
来源:互联网 发布:知乎钓鱼岛问题 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 07:06


/***********************//*****  seqStack.h  ****//***********************/#ifndef _SEQSTACK_H#define _SEQSTACK_Htemplate <class T>class SeqStack{    public:        SeqStack(int capacity = 15);        ~SeqStack();        void ChangeCapacity(T* &st, int oldCapacity, int newCapacity);        bool IsEmpty() const;        T& Top() const;        void Push(const T& item);        T Pop();    private:        T *stack;        int capacity;        int top;};template <class T>SeqStack<T>::SeqStack(int stackCapacity):capacity(stackCapacity){    if (capacity < 1)        throw "Stack capacity must be > 0";    stack = new T[capacity];    top = -1;}template <class T>SeqStack<T>::~SeqStack(){    delete[] stack;}template <class T>void SeqStack<T>::ChangeCapacity(T* &st, int oldCapacity, int newCapacity){    if (newCapacity < 0)        throw "Realloc storge cannot < 0";    T *temp = new T[newCapacity];    int number = std::min(oldCapacity, newCapacity);    std::copy(st, st + number, temp);    delete[] st;    st = temp;    capacity = newCapacity;}template <class T>bool SeqStack<T>::IsEmpty() const{    return (top == -1);}template <class T>inline T& SeqStack<T>::Top() const{    if (IsEmpty())        throw "Stack is empty!";    return stack[top];}template <class T>void SeqStack<T>::Push(const T& item){    if (top == capacity-1){        ChangeCapacity(stack, capacity, 2*capacity);    }    stack[++top] = item;}template <class T>T SeqStack<T>::Pop(){    if (IsEmpty())        throw "Stack is empty!";    return stack[top--];}#endif
/***********************//*****   main.cpp   ****//***********************/#include <iostream>#include "seqStack.h"using namespace std;int main(int argc, const char *argv[]){    SeqStack<int> st;    int i;    if (st.IsEmpty())        cout << "Stack is empty!" << endl;    cout << "Push data in..." << endl;    for (i = 0; i < 30; i++){        st.Push(i);        cout << st.Top() << "  ";    }    cout << endl;    cout << "Top of stack" << endl;    cout << st.Top() << endl;    cout << "Pop data out..." << endl;    for (i = 0; i < 30; i++)        cout << st.Pop() << "  ";    cout << endl;    return 0;}