《面试》 --阿里巴巴数据分析岗面试编程题解析

来源:互联网 发布:哥伦比亚大学 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/15 08:45



hellobike是不足2km 1元,不足4km 3元,不足8公里,5元,超过8km 8元,选择合适的出行方式

def  bike_plan(distance, speed):    # 计算出三种方式的花费    ofo = distance/1.5    if ofo > int(ofo):        ofo = float(int(ofo)+1)    yongan_1 = distance/speed    if yongan_1 > int(yongan_1):        yongan_1 = float(int(yongan_1)+1)    yongan = 0.2*yongan_1    if distance<= 2:        hellobike = 1.0    elif distance <= 4:        hellobike = 3.0    elif distance <= 8:        hellobike = 5.0    else:        hellobike = 8.0    # 将花费放置在h中    h = []    h.append(ofo)    h.append(yongan)    h.append(hellobike)    print h    # 找出所有值和最小值相同的坐标,放入h1中    h1 = []    for i in range(3):        if h[i] == min(h):            h1.append(h.index(min(h),i))    print h1    **# index(self)    # index(...)    # L.index(value, [start, [stop]]) -> integer -- return first index of value.    # Raises ValueError if the value is not present.    # 当值不存在的时候,返回的ValueError ,汗当时没考虑到这个问题啊!**    # 通过坐标找到相对应的骑行方式,放置在h3中,方便最后输出    h2 = ['ofo','永安行','hellobike']    h3 = []    for i in h1:        h3.append(h2[i])    print '骑行距离'+str(distance)+'(千米),匀速骑行速度'+str(speed)+'(千米/分钟)最省钱方案:'    if len(h3) == 1:        return h3[0] + str(min(h)) +'(元)'    if len(h3) == 2:        return h3[0] + str(min(h)) +'(元)和'+h3[1] + str(min(h)) +'(元)'    if len(h3) == 3:        return h3[0] + str(min(h)) +'(元)和'+h3[1] + str(min(h)) +'(元)'+h3[2]+ str(min(h)) +'(元)'_distance = float(raw_input())_speed = float(raw_input())res = bike_plan(_distance, _speed)print res + "\n"