
来源:互联网 发布:韩国有什么软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 15:30



  1 package com.silianbo.server;  2   3 import com.silianbo.CaptureScreen;  4 import java.awt.BorderLayout;  5 import java.awt.Container;  6 import java.awt.Dimension;  7 import java.awt.GridBagConstraints;  8 import java.awt.GridBagLayout;  9 import java.awt.Insets; 10 import java.awt.Toolkit; 11 import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; 12 import java.awt.event.ActionListener; 13 import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; 14 import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; 15 import java.net.ServerSocket; 16 import javax.swing.JButton; 17 import javax.swing.JComboBox; 18 import javax.swing.JFrame; 19 import javax.swing.JLabel; 20 import javax.swing.JMenu; 21 import javax.swing.JMenuBar; 22 import javax.swing.JMenuItem; 23 import javax.swing.JOptionPane; 24 import javax.swing.JPanel; 25 import javax.swing.JScrollPane; 26 import javax.swing.JTextArea; 27 import javax.swing.JTextField; 28 import javax.swing.JToolBar; 29 import javax.swing.UIManager; 30 import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException; 31  32 public final class ChatServer extends JFrame implements ActionListener { 33  34     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 35  36     public static int port = 8888; 37  38     ServerSocket serverSocket; 39  40     JComboBox combobox; 41  42     JTextArea messageShow; 43  44     JScrollPane messageScrollPane; 45  46     JTextField showStatus; 47  48     JLabel sendToLabel, messageLabel; 49  50     JTextField sysMessage; 51  52     JButton sysMessageButton; 53  54     UserLinkList userLinkList; 55  56     JMenuBar jMenuBar = new JMenuBar(); 57  58     JMenu serviceMenu = new JMenu("服务"); 59  60     JMenuItem portItem = new JMenuItem("端口设置"); 61  62     JMenuItem startItem = new JMenuItem("启动服务"); 63  64     JMenuItem stopItem = new JMenuItem("停止服务"); 65  66     JMenuItem exitItem = new JMenuItem("退出"); 67  68     JMenu helpMenu = new JMenu("帮助"); 69  70     JMenuItem helpItem = new JMenuItem("帮助"); 71  72     JToolBar toolBar = new JToolBar(); 73  74     JButton portSet; 75  76     JButton startServer; 77  78     JButton stopServer; 79  80     JButton exitButton; 81  82     JButton uploadButton; 83  84     Dimension faceSize = new Dimension(550, 550); 85  86     ServerListen listenThread; 87  88     JPanel downPanel; 89  90     GridBagLayout girdBag; 91  92     GridBagConstraints girdBagCon; 93  94     public ChatServer() { 95         init(); 96         this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); 97         this.pack(); 98         this.setSize(faceSize); 99         Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();100         this.setLocation((int) (screenSize.width - faceSize.getWidth()) / 2, (int) (screenSize.height - faceSize.getHeight()) / 2);101         this.setResizable(false);102         this.setTitle("聊天室服务器端");103         setVisible(true);104     }105 106     public void init() {107         Container contentPane = getContentPane();108         contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());109         serviceMenu.add(startItem);110         serviceMenu.add(stopItem);111         serviceMenu.add(exitItem);112         jMenuBar.add(serviceMenu);113         helpMenu.add(helpItem);114         JMenu add = jMenuBar.add(helpMenu);115         setJMenuBar(jMenuBar);116         portSet = new JButton("端口设置");117         startServer = new JButton("启动服务");118         stopServer = new JButton("停止服务");119         exitButton = new JButton("退出");120         toolBar.add(portSet);121         toolBar.addSeparator();122         toolBar.add(startServer);123         toolBar.add(stopServer);124         toolBar.addSeparator();125         toolBar.add(exitButton);126         contentPane.add(toolBar, BorderLayout.NORTH);127         stopServer.setEnabled(false);128         stopItem.setEnabled(false);129         portItem.addActionListener(this);130         startItem.addActionListener(this);131         stopItem.addActionListener(this);132         exitItem.addActionListener(this);133         helpItem.addActionListener(this);134         portSet.addActionListener(this);135         startServer.addActionListener(this);136         stopServer.addActionListener(this);137         exitButton.addActionListener(this);138         combobox = new JComboBox();139         combobox.insertItemAt("所有人", 0);140         combobox.setSelectedIndex(0);141         messageShow = new JTextArea();142         messageShow.setEditable(false);143         messageScrollPane = new JScrollPane(messageShow, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED);144         messageScrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(400, 400));145         messageScrollPane.revalidate();146         