Python学习笔记 8

来源:互联网 发布:csgo网络不稳定 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 08:55

1. 参数解包


    #定义一个接受打包参数的函数    In [15]: def halo(**kwargs):       ....:     print kwargs       ....:         In [16]: d={'name':'lockey','age':23}    #将定义的字典参数传入,结果报错,原因是参数问题    In [17]: halo(d)    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------    TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)    <ipython-input-17-969fe2bd5d97> in <module>()    ----> 1 halo(d)    TypeError: halo() takes exactly 0 arguments (1 given)    #尝试将参数硬打包传入    In [18]: halo(x=d)    {'x': {'age': 23, 'name': 'lockey'}}    #错误的引用方式    In [19]: halo(*d)    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------    TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)    <ipython-input-19-d892cb70e2c6> in <module>()    ----> 1 halo(*d)    TypeError: halo() takes exactly 0 arguments (2 given)    #正确的打包方式    In [20]: halo(**d)    {'age': 23, 'name': 'lockey'}

2. 创建生成器的 xrange

In [21]: lst = (i for i in xrange(1,100))In [22]: lstOut[22]: <generator object <genexpr> at 0x1b8dc80>#由上边的结果可以看出xrange产生的为一个生成器对象In [23]:[23]: 1In [24]:[24]: 2In [25]:[25]: 3

3. 高阶函数(Higher-order functions)HOFs


Python中一些有用的高阶函数包含在functools中,而另一些则是内建的。通常认为map(), filter()以及functools.reduce()是python中高阶函数的基础模块,并且绝大多数的函数式语言使用这些函数作为他们的基础(函数的名称偶尔会有不同)。与map/filter/reduce几乎一样基础的基础模块是柯里化(currying)。在python中,柯里化对应的函数是包含在functools模块中的partial(),这个函数以其它函数为参数,但其它函数中的零个或更多参数已经给定,从而使得返回的函数的参数减少,运行起来与给定参数的其它函数类似。

内建函数map()与filter()与解析式(comprehension)等价(尤其是考虑到目前生成器解析式(generator comprehension)已经可用),但是很多python程序员认为解析式可读性更强一些。例如,以下表达式是等价的:

transformed = map(tranformation,iterator)||transformed = (transformation(x) for x in iterator)filtered = filter(predicate,iterator)||filtered = (x for x in iterator if predicate(x))


from functools import reducetotal = reduce(operator.add,it,0)#total = sum(it)


>>> add5 = lambda n: n+5>>> reduce(lambda l,x: l+[add5(x)],range(10),[])[5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]>>> # simpler: map(add5,range(10)>>> isOdd = lambda n: n%2>>> reduce(lambda l,x: l+[x]if isOdd(x) else l, range(10),[])[1,3,5,7,9]>>> # simpler: filter(isOdd,range(10))


也有一些常用的高阶函数不包含在python的原始库中,但是它们可以通常容易编写 (并且有些第三方库包含了这些函数)。不用的库以及不同的语言可能使用不同的函数名称,但是它们都拥有类似的功能。


4. 编程时间

4.1 通过面向对象的方式实现队列和栈的数据结构;


栈是一种特殊的线性表。其特殊性在于限定插入和删除数据元素的操作只能在线性表的一端进行。其最大的特性就是后进先出(Last In First Out),所以也简称为LIFO线性表。


构造空栈:InitStack(S)、判栈空: StackEmpty(S)、判栈满: StackFull(S)、进栈: Push(S,x)、可形象地理解为压入,这时栈中会多一个元素退栈: Pop(S) 、 可形象地理解为弹出,弹出后栈中就无此元素了。取栈顶元素:StackTop(S),不同与弹出,只是使用栈顶元素的值,该元素仍在栈顶不会改变。



队列(Queue)也是一种运算受限的线性表,它的运算限制与栈不同,是两头都有限制,插入只能在表的一端进行(只进不出),而删除只能在表的另一端进行(只出不进),允许删除的一端称为队尾(rear),允许插入的一端称为队头 (Front),队列的操作原则是先进先出的,所以队列又称作FIFO表(First In First Out)


置空队 :InitQueue(Q)判队空: QueueEmpty(Q)判队满: QueueFull(Q)入队 : EnQueue(Q,x)出队 : DeQueue(Q)取队头元素: QueueFront(Q),不同与出队,队头元素仍然保留。



