
来源:互联网 发布:所以国家域名后缀 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 16:37





相当于一个代码实现的解释。因为最近卤煮在用ncnn,所以该代码也是基于ncnn架构做的。 caffe架构同理。


MTCNN解读:Joint Face Detection and Alignment using Multi-task Cascaded Convolutional Networks

1. MTCNN关键参数

nms_threshold:非极大值抑制nms筛选人脸框时的IOU阈值,三个网络可单独设定阈值,值设置的过小,nms合并的少,会产生较多冗余计算。示例nms_threshold[3] = { 0.5, 0.7, 0.7 };。

threshold:人脸框得分阈值,三个网络可单独设定阈值,值设置的太小,会有很多框通过,也就增加了计算量,还有可能导致最后不是人脸的框错认为人脸。示例threshold[3] = {0.8, 0.8, 0.8};

minsize :最小可检测图像,该值大小,可控制图像金字塔的阶层数的参数之一,越小,阶层越多,计算越多。示例minsize = 40;

factor :生成图像金字塔时候的缩放系数, 范围(0,1),可控制图像金字塔的阶层数的参数之一,越大,阶层越多,计算越多。示例factor = 0.709;




2. 生成图像金字塔




3. Pnet运算

一般Pnet只做检测和人脸框回归两个任务。忽略下图中的Facial landmark。







3. Rnet

Rnet仍然只做检测和人脸框回归两个任务。忽略下图中的Facial landmark。





4. Onet









#include <stdio.h>#include <algorithm>#include <vector>#include <math.h>#include <iostream>#include <time.h>#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>#include "net.h"#include"cpu.h"using namespace std;using namespace cv;struct Bbox{    float score;    int x1;    int y1;    int x2;    int y2;    float area;    bool exist;    float ppoint[10];    float regreCoord[4];};struct orderScore{    float score;    int oriOrder;};void resize_image(ncnn::Mat& srcImage, ncnn::Mat& dstImage){int src_width = srcImage.w;int src_height = srcImage.h;int src_channel = srcImage.c;int dst_width = dstImage.w;int dst_height = dstImage.h;int dst_channel = dstImage.c;if (src_width == dst_width && src_height == dst_height){memcpy(,, src_width*src_height*src_channel*sizeof(float));return;}float lf_x_scl = static_cast<float>(src_width) / dst_width;float lf_y_Scl = static_cast<float>(src_height) / dst_height;const float* src_data =;float* dest_data =;int src_area = srcImage.cstep;int src_area2 = 2 * src_area;int dst_area = dstImage.cstep;int dst_area2 = 2 * dst_area;for (int y = 0; y < dst_height; y++) {for (int x = 0; x < dst_width; x++) {float lf_x_s = lf_x_scl * x;float lf_y_s = lf_y_Scl * y;int n_x_s = static_cast<int>(lf_x_s);n_x_s = (n_x_s <= (src_width - 2) ? n_x_s : (src_width - 2));int n_y_s = static_cast<int>(lf_y_s);n_y_s = (n_y_s <= (src_height - 2) ? n_y_s : (src_height - 2));float lf_weight_x = lf_x_s - n_x_s;float lf_weight_y = lf_y_s - n_y_s;float dest_val_b = (1 - lf_weight_y) * ((1 - lf_weight_x) *src_data[n_y_s * src_width + n_x_s] +lf_weight_x * src_data[n_y_s * src_width + n_x_s + 1]) +lf_weight_y * ((1 - lf_weight_x) * src_data[(n_y_s + 1) * src_width + n_x_s] +lf_weight_x * src_data[(n_y_s + 1) * src_width + n_x_s + 1]);float dest_val_g = (1 - lf_weight_y) * ((1 - lf_weight_x) *src_data[n_y_s * src_width + n_x_s + src_area] +lf_weight_x * src_data[n_y_s * src_width + n_x_s + 1 + src_area]) +lf_weight_y * ((1 - lf_weight_x) * src_data[(n_y_s + 1) * src_width + n_x_s + src_area] +lf_weight_x * src_data[(n_y_s + 1) * src_width + n_x_s + 1 + src_area]);float dest_val_r = (1 - lf_weight_y) * ((1 - lf_weight_x) *src_data[n_y_s * src_width + n_x_s + src_area2] +lf_weight_x * src_data[n_y_s * src_width + n_x_s + 1 + src_area2]) +lf_weight_y * ((1 - lf_weight_x) * src_data[(n_y_s + 1) * src_width + n_x_s + src_area2] +lf_weight_x * src_data[(n_y_s + 1) * src_width + n_x_s + 1 + src_area2]);dest_data[y * dst_width + x] = static_cast<float>(dest_val_b);dest_data[y * dst_width + x + dst_area] = static_cast<float>(dest_val_g);dest_data[y * dst_width + x + 2 * dst_area] = static_cast <float>(dest_val_r);}}}bool