
来源:互联网 发布:现货看盘软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 16:19

  前段时间我在研究mysql数据库锁,阅读了几天的mysql官方文档,对mysql的锁产生了浓厚的研究兴趣。我在之前做mysql中record lock导致dead lock的场景研究中,发现mysql不稳定,今天终于找到原因了。

Deprecated5.6.3Command-Line Format--innodb-locks-unsafe-for-binlogSystem VariableNameinnodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlogVariable ScopeGlobalDynamic VariableNoPermitted ValuesTypebooleanDefaultOFF

Consider the following example, beginning with this table:

CREATE TABLE t (a INT NOT NULL, b INT) ENGINE = InnoDB;INSERT INTO t VALUES (1,2),(2,3),(3,2),(4,3),(5,2);COMMIT;

In this case, table has no indexes, so searches and index scans use the hidden clustered index for record locking (seeSection, “Clustered and Secondary Indexes”).

Suppose that one client performs an UPDATE using these statements:

SET autocommit = 0;UPDATE t SET b = 5 WHERE b = 3;

Suppose also that a second client performs an UPDATE by executing these statements following those of the first client:

SET autocommit = 0;UPDATE t SET b = 4 WHERE b = 2;

As InnoDB executes each UPDATE, it first acquires an exclusive lock for each row, and then determines whether to modify it. If InnoDB does not modify the row and innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog is enabled, it releases the lock. Otherwise, InnoDBretains the lock until the end of the transaction. This affects transaction processing as follows.

If innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog is disabled, the first UPDATE acquires x-locks and does not release any of them:

x-lock(1,2); retain x-lockx-lock(2,3); update(2,3) to (2,5); retain x-lockx-lock(3,2); retain x-lockx-lock(4,3); update(4,3) to (4,5); retain x-lockx-lock(5,2); retain x-lock

The second UPDATE blocks as soon as it tries to acquire any locks (because the first update has retained locks on all rows), and does not proceed until the first UPDATE commits or rolls back:

x-lock(1,2); block and wait for first UPDATE to commit or roll back

If innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog is enabled, the first UPDATE acquires x-locks and releases those for rows that it does not modify:

x-lock(1,2); unlock(1,2)x-lock(2,3); update(2,3) to (2,5); retain x-lockx-lock(3,2); unlock(3,2)x-lock(4,3); update(4,3) to (4,5); retain x-lockx-lock(5,2); unlock(5,2)

For the second UPDATEInnoDB does a semi-consistent read, returning the latest committed version of each row to MySQL so that MySQL can determine whether the row matches the WHERE condition of the UPDATE:

x-lock(1,2); update(1,2) to (1,4); retain x-lockx-lock(2,3); unlock(2,3)x-lock(3,2); update(3,2) to (3,4); retain x-lockx-lock(4,3); unlock(4,3)x-lock(5,2); update(5,2) to (5,4); retain x-lock