Common(三)—— CMsg

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝企业信息公示审核 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/10 02:19
using UnityEngine;using System;using System.Net;using System.Net.Sockets;using System.Threading;using System.IO;using System.Collections;using System.Text;using System.Security.Cryptography;using System.Collections.Generic;using JT.FWW.Tools;namespace JT{    namespace FWW    {        namespace Tools        {            public class CMsg            {                //Msg的Header                public struct SMsgHeader                {                    public Int32 n32Size;                    public Int32 n32ProtocalID;                };                public static Int32 s_n32MsgHeaderSize = 8;                private CMemBuffer m_cnbBuffer = null;                private Int32 m_n32MsgSize = 0;                public CMsg(Int32 n32Size)                {                    this.ConstructMsg(n32Size);                }                public Int32 GetReadPos()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.ReadPos;                }                public void SetReadPos(Int32 n32Pos)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.ReadPos = n32Pos;                }                public Int32 GetWritePos()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.WritePos;                }                public void SetWritePos(Int32 n32Pos)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.WritePos = n32Pos;                }                public Boolean Reset()                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.SetReadPos(0);                    this.m_cnbBuffer.SetWritePos(0);                    SMsgHeader myHeader;                    myHeader.n32Size = 0;                    myHeader.n32ProtocalID = 0;                    this.Add(myHeader.n32Size);                    this.Add(myHeader.n32ProtocalID);                    this.m_cnbBuffer.SetReadPos(s_n32MsgHeaderSize);                    this.m_cnbBuffer.SetWritePos(s_n32MsgHeaderSize);                    return true;                }                private bool ConstructMsg(Int32 n32Size)                {                    //create memory stream and initialization the member variables.                    this.m_cnbBuffer = new CMemBuffer(n32Size);                    m_n32MsgSize = n32Size;                    //assign default value to the message header.                    SMsgHeader myHeader;                    myHeader.n32Size = 0;                    myHeader.n32ProtocalID = 0;                    //Push message header to the stream.                    this.Add(myHeader.n32Size);                    this.Add(myHeader.n32ProtocalID);                    this.m_cnbBuffer.SetReadPos(s_n32MsgHeaderSize);                    this.m_cnbBuffer.SetWritePos(s_n32MsgHeaderSize);                                        return true;                }                private void UpdateMsgSize()                {                    Int32 n32MsgSize = this.m_cnbBuffer.GetWritePos();                    Int32 n32ProtocalIDSize = sizeof(Int32);                    byte[] arrByteStream = BitConverter.GetBytes(n32MsgSize);                    this.m_cnbBuffer.ReWrite(0, arrByteStream, (Int32)n32ProtocalIDSize);                }                public byte[] GetMsgBuffer()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.GetMemBuffer();                }                public Int32 GetMsgSize()                {                    //这个读4个字节32位int                    return BitConverter.ToInt32(this.m_cnbBuffer.GetMemBuffer(), 0);                }                public Int32 GetProtocalID()                {                    return BitConverter.ToInt32(this.m_cnbBuffer.GetMemBuffer(), sizeof(Int32));                }                public Int32 GetMsgTime()                {                    return BitConverter.ToInt32(this.m_cnbBuffer.GetMemBuffer(), sizeof(Int32) * 2);                }                public Int32 GetMsgVerifyCode()                {                    return BitConverter.ToInt32(this.m_cnbBuffer.GetMemBuffer(), sizeof(Int32) * 3);                }                public void SetProtocalID(Int32 n32ProtocalID)                {                    Int32 n32ProtocalIDSize = sizeof(Int32);                    byte[] arrByteStream = BitConverter.GetBytes(n32ProtocalID);                    this.m_cnbBuffer.ReWrite((Int32)n32ProtocalIDSize, arrByteStream, (Int32)n32ProtocalIDSize);                }                public void Add(Boolean blValue)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(blValue);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(byte bValue)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(bValue);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(char nchValue)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(nchValue);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(UInt16 un16Value)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(un16Value);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(Int16 n16Value)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(n16Value);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(UInt32 un32Value)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(un32Value);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(Int32 n32Value)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(n32Value);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(UInt64 un64Value)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(un64Value);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(Int64 n64Value)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(n64Value);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(float fValue)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(fValue);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(double dValue)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(dValue);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(string strValue)                {                    byte[] abFromByte = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(strValue);                    byte[] abToByte = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Unicode, Encoding.UTF8, abFromByte);                    Int32 n32UTF8BytesCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetCharCount(abToByte);                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(abToByte, 0, n32UTF8BytesCount);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(string strValue, UInt32 un32FixSize)                {                    byte[] abFromByte = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(strValue);                    byte[] abToByte = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Unicode, Encoding.UTF8, abFromByte);                    Int32 n32UTF8BytesCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetCharCount(abToByte);                    if (n32UTF8BytesCount > (Int32)un32FixSize)                    {                        n32UTF8BytesCount = (Int32)un32FixSize;                    }                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(abToByte, 0, n32UTF8BytesCount);                    Int32 n32AddByteNum = (Int32)un32FixSize - n32UTF8BytesCount;                    if (n32AddByteNum > 0)                    {                        for (Int32 i = 0; i < n32AddByteNum; i++)                        {                            this.m_cnbBuffer.Add((byte)0);                        }                    }                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(char[] arrchValue, Int32 n32Size)                {                    byte[] abFromByte = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(arrchValue);                                      byte[] abToByte = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.Unicode, Encoding.UTF8, abFromByte, 0, n32Size);                    Int32 n32UTF8BytesCount = Encoding.UTF8.GetCharCount(abToByte);                    if (n32UTF8BytesCount > n32Size)                    {                        n32UTF8BytesCount = n32Size;                    }                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(abToByte, 0, n32UTF8BytesCount);                    Int32 n32AddByteNum = n32Size - n32UTF8BytesCount;                    if (n32AddByteNum > 0)                    {                        for (Int32 i = 0; i < n32AddByteNum; i++)                        {                            this.m_cnbBuffer.Add((byte)0);                        }                    }                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(byte[] arrbData, Int32 n32Offset, Int32 n32Size)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(arrbData, n32Offset, n32Size);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public void Add(ref UInt64 rsGUID)                {                    this.m_cnbBuffer.Add(rsGUID);                    this.UpdateMsgSize();                }                public Boolean GetBoolean()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.GetBoolean();                }                public byte GetByte()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.GetByte();                }                public char GetChar()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.GetChar();                }                public UInt16 GetUInt16()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.GetUInt16();                }                public Int16 GetInt16()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.GetInt16();                }                public UInt32 GetUInt32()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.GetUInt32();                }                public Int32 GetInt32()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.GetInt32();                }                public UInt64 GetUInt64()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.GetUInt64();                }                public Int64 GetInt64()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.GetInt64();                }                public float GetFloat()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.GetFloat();                }                public double GetDouble()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.GetDouble();                }                public bool GetByteArray(byte[] arrch, Int32 n32CharArrayLen)                {                    if (!this.m_cnbBuffer.GetBytesArray(arrch, n32CharArrayLen))                    {                        return false;                    }                    return true;                }                public bool GetCharArray(char[] arrch, Int32 n32CharArrayLen)                {                    byte[] pTempUTF8ByteArray = new byte[n32CharArrayLen];                    if (!this.m_cnbBuffer.GetBytesArray(pTempUTF8ByteArray, n32CharArrayLen))                    {                        return false;                    }                    byte[] pTempUnicodeByteArray = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.Unicode, pTempUTF8ByteArray);                    Array.Copy(pTempUnicodeByteArray, arrch, n32CharArrayLen);                    return true;                }                public string GetString(UInt32 un32StrLen)                {                    byte[] pTempUTF8ByteArray = new byte[(Int32)un32StrLen];                    if (!this.m_cnbBuffer.GetBytesArray(pTempUTF8ByteArray, (Int32)un32StrLen))                    {                        return null;                    }                    byte[] pTempUnicodeByteArray = Encoding.Convert(Encoding.UTF8, Encoding.Unicode, pTempUTF8ByteArray);                    return Encoding.Unicode.GetString(pTempUnicodeByteArray);                }                public string GetString()                {                    return this.m_cnbBuffer.GetString();                }                public UInt64 GetGUID()                {                    UInt64 sGUID;                    sGUID = this.m_cnbBuffer.GetUInt64();                    return sGUID;                }                public static Int32 PopMsgFromMemQueue(CMemQueue cMsgQueue, CMsg cMsg)                {                    //先get到Msg的header                    Int32 n32Get = cMsgQueue.GetFront(cMsg.GetMsgBuffer(), (UInt32)s_n32MsgHeaderSize);                    if (0 != n32Get)                    {                        return n32Get;                    }                    Int32 n32MsgSize = cMsg.GetMsgSize();                    //cMsg的当前size当然不能超过初始化定义的size                    if (n32MsgSize >= cMsg.m_n32MsgSize)                    {                        return -2;                    }                    //上面get到了Header部分,这里get后面的data部分                    Int32 n32Pop = cMsgQueue.PopFront(cMsg.GetMsgBuffer(), (UInt32)n32MsgSize);                    if (0 != n32Pop)                    {                        return -3;                    }                    cMsg.SetReadPos(s_n32MsgHeaderSize);                    cMsg.SetWritePos(n32MsgSize);                    return 0;                }            }        }    }}