XUtils BitmapUtils 源码分析

来源:互联网 发布:csgo网络不稳定 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 17:24


public <T extends View> void display(T container, String uri, BitmapDisplayConfig displayConfig, BitmapLoadCallBack<T> callBack) {        if (container == null) {            return;        }        if (callBack == null) {            callBack = new DefaultBitmapLoadCallBack<T>();        }        if (displayConfig == null || displayConfig == defaultDisplayConfig) {            displayConfig = defaultDisplayConfig.cloneNew();        }        // Optimize Max Size        BitmapSize size = displayConfig.getBitmapMaxSize();        displayConfig.setBitmapMaxSize(BitmapCommonUtils.optimizeMaxSizeByView(container, size.getWidth(), size.getHeight()));        container.clearAnimation();        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(uri)) {            callBack.onLoadFailed(container, uri, displayConfig.getLoadFailedDrawable());            return;        }        // start loading        callBack.onPreLoad(container, uri, displayConfig);        // find bitmap from mem cache.        Bitmap bitmap = globalConfig.getBitmapCache().getBitmapFromMemCache(uri, displayConfig);        if (bitmap != null) {            callBack.onLoadStarted(container, uri, displayConfig);            callBack.onLoadCompleted(                    container,                    uri,                    bitmap,                    displayConfig,                    BitmapLoadFrom.MEMORY_CACHE);        } else if (!bitmapLoadTaskExist(container, uri, callBack)) {            final BitmapLoadTask<T> loadTask = new BitmapLoadTask<T>(container, uri, displayConfig, callBack);            // get executor            PriorityExecutor executor = globalConfig.getBitmapLoadExecutor();            File diskCacheFile = this.getBitmapFileFromDiskCache(uri);            boolean diskCacheExist = diskCacheFile != null && diskCacheFile.exists();            if (diskCacheExist && executor.isBusy()) {                executor = globalConfig.getDiskCacheExecutor();            }            // set loading image            Drawable loadingDrawable = displayConfig.getLoadingDrawable();            callBack.setDrawable(container, new AsyncDrawable<T>(loadingDrawable, loadTask));            loadTask.setPriority(displayConfig.getPriority());            loadTask.executeOnExecutor(executor);        }    }


//如果加载图片的容器为空,则直接返回,这里加载图片的容器container为View的子类,比如说:ImageView等。        if (container == null) {            return;        }
//DefaultBitmapLoadCallBack为抽象类BitmapLoadCallBack的一个实现子类,实现了BitmapLoadCallBack的加载完成、加载失败的回调函数。        if (callBack == null) {            callBack = new DefaultBitmapLoadCallBack<T>();        }


public class DefaultBitmapLoadCallBack<T extends View> extends BitmapLoadCallBack<T> {    @Override    public void onLoadCompleted(T container, String uri, Bitmap bitmap, BitmapDisplayConfig config, BitmapLoadFrom from) {        this.setBitmap(container, bitmap);        Animation animation = config.getAnimation();        if (animation != null) {            animationDisplay(container, animation);        }    }    @Override    public void onLoadFailed(T container, String uri, Drawable drawable) {        this.setDrawable(container, drawable);    }    private void animationDisplay(T container, Animation animation) {        try {            Method cloneMethod = Animation.class.getDeclaredMethod("clone");            cloneMethod.setAccessible(true);            container.startAnimation((Animation) cloneMethod.invoke(animation));        } catch (Throwable e) {            container.startAnimation(animation);        }    }}


public void onPreLoad(T container, String uri, BitmapDisplayConfig config) public void onLoadStarted(T container, String uri, BitmapDisplayConfig config)public void onLoading(T container, String uri, BitmapDisplayConfig config, long total, long current) public abstract void onLoadCompleted(T container, String uri, Bitmap bitmap, BitmapDisplayConfig config, BitmapLoadFrom from);public abstract void onLoadFailed(T container, String uri, Drawable drawable);

