第14课:Spark Streaming源码解读之State管理之updateStateByKey和mapWithState解密

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第14课:Spark Streaming源码解读之State管理之updateStateByKey和mapWithState解密

本节课讲解Spark Streaming中一个非常重要的内容:状态管理。为了说明这个状态管理,我们拿两个具体的方法updateStateByKey和mapWithState来说明Spark Streaming到底如何实现状态管理的。整个Spark Streaming按照Batch Duration划分Job,但是有时候我们想计算过去一小时,或者过去1天,或者过去一周的数据,在这么长的大于Batch Duration的时间实现符合我们业务的操作,不可避免的一定要发生的事情是进行状态维护。

我们的Spark Streaming在每个Batch Duration会产生一个Job,Job里面都是RDD,我们现在面临的一个问题就是:对于每个Batch Duration中的RDD,怎么对它的状态进行维护?例如updateStateByKey 计算一整天的商品的点击量或者一整天的商品排名,这个时候就需要类似updateStateByKey和mapWithState帮助你完成核心的步骤。


updateStateByKey和mapWithState 可不可以在Dstream中找到这2个方法?在Dstream中找不到。updateStateByKey和mapWithState 都是针对Key-Value的类型的数据进行操作,都是Pair类型的,跟我们前面的RDD是一样的,RDD并不会直接对Key-Value类型进行操作,这个时候要借助Scala的语法进行隐式转换。

这里是DStream的object,最佳实践是将隐式转换放到Object的静态区域,就是伴生对象区域toPairDStreamFunctions,在Spark 1.3版本之前,使用import StreamingContext._的方式。现在不需要import,因为这里是隐式转换,如使用一个方法updateStateByKey在Dstream中找不到,就会进行隐式转换,发现 toPairDStreamFunctions的签名符合DStream,又是implicit级别的,然后就进行隐式转换,转换成PairDStreamFunctions。我们比喻为从地狱中召唤出来的功能,使用过后又回到地狱。


1.          object DStream {


3.           // `toPairDStreamFunctions` wasin SparkContext before 1.3 and users had to

4.           // `import StreamingContext._`to enable it. Now we move it here to make the compiler find

5.           // it automatically. However, westill keep the old function in StreamingContext for backward

6.           // compatibility and forward tothe following function directly.


8.           implicit deftoPairDStreamFunctions[K, V](stream: DStream[(K, V)])

9.               (implicit kt: ClassTag[K],vt: ClassTag[V], ord: Ordering[K] = null):

10.          PairDStreamFunctions[K, V] = {

11.          new PairDStreamFunctions[K,V](stream)

12.        }


14.        /** Get the creation site of aDStream from the stack trace of when the DStream is created. */

15.        private[streaming] defgetCreationSite(): CallSite = {

16.          val SPARK_CLASS_REGEX ="""^org\.apache\.spark""".r

17.          valSPARK_STREAMING_TESTCLASS_REGEX ="""^org\.apache\.spark\.streaming\.test""".r

18.          val SPARK_EXAMPLES_CLASS_REGEX= """^org\.apache\.spark\.examples""".r

19.          val SCALA_CLASS_REGEX ="""^scala""".r


21.          /** Filtering function thatexcludes non-user classes for a streaming application */

22.          def streamingExclustionFunction(className:String): Boolean = {

23.            def doesMatch(r: Regex):Boolean = r.findFirstIn(className).isDefined

24.            val isSparkClass =doesMatch(SPARK_CLASS_REGEX)

25.            val isSparkExampleClass =doesMatch(SPARK_EXAMPLES_CLASS_REGEX)

26.            val isSparkStreamingTestClass= doesMatch(SPARK_STREAMING_TESTCLASS_REGEX)

27.            val isScalaClass =doesMatch(SCALA_CLASS_REGEX)


29.            // If the class is a sparkexample class or a streaming test class then it is considered

30.            // as a streamingapplication class and don't exclude. Otherwise, exclude any

31.            // non-Spark and non-Scalaclass, as the rest would streaming application classes.

32.            (isSparkClass ||isScalaClass) && !isSparkExampleClass &&!isSparkStreamingTestClass

33.          }

34.          org.apache.spark.util.Utils.getCallSite(streamingExclustionFunction)

35.        }

36.      }




1.          class PairDStreamFunctions[K,V](self: DStream[(K, V)])

2.             (implicit kt: ClassTag[K], vt:ClassTag[V], ord: Ordering[K])

3.           extends Serializable {

4.         ……

5.           @Experimental

6.           def mapWithState[StateType: ClassTag,MappedType: ClassTag](

7.               spec: StateSpec[K, V, StateType,MappedType]

