run a PowerShell script from a batch file

来源:互联网 发布:投影软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/20 17:07

You need the -ExecutionPolicy parameter:

Powershell.exe -executionpolicy remotesigned -File  C:\Users\SE\Desktop\ps.ps1

Otherwise PowerShell considers the arguments a line to execute and while Set-ExecutionPolicyis a cmdlet, it has no -File parameter.

In PowerShell V1 there's only # to make the text after it a comment.

# This is a comment in Powershell

In PowerShell V2 <# #> can be used for block comments and more specifically for help comments.

#REQUIRES -Version 2.0<#.SYNOPSIS    A brief description of the function or script. This keyword can be used    only once in each topic..DESCRIPTION    A detailed description of the function or script. This keyword can be    used only once in each topic..NOTES    File Name      : xxxx.ps1    Author         : J.P. Blanc (    Prerequisite   : PowerShell V2 over Vista and upper.    Copyright 2011 - Jean Paul Blanc/Silogix.LINK    Script posted over:    Example 1.EXAMPLE    Example 2#>Function blabla{}

For more explanation about .SYNOPSIS and .* see about_Comment_Based_Help.

Remark: These function comments are used by the Get-Help CmdLet and can be put before the keyword Function, or inside the {} before or after the code itself.