defaultDisplayConfig 为BitmapDisplayConfig的一个默认实现实例,BitmapUtils的构造方法中被初始化,defaultDisplayConfig 可以调用BitmapUtils类中的给出的方法来对该默认实例进行设置。这里没有使用该默认对象,而是通过cloneNew()方法克隆出了一个新对象。这是要将原型模式进行到底啊,这也是因为defaultDisplayConfig 是被许多的调用者给调用的,我们如果自己设置BitmapDisplayConfig时,每一张图片的display都会使用该默认配置,因此需要使用到原型模式。防止某些对象在使用该实例时,对他进行了修改。

        if (displayConfig == null || displayConfig == defaultDisplayConfig) {            displayConfig = defaultDisplayConfig.cloneNew();        }


 private BitmapSize bitmapMaxSize;    private Animation animation;    private Drawable loadingDrawable;    private Drawable loadFailedDrawable;    private boolean autoRotation = false;    private boolean showOriginal = false;    private Bitmap.Config bitmapConfig = Bitmap.Config.RGB_565;    private BitmapFactory bitmapFactory;    private Priority priority;

在显示图片时,还对图片进行了长跟宽的比例进行了设置。这里optimizeMaxSizeByView的代码就不贴了。大致思想是:获取displayConfig的图片的BitmapSize 最大值,这里面包含了宽跟高,如果在displayConfig设置了该两个值,则直接返回该两个值,如果没有设置,则获取optimizeMaxSizeByView的container的布局属性,将该BitmapSize 设置为view的布局属性,比如说是ImageView的布局属性。

BitmapSize size = displayConfig.getBitmapMaxSize();displayConfig.setBitmapMaxSize(BitmapCommonUtils.optimizeMaxSizeByView(container,size.getWidth(),size.getHeight()));




if (TextUtils.isEmpty(uri)) {      callBack.onLoadFailed(container, uri, displayConfig.getLoadFailedDrawable());      return;}


// start loadingcallBack.onPreLoad(container, uri, displayConfig);


// find bitmap from mem cache.        Bitmap bitmap = globalConfig.getBitmapCache().getBitmapFromMemCache(uri, displayConfig);        if (bitmap != null) {            callBack.onLoadStarted(container, uri, displayConfig);            callBack.onLoadCompleted(                    container,                    uri,                    bitmap,                    displayConfig,                    BitmapLoadFrom.MEMORY_CACHE);        } else if (!bitmapLoadTaskExist(container, uri, callBack)) {            final BitmapLoadTask<T> loadTask = new BitmapLoadTask<T>(container, uri, displayConfig, callBack);            // get executor            PriorityExecutor executor = globalConfig.getBitmapLoadExecutor();            File diskCacheFile = this.getBitmapFileFromDiskCache(uri);            boolean diskCacheExist = diskCacheFile != null && diskCacheFile.exists();            if (diskCacheExist && executor.isBusy()) {                executor = globalConfig.getDiskCacheExecutor();            }            // set loading image            Drawable loadingDrawable = displayConfig.getLoadingDrawable();            callBack.setDrawable(container, new AsyncDrawable<T>(loadingDrawable, loadTask));            loadTask.setPriority(displayConfig.getPriority());            loadTask.executeOnExecutor(executor);        }


Bitmap bitmap = globalConfig.getBitmapCache().getBitmapFromMemCache(uri, displayConfig);

上面说了defaultDisplayConfig 是在BitmapUtils的构造方法中被初始化的。当我们使用时,使用了原型模式,通过克隆它,为每一张图片的加载都提供了它的一个克隆体,在BitmapUtils构造方法中,初始化的不仅仅有它,还有一个非常重要的东西globalConfig 。它是何方神圣,竟然是使用getInstance来获得实例而不是通过new来构造实例,原因只有一个,globalConfig 要被所有的图片加载所使用到。

public BitmapUtils(Context context, String diskCachePath) {        if (context == null) {            throw new IllegalArgumentException("context may not be null");        }        this.context = context.getApplicationContext();        globalConfig = BitmapGlobalConfig.getInstance(this.context, diskCachePath);        defaultDisplayConfig = new BitmapDisplayConfig();    }

