来源:互联网 发布:淘宝默认运费模板 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 13:05

SVD(奇异值分解)是线性代数中一个常见的decomposition;PCA也是dimension reduction领域中的经典之作。初学者在学习PCA的时候可能会对PCA的算法步骤有那么一些“繁琐”的感觉。结合svd分解,会让你在编写PCA算法的时候达到一种什么样的得心应手的程度呢?且听说慢慢道来    先简单描述一下PCA的算法步骤(当然,你要对PCA有所理解啦,不甚理解也行,仅从程序员的角度一步一步地编代码也能实现)。步骤如下:

在compute eigvector这一步后,选择eigvectors中的前k个作为主成分。如果用SVD来做,又怎么样呢?
step1: X = [X1; X2; ..... Xi], each Xj is a row data point;
step2: Substract the mean from X
step3: Solve SVD decomposition: X = U*S*V'(V'是V的转置)
step4: 选择要降的维数k, 取V的前k个column作为主成分。


Ax = bx, b是特征值,x是特征向量..........(1)

若在A中每一个data point是一个row的话,那么要求A的主要成分,根据PCA算法,就是要求出A'A这个矩阵的特征向量的前 k个column(注意这些特征向量是按对应的特征值的从大到小排列的)。又根据svd分解有: 

A = U*S*V';    而 (A'*A)*V = (U*S*V')' * (U*S*V') * V            = V*S'*U' * (U*S*V')*V            = V*S'*(U'*U)*S* (V'*V)            = V*(S'*S)*E*E (E是单位矩阵)            = (S的平方)*V (S在对角线上才有值,其余全为0)....(2)


/*   PCA program (using SVD)   Written by Y. Bin Mao   Video and Image Processing and Analysis Group (VIPAG)   School of Automation, NJUST   Jan. 8, 2008   All rights reserved. (c)   Here is a matlab description of the algorithm   % PCA2: Perform PCA using SVD.   % data     --- MxN matrix of input data ( M dimensions, N trials )   % signals  --- MxN matrix of projected data    % PC       --- each column is a PC   % V        --- Mx1 matrix of variances   %   function [signals, PC, V] = pca2( data )   [M, N] = size( data );   % subtract off the mean for each dimension   mn = mean( data, 2 );   data = data - repmat( mn, 1, N );   % construct the matrix Y   Y = data' / sqrt(N-1);   % SVD does it all   [u, S, PC] = svd( Y );   % calculate the variances   S = diag( S );   V = S .* S;   % project the original data   signals = PC' * data;*/# include <stdio.h># include <stdlib.h># include <math.h>void ppp( double a[], double e[], double s[],   double v[], int m, int n ){ int i,j,p,q;double d;if ( m >= n ) i = n;else i = m;for ( j = 1; j <= i-1; j++ ){ a[(j-1)*n+j-1] = s[j-1];a[(j-1)*n+j] = e[j-1];}a[(i-1)*n+i-1] = s[i-1];if ( m < n ) a[(i-1)*n+i] = e[i-1];for ( i = 1; i <= n-1; i++ )for ( j = i+1; j <= n; j++ ){ p = (i-1)*n+j-1; q = (j-1)*n+i-1;d = v[p]; v[p] = v[q]; v[q] = d;}return;}void sss( double fg[2], double cs[2] ){double r, d;    if ( ( fabs(fg[0]) + fabs(fg[1] ) ) == 0.0 ){ cs[0] = 1.0; cs[1] = 0.0; d = 0.0;}    else{ d = sqrt( fg[0]*fg[0]+fg[1]*fg[1] );if ( fabs( fg[0] ) > fabs( fg[1] ) ){d = fabs(d);if ( fg[0] < 0.0 ) d = -d;}        if ( fabs( fg[1] ) >= fabs( fg[0] ) )        { d = fabs(d);            if ( fg[1] < 0.0 ) d = -d;}        cs[0] = fg[0]/d; cs[1] = fg[1]/d;    }    r = 1.0;    if ( fabs( fg[0] ) > fabs( fg[1] ) ) r = cs[1];    elseif ( cs[0] != 0.0 ) r = 1.0/cs[0];fg[0] = d; fg[1] = r;return;}/*   一般实矩阵奇异值分解   徐士良. 常用算法程序集(C语言描述),第版. 清华大学出版社. 2004   double a[m][n] --- 存放mxn维实矩阵A。