SPOJ Balanced Numbers (数位DP+3进制状压)【模板】

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网秋冬半身裙 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 06:47

BALNUM - Balanced Numbers

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Balanced numbers have been used by mathematicians for centuries. A positive integer is considered a balanced number if:

1)      Every even digit appears an odd number of times in its decimal representation

2)      Every odd digit appears an even number of times in its decimal representation

For example, 77, 211, 6222 and 112334445555677 are balanced numbers while 351, 21, and 662 are not.

Given an interval [A, B], your task is to find the amount of balanced numbers in [A, B] where both A and B are included.


The first line contains an integer T representing the number of test cases.

A test case consists of two numbers A and B separated by a single space representing the interval. You may assume that 1 <= A <= B <= 1019 


For each test case, you need to write a number in a single line: the amount of balanced numbers in the corresponding interval


Input:21 10001 9







 用个3进制状态,表示每一位上数字出现的次数,0表示没出现过,1表示出现奇数次,2表示出现偶数次,这样0~9  一共10个状态就被表示了,而3^10<60000,很小。



#include<iostream>#include<algorithm>#include<cstdio>#include<cstring>using namespace std;typedef long long ll;const int N=25;ll dp[N][60000];//第一维表示位数  第二维是三进制表示的每个数字出现的次数ll m,n;int num[N];bool gg(int x)//是不是满足条件的数{    int s[10];    for(int i=0;i<10;++i)//得到三进制数的每一位,s[i]表示数字i出现了i次    {        s[i]=x%3;        x/=3;    }    for(int i=0;i<10;++i)    {        if(s[i]!=0)//如果i出现过        {            if(s[i]==1&&i%2==1)//i是奇数并且出现了奇数次  不符合题意                return 0;            if(s[i]==2&&i%2==0)//i是偶数并且出现了偶数次  不符合题意                return 0;        }    }    return 1;}int get_num(int ii,int x)//把ii的加进去{    int s[10];    for(int i=0;i<10;++i)//同上    {        s[i]=x%3;        x/=3;    }    //再啰嗦一遍  s[i]表示i出现的次数    if(s[ii]==0)//如果这个数ii还没出现过  就把s[ii]置为1  表示出现了一次        s[ii]=1;    else //如果已经出现过  出现了奇数次的话就3-s[ii]变为偶数次,如果出现了偶数次的话就3-s[ii]变为奇数次        s[ii]=3-s[ii];    int ans=0;    for(int i=9;i>=0;--i)//得到新的表示状态的数  一定要高位开始  可能三进制数不够10位  高位可能为0    {        ans*=3;        ans+=s[i];    }    return ans;}ll dfs(int pos,int value,int zero,int limit)//往下都是模板了 {    if(pos<0) return gg(value);    if(!limit && dp[pos][value]!=-1) return dp[pos][value];    ll ans=0;    int endi = limit ? num[pos] : 9 ;    for(int i=0;i<=endi;++i)    {        ans+=dfs(pos-1,(zero&&i==0)?0:get_num(i,value),zero&&(i==0),limit && i==endi );    }    if(!limit) dp[pos][value]=ans;    return ans;}ll solve(ll x){    int len=0;    while(x)    {        num[len++]=x%10;        x/=10;    }    return dfs(len-1,0,1,1);}int main(){    int t;    memset(dp,-1,sizeof dp);    scanf("%d",&t);    while(t--)    {        scanf("%lld%lld",&m,&n);        printf("%lld\n",solve(n)-solve(m-1));    }}