那BitmapGlobalConfig里面包含什么呢。这个类代码太长了,只给出一部分。我们在下面对BitmapGlobalConfig 里面的一些重要的东西进行详解。

public class BitmapGlobalConfig {    private String diskCachePath;    public final static int MIN_MEMORY_CACHE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 2; // 2M    private int memoryCacheSize = 1024 * 1024 * 4; // 4MB    public final static int MIN_DISK_CACHE_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 10; // 10M    private int diskCacheSize = 1024 * 1024 * 50;  // 50M    private boolean memoryCacheEnabled = true;    private boolean diskCacheEnabled = true;    private Downloader downloader;    private BitmapCache bitmapCache;    private final static int DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE = 5;    private final static PriorityExecutor BITMAP_LOAD_EXECUTOR = new PriorityExecutor(DEFAULT_POOL_SIZE);    private final static PriorityExecutor DISK_CACHE_EXECUTOR = new PriorityExecutor(2);    private long defaultCacheExpiry = 1000L * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30; // 30 days    private int defaultConnectTimeout = 1000 * 15; // 15 sec    private int defaultReadTimeout = 1000 * 15; // 15 sec    private FileNameGenerator fileNameGenerator;    private BitmapCacheListener bitmapCacheListener;    private Context mContext;    private final static HashMap<String, BitmapGlobalConfig> configMap = new HashMap<String, BitmapGlobalConfig>(1);    /**     * @param context     * @param diskCachePath If null, use default appCacheDir+"/xBitmapCache"     */    private BitmapGlobalConfig(Context context, String diskCachePath) {        if (context == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("context may not be null");        this.mContext = context;        this.diskCachePath = diskCachePath;        initBitmapCache();    }    public synchronized static BitmapGlobalConfig getInstance(Context context, String diskCachePath) {        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(diskCachePath)) {            diskCachePath = OtherUtils.getDiskCacheDir(context, "xBitmapCache");        }        if (configMap.containsKey(diskCachePath)) {            return configMap.get(diskCachePath);        } else {            BitmapGlobalConfig config = new BitmapGlobalConfig(context, diskCachePath);            configMap.put(diskCachePath, config);            return config;        }    }

可以看到这个全局配置中包含了非常多的属性,比如内存缓存大小、磁盘缓存大小等。我们可以看到, BitmapGlobalConfig中维护了两个PriorityExecutor :BITMAP_LOAD_EXECUTOR 、DISK_CACHE_EXECUTOR 。我们先来分析这个,其他的待会再说,因为第一眼看到它就觉得这是我们加载加载图片时真正的执行者。其实事实也是的,因为我们可以往回去看一下display方法的最后一步就是:



PriorityExecutor executor = globalConfig.getBitmapLoadExecutor();

先来看看PriorityExecutor 吧,在下面的代码中可以看到,PriorityExecutor 是继承自Executor 的,Executor 为何许人物?Executor 是java 5引入的并发编程的新货色,线程池!

public ThreadPoolExecutor(int corePoolSize,int maximumPoolSize,long keepAliveTime,TimeUnit unit,BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue);

可以看到我们的PriorityExecutor 类中,默认的核心池大小为5。最大线程数为256,保活时间为1,时间单位为秒,保活时间是什么意思,就是说如果我们的当前线程池线程数量大于了核心池大小5,如果有线程空闲了1s,该线程就会被停止,被销毁。PriorityExecutor 实现了阻塞队列,这个后面在分析。也就是说,我们的全局配置BitmapGlobalConfig中维护了两个线程池,一个时图片加载时的执行线程池BITMAP_LOAD_EXECUTOR ,大小为5,一个是磁盘缓存线程池,大小为2。