#!/usr/bin/env python#-*-coding:utf-8-*-'''file:ooQueue.pydate:17-9-5 上午11:21author:lockeyemail:lockey@123.comdesc:面向对象实现的队列'''class Queue(object):    def __init__(self):        self.queue = []    def eleIn(self,*args):        self.queue.extend(args)    def eleOut(self):        if self.queue == []:            return None        else:            return self.queue.pop(0)    def eleShow(self):        if self.queue == []:            print 'Queue is empty!'            return        print 'Element in queue: '        queues = ''        for i in self.queue:            queues += str(i)        print queues    def eleEmpty(self):        if self.queue == []:            print 'Empty queue!'            return True        print 'Queue not empty!'        return False    def eleHead(self):        if self.eleEmpty():            print 'Empty queue, no head show!'            return None        print 'Queue head is: ',self.queue[0]    def eleTail(self):        if self.eleEmpty():            print 'Empty queue, no tail show!'            return None        print 'Queue tail is: ',self.queue[-1]    def eleLen(self):        if self.queue == []:            print 'No element in queue!'            return        print 'Lenght of queue is: ',len(self.queue)

4.2 通过面向对象的方式实现一个简单的学校管理系统

  • 管理员进行学校创建、用户(管理员、老师、学生)管理(添加、删除)、课程添加等操作
  • 学生登录系统并学习、缴费、修改密码、查看自己的信息
  • 老师登录系统并讲课、查看自己所教课程的学生信息、查看自己信息、改密码等


# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-'''Created on 2017年9月3日Running environment:win7.x86_64 eclipse python3@author: Lockey'''import timeimport datetimefrom test.datetimetester import DAY#定义一个学校类包含私有属性以及成员方法class School(object):    'This is class for School model'    __admins = {}    __teachers = {}    __students = {}    __courses = {}    #初始化类    def __init__(self):        pass    #激活、真正创建一个学校实例       def schoolactivate(self,school_name,school_location,school_motto):        self.__school_name = school_name        self.__school_location = school_location        self.__school_motto = school_motto    #添加系统管理员       def adminAdd(self,adminname,obj):        self.__admins.setdefault(adminname,obj)        return True    #获得系统管理员信息    def getAdmins(self):        return self.__admins    #获取学校成员如老师和学生的信息    def getUser(self,usertype):        if usertype == 'teacher':            return self.__teachers        elif usertype == 'student':            return self.__students        else:            return False    #添加课程    def addCourse(self):        courses = self.getCourses()        totalCourses = len(courses)        cname = ''; cprice = ''; ctime = ''        try:            while True:                if cname == '':                    cname = input('Please input your course name : ')                    if cname in courses:                        cname = ''                        print('Courses already exists!')                        return                    if cname == '':                        print('course name can not be blank, please reinput!')                        continue                if cprice == '':                    cprice = input('Please input your course price : ')                    if cprice == '':                        print('course price can not be blank, please reinput!')                        continue                    try:                        if 0> int(cprice) >100000:                            print('Illegal price value, too high price againsts the law!')                            cprice = ''                            continue                    except:                        cprice = ''                        print('Illegal price value, number is required!')                        continue                if ctime == '':                       ctime = input('Please input your course time (eg:2017-09-03): ')                    if ctime == '':                        print('course time can not be blank, please reinput!')                        continue                    if ctime.count('-') != 2:                        print('Time format illegal!')                        ctime = ''                        continue                    if not valid_date(ctime):                        print('Time format illegal!')                        ctime = ''                        continue                break            cnumber = 'course'+str(totalCourses+1)            #创建课程实例            course = Course(cnumber,cname,cprice,ctime)            self.__courses.setdefault(cname,course)            self.__students.setdefault(cname)            print('Course %s successfully added!'%cname)            course.showInfo()            return True        except:            return False    #获取课程信息    def getCourses(self):        return self.__courses    #招收学生    def addStudent(self):        courses = self.__courses        students = self.__students        sname = ''; sage = ''; sgender = ''; sclassof = ''        while True:            if sname == '':                sname = input('Please input student name : ')                if sname == '':                    print('student name can not be blank, please reinput!')                    continue            if sclassof == '':                sclassof = input('Please input student course : ')                if sclassof not in courses:                    courseLst = []                    for item in courses:                        courseLst.append(item)                    print('No such course to attend, please input one of following items as your course!\n')                    print(courseLst)                    sclassof = ''                    continue            classStudents = self.__students[sclassof]            if classStudents and sname in classStudents:                print('Student {} already in class {}'.format(sname, sclassof))                return False            if sage == '':                sage = input('Please input student age(6-120) : ')                if sage == '':                    print('student age can not be blank, please reinput!')                    continue                try:                    age = int(sage)                    if 0< age <=120:                        pass                    else:                        sage = ''                        print('Illegal human age, are your a neuropath!!')                        continue                except:                    sage = ''                    print('Illegal human age, number within 10000 is required!')                    continue            if sgender == '':                   sgender = input('Please input student gender (male|female): ')                if sgender == '':                    print('student gender can not be blank, please reinput!')                    continue                if sgender == 'male' or sgender == 'female':                    continue                else:                    print('invalid gender!')                    sgender = ''                    continue            break        fees = - int(courses[sclassof].price)        try:            studentTotal = len(students[sclassof])        except:            studentTotal = 0        finally:            studentno = 'student'+sclassof+str(studentTotal+1)                #创建学生实例            student = Student(sname, 'student', sage, sgender, sclassof, studentno,fees)            try:                if len(self.__students[sclassof]):                    self.__students[sclassof].setdefault(sname,student)            except:                self.__students[sclassof]={sname:student}              print('Student %s successfully added, infos are as below:'%sname)            course = courses[sclassof]            student.showInfo(course)            return True    def deleteUser(self):        while True:            type = input('Please input user type [(a)dmin,(t)eacher,(s)tudent] (Q to quit): ')            type=type.lower()            if type == 'q':                break            if type not in 'ats':                print('User type does not exist!')                return            if type == 'a':                userDict = self.__admins            elif type == 't':                userDict = self.__teachers            else:                classof = input('Please input student class: ')                if classof not in self.__courses:                    print('No such class!')                      continue                userDict = self.__students[classof]            username = input('Please input username to delete: ')            if username in userDict:                if username == 'admin':                    print('Operation forbidden, super administrator can not be destroyed!')                    