cmpScore(orderScore lsh, orderScore rsh){    if(lsh.score<rsh.score)        return true;    else        return false;}class mtcnn{public:    mtcnn();    void detect(ncnn::Mat& img_, std::vector<Bbox>& finalBbox);cv::Mat cp_img;private:    void generateBbox(ncnn::Mat score, ncnn::Mat location, vector<Bbox>& boundingBox_, vector<orderScore>& bboxScore_, float scale);    void nms(vector<Bbox> &boundingBox_, std::vector<orderScore> &bboxScore_, const float overlap_threshold, string modelname="Union");    void refineAndSquareBbox(vector<Bbox> &vecBbox, const int &height, const int &width);    ncnn::Net Pnet, Rnet, Onet;    ncnn::Mat img;float nms_threshold[3];// = { 0.5, 0.7, 0.7 };float threshold[3];//  = {0.8, 0.8, 0.8};float mean_vals[3];//  = {127.5, 127.5, 127.5};float norm_vals[3];//  = {0.0078125, 0.0078125, 0.0078125};    std::vector<Bbox> firstBbox_, secondBbox_,thirdBbox_;    std::vector<orderScore> firstOrderScore_, secondBboxScore_, thirdBboxScore_;    int img_w, img_h;};mtcnn::mtcnn(){for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){nms_threshold[i]=0.7;// = { 0.5, 0.7, 0.7 };threshold[i]=0.7;//  = {0.8, 0.8, 0.8};mean_vals[i]=127.5;//  = {127.5, 127.5, 127.5};norm_vals[i]=0.0078125;//  = {0.0078125, 0.0078125, 0.0078125};}nms_threshold[0] = 0.5;    Pnet.load_param("E:/Algrithm/MTCNN/MTCNN-master/mtcnn_caffe/model/det1.param");    Pnet.load_model("E:/Algrithm/MTCNN/MTCNN-master/mtcnn_caffe/model/det1.bin");    Rnet.load_param("E:/Algrithm/MTCNN/MTCNN-master/mtcnn_caffe/model/det2.param");    Rnet.load_model("E:/Algrithm/MTCNN/MTCNN-master/mtcnn_caffe/model/det2.bin");    Onet.load_param("E:/Algrithm/MTCNN/MTCNN-master/mtcnn_caffe/model/det3.param");    Onet.load_model("E:/Algrithm/MTCNN/MTCNN-master/mtcnn_caffe/model/det3.bin");//cp_img.create(295, 413, CV_8UC3);//const char* imagepath = "E:/Algrithm/ncnn/ncnn/x64/Release/test3.jpg";// argv[1];//cp_img = cv::imread(imagepath);}/******************generateBbox******************************///根据Pnet的输出结果,由滑框的得分,筛选可能是人脸的滑框,并记录该框的位置、人脸坐标信息、得分以及编号void mtcnn::generateBbox(ncnn::Mat score, ncnn::Mat location, std::vector<Bbox>& boundingBox_, std::vector<orderScore>& bboxScore_, float scale){    int stride = 2;//Pnet中有一次MP2*2,后续转换的时候相当于stride=2;    int cellsize = 12;    int count = 0;    //score p    float *p =;// + score.cstep;//判定为人脸的概率    //float *plocal =;    Bbox bbox;    orderScore order;//float max_p = 0;    for(int row=0;row<score.h;row++){        for(int col=0;col<score.w;col++){//printf("Pnet prob: %f\n", *p);//if (*p>max_p)//{//max_p = *p;//}            if(*p>threshold[0]){                bbox.score = *p;//记录得分                order.score = *p;                order.oriOrder = count;//记录有效滑框的编号                bbox.x1 = round((stride*col+1)/scale);//12*12的滑框,换算到原始图像上的坐标                bbox.y1 = round((stride*row+1)/scale);                bbox.x2 = round((stride*col+1+cellsize)/scale);                bbox.y2 = round((stride*row+1+cellsize)/scale);                bbox.exist = true;                bbox.area = (bbox.x2 - bbox.x1)*(bbox.y2 - bbox.y1);                for(int channel=0;channel<4;channel++)                    bbox.regreCoord[channel][0];//人脸框的坐标相关值                boundingBox_.push_back(bbox);                bboxScore_.push_back(order);                count++;            }            p++;            //plocal++;        }    }//printf("Pnet max prob: %f\n",max_p);}/**********************nms非极大值抑制****************************/void mtcnn::nms(std::vector<Bbox> &boundingBox_, std::vector<orderScore> &bboxScore_, const float overlap_threshold, string modelname){    if(boundingBox_.empty()){        return;    }    std::vector<int> heros;    //sort the score    sort(bboxScore_.begin(), bboxScore_.end(), cmpScore);//cmpScore指定升序排列    int order = 0;    float IOU = 0;    float maxX = 0;    float maxY = 0;    float minX = 0;    float minY = 0;//规则,站上擂台的擂台主,永远都是胜利者。    