public class PriorityExecutor implements Executor {    private static final int CORE_POOL_SIZE = 5;    private static final int MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE = 256;    private static final int KEEP_ALIVE = 1;    private static final ThreadFactory sThreadFactory = new ThreadFactory() {        private final AtomicInteger mCount = new AtomicInteger(1);        @Override        public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {            return new Thread(r, "PriorityExecutor #" + mCount.getAndIncrement());        }    };    private final BlockingQueue<Runnable> mPoolWorkQueue = new PriorityObjectBlockingQueue<Runnable>();    private final ThreadPoolExecutor mThreadPoolExecutor;    public PriorityExecutor() {        this(CORE_POOL_SIZE);    }    public PriorityExecutor(int poolSize) {        mThreadPoolExecutor = new ThreadPoolExecutor(                poolSize,                MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE,                KEEP_ALIVE,                TimeUnit.SECONDS,                mPoolWorkQueue,                sThreadFactory);    }    public int getPoolSize() {        return mThreadPoolExecutor.getCorePoolSize();    }    public void setPoolSize(int poolSize) {        if (poolSize > 0) {            mThreadPoolExecutor.setCorePoolSize(poolSize);        }    }    public boolean isBusy() {        return mThreadPoolExecutor.getActiveCount() >= mThreadPoolExecutor.getCorePoolSize();    }    @Override    public void execute(final Runnable r) {        mThreadPoolExecutor.execute(r);    }}


private final static HashMap<String, BitmapGlobalConfig> configMap = new HashMap<String,BitmapGlobalConfig>(1);


 ////////////////////////////////// bitmap cache management task ///////////////////////////////////////    private class BitmapCacheManagementTask extends PriorityAsyncTask<Object, Void, Object[]> {        public static final int MESSAGE_INIT_MEMORY_CACHE = 0;        public static final int MESSAGE_INIT_DISK_CACHE = 1;        public static final int MESSAGE_FLUSH = 2;        public static final int MESSAGE_CLOSE = 3;        public static final int MESSAGE_CLEAR = 4;        public static final int MESSAGE_CLEAR_MEMORY = 5;        public static final int MESSAGE_CLEAR_DISK = 6;        public static final int MESSAGE_CLEAR_BY_KEY = 7;        public static final int MESSAGE_CLEAR_MEMORY_BY_KEY = 8;        public static final int MESSAGE_CLEAR_DISK_BY_KEY = 9;        private BitmapCacheManagementTask() {            this.setPriority(Priority.UI_TOP);        }        @Override        protected Object[] doInBackground(Object... params) {            if (params == null || params.length == 0) return params;            BitmapCache cache = getBitmapCache();            if (cache == null) return params;            try {                switch ((Integer) params[0]) {                    case MESSAGE_INIT_MEMORY_CACHE:                        cache.initMemoryCache();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_INIT_DISK_CACHE:                        cache.initDiskCache();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_FLUSH:                        cache.flush();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLOSE:                        cache.clearMemoryCache();                        cache.close();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLEAR:                        cache.clearCache();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLEAR_MEMORY:                        cache.clearMemoryCache();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLEAR_DISK:                        cache.clearDiskCache();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLEAR_BY_KEY:                        if (params.length != 2) return params;                        cache.clearCache(String.valueOf(params[1]));                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLEAR_MEMORY_BY_KEY:                        if (params.length != 2) return params;                        cache.clearMemoryCache(String.valueOf(params[1]));                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLEAR_DISK_BY_KEY:                        if (params.length != 2) return params;                        cache.clearDiskCache(String.valueOf(params[1]));                        break;                    default:                        break;                }            } catch (Throwable e) {                LogUtils.e(e.getMessage(), e);            }            return params;        }        @Override        protected void onPostExecute(Object[] params) {            if (bitmapCacheListener == null || params == null || params.length == 0) return;            try {                switch ((Integer) params[0]) {                    case MESSAGE_INIT_MEMORY_CACHE:                        bitmapCacheListener.onInitMemoryCacheFinished();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_INIT_DISK_CACHE:                        bitmapCacheListener.onInitDiskFinished();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_FLUSH:                        bitmapCacheListener.onFlushCacheFinished();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLOSE:                        bitmapCacheListener.onCloseCacheFinished();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLEAR:                        bitmapCacheListener.onClearCacheFinished();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLEAR_MEMORY:                        bitmapCacheListener.onClearMemoryCacheFinished();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLEAR_DISK:                        bitmapCacheListener.onClearDiskCacheFinished();                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLEAR_BY_KEY:                        if (params.length != 2) return;                        bitmapCacheListener.onClearCacheFinished(String.valueOf(params[1]));                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLEAR_MEMORY_BY_KEY:                        if (params.length != 2) return;                        bitmapCacheListener.onClearMemoryCacheFinished(String.valueOf(params[1]));                        break;                    case MESSAGE_CLEAR_DISK_BY_KEY:                        if (params.length != 2) return;                        bitmapCacheListener.onClearDiskCacheFinished(String.valueOf(params[1]));                        break;                    default:                        break;                }            } catch (Throwable e) {                LogUtils.e(e.getMessage(), e);            }        }    }