continue                if type == 'a' or type == 't':                    del userDict[username]                    print('User %s successfully deleted!'%username)                      continue                if userDict[username].feestate > 0:                    refund = input('Current student has paid the fees, sure to refund and delete(Y/N): ')                    if refund in 'nN':                        print('Cancel deleting student %s'%username)                        continue                del userDict[username]                print('Student %s successfully deleted!'%username)                continue            print('User %s does not exist!'%username)     #招收讲师    def addTeacher(self):        teachers = self.getUser('teacher')        tname=''; tage=''; tgender=''; tcourse=''; tsalary=''        try:            while True:                    if tname == '':                        tname = input('Please input teacher name : ')                        if tname in teachers:                            tname = ''                            print('teacher already exists!')                            return                        if tname == '':                            print('teacher name can not be blank, please reinput!')                            continue                    if tage == '':                        tage = input('Please input teacher age(6-120) : ')                        if tage == '':                            print('teacher age can not be blank, please reinput!')                            continue                        try:                            age = int(tage)                            if 0< age <=120:                                pass                            else:                                tage = ''                                print('Illegal human age, are your a neuropath!!')                                continue                        except:                            tage = ''                            print('Illegal human age, number within 10000 is required!')                            continue                    if tgender == '':                           tgender = input('Please input teacher gender (male|female) : ')                        if tgender == '':                            print('teacher gender can not be blank, please reinput!')                            continue                        if tgender == 'male' or tgender == 'female':                            continue                        else:                            print('invalid gender!')                            tgender = ''                            continue                    if tcourse == '':                        courses = self.getCourses()                        tcourse = input('Please input teacher course : ')                        if tcourse == 'quit':                            return                        if tcourse not in courses:                            courseLst = []                            for item in courses:                                courseLst.append(item)                            print('No such course to attend, please input one of following items as your course!\n')                            print(courseLst)                            tcourse = ''                            continue                    if tsalary == '':                           tsalary = input('Please input teacher salary : ')                        if tsalary == '':                            print('teacher salary can not be blank, please reinput!')                            continue                        try:                            if int(tsalary):                                pass                        except:                            print('Illegal salary value, number is required!')                            tsalary = ''                            continue                    break            totalteacher = len(teachers)            teacherno = 'teacher'+str(totalteacher+1)            #创建老师实例            teacher = Teacher(tname, 'teacher',tage, tgender, tcourse, tsalary, teacherno)            self.__teachers.setdefault(tname,teacher)            print('Teacher %s successfully added, infos as below:'%tname)            course = courses[tcourse]            teacher.showInfo(course)            return True        except:            return False    #查看学校信息    def getSchoolInfo(self):        ret = (self.__school_name,self.__school_location,self.__school_motto)         return ret  #定义课程类class Course(object):    def __init__(self,cnumber,cname,cprice,ctime):        self.number = cnumber = cname        self.price = cprice        self.time = ctime    #定义课程显示的方法    def showInfo(self):        print("""        Infomation for course {}            number : {}            name : {}            price : {}            time: {}            """.format(, self.number,, self.price, self.time))#定义学校成员类,作为老师和学生的基类class Member(object):    def __init__(self,name,password,age,gender,*arg): = name        self.password = password        self.age = age        self.gender = gender    def showInfo(self):       pass    def changePassword(self):        orign = False        while True:            if orign == False:                password = input('Please input old password to authenticate: ')                if password != self.password:                    print('Original password not correct, try again!')                    continue                orign = True            password1 = input('Please input new password(Q to quit): ')                if password1 in 'Qq':                return False            if password1 == self.password:                print('Passwords can not be the same as the old one, try again!')                continue            if len(password1) < 6:                print('Passwords must more than 5 characters , try again!')                continue            password2 = input('Please confirm password: ')            if password1 != password2:                print('Passwords not equal, try again!')                continue            self.password = password1            print('Passwords successfully changed!')            break#定义老师类class Teacher(Member):    def __init__(self,name,password,age,gender,*arg):        super().__init__(name,password,age,gender)        self.course = arg[0]        self.salary = arg[1]        self.number = arg[2]    def showInfo(self,obj):        print("""        Infomation for teacher {}            number : {}            name : {}            age : {}            gender: {}            course : {}                course number:{}                course price :{}                course time  :{}            salary : {}            """.format(, self.number,, self.age, self.gender, self.course, obj.number, obj.price, obj.time, self.salary))    #老师讲课的方法函数    def giveLecture(self):        print('Course {} start ...'.format(self.course))        for i in range(5,0,-1):            time.sleep(1)            print('Course {} will over after {} seconds...'.format(self.course,i))            i = i - 1        print('Course {} over ...'