while(bboxScore_.size()>0){        order = bboxScore_.back().oriOrder;//取得分最高勇士的编号ID。        bboxScore_.pop_back();//勇士出列        if(order<0)continue;//死的?下一个!(order在(*it).oriOrder = -1;改变)        heros.push_back(order);//记录擂台主ID = false;//当前这个Bbox为擂台主,签订生死簿。        for(int num=0;num<boundingBox_.size();num++){            if({//活着的勇士                //the iou                maxX = (>;                maxY = (>;                minX = (<;                minY = (<;                //maxX1 and maxY1 reuse                 maxX = ((minX-maxX+1)>0)?(minX-maxX+1):0;                maxY = ((minY-maxY+1)>0)?(minY-maxY+1):0;                //IOU reuse for the area of two bbox                IOU = maxX * maxY;                if(!"Union"))                    IOU = IOU/( + - IOU);                else if(!"Min")){                    IOU = IOU/((<;                }                if(IOU>overlap_threshold){          ;//如果该对比框与擂台主的IOU够大,挑战者勇士战死                    for(vector<orderScore>::iterator it=bboxScore_.begin(); it!=bboxScore_.end();it++){                        if((*it).oriOrder == num) {                            (*it).oriOrder = -1;//勇士战死标志                            break;                        }                    }                }//else 那些距离擂台主比较远迎战者幸免于难,将有机会作为擂台主出现            }        }    }    for(int i=0;i<heros.size();i++) = true;//从生死簿上剔除,擂台主活下来了}void mtcnn::refineAndSquareBbox(vector<Bbox> &vecBbox, const int &height, const int &width){    if(vecBbox.empty()){        cout<<"Bbox is empty!!"<<endl;        return;    }    float bbw=0, bbh=0, maxSide=0;    float h = 0, w = 0;    float x1=0, y1=0, x2=0, y2=0;    for(vector<Bbox>::iterator it=vecBbox.begin(); it!=vecBbox.end();it++){        if((*it).exist){            bbw = (*it).x2 - (*it).x1 + 1;//滑框的宽高计算            bbh = (*it).y2 - (*it).y1 + 1;            x1 = (*it).x1 + (*it).regreCoord[0]*bbw;//人脸框的位置坐标计算            y1 = (*it).y1 + (*it).regreCoord[1]*bbh;            x2 = (*it).x2 + (*it).regreCoord[2]*bbw;            y2 = (*it).y2 + (*it).regreCoord[3]*bbh;            w = x2 - x1 + 1;//人脸框宽高            h = y2 - y1 + 1;                      maxSide = (h>w)?h:w;            x1 = x1 + w*0.5 - maxSide*0.5;            y1 = y1 + h*0.5 - maxSide*0.5;            (*it).x2 = round(x1 + maxSide - 1);            (*it).y2 = round(y1 + maxSide - 1);            (*it).x1 = round(x1);            (*it).y1 = round(y1);            //boundary check            if((*it).x1<0)(*it).x1=0;            if((*it).y1<0)(*it).y1=0;            if((*it).x2>width)(*it).x2 = width - 1;            if((*it).y2>height)(*it).y2 = height - 1;            it->area = (it->x2 - it->x1)*(it->y2 - it->y1);        }    }}void mtcnn::detect(ncnn::Mat& img_, std::vector<Bbox>& finalBbox_){    img = img_;    img_w = img.w;    img_h = img.h;    img.substract_mean_normalize(mean_vals, norm_vals);//数据预处理,归一化至(-1,1)    float minl = img_w<img_h?img_w:img_h;    int MIN_DET_SIZE = 12;    int minsize = 40;//最小可检测图像,该值大小,控制图像金字塔的阶层数,越小,阶层越多,计算越多。    