showStatus = new JTextField(25);147         showStatus.setEditable(false);148         sysMessage = new JTextField(25);149         sysMessage.setEnabled(false);150         sysMessageButton = new JButton();151         sysMessageButton.setText("发送");152         sysMessage.addActionListener(this);153         sysMessageButton.addActionListener(this);154         sendToLabel = new JLabel("发送至:");155         messageLabel = new JLabel("发送消息:");156         downPanel = new JPanel();157         girdBag = new GridBagLayout();158         downPanel.setLayout(girdBag);159         girdBagCon = new GridBagConstraints();160         girdBagCon.gridx = 0;161         girdBagCon.gridy = 0;162         girdBagCon.gridwidth = 3;163         girdBagCon.gridheight = 2;164         girdBagCon.ipadx = 5;165         girdBagCon.ipady = 5;166         JLabel none = new JLabel("    ");167         girdBag.setConstraints(none, girdBagCon);168         downPanel.add(none);169         girdBagCon = new GridBagConstraints();170         girdBagCon.gridx = 0;171         girdBagCon.gridy = 2;172         girdBagCon.insets = new Insets(1, 0, 0, 0);173         girdBagCon.ipadx = 5;174         girdBagCon.ipady = 5;175         girdBag.setConstraints(sendToLabel, girdBagCon);176         downPanel.add(sendToLabel);177         girdBagCon = new GridBagConstraints();178         girdBagCon.gridx = 1;179         girdBagCon.gridy = 2;180         girdBagCon.anchor = GridBagConstraints.LINE_START;181         girdBag.setConstraints(combobox, girdBagCon);182         downPanel.add(combobox);183         girdBagCon = new GridBagConstraints();184         girdBagCon.gridx = 0;185         girdBagCon.gridy = 3;186         girdBag.setConstraints(messageLabel, girdBagCon);187         downPanel.add(messageLabel);188         girdBagCon = new GridBagConstraints();189         girdBagCon.gridx = 1;190         girdBagCon.gridy = 3;191         girdBag.setConstraints(sysMessage, girdBagCon);192         downPanel.add(sysMessage);193         girdBagCon = new GridBagConstraints();194         girdBagCon.gridx = 2;195         girdBagCon.gridy = 3;196         girdBag.setConstraints(sysMessageButton, girdBagCon);197         downPanel.add(sysMessageButton);198         girdBagCon = new GridBagConstraints();199         girdBagCon.gridx = 0;200         girdBagCon.gridy = 4;201         girdBagCon.gridwidth = 3;202         girdBag.setConstraints(showStatus, girdBagCon);203         downPanel.add(showStatus);204         contentPane.add(messageScrollPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);205         contentPane.add(downPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);206         this.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {207 208             @Override209             public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {210                 stopService();211                 System.exit(0);212             }213         });214     }215 216     @Override217     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {218         Object obj = e.getSource();219         if (obj == startServer || obj == startItem) {220             startService();221         } else if (obj == stopServer || obj == stopItem) {222             int j = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "真的停止服务吗?", "停止服务", JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);223             if (j == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {224                 stopService();225             }226         } else if (obj == portSet || obj == portItem) {227             PortConf portConf = new PortConf(this);228             portConf.setVisible(true);229         } else if (obj == exitButton || obj == exitItem) {230             int j = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(this, "真的要退出吗?", "退出", JOptionPane.YES_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE);231             if (j == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION) {232                 stopService();233                 System.exit(0);234             }235         } else if (obj == helpItem) {236             CaptureScreen.RandomName.Help helpDialog = new CaptureScreen.RandomName.Help(this);237             helpDialog.setVisible(true);238         } else if (obj == sysMessage || obj == sysMessageButton) {239             sendSystemMessage();240         }241     }242 243     public void startService() {244         try {245             serverSocket = new ServerSocket(port, 10);246             messageShow.append("服务端已经启动,在" + port + "端口侦听...