public class BitmapCache {    private final int DISK_CACHE_INDEX = 0;    private LruDiskCache mDiskLruCache;    private LruMemoryCache<MemoryCacheKey, Bitmap> mMemoryCache;    private final Object mDiskCacheLock = new Object();    private BitmapGlobalConfig globalConfig;

可以看到,我们的图片缓存是有着两部分组成,一部分是磁盘缓存,一部分是内存缓存,从命名可以看出都是使用的Lru算法,Least recently used,最近最少使用。那么我们看看这两部分缓存都分别是怎么实现的。
先看磁盘缓存LruDiskCache ,这里我们可以看到LruDiskCache 是实现了Closeable接口的。实现了一个同步方法close,其中用来关闭资源,这里没贴出来,关闭资源之后,将引用置为了null。让实例化出来的Writer可以被GC收集。

public final class LruDiskCache implements Closeable


private final LinkedHashMap<String, Entry> lruEntries = new LinkedHashMap<String, Entry>(0, 0.75f, true);



private LruMemoryCache<MemoryCacheKey, Bitmap> mMemoryCache


    private final LinkedHashMap<K, V> map;


private final static HashMap<String, BitmapGlobalConfig> configMap = new HashMap<String,,BitmapGlobalConfig>(1);



// find bitmap from mem cache.        Bitmap bitmap = globalConfig.getBitmapCache().getBitmapFromMemCache(uri, displayConfig);        if (bitmap != null) {            callBack.onLoadStarted(container, uri, displayConfig);            callBack.onLoadCompleted(                    container,                    uri,                    bitmap,                    displayConfig,                    BitmapLoadFrom.MEMORY_CACHE);        } else if (!bitmapLoadTaskExist(container, uri, callBack)) {            final BitmapLoadTask<T> loadTask = new BitmapLoadTask<T>(container, uri, displayConfig, callBack);            // get executor            PriorityExecutor executor = globalConfig.getBitmapLoadExecutor();            File diskCacheFile = this.getBitmapFileFromDiskCache(uri);            boolean diskCacheExist = diskCacheFile != null && diskCacheFile.exists();            if (diskCacheExist && executor.isBusy()) {                executor = globalConfig.getDiskCacheExecutor();            }            // set loading image            Drawable loadingDrawable = displayConfig.getLoadingDrawable();            callBack.setDrawable(container, new AsyncDrawable<T>(loadingDrawable, loadTask));            loadTask.setPriority(displayConfig.getPriority());            loadTask.executeOnExecutor(executor);        }

(2) 如果图片不为空的话,回调BitmapLoadCallBack(图片加载回调类)中的onLoadStarted、onLoadCompleted。
(5)先创建一个图片加载的异步任务,在这里,异步任务中对于容器View 的引用是弱引用。

final BitmapLoadTask<T> loadTask = new BitmapLoadTask<T>(container, uri, displayConfig, callBack);


// get executorPriorityExecutor executor = globalConfig.getBitmapLoadExecutor();