8.             ): MapWithStateDStream[K, V, StateType,MappedType] = {

9.             new MapWithStateDStreamImpl[K, V,StateType, MappedType](

10.            self,

11.            spec.asInstanceOf[StateSpecImpl[K, V,StateType, MappedType]]

12.          )

13.        }

14.      ……

15.      /**

16.      返回一个新的“状态”DStream ,每个 key的状态按给定的函数根据key的前一状态和每个key的新值进行更新。哈希分区是用numPartitions分区数来生成 RDDs。

17.      @param updateFunc 状态更新功能。如果这个函数没有返回,那么对应 key-value会被清除掉。

18.      @param numPartitions  新的DStream每个RDD分区的numPartitions数。

19.      @tparam S 状态类型

20.      */

21.      def updateStateByKey[S:ClassTag](

22.            updateFunc: (Seq[V], Option[S]) =>Option[S]

23.          ): DStream[(K, S)] = ssc.withScope {

24.          updateStateByKey(updateFunc,defaultPartitioner())

25.        }

26.      …….

27.        def mapWithState[StateType: ClassTag,MappedType: ClassTag](

28.            spec: StateSpec[K, V, StateType,MappedType]

29.          ): MapWithStateDStream[K, V, StateType,MappedType] = {

30.          new MapWithStateDStreamImpl[K, V,StateType, MappedType](

31.            self,

32.            spec.asInstanceOf[StateSpecImpl[K, V,StateType, MappedType]]

33.          )

34.        }


在updateFunc中声明类型,Seq[V]是历史数据, Option[S]是Option。无论是基于状态的计算,还是基于BatchDuration的计算都是基于RDD的。RDD中都需要partition。defaultPartitioner默认采用了HashPartitioner,HashPartitioner对应Hash的计算方式,我们采用Shuffle的时候为什么要采用Hash?我们一定要想明白,在性能调优或者负载均衡或数据倾斜的时候,有很好的理念支撑你去做优化。Hash很重要,Hash的一个特点是效率高,Spark 1.2.x之前采用Shuffle的方式就是因为效率高,不需要排序等。这里并行度使用的defaultParallelism,和Spark Core完全是一样的。自己写代码也可以这么使用,操作的时候注意包名的命名。


1.          private[streaming] defdefaultPartitioner(numPartitions: Int = self.ssc.sc.defaultParallelism) = {

2.             newHashPartitioner(numPartitions)

3.           }


回到updateStateByKey,updateStateByKey的传入参数有一个partitioner参数。类似的,SparkSQL如果操作Hive中的表的时候,你自己设置了一个并行度,使用Spark SQL On Hive的方式是否会生效?封装partition基于Hive去控制是否受自定义的控制?不会!这是Spark SQL比较特殊的地方,不会的时候有时会导致结果的并行度太低,后面的RDD继承前面RDD的partition,假如并行度为3,本来可以为300的,就影响数据的计算,造成GC等。这个时候就要使用repartition,而不是使用coalesce的方式。


1.           def updateStateByKey[S:ClassTag](

2.               updateFunc: (Seq[V],Option[S]) => Option[S],

3.               partitioner: Partitioner,

4.               initialRDD: RDD[(K, S)]

5.             ): DStream[(K, S)] =ssc.withScope {

6.             val cleanedUpdateF =sparkContext.clean(updateFunc)

7.             val newUpdateFunc = (iterator:Iterator[(K, Seq[V], Option[S])]) => {

8.               iterator.flatMap(t =>cleanedUpdateF(t._2, t._3).map(s => (t._1, s)))

9.             }

10.          updateStateByKey(newUpdateFunc,partitioner, true, initialRDD)

11.        }




1.          def updateStateByKey[S:ClassTag](

2.               updateFunc: (Iterator[(K,Seq[V], Option[S])]) => Iterator[(K, S)],

3.               partitioner: Partitioner,

4.               rememberPartitioner:Boolean,

5.               initialRDD: RDD[(K, S)]):DStream[(K, S)] = ssc.withScope {

6.             val cleanedFunc =ssc.sc.clean(updateFunc)

7.             val newUpdateFunc = (_: Time,it: Iterator[(K, Seq[V], Option[S])]) => {

8.               cleanedFunc(it)

9.             }

10.          new StateDStream(self,newUpdateFunc, partitioner, rememberPartitioner, Some(initialRDD))

11.        }




1.          private[streaming]

2.         class StateDStream[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, S: ClassTag](

3.             parent: DStream[(K, V)],

4.             updateFunc: (Time,Iterator[(K, Seq[V], Option[S])]) => Iterator[(K, S)],

5.             partitioner: Partitioner,

6.             preservePartitioning: Boolean,

7.             initialRDD: Option[RDD[(K,S)]]

8.           ) extends DStream[(K,S)](parent.ssc) {

9.         super.persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY_SER)