\n");247             startServer.setEnabled(false);248             startItem.setEnabled(false);249             portSet.setEnabled(false);250             portItem.setEnabled(false);251             stopServer.setEnabled(true);252             stopItem.setEnabled(true);253             sysMessage.setEnabled(true);254         } catch (Exception e) {255         }256         userLinkList = new UserLinkList();257         listenThread = new ServerListen(serverSocket, combobox, messageShow, showStatus, userLinkList);258         listenThread.start();259     }260 261     public void stopService() {262         try {263             sendStopToAll();264             listenThread.isStop = true;265             serverSocket.close();266             int count = userLinkList.getCount();267             int i = 0;268             while (i < count) {269                 Node node = userLinkList.findUser(i);270                 node.input.close();271                 node.output.close();272                 node.socket.close();273                 i++;274             }275             stopServer.setEnabled(false);276             stopItem.setEnabled(false);277             startServer.setEnabled(true);278             startItem.setEnabled(true);279             portSet.setEnabled(true);280             portItem.setEnabled(true);281             sysMessage.setEnabled(false);282             messageShow.append("服务端已经关闭\n");283             combobox.removeAllItems();284             combobox.addItem("所有人");285         } catch (Exception e) {286         }287     }288 289     public void sendStopToAll() {290         int count = userLinkList.getCount();291         int i = 0;292         while (i < count) {293             Node node = userLinkList.findUser(i);294             if (node == null) {295                 i++;296                 continue;297             }298             try {299                 node.output.writeObject("服务关闭");300                 node.output.flush();301             } catch (Exception e) {302             }303             i++;304         }305     }306 307     public void sendMsgToAll(String msg) {308         int count = userLinkList.getCount();309         int i = 0;310         while (i < count) {311             Node node = userLinkList.findUser(i);312             if (node == null) {313                 i++;314                 continue;315             }316             try {317                 node.output.writeObject("系统信息");318                 node.output.flush();319                 node.output.writeObject(msg);320                 node.output.flush();321             } catch (Exception e) {322             }323             i++;324         }325         sysMessage.setText("");326     }327 328     public void sendSystemMessage() {329         String toSomebody = combobox.getSelectedItem().toString();330         String message = sysMessage.getText() + "\n";331         messageShow.append(message);332         if (toSomebody.equalsIgnoreCase("所有人")) {333             sendMsgToAll(message);334         } else {335             Node node;336             node = userLinkList.findUser(toSomebody);337             try {338                 node.output.writeObject("系统信息");339                 node.output.flush();340                 node.output.writeObject(message);341                 node.output.flush();342             } catch (Exception e) {343             }344             sysMessage.setText("");345         }346     }347 348     public static void main(String[] args) {349         try {350             UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName());351         } catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | UnsupportedLookAndFeelException e) {352         }353         ChatServer chatServer = new ChatServer();354     }355 }




 1 package com.silianbo.server; 2  3 import javax.swing.*; 4 import java.io.*; 5 import java.net.*; 6  7 public class ServerListen extends Thread { 8  9     ServerSocket server;10 11     JComboBox combobox;12 13     JTextArea textarea;14 15     JTextField textfield;16 17     UserLinkList userLinkList;18 19     Node client;20 21     ServerReceive recvThread;22 23     public boolean isStop;24 25     public ServerListen(ServerSocket server, JComboBox combobox, JTextArea textarea, JTextField textfield, UserLinkList userLinkList) {26         this.server = server;27         this.combobox = combobox;28         this.textarea = textarea;29         this.textfield = textfield;30         this.userLinkList = userLinkList;31         isStop = false;32     }33 34     @Override35     public void run() {36         while (!isStop && !server.isClosed()) {37             try {38                 client = new Node();39                 client.socket = server.accept();40                 client.output = new ObjectOutputStream(client.socket.getOutputStream());41                 client.output.flush();42                 client.input = new ObjectInputStream(client.socket.getInputStream());43                 client.username = (String) client.input.readObject();44                 combobox.addItem(client.username);45                 userLinkList.addUser(client);46                 textarea.append("用户 " + client.username + " 上线" + "\n");47                 textfield.setText("在线用户" + userLinkList.getCount() + "人\n");48                 recvThread = new ServerReceive(textarea, textfield, combobox, client, userLinkList);49                 recvThread.start();50             } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) {51             }52         }53     }54 }