File diskCacheFile = this.getBitmapFileFromDiskCache(uri);boolean diskCacheExist = diskCacheFile != null && diskCacheFile.exists();if (diskCacheExist && executor.isBusy()) {     executor = globalConfig.getDiskCacheExecutor();}


Drawable loadingDrawable = displayConfig.getLoadingDrawable();callBack.setDrawable(container, new AsyncDrawable<T>(loadingDrawable, loadTask));




@Override        protected Bitmap doInBackground(Object... params) {            synchronized (pauseTaskLock) {                while (pauseTask && !this.isCancelled()) {                    try {                        pauseTaskLock.wait();                        if (cancelAllTask) {                            return null;                        }                    } catch (Throwable e) {                    }                }            }            Bitmap bitmap = null;            // get cache from disk cache            if (!this.isCancelled() && this.getTargetContainer() != null) {                this.publishProgress(PROGRESS_LOAD_STARTED);                bitmap = globalConfig.getBitmapCache().getBitmapFromDiskCache(uri, displayConfig);            }            // download image            if (bitmap == null && !this.isCancelled() && this.getTargetContainer() != null) {                bitmap = globalConfig.getBitmapCache().downloadBitmap(uri, displayConfig, this);                from = BitmapLoadFrom.URI;            }            return bitmap;        }

这里有一个暂停锁。我们来看看暂停锁的定义,其实就是一个对象。一个BitmapUtils中使用异步任务来执行请求,而异步任务又是采用多线程并发,因此通过给一个final对象进行同步,便可以在判断是否取消任务、暂停任务时,是同步执行的,当线程想要取消任务、暂停任务时,必须先获得pauseTaskLock 对象锁,让任务取消之后,又会释放这个对象锁以供其他线程来获取它。

private final Object pauseTaskLock = new Object();


@Override        protected void onCancelled(Bitmap bitmap) {            synchronized (pauseTaskLock) {                pauseTaskLock.notifyAll();            }        }


public Bitmap downloadBitmap(String uri, BitmapDisplayConfig config, final BitmapUtils.BitmapLoadTask<?> task) {        BitmapMeta bitmapMeta = new BitmapMeta();        OutputStream outputStream = null;        LruDiskCache.Snapshot snapshot = null;        try {            Bitmap bitmap = null;            // try download to disk            if (globalConfig.isDiskCacheEnabled()) {                if (mDiskLruCache == null) {                    initDiskCache();                }                if (mDiskLruCache != null) {                    try {                        snapshot = mDiskLruCache.get(uri);                        if (snapshot == null) {                            LruDiskCache.Editor editor = mDiskLruCache.edit(uri);                            if (editor != null) {                                outputStream = editor.newOutputStream(DISK_CACHE_INDEX);                                bitmapMeta.expiryTimestamp = globalConfig.getDownloader().downloadToStream(uri, outputStream, task);                                if (bitmapMeta.expiryTimestamp < 0) {                                    editor.abort();                                    return null;                                } else {                                    editor.setEntryExpiryTimestamp(bitmapMeta.expiryTimestamp);                                    editor.commit();                                }                                snapshot = mDiskLruCache.get(uri);                            }                        }                        if (snapshot != null) {                            bitmapMeta.inputStream = snapshot.getInputStream(DISK_CACHE_INDEX);                            bitmap = decodeBitmapMeta(bitmapMeta, config);                            if (bitmap == null) {                                bitmapMeta.inputStream = null;                                mDiskLruCache.remove(uri);                            }                        }                    } catch (Throwable e) {                        LogUtils.e(e.getMessage(), e);                    }                }            }            // try download to memory stream            if (bitmap == null) {                outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();                bitmapMeta.expiryTimestamp = globalConfig.getDownloader().downloadToStream(uri, outputStream, task);                if (bitmapMeta.expiryTimestamp < 0) {                    return null;                } else {                    bitmapMeta.data = ((ByteArrayOutputStream) outputStream).toByteArray();                    bitmap = decodeBitmapMeta(bitmapMeta, config);                }            }            if (bitmap != null) {                bitmap = rotateBitmapIfNeeded(uri, config, bitmap);                bitmap = addBitmapToMemoryCache(uri, config, bitmap, bitmapMeta.expiryTimestamp);            }            return bitmap;        } catch (Throwable e) {            LogUtils.e(e.getMessage(), e);        } finally {            IOUtils.closeQuietly(outputStream);            IOUtils.closeQuietly(snapshot);        }        return null;    }