.format(self.course))    #老师查看自己所带课程的学生信息    def viewStudents(self,students):                print("""        Student attending {} are as below""".format(self.course))                print("""    number   name   age   gender   class""")                for stu in students:                    print('    {} {}      {}     {}        {}'.format(stu.number,,stu.age,stu.gender,stu.classof))#定义学生类    class Student(Member):    def __init__(self,name,password,age,gender,*arg):        super().__init__(name,password,age,gender)        self.classof = arg[0]        self.number = arg[1]        self.feestate = arg[2]    #定义学生学习的方法    def learning(self):        print('{} start learning ...'.format(        for i in range(5,0,-1):            time.sleep(1)            print('{} keep learning ...'.format(            i = i - 1        print('{} stop learning and go to date ...'.format(    #定义学生缴费的方法函数    def payFees(self):        if self.feestate < 0:            self.feestate *= -1            print('Fees paid off!')            return        else:            print('Fees already paid!')            return    def showInfo(self,obj):        print("""        Infomation for student {}            number : {}            name : {}            age : {}            gender : {}            feeState : {}            class : {}                course number:{}                course price :{}                course time  :{}            """.format(, self.number,, self.age, self.gender, self.feestate, self.classof,obj.number, obj.price, obj.time))#用来判断输入的日期是否合规范def valid_date(dateStr):    try:        year, month, day = map(int,dateStr.split('-'))        mDay = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]        if 2017<=year<=2038 and 1<=month<=12 and 1<=day<=31:            if (year % 4) == 0 and (year % 100) != 0 or (year % 400) == 0:                mDay[1] = 29            if day > mDay[month-1] :                return False            return True        return False          except:        return False#判断当前时段,返回一个时间段的代表值作为问候语的一部分 def period():    currentTime =    hour = currentTime.hour    if 6 <= hour < 12:        return 'morning!'    if 12 <= hour < 14:        return 'midday!'      if 14 <= hour < 18:        return 'afternoon!'    if 18 <= hour < 20:        return 'evening!'    else:        return 'night'#所有相关用户的登录函数,用来进行登录限制def userloginCheck(usertype,obj):    if usertype == 'admin':        admins = obj.getAdmins()        userDict = admins    else:        userDict = obj.getUser(usertype)        if usertype == 'student':            course = input('Please input your class: ')            if course in userDict:                userDict = userDict[course]            else:                print('No such class!')                return False       loginuser = False    userAttempt = 0    while userAttempt < 3:        username = input('Please input username: ')        userAttempt += 1        if not userDict.get(username):            print('Username not exist!')            continue        password = input('Please input password: ')        if password == userDict[username].password:            passwordCheck = checkPassword(usertype,userDict[username],password)            if passwordCheck:                    loginuser = userDict[username]            break        else:            print('Username or password not correct!')    if userAttempt >= 3:        print('User {} has tried 3 times, please login later!'.format(username))     return loginuser#用户初次登录强制修改密码函数def checkPassword(usertype,obj,oldpwd):    defaultPwd={'admin':'admin','teacher':'teacher','student':'student'}    if defaultPwd[usertype] == oldpwd:        print('For first logged in user, password should be changed!')        while True:            password1 = input('Please input new password: ')                if password1 in 'Qq':                return False            if password1 == oldpwd:                print('Passwords can not be the same as the old one, try again!')                continue            password2 = input('Please confirm password: ')            if password1 != password2 and password1 != '':                print('Passwords not equal, try again!')                continue            if len(password1) < 6:                print('Passwords must more than 5 characters , try again!')                continue            obj.password = password1            break    return True#管理员管理模块函数def systemManage(user,school):    greeting = period()    oplist = """    Good {} administator [ {} ]            menu lists        (M) : school manage        (C) : course Eroll        (T) : teacher Eroll        (S) : student Eroll        (VT) : view teachers         (VS) : view students        (VC) : view courses        (P) : change password        (A) : add administrator        (D) : delete user(admin/teacher/student)        (Q) : quit            """.format(greeting,    print(oplist)    while True:        userChoice = input('Please input your operation (o to  show menu): ')        if userChoice in 'Mm':            schoolInfo = school.getSchoolInfo()             #学校信息管理            print("""    Information for school {}          name: {}          location: {}          motto:{}        """.format(schoolInfo[0],schoolInfo[0],schoolInfo[1],schoolInfo[2]))            continue        if userChoice in 'oO':            print(oplist)            continue        if userChoice in 'Cc':            result =  school.addCourse()            if not result:                print('Course adding failed!')            continue        elif userChoice in 'Tt':            result = school.addTeacher()            if not result:                print('Teacher enrolling failed!')            continue        elif userChoice in 'Ss':            result = school.addStudent()            if not result:                print('Student enrolling failed!')            continue        elif userChoice in 'VSvsVsvS':            studentDict = school.getUser('student')            if len(studentDict) > 0:                try:                    for course in studentDict:                        if len(studentDict[course]) > 0:                                                   print("""            Students attending {} are as below""".format(course))                            print("""        number   name   age   gender   class""")                            for student in studentDict[course]:                                stu = studentDict[course][student]                                print('       {} {}      {}     {}        {}'.format(stu.number,,stu.age,stu.gender,stu.classof))                except:                    print('\nNo students info to show!\n')            else:                print('\nNo students info to show!\n')        elif userChoice in 'VTvtVtvT':            teachers = school.getUser('teacher')            try:                if len(teachers) > 0:                         print("""                Teachers information are as below:            number   name   age   gender   course   salary""")                    for item in teachers:                        teacher = teachers[item]                        print('       {} {}      {}     {}        {}         {}'.format(teacher.number,,teacher.age,teacher.gender,teacher.course,teacher.salary))                else:                    print('\nNo teachers info to show!