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  1 package com.silianbo.server;  2   3 import java.io.IOException;  4 import javax.swing.*;  5   6 public class ServerReceive extends Thread {  7   8     JTextArea textarea;  9  10     JTextField textfield; 11  12     JComboBox combobox; 13  14     Node client; 15  16     UserLinkList userLinkList; 17  18     public boolean isStop; 19  20     public ServerReceive(JTextArea textarea, JTextField textfield, JComboBox combobox, Node client, UserLinkList userLinkList) { 21         this.textarea = textarea; 22         this.textfield = textfield; 23         this.client = client; 24         this.userLinkList = userLinkList; 25         this.combobox = combobox; 26         isStop = false; 27     } 28  29     @Override 30     public void run() { 31         sendUserList(); 32         while (!isStop && !client.socket.isClosed()) { 33             try { 34                 String type = (String) client.input.readObject(); 35                 if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("聊天信息")) { 36                     String toSomebody = (String) client.input.readObject(); 37                     String status = (String) client.input.readObject(); 38                     String action = (String) client.input.readObject(); 39                     String message = (String) client.input.readObject(); 40                     String msg = client.username + " " + action + "对 " + toSomebody + " 说 : " + message + "\n"; 41                     if (status.equalsIgnoreCase("悄悄话")) { 42                         msg = " [悄悄话] " + msg; 43                     } 44                     textarea.append(msg); 45                     if (toSomebody.equalsIgnoreCase("所有人")) { 46                         sendToAll(msg); 47                     } else { 48                         try { 49                             client.output.writeObject("聊天信息"); 50                             client.output.flush(); 51                             client.output.writeObject(msg); 52                             client.output.flush(); 53                         } catch (Exception e) { 54                         } 55                         Node node = userLinkList.findUser(toSomebody); 56                         if (node != null) { 57                             node.output.writeObject("聊天信息"); 58                             node.output.flush(); 59                             node.output.writeObject(msg); 60                             node.output.flush(); 61                         } 62                     } 63                 } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("用户下线")) { 64                     Node node = userLinkList.findUser(client.username); 65                     userLinkList.delUser(node); 66                     String msg = "用户 " + client.username + " 下线\n"; 67                     int count = userLinkList.getCount(); 68                     combobox.removeAllItems(); 69                     combobox.addItem("所有人"); 70                     int i = 0; 71                     while (i < count) { 72                         node = userLinkList.findUser(i); 73                         if (node == null) { 74                             i++; 75                             continue; 76                         } 77                         combobox.addItem(node.username); 78                         i++; 79                     } 80                     combobox.setSelectedIndex(0); 81                     textarea.append(msg); 82                     textfield.setText("在线用户" + userLinkList.getCount() + "人\n"); 83                     sendToAll(msg); 84                     sendUserList(); 85                     break; 86                 } 87             } catch (IOException | ClassNotFoundException e) { 88             } 89         } 90     } 91  92     public void sendToAll(String msg) { 93         int count = userLinkList.getCount(); 94         int i = 0; 95         while (count > 0) { 96             Node node = userLinkList.findUser(i); 97             if (node == null) { 98                 i++; 99                 continue;100             }101             try {102                 node.output.writeObject("聊天信息");103                 node.output.flush();104                 node.output.writeObject(msg);105                 node.output.flush();106             } catch (Exception e) {107             }108             i++;109         }110     }111 112     public void sendUserList() {113         String userlist = "";114         int count = userLinkList.getCount();115         int i = 0;116         while (i < count) {117             Node node = userLinkList.findUser(i);118             if (node == null) {119                 i++;120                 continue;121             }122             userlist += node.username;123             userlist += '\n';124             i++;125         }126         i = 0;127         while (i < count) {128             Node node = userLinkList.findUser(i);129             if (node == null) {130                 i++;131                 continue;132             }133             try {134                 node.output.writeObject("用户列表");135                 node.output.flush();136                 node.output.writeObject(userlist);137                 node.output.flush();138             } catch (Exception e) {139             }140             i++;141         }142     }143 }
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  1 /*  2  * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties.  3  * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates  4  * and open the template in the editor.  5  */  6 package com.silianbo.server;  7   8 /**  9  * 10  * @author silianbo 11  * 生成端口设置对话框的类 12  */ 13 import java.awt.*; 14 import javax.swing.*; 15 import java.awt.event.*; 16  17  18 public class PortConf extends JDialog { 19     /** 20      *  21      */ 22     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 23     JPanel panelPort = new JPanel(); 24     JButton save = new JButton(); 25     JButton cancel = new JButton(); 26     public static JLabel DLGINFO=new JLabel( 27         "                              默认端口号为:8888"); 28  29     JPanel panelSave = new JPanel(); 30     JLabel message = new JLabel(); 31  32     public static JTextField portNumber ; 33  34     public PortConf(JFrame frame) { 35         super(frame, true); 36         try { 37             jbInit(); 38         } 39         catch (Exception e) { 40         } 41         //设置运行位置,使对话框居中 42         Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize(); 43         this.setLocation( (int) (screenSize.width - 400) / 2 + 50, 44                         (int) (screenSize.height - 600) / 2 + 150); 45         this.setResizable(false); 46     } 47  48     private void jbInit() throws Exception { 49         this.setSize(new Dimension(300, 120)); 50         this.setTitle("端口设置"); 51         message.setText("请输入侦听的端口号:"); 52         portNumber = new JTextField(10); 53         portNumber.setText(""+ChatServer.port); 54         save.setText("保存"); 55         cancel.setText("取消"); 56  57         panelPort.setLayout(new FlowLayout()); 58         panelPort.add(message); 59         panelPort.add(portNumber); 60  61         panelSave.add(new Label("              ")); 62         panelSave.add(save); 63         panelSave.add(cancel); 64         panelSave.add(new Label("              ")); 65  66         Container contentPane = getContentPane(); 67         contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); 68         contentPane.add(panelPort, BorderLayout.NORTH); 69         contentPane.add(DLGINFO, BorderLayout.CENTER); 70         contentPane.add(panelSave, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 71  72         //保存按钮的事件处理 73         save.addActionListener((ActionEvent a) -> { 74                     int savePort; 75                     try{ 76                          77                         savePort=Integer.parseInt(PortConf.portNumber.getText()); 78                          79                         if(savePort<1 || savePort>65535){ 80                             PortConf.DLGINFO.setText("               侦听端口必须是0-65535之间的整数!"); 81                             PortConf.portNumber.setText(""); 82                             return; 83                         } 84                         ChatServer.port = savePort; 85                         dispose(); 86                     } 87                     catch(NumberFormatException e){ 88                         PortConf.DLGINFO.setText("                错误的端口号,端口号请填写整数!"); 89                         PortConf.portNumber.setText(""); 90                     } 91                 }); 92  93         //关闭对话框时的操作 94         this.addWindowListener( 95             new WindowAdapter(){ 96                                 @Override 97                 public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e){ 98                     DLGINFO.setText("                              默认端口号为:8888"); 99                 }100             }101         );102 103         //取消按钮的事件处理104         cancel.addActionListener((ActionEvent e) -> {105                     DLGINFO.setText("                              默认端口号为:8888");106                     dispose();107                 });108     }109 }