public abstract class Downloader {    /**     * Download bitmap to outputStream by uri.     *     * @param uri     * @param outputStream     * @return The expiry time stamp or -1 if failed to download.     */    public abstract long downloadToStream(String uri, OutputStream outputStream, final BitmapUtils.BitmapLoadTask<?> task);    private Context context;    private long defaultExpiry;    private int defaultConnectTimeout;    private int defaultReadTimeout;    public Context getContext() {        return context;    }    public void setContext(Context context) {        this.context = context;    }    public void setDefaultExpiry(long expiry) {        this.defaultExpiry = expiry;    }    public long getDefaultExpiry() {        return this.defaultExpiry;    }    public int getDefaultConnectTimeout() {        return defaultConnectTimeout;    }    public void setDefaultConnectTimeout(int defaultConnectTimeout) {        this.defaultConnectTimeout = defaultConnectTimeout;    }    public int getDefaultReadTimeout() {        return defaultReadTimeout;    }    public void setDefaultReadTimeout(int defaultReadTimeout) {        this.defaultReadTimeout = defaultReadTimeout;    }}

在默认的图片下载器中实现了下载方法。可以看到,这里建立了URLConnection 来进行图片的下载。会先对uri进行判定,判断是从网络上下载图片还是从本地assert文件夹等地方进行图片的获取、这里是将uri对应图片下载成文件流

public class DefaultDownloader extends Downloader {    /**     * Download bitmap to outputStream by uri.     *     * @param uri          file path, assets path(assets/xxx) or http url.     * @param outputStream     * @param task     * @return The expiry time stamp or -1 if failed to download.     */    @Override    public long downloadToStream(String uri, OutputStream outputStream, final BitmapUtils.BitmapLoadTask<?> task) {        if (task == null || task.isCancelled() || task.getTargetContainer() == null) return -1;        URLConnection urlConnection = null;        BufferedInputStream bis = null;        OtherUtils.trustAllHttpsURLConnection();        long result = -1;        long fileLen = 0;        long currCount = 0;        try {            if (uri.startsWith("/")) {                FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(uri);                fileLen = fileInputStream.available();                bis = new BufferedInputStream(fileInputStream);                result = System.currentTimeMillis() + this.getDefaultExpiry();            } else if (uri.startsWith("assets/")) {                InputStream inputStream = this.getContext().getAssets().open(uri.substring(7, uri.length()));                fileLen = inputStream.available();                bis = new BufferedInputStream(inputStream);                result = Long.MAX_VALUE;            } else {                final URL url = new URL(uri);                urlConnection = url.openConnection();                urlConnection.setConnectTimeout(this.getDefaultConnectTimeout());                urlConnection.setReadTimeout(this.getDefaultReadTimeout());                bis = new BufferedInputStream(urlConnection.getInputStream());                result = urlConnection.getExpiration();                result = result < System.currentTimeMillis() ? System.currentTimeMillis() + this.getDefaultExpiry() : result;                fileLen = urlConnection.getContentLength();            }            if (task.isCancelled() || task.getTargetContainer() == null) return -1;            byte[] buffer = new byte[4096];            int len = 0;            BufferedOutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(outputStream);            while ((len = bis.read(buffer)) != -1) {                out.write(buffer, 0, len);                currCount += len;                if (task.isCancelled() || task.getTargetContainer() == null) return -1;                task.updateProgress(fileLen, currCount);            }            out.flush();        } catch (Throwable e) {            result = -1;            LogUtils.e(e.getMessage(), e);        } finally {            IOUtils.closeQuietly(bis);        }        return result;    }}


downloadBitmap(String uri, BitmapDisplayConfig config, final BitmapUtils.BitmapLoadTask<?> task)


globalConfig.getDownloader().downloadToStream(uri, outputStream, task);