11.        override def dependencies: List[DStream[_]] =List(parent)


13.        override def slideDuration: Duration =parent.slideDuration


15.        override val mustCheckpoint = true




1.          override def compute(validTime:Time): Option[RDD[(K, S)]] = {


3.             // Try to get the previousstate RDD

4.             getOrCompute(validTime -slideDuration) match {


6.               case Some(prevStateRDD)=>    // If previous state RDD exists

7.                 // Try to get the parentRDD

8.                 parent.getOrCompute(validTime) match {

9.                   case Some(parentRDD)=>    // If parent RDD exists, thencompute as usual

10.                  computeUsingPreviousRDD (validTime,parentRDD, prevStateRDD)

11.                case None =>     // If parent RDD does not exist

12.                  // Re-apply the updatefunction to the old state RDD

13.                  val updateFuncLocal =updateFunc

14.                  val finalFunc =(iterator: Iterator[(K, S)]) => {

15.                    val i =iterator.map(t => (t._1, Seq[V](), Option(t._2)))

16.                    updateFuncLocal(validTime, i)

17.                  }

18.                  val stateRDD =prevStateRDD.mapPartitions(finalFunc, preservePartitioning)

19.                  Some(stateRDD)

20.              }


22.            case None =>    // If previous session RDD does not exist(first input data)

23.              // Try to get the parentRDD

24.              parent.getOrCompute(validTime) match {

25.                case Some(parentRDD)=>   // If parent RDD exists, thencompute as usual

26.                  initialRDD match {

27.                    case None =>

28.                      // Define thefunction for the mapPartition operation on grouped RDD;

29.                      // first map thegrouped tuple to tuples of required type,

30.                      // and then applythe update function

31.                      valupdateFuncLocal = updateFunc

32.                      val finalFunc =(iterator: Iterator[(K, Iterable[V])]) => {

33.                        updateFuncLocal(validTime,

34.                          iterator.map(tuple => (tuple._1, tuple._2.toSeq, None)))

35.                      }


37.                      val groupedRDD =parentRDD.groupByKey(partitioner)

38.                      val sessionRDD =groupedRDD.mapPartitions(finalFunc, preservePartitioning)

39.                      //logDebug("Generating state RDD for time " + validTime + "(first)")

40.                      Some (sessionRDD)

41.                    case Some(initialStateRDD) =>

42.                      computeUsingPreviousRDD(validTime,parentRDD, initialStateRDD)

43.                  }

44.                case None => // Ifparent RDD does not exist, then nothing to do!

45.                  // logDebug("Notgenerating state RDD (no previous state, no parent)")

46.                  None

47.              }

48.          }

49.        }


compute是StateDStream复写的方法,计算的时候有parentRDD,parentRDD会调用computeUsingPreviousRDD。重磅的地方:从中可以看出updateStateByKey的弱点。在computeUsingPreviousRDD 中通过updateFunc将函数传进来,然后通过val cogroupedRDD =parentRDD.cogroup(prevStateRDD, partitioner)计算,里面的核心逻辑是cogroup,cogroup就是对所有的数据按照key对Value进行聚合,每次计算的时候都要这样做,这样做的好处是对RDD进行计算,RDD怎么计算,cogroup就怎么计算。不好的地方是性能问题:cogroup要对所有的数据进行重新扫描,每一次都要扫描,随着时间的流失,要扫描的规模越来越大,性能也越来越低。


1.           private [this] def computeUsingPreviousRDD(

2.               batchTime: Time,

3.               parentRDD: RDD[(K, V)],

4.               prevStateRDD: RDD[(K, S)]) ={

5.             // Define the function for themapPartition operation on cogrouped RDD;

6.             // first map the cogroupedtuple to tuples of required type,

7.             // and then apply the updatefunction

8.             val updateFuncLocal =updateFunc

9.             val finalFunc = (iterator:Iterator[(K, (Iterable[V], Iterable[S]))]) => {

10.            val i = iterator.map { t=>

11.              val itr = t._2._2.iterator

12.              val headOption = if(itr.hasNext) Some(itr.next()) else None

13.              (t._1, t._2._1.toSeq, headOption)

14.            }

15.            updateFuncLocal(batchTime,i)

16.          }

17.          val cogroupedRDD =parentRDD.cogroup(prevStateRDD, partitioner)

18.          val stateRDD =cogroupedRDD.mapPartitions(finalFunc, preservePartitioning)