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 1 mport java.awt.*; 2 import javax.swing.*; 3 import java.awt.event.*; 4  5 /** 6  * 生成设置对话框的类 7  */ 8 public class Help extends JDialog { 9 10     /**11      * 12      */13     private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;14     JPanel titlePanel = new JPanel();15     JPanel contentPanel = new JPanel();16     JPanel closePanel = new JPanel();17 18     JButton close = new JButton();19     JLabel title = new JLabel("聊天室服务端帮助");20     JTextArea help = new JTextArea(); 21 22     Color bg = new Color(255,255,255);23 24     public Help(JFrame frame) {25         super(frame, true);26         try {27             jbInit();28         }29         catch (Exception e) {30             e.printStackTrace();31         }32         //设置运行位置,使对话框居中33         Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();34         this.setLocation( (int) (screenSize.width - 400) / 2,35                         (int) (screenSize.height - 320) / 2);36         this.setResizable(false);37     }38 39     private void jbInit() throws Exception {40         this.setSize(new Dimension(400, 200));41         this.setTitle("帮助");42         43         titlePanel.setBackground(bg);;44         contentPanel.setBackground(bg);45         closePanel.setBackground(bg);46         47         help.setText("1、设置服务端的侦听端口(默认端口为8888)。\n"+48             "2、点击 启动服务 按钮便可在指定的端口启动服务。\n"+49             "3、选择需要接受消息的用户,在消息栏中写入消息,之后便可发送消息。\n"+50             "4、信息状态栏中显示服务器当前的启动与停止状态、"+51             "用户发送的消息和\n      服务器端发送的系统消息。");52         help.setEditable(false);53 54         titlePanel.add(new Label("              "));55         titlePanel.add(title);56         titlePanel.add(new Label("              "));57 58         contentPanel.add(help);59 60         closePanel.add(new Label("              "));61         closePanel.add(close);62         closePanel.add(new Label("              "));63 64         Container contentPane = getContentPane();65         contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout());66         contentPane.add(titlePanel, BorderLayout.NORTH);67         contentPane.add(contentPanel, BorderLayout.CENTER);68         contentPane.add(closePanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);69 70         close.setText("关闭");71         //事件处理72         close.addActionListener(73             new ActionListener() {74                 public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {75                     dispose();76                 }77             }78         );79     }80 }
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 1 package com.silianbo.server; 2  3 public class UserLinkList { 4  5     Node root; 6  7     Node pointer; 8  9     int count;10 11     public UserLinkList() {12         root = new Node();13         root.next = null;14         pointer = null;15         count = 0;16     }17 18     public void addUser(Node n) {19         pointer = root;20         while (pointer.next != null) {21             pointer = pointer.next;22         }23         pointer.next = n;24         n.next = null;25         count++;26     }27 28     public void delUser(Node n) {29         pointer = root;30         while (pointer.next != null) {31             if (pointer.next == n) {32                 pointer.next = n.next;33                 count--;34                 break;35             }36             pointer = pointer.next;37         }38     }39 40     public int getCount() {41         return count;42     }43 44     public Node findUser(String username) {45         if (count == 0)46             return null;47         pointer = root;48         while (pointer.next != null) {49             pointer = pointer.next;50             if (pointer.username.equalsIgnoreCase(username)) {51                 return pointer;52             }53         }54         return null;55     }56 57     public Node findUser(int index) {58         if (count == 0) {59             return null;60         }61         if (index < 0) {62             return null;63         }64         pointer = root;65         int i = 0;66         while (i < index + 1) {67             if (pointer.next != null) {68                 pointer = pointer.next;69             } else {70                 return null;71             }72             i++;73         }74         return pointer;75     }76 }
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 1 package com.silianbo.server; 2  3 import java.net.*; 4 import java.io.*; 5  6 public class Node { 7  8     String username = null; 9 10     Socket socket = null;11 12     ObjectOutputStream output = null;13 14     ObjectInputStream input = null;15 16     Node next = null;17 }
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