\n')            except:                print('No teachers info to show!')        elif userChoice in 'VCvcVcvC':            courses = school.getCourses()            if len(courses) > 0:                print("""            Courses information are as below:        number   name   price   time""")                for item in courses:                    course = courses[item]                    print('       {}  {}      {}      {}'.format(course.number,,course.price,course.time))            else:                print('\nNo courses info to show!\n')        elif userChoice in 'pP':            user.changePassword()            continue        elif userChoice in 'aA':            while True:                    adminname = input('Please input administrator name(q to quit) : ')                    if adminname in 'qQ':                        break                    if adminname in school.getAdmins():                        print('Administrator %s already exists!'%adminname)                        continue                       admin = Member(adminname,'admin','admin','admin')                    result = school.adminAdd(adminname, admin)                    if result:                        print('Administrator successfully added with default password "admin"! ')                        break                    print('Failed to add administrator %s!'%adminname)            continue        elif userChoice in 'dD':            school.deleteUser()            continue        elif userChoice in 'Qq':            print('Administrator %s exited!'              break        else:            print('No operation math your choice ({}) or operation forbidden(no shcool exists)!'.format(userChoice))            continue#老师登录函数     def teacherLogin(obj):    user = userloginCheck('teacher',obj)    if user == False:        return    teacher = user    teachCourse = teacher.course    greeting = period()    print("""    Good {} teacher [ {} ]            menu lists        (G)  : give a lecture        (VT) : view self information        (VS) : view students attending class        (C)  : change password        (Q)  : quit            """.format(greeting,    while True:        userChoice = input('Please input your operation: ')        if userChoice in 'gG':            teacher.giveLecture()            continue        elif userChoice in 'VTvtVtvT':            courses = obj.getCourses()            course = courses[teachCourse]            teacher.showInfo(course)            continue        elif userChoice in 'VSvsVsvS':            studentDict = obj.getUser('student')            if len(studentDict) > 0:                try:                    if len(studentDict[teachCourse]) > 0:                                               print("""        Students attending {} are as below""".format(teachCourse))                        print("""    number   name   age   gender   class""")                        for student in studentDict[teachCourse]:                            stu = studentDict[teachCourse][student]                            print('       {} {}      {}     {}        {}'.format(stu.number,,stu.age,stu.gender,stu.classof))                except:                    print('\nNo students info to show!\n')            else:                print('\nNo students info to show!\n')            continue        elif userChoice in 'cC':            teacher.changePassword()            continue        elif userChoice in 'qQ':            print('Teacher %s exited!'              break        else:            print('No operation math your choice ({})'.format(userChoice))#学生登录函数        def studentLogin(obj):    user = userloginCheck('student',obj)    if user == False:        return    student = user    course = student.classof    courses = obj.getCourses()    greeting = period()    print("""    Good {}  [ {} ]            menu lists        (L) : Learning        (P) : Pay the fees        (S) : Self info show        (C) : change password        (Q) : quit            """.format(greeting,    while True:        userChoice = input('Please input your operation: ')        if userChoice in 'lL':            student.learning()            continue        elif userChoice in 'pP':            student.payFees()            continue        elif userChoice in 'sS':            course = courses[course]            student.showInfo(course)            continue        elif userChoice in 'cC':            student.changePassword()            continue        elif userChoice in 'qQ':            print('Student %s exited!'              break        else:            print('No operation math your choice ({})'.format(userChoice))#系统起始运行函数def systemStart():    adminFirstLogin = False    admin = Member('admin','admin','admin','admin')    school = School()    school.adminAdd('admin', admin)    menu = """    Welcome to education manage system            menu lists        (M) : system manage        (T) : teacher login        (S) : student login        (Q) : quit            """    print(menu)    while True:        userChoice = input('Please input your operation(input "O" for operation menu list) : ')        if userChoice in 'oO':            print(menu)            continue        if userChoice in 'Mm':            loginUser = userloginCheck('admin',school)            if loginUser == False:                continue            if adminFirstLogin:                    systemManage(loginUser,school)            else:                print('There is no school exists, please create a school first!\n')                schoolname = ''; schoollocation = ''; schoolmotto = ''                while True:                    if schoolname == '':                        schoolname = input('Please input your school name : ')                        if schoolname == '':                            print('School name can not be blank, please reinput!')                            continue                    if schoollocation == '':                        schoollocation = input('Please input your school location : ')                        if schoollocation == '':                            print('School location can not be blank, please reinput!')                            continue                    if schoolmotto == '':                           schoolmotto = input('Please input your school motto : ')                        if schoolmotto == '':                            print('School motto can not be blank, please reinput!')                            continue                    break                school.schoolactivate(schoolname, schoollocation, schoolmotto)                systemManage(loginUser,school)                adminFirstLogin = True                continue        elif userChoice in 'Tt':            if adminFirstLogin :                teacherLogin(school)            else:                print('There is no school exists, please create a school first(iNput "m|M")!\n')                continue        elif userChoice in 'Ss':            if adminFirstLogin :                studentLogin(school)            else:                print('There is no school exists, please create a school first(iNput "m|M")!\n')                continue        elif userChoice in 'Qq':            break        else:            print('No operation math your choice ({})'.format(userChoice))    print('System exited!')if __name__ == "__main__":    systemStart()