返回时其对角线给出奇异值(以非递增次序排列)                      其余元素均为   int m, int n   --- 实矩阵A的行数和列数   double u[m][m] --- 返回左奇异向量U   double v[n][n] --- 返回右奇异向量V'   double eps     --- 给定的精度要求   int ka         --- 其值为max(m, n) + 1   返回值:           若返回标志值小于,则表示程序工作失败;   若返回标志值大于,则表示正常返回  */int svd( double a[], int m, int n, double u[], double v[],     double eps, int ka ){ int i, j, k, l, it, ll, kk, ix, iy, mm, nn, iz, m1, ks;    double d, dd, t, sm, sm1, em1, sk, ek, b, c, shh, fg[2], cs[2];    double * s, * e, * w;    s = ( double * )malloc( ka * sizeof(double) );    e = ( double * )malloc( ka * sizeof(double) );    w = ( double * )malloc( ka * sizeof(double) );    it = 60; k = n;if ( m-1 < n ) k = m-1;l = m;if ( n-2 < m ) l = n-2;if ( l < 0 ) l = 0;ll = k;if ( l > k ) ll = l;if ( ll >= 1 ){ for ( kk = 1; kk <= ll; kk++ ){ if ( kk <= k ){ d = 0.0;for ( i = kk; i <= m; i++ ){ ix = (i-1)*n+kk-1; d = d+a[ix]*a[ix]; }                s[kk-1] = sqrt(d);                if ( s[kk-1] != 0.0 ){ ix = (kk-1)*n+kk-1;                    if ( a[ix] != 0.0 ){ s[kk-1] = fabs( s[kk-1] );                        if ( a[ix] < 0.0 ) s[kk-1] = -s[kk-1];                    }                    for ( i = kk; i <= m; i++ ){  iy = (i-1)*n+kk-1;                        a[iy] = a[iy]/s[kk-1];                    }                    a[ix] = 1.0+a[ix];                }                s[kk-1] = -s[kk-1];            }            if ( n >= kk+1 )            { for ( j = kk+1; j <= n; j++ )                { if (( kk <= k ) && ( s[kk-1] != 0.0 ) )                    { d = 0.0;                        for ( i = kk; i <= m; i++ )                        { ix = (i-1)*n+kk-1;                            iy = (i-1)*n+j-1;                            d = d+a[ix]*a[iy];                        }                        d = -d/a[(kk-1)*n+kk-1];                        for ( i = kk; i <= m; i++ )                        { ix = (i-1)*n+j-1;                            iy = (i-1)*n+kk-1;                            a[ix] = a[ix]+d*a[iy];                        }                    }                    e[j-1] = a[(kk-1)*n+j-1];                }            }            if ( kk <= k )            { for ( i = kk; i <= m; i++ )                { ix = (i-1)*m+kk-1; iy = (i-1)*n+kk-1;                    u[ix] = a[iy];                }            }            if ( kk <= l )            { d = 0.0;                for ( i = kk+1; i <= n; i++ )d = d + e[i-1]*e[i-1];                e[kk-1] = sqrt(d);                if ( e[kk-1] != 0.0 )                { if ( e[kk] != 0.0 )                    { e[kk-1] = fabs(e[kk-1]);                        if ( e[kk] < 0.0 ) e[kk-1] = -e[kk-1];                    }                    for ( i = kk+1; i <= n; i++ )e[i-1] = e[i-1]/e[kk-1];                    e[kk] = 1.0+e[kk];                }                e[kk-1] = -e[kk-1];                if (( kk+1 <= m ) && ( e[kk-1] != 0.0 ) )                { for ( i = kk+1; i <= m; i++ ) w[i-1] = 0.0;                    