));    unsigned int outsize = 0;    unsigned char *m_pData = (unsigned char *)calloc(1000 * 1000, sizeof(char));    int sizeHeBing = 0;    while (!feof(getFile()))    {        GetAnnexbNALU(nal);//每执行一次,文件的指针指向本次找到的NALU的末尾,                           //下一个位置即为下个NALU的起始码0x000001        dump(nal);//输出NALU长度和TYPE        sprintf(fName, "dump[Len=%d][%d].txt", nal->len, Frame);        memset(m_pData, 0, 4);        m_pData[3] = 1;        memcpy(m_pData + 4, nal->buf, nal->len);        sizeHeBing = nal->len + 4;        Frame++;        int ret = H264_2_RGB((char *)m_pData, sizeHeBing, outputbuf, &outsize);        if(ret != 0)            continue;        cv::Mat  image = cv::Mat(pCodecCtx->height, pCodecCtx->width, CV_8UC3);        memcpy(image.data, outputbuf, pCodecCtx->height * pCodecCtx->width * 3);        cv::imshow("xxx", image);        cv::waitKey(40);        //DumpChar(fName, nal->buf, nal->len);        //Sleep(33);    }    FreeNALU(nal);    return 0;  }  