我们最后再来看看display方法的最后一句中的这个异步任务是怎么提交下载图片的结果并显示 在容器View中的。



  1. 在doInBackground中进行图片的获取,也就是说从内存缓存中获取图片是在主线程中进行的,而从磁盘缓存或者网络下载图片时,是在子线程中进行的。
  2. 下载完成之后doInBackground方法会返回一个Bitmap对象,最终在运行完成回调函数onPostExecute 中回调DefaultBitmapLoadCallBack实例callback的
public abstract void onLoadCompleted(T container, String uri, Bitmap bitmap, BitmapDisplayConfig config, BitmapLoadFrom from)


 public abstract void onLoadFailed(T container, String uri, Drawable drawable);


public class BitmapLoadTask<T extends View> extends PriorityAsyncTask<Object, Object, Bitmap> {        private final String uri;        private final WeakReference<T> containerReference;        private final BitmapLoadCallBack<T> callBack;        private final BitmapDisplayConfig displayConfig;        private BitmapLoadFrom from = BitmapLoadFrom.DISK_CACHE;        public BitmapLoadTask(T container, String uri, BitmapDisplayConfig config, BitmapLoadCallBack<T> callBack) {            if (container == null || uri == null || config == null || callBack == null) {                throw new IllegalArgumentException("args may not be null");            }            this.containerReference = new WeakReference<T>(container);            this.callBack = callBack;            this.uri = uri;            this.displayConfig = config;        }        @Override        protected Bitmap doInBackground(Object... params) {            synchronized (pauseTaskLock) {                while (pauseTask && !this.isCancelled()) {                    try {                        pauseTaskLock.wait();                        if (cancelAllTask) {                            return null;                        }                    } catch (Throwable e) {                    }                }            }            Bitmap bitmap = null;            // get cache from disk cache            if (!this.isCancelled() && this.getTargetContainer() != null) {                this.publishProgress(PROGRESS_LOAD_STARTED);                bitmap = globalConfig.getBitmapCache().getBitmapFromDiskCache(uri, displayConfig);            }            // download image            if (bitmap == null && !this.isCancelled() && this.getTargetContainer() != null) {                bitmap = globalConfig.getBitmapCache().downloadBitmap(uri, displayConfig, this);                from = BitmapLoadFrom.URI;            }            return bitmap;        }        public void updateProgress(long total, long current) {            this.publishProgress(PROGRESS_LOADING, total, current);        }        private static final int PROGRESS_LOAD_STARTED = 0;        private static final int PROGRESS_LOADING = 1;        @Override        protected void onProgressUpdate(Object... values) {            if (values == null || values.length == 0) return;            final T container = this.getTargetContainer();            if (container == null) return;            switch ((Integer) values[0]) {                case PROGRESS_LOAD_STARTED:                    callBack.onLoadStarted(container, uri, displayConfig);                    break;                case PROGRESS_LOADING:                    if (values.length != 3) return;                    callBack.onLoading(container, uri, displayConfig, (Long) values[1], (Long) values[2]);                    break;                default:                    break;            }        }        @Override        protected void onPostExecute(Bitmap bitmap) {            final T container = this.getTargetContainer();            if (container != null) {                if (bitmap != null) {                    callBack.onLoadCompleted(                            container,                            this.uri,                            bitmap,                            displayConfig,                            from);                } else {                    callBack.onLoadFailed(                            container,                            this.uri,                            displayConfig.getLoadFailedDrawable());                }            }        }        @Override        protected void onCancelled(Bitmap bitmap) {            synchronized (pauseTaskLock) {                pauseTaskLock.notifyAll();            }        }        public T getTargetContainer() {            final T container = containerReference.get();            final BitmapLoadTask<T> bitmapWorkerTask = getBitmapTaskFromContainer(container, callBack);            if (this == bitmapWorkerTask) {                return container;            }            return null;        }    }