for ( j = kk+1; j <= n; j++)for ( i = kk+1; i <= m; i++ )w[i-1] = w[i-1]+e[j-1]*a[(i-1)*n+j-1];                    for ( j = kk+1; j <= n; j++ )                        for ( i = kk+1; i <= m; i++ )                        { ix = (i-1)*n+j-1;                            a[ix] = a[ix]-w[i-1]*e[j-1]/e[kk];                        }                }                for ( i = kk+1; i <= n; i++ )v[(i-1)*n+kk-1] = e[i-1];            }        }}    mm = n;    if ( m+1 < n ) mm = m+1;    if ( k < n ) s[k] = a[k*n+k];    if ( m < mm ) s[mm-1] = 0.0;    if ( l+1 < mm) e[l] = a[l*n+mm-1];    e[mm-1] = 0.0;    nn = m;    if ( m > n ) nn = n;    if ( nn >= k+1 )    { for ( j = k+1; j <= nn; j++ )        { for ( i = 1; i <= m; i++ )u[(i-1)*m+j-1] = 0.0;            u[(j-1)*m+j-1] = 1.0;        }    }    if ( k >= 1)    { for (ll = 1; ll <= k; ll++ )        { kk = k-ll+1; iz = (kk-1)*m+kk-1;            if ( s[kk-1] != 0.0 )            {if ( nn >= kk+1 )                  for ( j = kk+1; j <= nn; j++ )                  {   d = 0.0;                      for ( i = kk; i <= m; i++ )                      {     ix = (i-1)*m+kk-1;                          iy = (i-1)*m+j-1;                          d = d+u[ix]*u[iy]/u[iz];                      }                      d = -d;                      for ( i = kk; i <= m; i++ )                      {   ix = (i-1)*m+j-1;                          iy = (i-1)*m+kk-1;                          u[ix] = u[ix]+d*u[iy];                      }                  }                  for ( i = kk; i <= m; i++ )                  {   ix = (i-1)*m+kk-1; u[ix] = -u[ix];  }                  u[iz] = 1.0+u[iz];                  if ( kk-1 >= 1 )  for ( i = 1; i <= kk-1; i++ )  u[(i-1)*m+kk-1] = 0.0;            }            else            { for ( i = 1; i <= m; i++ )u[(i-1)*m+kk-1] = 0.0;                u[(kk-1)*m+kk-1] = 1.0;            }}    }    for ( ll = 1; ll <= n; ll++ ){ kk = n-ll+1; iz = kk*n+kk-1;        if ( (kk<=l) && (e[kk-1] != 0.0) )        { for ( j = kk+1; j <= n; j++ )            { d = 0.0;                for ( i = kk+1; i <= n; i++ )                { ix = (i-1)*n+kk-1; iy = (i-1)*n+j-1;                    d = d+v[ix]*v[iy]/v[iz];                }                d = -d;                for ( i = kk+1; i <= n; i++ )                { ix = (i-1)*n+j-1; iy = (i-1)*n+kk-1;                    v[ix] = v[ix]+d*v[iy];                }            }        }        for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ )v[(i-1)*n+kk-1] = 0.0;        v[iz-n] = 1.0;    }    for ( i = 1; i <= m; i++ )    for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ )a[(i-1)*n+j-1] = 0.0;    m1 = mm; it = 60;    while ( 1==1 )    {if ( mm == 0 )        { ppp( a, e, s, v, m, n );            free( s ); free( e ); free( w ); return( 1 );        }        if ( it == 0 )        { ppp( a, e, s, v, m, n );            free( s ); free( e ); free( w ); return( -1 );        }        kk = mm-1;while ( (kk != 0) && (fabs(e[kk-1]) != 0.0) ){ d = fabs(s[kk-1])+fabs(s[kk]);dd = fabs(e[kk-1]);if ( dd > eps*d ) kk = kk-1;else e[kk-1] = 0.0;}if ( kk == mm-1 ){ kk = kk+1;if ( s[kk-1] < 0.0 ){ s[kk-1] = -s[kk-1];for ( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ){ ix = (i-1)*n+kk-1; v[ix] = -v[ix];}}while ( (kk!