float m = (float)MIN_DET_SIZE/minsize;    minl *= m;    float factor = 0.409;    int factor_count = 0;    vector<float> scales_;    while(minl>MIN_DET_SIZE){if (factor_count > 0){ m = m*factor; }        scales_.push_back(m);        minl *= factor;        factor_count++;    }    orderScore order;    int count = 0;    for (size_t i = 0; i < scales_.size(); i++) {        int hs = (int)ceil(img_h*scales_[i]);        int ws = (int)ceil(img_w*scales_[i]);        ncnn::Mat in(ws, hs, 3);        resize_image(img, in);//一次次生成图像金字塔中的一层图        ncnn::Extractor ex = Pnet.create_extractor();        ex.set_light_mode(true);printf("Pnet input width:%d, height:%d, channel:%d\n",in.w,in.h,in.c);        ex.input("data", in);//Pnet只有卷积层,所以可以接受不同size的input        ncnn::Mat score_, location_;        ex.extract("prob1", score_);printf("prob1 w:%d, h:%d, ch:%d, first data:%f\n", score_.w, score_.h, score_.c,[0]);//for (int t_w = 0; t_w < score_.w*score_.h*score_.c; t_w++)//{//printf("%f, ",[t_w]);//}        ex.extract("conv4-2", location_);        std::vector<Bbox> boundingBox_;        std::vector<orderScore> bboxScore_;        generateBbox(score_, location_, boundingBox_, bboxScore_, scales_[i]);        nms(boundingBox_, bboxScore_, nms_threshold[0]);//分会场擂台赛        for(vector<Bbox>::iterator it=boundingBox_.begin(); it!=boundingBox_.end();it++){            if((*it).exist){//获胜擂台主得到进入主会场的机会                firstBbox_.push_back(*it);//主会场花名册                order.score = (*it).score;                order.oriOrder = count;                firstOrderScore_.push_back(order);                count++;            }        }        bboxScore_.clear();        boundingBox_.clear();    }    //the first stage's nms    if(count<1)return;    nms(firstBbox_, firstOrderScore_, nms_threshold[0]);//主会场擂台赛    refineAndSquareBbox(firstBbox_, img_h, img_w);    printf("firstBbox_.size()=%d\n", firstBbox_.size());//for (vector<Bbox>::iterator it = firstBbox_.begin(); it != firstBbox_.end(); it++)//{//cout << "OK" << endl;////rectangle(cp_img, Point((*it).x1, (*it).y1), Point((*it).x2, (*it).y2), Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0);//}//imshow("Pnet.jpg", cp_img);//waitKey(1000);    //second stage    count = 0;    for(vector<Bbox>::iterator it=firstBbox_.begin(); it!=firstBbox_.end();it++){        if((*it).exist){            ncnn::Mat tempIm;            copy_cut_border(img, tempIm, (*it).y1, img_h-(*it).y2, (*it).x1, img_w-(*it).x2);            ncnn::Mat in(24, 24, 3);            resize_image(tempIm, in);            ncnn::Extractor ex = Rnet.create_extractor();            ex.set_light_mode(true);            ex.input("data", in);            ncnn::Mat score, bbox;            ex.extract("prob1", score);            ex.extract("conv5-2", bbox);            if(*(>threshold[1]){                for(int channel=0;channel<4;channel++)                    it->regreCoord[channel][0];//*(*bbox.cstep);                it->area = (it->x2 - it->x1)*(it->y2 - it->y1);                it->score =[0];//*(;                secondBbox_.push_back(*it);                order.score = it->score;                order.oriOrder = count++;                secondBboxScore_.push_back(order);            }            else{                (*it).exist=false;            }        }    }    printf("secondBbox_.size()=%d\n", secondBbox_.size());    if(count<1)return;    nms(secondBbox_, secondBboxScore_, nms_threshold[1]);    refineAndSquareBbox(secondBbox_, img_h, img_w);    //third stage     count = 0;    for(vector<Bbox>::iterator it=secondBbox_.begin(); it!