手机无法编译 Installation failed with message Failed to finalize session : INSTALL_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR.

来源:互联网 发布:网络科学导论 课件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 23:05


Installation failed with message Failed to finalize session : INSTALL_FAILED_INTERNAL_ERROR. It is possible that this issue is resolved by uninstalling an existing version of the apk if it is present, and then re-installing.  WARNING: Uninstalling will remove the application data!  Do you want to uninstall the existing application?

Android studio 报错 installation failed with message failed to finalize session:INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK 解决方法


File->Setting->Build->Instant Run


再运行编译真机测试 看看是否解决问题

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