=m1) && (s[kk-1] < s[kk]) ){ d = s[kk-1]; s[kk-1] = s[kk]; s[kk] = d;if ( kk < n )for (i=1; i<=n; i++){ ix = (i-1)*n+kk-1; iy = (i-1)*n+kk;d = v[ix]; v[ix] = v[iy]; v[iy] = d;}if ( kk < m )for ( i = 1; i <= m; i++ ){ ix = (i-1)*m+kk-1; iy = (i-1)*m+kk;d = u[ix]; u[ix] = u[iy]; u[iy] = d;}kk = kk+1;}it = 60;mm = mm-1;}else{ ks = mm;while ( (ks>kk) && (fabs(s[ks-1]) != 0.0 ) ){ d = 0.0;if ( ks != mm ) d = d+fabs(e[ks-1]);if ( ks != kk+1 ) d = d+fabs(e[ks-2]);dd = fabs(s[ks-1]);if ( dd > eps*d ) ks = ks-1;else s[ks-1] = 0.0;}if ( ks == kk ){ kk = kk+1;d = fabs(s[mm-1]);t = fabs(s[mm-2]);if ( t > d ) d = t;t = fabs( e[mm-2] );if ( t > d ) d = t;t = fabs( s[kk-1] );if ( t > d ) d = t;t = fabs( e[kk-1] );if ( t > d ) d = t;sm = s[mm-1]/d; sm1 = s[mm-2]/d;em1 = e[mm-2]/d;sk = s[kk-1]/d; ek = e[kk-1]/d;b = ((sm1+sm)*(sm1-sm)+em1*em1)/2.0;c = sm*em1; c = c*c; shh = 0.0;if ( (b!=0.0) || (c!=0.0) ){ shh = sqrt( b*b+c );if ( b < 0.0 ) shh = -shh;shh = c/(b+shh);}fg[0] = (sk+sm)*(sk-sm)-shh;fg[1] = sk*ek;for ( i = kk; i <= mm-1; i++ ){ sss( fg, cs );if ( i != kk ) e[i-2] = fg[0];fg[0] = cs[0]*s[i-1]+cs[1]*e[i-1];e[i-1] = cs[0]*e[i-1]-cs[1]*s[i-1];fg[1] = cs[1]*s[i];s[i] = cs[0]*s[i];if ( (cs[0] != 1.0) || (cs[1] != 0.0) )for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ){ ix = (j-1)*n+i-1;iy = (j-1)*n+i;d = cs[0]*v[ix]+cs[1]*v[iy];v[iy] = -cs[1]*v[ix]+cs[0]*v[iy];v[ix] = d;}sss( fg, cs );s[i-1] = fg[0];fg[0] = cs[0]*e[i-1]+cs[1]*s[i];s[i] = -cs[1]*e[i-1]+cs[0]*s[i];fg[1] = cs[1]*e[i];e[i] = cs[0]*e[i];if ( i < m )if ( ( cs[0] != 1.0 ) || ( cs[1] != 0.0 ) )for ( j = 1; j <= m; j++ ){ ix = (j-1)*m+i-1;iy = (j-1)*m+i;d = cs[0]*u[ix]+cs[1]*u[iy];u[iy] = -cs[1]*u[ix]+cs[0]*u[iy];u[ix] = d;}}e[mm-2] = fg[0];it = it-1;}else{ if ( ks == mm ){ kk = kk+1;fg[1] = e[mm-2]; e[mm-2] = 0.0;                for ( ll = kk; ll <= mm-1; ll++ )            { i = mm+kk-ll-1;        fg[0] = s[i-1];    sss( fg, cs );s[i-1] = fg[0];    if ( i != kk ){ fg[1] = -cs[1]*e[i-2];e[i-2] = cs[0]*e[i-2];}if ( (cs[0]!=1.0)||(cs[1]!=0.0) )for ( j = 1; j <= n; j++ ){ ix = (j-1)*n+i-1;iy = (j-1)*n+mm-1;d = cs[0]*v[ix]+cs[1]*v[iy];v[iy] = -cs[1]*v[ix]+cs[0]*v[iy];v[ix] = d;}}}else{ kk = ks+1;fg[1] = e[kk-2];e[kk-2] = 0.0;for ( i = kk; i <= mm; i++ ){ fg[0] = s[i-1];sss( fg, cs );s[i-1] = fg[0];fg[1] = -cs[1]*e[i-1];e[i-1] = cs[0]*e[i-1];if ( (cs[0]!=1.0)||(cs[1]!