=secondBbox_.end();it++){        if((*it).exist){            ncnn::Mat tempIm;            copy_cut_border(img, tempIm, (*it).y1, img_h-(*it).y2, (*it).x1, img_w-(*it).x2);            ncnn::Mat in(48, 48, 3);            resize_image(tempIm, in);            ncnn::Extractor ex = Onet.create_extractor();            ex.set_light_mode(true);            ex.input("data", in);            ncnn::Mat score, bbox, keyPoint;            ex.extract("prob1", score);            ex.extract("conv6-2", bbox);            ex.extract("conv6-3", keyPoint);            if([0]>threshold[2]){                for(int channel=0;channel<4;channel++)                    it->regreCoord[channel][0];                it->area = (it->x2 - it->x1)*(it->y2 - it->y1);                it->score =[0];                for(int num=0;num<5;num++){                    (it->ppoint)[num] = it->x1 + (it->x2 - it->x1)*[0];                    (it->ppoint)[num+5] = it->y1 + (it->y2 - it->y1)*[0];                }                thirdBbox_.push_back(*it);                order.score = it->score;                order.oriOrder = count++;                thirdBboxScore_.push_back(order);            }            else                (*it).exist=false;            }        }    printf("thirdBbox_.size()=%d\n", thirdBbox_.size());    if(count<1)return;    refineAndSquareBbox(thirdBbox_, img_h, img_w);    nms(thirdBbox_, thirdBboxScore_, nms_threshold[2], "Min");    finalBbox_ = thirdBbox_;    firstBbox_.clear();    firstOrderScore_.clear();    secondBbox_.clear();    secondBboxScore_.clear();    thirdBbox_.clear();    thirdBboxScore_.clear();}int main(int argc, char** argv){/******读图(start)*******/const char* imagepath ;// argv[1];if (argc == 2){imagepath = argv[1];}else{imagepath = "E:/Algrithm/ncnn/ncnn/x64/Release/test2.jpg";}cout << imagepath << endl;    cv::Mat cv_img = cv::imread(imagepath);    if (    {        fprintf(stderr, "cv::imread %s failed\n", imagepath);system("pause");        return -1;    }printf("img w: %d  h:%d  ch:%d\n",cv_img.cols,cv_img.rows,cv_img.channels());imshow("img",cv_img);waitKey(10);/***************读图(end)********************//***********MTCNN运算(start)************/float start = clock();int times = 1;ncnn::set_omp_num_threads(4);for (int cnt = 0; cnt < times; cnt++){std::vector<Bbox> finalBbox;mtcnn Net;//OpenCV读出的图片是BGR格式的,需要转为RGB格式,否则检出率会很低。ncnn::Mat ncnn_img = ncnn::Mat::from_pixels(, ncnn::Mat::PIXEL_BGR2RGB, cv_img.cols, cv_img.rows);Net.detect(ncnn_img, finalBbox);for (vector<Bbox>::iterator it = finalBbox.begin(); it != finalBbox.end(); it++){if ((*it).exist){printf("Bbox [x1,y1], [x2,y2]:[%d,%d], [%d,%d] \n", (*it).x1, (*it).x2, (*it).y1, (*it).y2);rectangle(cv_img, Point((*it).x1, (*it).y1), Point((*it).x2, (*it).y2), Scalar(0, 0, 255), 2, 8, 0);for (int num = 0; num < 5; num++){printf("Landmark [x1,y1]: [%d,%d] \n", (int)*(it->ppoint + num), (int)*(it->ppoint + num + 5));circle(cv_img, Point((int)*(it->ppoint + num), (int)*(it->ppoint + num + 5)), 3, Scalar(0, 255, 255), -1);}}}}/***********MTCNN运算(end)************/printf("MTCNN mean time comsuming: %f ms\n",(clock()-start)/times);    imshow("result.jpg",cv_img);waitKey(100);system("pause");    return 0;}#endif


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