
来源:互联网 发布:高性能网络编程 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 09:08


Odds and Ends

Where do odds begin, and where do they end? Where does hope emerge, and will they ever break?

Given an integer sequence a1, a2, …, an of length n. Decide whether it is possible to divide it into an odd number of non-empty subsegments, the each of which has an odd length and begins and ends with odd numbers.

A subsegment is a contiguous slice of the whole sequence. For example, {3, 4, 5} and {1} are subsegments of sequence {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}, while {1, 2, 4} and {7} are not.


#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main(){    int m,a[101],i,x,n,ans=0;    cin>>m;    for(i=1; i<=m; i++)        cin>>a[i];    for(i=1; i<=m; i++)    {        if(a[i]&1)        {            ans++;            n=i;            for(x=i+2; x<=m; x=x+2)            {                if(x>m)break;                if(a[x]%2==1)n=x;            }            i=n;        }        else        {            cout<<"NO";            return 0;        }    }    if(ans&1)        cout<<"YES";    else cout<<"NO";}

Tell Your World

Connect the countless points with lines, till we reach the faraway yonder.

There are n points on a coordinate plane, the i-th of which being (i, yi).

Determine whether it’s possible to draw two parallel and non-overlapping lines, such that every point in the set lies on exactly one of them, and each of them passes through at least one point in the set.


#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main() {int m,i;long long int a[1001];double k,b[3]={0};bool n=0,flag=0,flag1=1,flag2=1,flag3=1; cin>>m; for(i=1;i<=m;i++)  {cin>>a[i];  } for(i=2;i<=m;i++)//12gongxian     { if(i==2)      {k=(a[2]-a[1]);b[1]=a[1]-k;       }    else        {        if(i*k+b[1]!=a[i]&&n==0)         {b[2]=a[i]-i*k;n=1;            }        else if(i*k+b[1]!=a[i]&&i*k+b[2]!=a[i]&&n==1)         {flag1=0;break;         }       }     }  if(n==0)flag1=0;   for(i=3;i<=m;i++)//12bugongxian,13gong  {if(i==3)    {k=(double)(a[3]-a[1])/2;b[1]=a[1]-k;b[2]=a[2]-2*k;    if(b[1]==b[2])     {flag2=0;break;     }    }    else        {        if(i*k+b[1]!=a[i]&&i*k+b[2]!=a[i]&&n==1)         {flag2=0;break;         }       }     } for(i=3;i<=m;i++)//12bugongxian,23gong  {if(i==3)    {k=(a[3]-a[2]);b[1]=a[2]-2*k;b[2]=a[1]-k;    if(b[1]==b[2])     {flag3=0;break;     }    }    else        {        if(i*k+b[1]!=a[i]&&i*k+b[2]!=a[i]&&n==1)         {flag3=0;break;         }       }     }  if(flag1==1||flag2==1||flag3==1)   cout<<"YES";  else cout<<"NO";     } 

From Y to Y

From beginning till end, this message has been waiting to be conveyed.

For a given unordered multiset of n lowercase English letters (“multi” means that a letter may appear more than once), we treat all letters as strings of length 1, and repeat the following operation n - 1 times:

Remove any two elements s and t from the set, and add their concatenation s + t to the set.
The cost of such operation is defined to be , where f(s, c) denotes the number of times character c appears in string s.

Given a non-negative integer k, construct any valid non-empty set of no more than 100 000 letters, such that the minimum accumulative cost of the whole process is exactly k. It can be shown that a solution always exists.


#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int main(){    int m,i,n=0;    char c='a';    cin>>m;    if(m==0)cout<<"a";    while(m)    {        for(i=1;; i++)        {            if((i*i-i)/2==m)            {                cout<<(char)(c+n);                return 0;            }            else if((i*i-i)/2>m)            {                i--;                break;            }            else cout<<(char)(c+n);        }        n++;        m=m-((i*i-i)/2);    }}

Bear and Prime Numbers

Recently, the bear started studying data structures and faced the following problem.

You are given a sequence of integers x1, x2, …, xn of length n and m queries, each of them is characterized by two integers li, ri. Let’s introduce f(p) to represent the number of such indexes k, that xk is divisible by p. The answer to the query li, ri is the sum: , where S(li, ri) is a set of prime numbers from segment [li, ri] (both borders are included in the segment).

Help the bear cope with the problem.

#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;const int N=10000001;int k[N]= {0},a,n,v[N]= {0},s[N]= {0};void f(){    int i,x,ans;    for(i=2; i<=N; i++)    {        if(v[i]==1)continue;        else        {            for(x=i; x<N; x=x+i)            {                if(k[x]!=0)s[i]=s[i]+k[x];                v[x]=1;            }        }    }    for(i=1; i<N; i++)        s[i]=s[i]+s[i-1];}int main(){    int m,i;    int x,y;    scanf("%d", &n);    for(i=1; i<=n; i++)    {        scanf("%d", &a);        k[a]++;    }    f();    scanf("%d", &m);    for(i=1; i<=m; i++)    {        scanf("%d%d", &x,&y);        if(y>=N)            y=N-1;        if(x>=N)        {            x=N;        }        printf("%d\n", s[y]-s[x-1]);    }    return 0;}

Harmony Analysis

The semester is already ending, so Danil made an effort and decided to visit a lesson on harmony analysis to know how does the professor look like, at least. Danil was very bored on this lesson until the teacher gave the group a simple task: find 4 vectors in 4-dimensional space, such that every coordinate of every vector is 1 or  - 1 and any two vectors are orthogonal. Just as a reminder, two vectors in n-dimensional space are considered to be orthogonal if and only if their scalar product is equal to zero, that is:
Danil quickly managed to come up with the solution for this problem and the teacher noticed that the problem can be solved in a more general case for 2k vectors in 2k-dimensinoal space. When Danil came home, he quickly came up with the solution for this problem. Can you cope with it?

#include<bits/stdc++.h>using namespace std;int a[1025][1025];int main(){    int m,i,n=1,x;    a[1][1]=1;    cin>>m;    m=1<<m;    for(i=1; i<=m; i++)    {        for(i=1; i<=n; i++)            for(x=1; x<=n; x++)            {                a[i][x+n]=a[i][x];                a[i+n][x]=a[i][x];                a[i+n][x+n]=-a[i][x];            }        n=n<<1;    }    for(i=1; i<=m; i++)    {        for(x=1; x<=m; x++)        {            if(a[i][x]==1)cout<<"+";            else cout<<"*";        }        cout<<endl;    }}