Android OTA升级原理和流程分析(八)---升级程序update_binary的执行过程

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Android OTA升级原理和流程分析(八)—升级程序update_binary的执行过程


    /*      * Copyright (C) 2009 The Android Open Source Project      *      * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");      * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.      * You may obtain a copy of the License at      *      *      *      * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software      * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,      * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.      * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and      * limitations under the License.      */      #include <stdio.h>      #include <unistd.h>      #include <stdlib.h>      #include "edify/expr.h"      #include "updater.h"      #include "install.h"      #include "minzip/Zip.h"      // Generated by the makefile, this function defines the      // RegisterDeviceExtensions() function, which calls all the      // registration functions for device-specific extensions.      #include ""      // Where in the package we expect to find the edify script to execute.      // (Note it's "updateR-script", not the older "update-script".)      #define SCRIPT_NAME "META-INF/com/google/android/updater-script"      int main(int argc, char** argv) {          // Various things log information to stdout or stderr more or less          // at random.  The log file makes more sense if buffering is          // turned off so things appear in the right order.          setbuf(stdout, NULL);          setbuf(stderr, NULL);          if (argc != 4) {              fprintf(stderr, "unexpected number of arguments (%d)\n", argc);              return 1;          }          char* version = argv[1];          if ((version[0] != '1' && version[0] != '2' && version[0] != '3') ||              version[1] != '\0') {              // We support version 1, 2, or 3.              fprintf(stderr, "wrong updater binary API; expected 1, 2, or 3; "                              "got %s\n",                      argv[1]);              return 2;          }          // Set up the pipe for sending commands back to the parent process.          int fd = atoi(argv[2]);          FILE* cmd_pipe = fdopen(fd, "wb");          setlinebuf(cmd_pipe);          // Extract the script from the package.          char* package_data = argv[3];          ZipArchive za;          int err;          err = mzOpenZipArchive(package_data, &za);          if (err != 0) {              fprintf(stderr, "failed to open package %s: %s\n",                      package_data, strerror(err));              return 3;          }          const ZipEntry* script_entry = mzFindZipEntry(&za, SCRIPT_NAME);          if (script_entry == NULL) {              fprintf(stderr, "failed to find %s in %s\n", SCRIPT_NAME, package_data);              return 4;          }          char* script = malloc(script_entry->uncompLen+1);          if (!mzReadZipEntry(&za, script_entry, script, script_entry->uncompLen)) {              fprintf(stderr, "failed to read script from package\n");              return 5;          }          script[script_entry->uncompLen] = '\0';          // Configure edify's functions.          RegisterBuiltins();          RegisterInstallFunctions();          RegisterDeviceExtensions();          FinishRegistration();          // Parse the script.          Expr* root;          int error_count = 0;          yy_scan_string(script);          int error = yyparse(&root, &error_count);          if (error != 0 || error_count > 0) {              fprintf(stderr, "%d parse errors\n", error_count);              return 6;          }          // Evaluate the parsed script.          UpdaterInfo updater_info;          updater_info.cmd_pipe = cmd_pipe;          updater_info.package_zip = &za;          updater_info.version = atoi(version);          State state;          state.cookie = &updater_info;          state.script = script;          state.errmsg = NULL;          char* result = Evaluate(&state, root);          if (result == NULL) {              if (state.errmsg == NULL) {                  fprintf(stderr, "script aborted (no error message)\n");                  fprintf(cmd_pipe, "ui_print script aborted (no error message)\n");              } else {                  fprintf(stderr, "script aborted: %s\n", state.errmsg);                  char* line = strtok(state.errmsg, "\n");                  while (line) {                      fprintf(cmd_pipe, "ui_print %s\n", line);                      line = strtok(NULL, "\n");                  }                  fprintf(cmd_pipe, "ui_print\n");              }              free(state.errmsg);              return 7;          } else {              fprintf(stderr, "script result was [%s]\n", result);              free(result);          }          if (updater_info.package_zip) {              mzCloseZipArchive(updater_info.package_zip);          }          free(script);          return 0;      }  


    ①函数参数以及版本的检查:当前updater binary API所支持的版本号有1,2,3这三个。    ②获取管道并打开:在执行此程序的过程中向该管道写入命令,用于通知其父进程根据命令去更新UI显示。    ③读取updater-script脚本:从update.zip包中将updater-script脚本读到一块动态内存中,供后面执行。    ④Configure edify’s functions:注册脚本中的语句处理函数,即识别脚本中命令的函数。主要有以下几类               RegisterBuiltins():注册程序中控制流程的语句,如ifelse、assert、abort、stdout等。                        RegisterInstallFunctions():实际安装过程中安装所需的功能函数,比如mount、format、set_progress、set_perm等等。               RegisterDeviceExtensions():与设备相关的额外添加項,在源码中并没有任何实现。               FinishRegistration():结束注册。    ⑤Parsethe script:调用yy*库函数解析脚本,并将解析后的内容存放到一个Expr类型的Python类中。主要函数是yy_scan_string()和yyparse()。    ⑥执行脚本:核心函数是Evaluate(),它会调用其他的callback函数,而这些callback函数又会去调用Evaluate去解析不同的脚本片段,从而实现一个简单的脚本解释器。    ⑦错误信息提示:最后就是根据Evaluate()执行后的返回值,给出一些打印信息。        这一执行过程非常简单,最主要的函数就是Evaluate。它负责最终执行解析的脚本命令。而安装过程中的命令就是updater-script。        下一篇幅将介绍updater-script脚本中的语法以及这个脚本在具体升级中的执行流程。


1、Android OTA升级原理和流程分析(八)—升级程序update_binary的执行过程

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