    Welcome to education manage system            menu lists        (M) : system manage        (T) : teacher login        (S) : student login        (Q) : quitPlease input your operation(input "O" for operation menu list) : mPlease input username: rootUsername not exist!Please input username: adminPlease input password: adminFor first logged in user, password should be changed!Please input new password: redhatPlease confirm password: redhatThere is no school exists, please create a school first!Please input your school name : StandfordPlease input your school location : CaliforniaPlease input your school motto : stand for    Good afternoon! administator [ admin ]            menu lists        (M) : school manage        (C) : course Eroll        (T) : teacher Eroll        (S) : student Eroll        (VT) : view teachers         (VS) : view student        (VC) : view student        (Q) : quitPlease input your operation : m    Information for school Standford          name: Standford          location: California          motto:stand forPlease input your operation : cPlease input your course name : mathPlease input your course price : 1200Please input your course time : 2017-10-01Course math successfully added!        Infomation for course math            number : course1            name : math            price : 1200            time: 2017-10-01Please input your operation : vc            Courses information are as below:        number   name   price   time       course1  math      1200      2017-10-01Please input your operation : tPlease input teacher name : lockeyPlease input teacher age : 23Please input teacher gender (male|female) : malePlease input teacher course : englishNo such course to attend, please input one of following items as your course!['math']Please input teacher course : mathPlease input teacher salary : 12300000Teacher lockey successfully added, number is teacher1 !        Infomation for teacher lockey            number : teacher1            name : lockey            age : 23            gender: male            course : math                course number:course1                course price :1200                course time  :2017-10-01            salary : 12300000Please input your operation : sPlease input student name : haloPlease input student age : sdf23423Illegal human age, number within 10000 is required!Please input student age : 18Please input student gender (male|female): femalePlease input student course : janpaneseNo such course to attend, please input one of following items as your course!['math']Please input student course : mathStudent halo successfully added, number is studentmath1 !        Infomation for student halo            number : studentmath1            name : halo            age : 18            gender : female            feeState : -1200            class : math                course number:course1                course price :1200                course time  :2017-10-01Please input your operation : vt                Teachers information are as below:            number   name   age   gender   course   salary       teacher1 lockey      23     male        math         12300000Please input your operation : vc            Courses information are as below:        number   name   price   time       course1  math      1200      2017-10-01Please input your operation : vs            Students attending math are as below        number   name   age   gender   class       studentmath1 halo      18     female        mathPlease input your operation : qUser admin exited!Please input your operation(input "O" for operation menu list) : o    Welcome to education manage system            menu lists        (M) : system manage        (T) : teacher login        (S) : student login        (Q) : quitPlease input your operation(input "O" for operation menu list) : tPlease input username: lockeyPlease input password: teacherFor first logged in user, password should be changed!Please input new password: redhatPlease confirm password: redhat    Good afternoon! teacher [ lockey ]            menu lists        (G)  : give a lecture        (VT) : view self information        (VS) : view students attending class        (Q)  : quitPlease input your operation: gCourse math start ...Course math will over after 5 seconds...Course math will over after 4 seconds...Course math will over after 3 seconds...Course math will over after 2 seconds...Course math will over after 1 seconds...Course math over ...Please input your operation: vt        Infomation for teacher lockey            number : teacher1            name : lockey            age : 23            gender: male            course : math                course number:course1                course price :1200                course time  :2017-10-01            salary : 12300000Please input your operation: vs        Students attending math are as below    number   name   age   gender   class       studentmath1 halo      18     female        mathPlease input your operation: qUser lockey exited!Please input your operation(input "O" for operation menu list) : sPlease input your class: mathPlease input username: haloPlease input password: studentFor first logged in user, password should be changed!Please input new password: redhatPlease confirm password: redhat    Good afternoon!  [ halo ]            menu lists        (L)  : Learning        (P) : Pay the fees        (S) : Self info show        (Q)  : quitPlease input your operation: lhalo start learning ...halo keep learning ...halo keep learning ...halo keep learning ...halo keep learning ...halo keep learning ...halo stop learning and go to date ...Please input your operation: pFees paid off!Please input your operation: s        Infomation for student halo            number : studentmath1            name : halo            age : 18            gender : female            feeState : 1200            class : math                course number:course1                course price :1200                course time  :2017-10-01Please input your operation: qUser halo exited!Please input your operation(input "O" for operation menu list) : qSystem exited!