=0.0) )for (j=1; j<=m; j++){ ix = (j-1)*m+i-1;iy = (j-1)*m+kk-2;d = cs[0]*u[ix]+cs[1]*u[iy];u[iy] = -cs[1]*u[ix]+cs[0]*u[iy];u[ix] = d;}}}}}    }    return( 1 );}# define EPS  0.000001/*  PCA2: Perform PCA using SVD.  data     --- MxN matrix of input data ( M dimensions, N trials )  signals  --- MxN matrix of projected data   PC       --- each column is a PC  V        --- Mx1 matrix of variances  row = M dimensions, col = N trials */int pca2( double * data, int row, int col,      double * signals, double * PC, double * V ){int x, y, i, ka, rvalue;double * mean;double * u;    double * d;    double * v;double * sd;double * data1;double sqrt_col_1;int col1, row1;if ( row <= 1 || col <= 1 ) return( -1 );/* subtract off the mean for each dimension */mean = ( double * )malloc( sizeof( double )*row );data1 = ( double * ) malloc( sizeof( double )*row*col );for ( y = 0; y < row; y++ ) /* calculate mean */{mean[y] = 0;for ( x = 0; x < col; x++ )mean[y] += data[y*col+x];}for ( y = 0; y < row; y++ ) mean[y] = mean[y]/col;for ( y = 0; y < row; y++ ) /* subtract mean */for ( x = 0; x < col; x++ ){data1[y*col+x] = data[y*col+x]-mean[y];}free( mean );/* construct the matrix Y: Y = data' / sqrt(col-1); *//* construct the matrix Y: Y = data' / sqrt(col-1); */sqrt_col_1 = sqrt(col-1.0);row1 = col;col1 = row;sd = (double *)malloc( sizeof(double)*col1*row1 );u = (double *)malloc( sizeof(double)*row1*row1 );v = (double *)malloc( sizeof(double)*col1*col1 );for ( y = 0; y < row1; y++ )for ( x = 0; x < col1; x++ ){sd[y*col1+x] = data1[x*row1+y]/sqrt_col_1;}/* SVD does it all: [u, S, PC] = svd( Y ); */if ( row1 >= col1 ) ka = row1+1;else ka = col1+1;rvalue = svd( sd, row1, col1, u, v, EPS, ka ); /* svd decomposition */d = (double *)malloc( sizeof(double) * col1 );for ( i = 0; i < col1; i++ ) d[i] = 0;if ( row1 <= col1 ){for ( i = 0; i < row1; i++ )d[i] = sd[i*col1+i];}else{for ( i = 0; i < col1; i++ )d[i] = sd[i*col1+i];}/* calculate the variances: S = diag( S ); V = S .* S; */for ( x = 0; x < col1; x++ )V[x] = d[x] * d[x];/* get PC */for ( y = 0; y < col1; y++ )for ( x = 0; x < col1; x++ ){PC[y*col1+x] = v[x*col1+y];}/* project the original data: signals = PC' * data; */for ( y = 0; y < row; y++ )for ( x = 0; x < col; x++ ){signals[y*col+x] = 0;for ( i = 0; i < row; i++ )signals[y*col+x] += PC[i*row+y] * data1[i*col+x];}free( u );free( v );free( sd );free( d );free( data1 );return( 1 );}/*   main function*/int main(){double data[20] = { 2, 3, 8, 2, 3,               7, 9, 29, 3, 5,   3, 8, 22, 12, 1,   3, 12, 12, 33, 2};int row = 4, col = 5;double signals[20], PC[16], V[4];int x, y;pca2( data, row, col, signals, PC, V );printf( "Project to Principal Component: \n" );for ( y = 0; y < row; y++ ){for ( x = 0; x < col; x++ ){printf( "%7.4f ", signals[y*col+x] );}printf( "\n" );}printf( "Eigen Values (in deceasing order): \n" );for ( y = 0; y < row; y++ )printf( "%7.4f ", V[y] );printf( "\n" );printf( "Eigen Vectors: \n" );for ( y = 0; y < row; y++ ){for ( x = 0; x < row; x++ ){printf( "%7.4f ", PC[y*row+x] );}printf( "\n" );}return( 1 );}