19.          Some(stateRDD)

20.        }


cogroup的RDD和另外一个RDD计算的结果是个tuple,value是(Iterable[V], Iterable[W])。 例如一个学生有学号和姓名被RDD封装;也有学号和成绩被RDD封装,两个进行cogroup,它的key就是学号,Value就是姓名和成绩;数据量比较少,或者updateStateByKey的时间比较短,时间如果太长,可以考虑定时,这里是基于磁盘进行持久化的操作,可能还不是太大的关系。但是每次都要进行全部数据的扫描,这是无法让人承受的事情。例如如果计算几天之后,就会发现越算越慢,原先计算1分钟的时候不慢,计算一段时间就变慢了。


1.            def cogroup[W](other: RDD[(K,W)], partitioner: Partitioner)

2.               : RDD[(K, (Iterable[V],Iterable[W]))] = self.withScope {

3.             if(partitioner.isInstanceOf[HashPartitioner] && keyClass.isArray) {

4.               throw newSparkException("HashPartitioner cannot partition array keys.")

5.             }

6.             val cg = newCoGroupedRDD[K](Seq(self, other), partitioner)

7.             cg.mapValues { case Array(vs,w1s) =>

8.               (vs.asInstanceOf[Iterable[V]],w1s.asInstanceOf[Iterable[W]])

9.             }

10.        }





1.         /**

2.         :实验性的::通过应用函数到this Stream的每一个Key-Value元素,返回 [[MapWithStateDStream]] ,同时为每个唯一Key维护一些状态数据。映射函数和其他规范(如分区、超时、初始状态数据等),转换可以使用StateSpec类指定。状态数据在映射函数中作为一个参数类型State访问。 使用mapWithState的例子:


4.         {{{ //一个映射函数,它维护一个整数状态并返回一个字符串。

5.          def mappingFunction(key: String,value: Option[Int], state: State[Int]): Option[String] = {

6.            //使用 state.exists(), state.get(),state.update() 及 state.remove() 管理 state,返回需要的字符串

7.                }

8.                   val spec =StateSpec.function(mappingFunction).numPartitions(10)

9.                   val mapWithStateDStream= keyValueDStream.mapWithState[StateType, MappedType](spec)

10.          }}}


12.          @param spec          转换的表示

13.          @tparam StateType    state 数据类型

14.          @tparam MappedType   映射的类型

15.      */

16.        @Experimental

17.        def mapWithState[StateType:ClassTag, MappedType: ClassTag](

18.            spec: StateSpec[K, V,StateType, MappedType]

19.          ): MapWithStateDStream[K, V,StateType, MappedType] = {

20.          new MapWithStateDStreamImpl[K,V, StateType, MappedType](

21.            self,

22.            spec.asInstanceOf[StateSpecImpl[K, V,StateType, MappedType]]

23.          )

24.        }



 state就是历史状态,state相当于就是一个数据库,也可以想象成是一个内存数据表, state.exists(),state.get(), state.update() 及 state.remove() 判断是否存在,获取这个值,更新这个值,删除这个值,其实可以理解为相应的表操作,如删除这张表。state就是一张表,这张表中记录了状态维护中的所有历史状态,mappingFunction提出对这张表中的哪个key进行操作,基于key进行操作输入的value值是什么,通过key可以查询这张表查询值,至于value怎么操作,就是mappingFunction中的业务逻辑,state就相当于key-value中的一张表,包括key,value两列。所有的历史状态都放在这张表中,这张表的名称就叫state。

在进行更新的时候,state可以认为是表的索引,根据key在state的基础上更新它的value。内存表是从抽象的角度考虑的,这里看到state,例如单词计数,不断的累积计数,上面注释例子中的state类型也是State[Int]整数类型。如果从内存数据表的角度讲,这里是状态的标记:删除标记,超时时间等,都在内存中, 就是对一张表的增、删、改。



1.          /**

2.           ::实验性的 ::

3.          获取和更新状态映射函数用于mapWithState操作的[[org.apache.spark.streaming.dstream.PairDStreamFunctionspair DStream]](Scala)或者

4.          [[org.apache.spark.streaming.api.java.JavaPairDStreamJavaPairDStream]](java)。


6.           Scala中使用State的例子:

7.           {{{

8.              // 维护整数状态并返回字符串的映射函数。

9.              def mappingFunction(key:String, value: Option[Int], state: State[Int]): Option[String] = {

10.             // 检查状态是否存在

11.             if (state.exists) {

12.               val existingState =state.get  //获取存在的状态

13.               val shouldRemove =...         // 决定是否删除状态

14.               if (shouldRemove) {

15.                 state.remove()     //删除状态

16.               } else {

17.                 val newState = ...

18.                 state.update(newState)    // 设置新的状态

19.               }

20.             } else {

21.               val initialState = ...

22.               state.update(initialState)  // 设置初始值

23.             }

24.             ... // 返回值

25.           }


27.        }}}


29.        Java 使用 State的例子:

30.        {{{

31.           // 维护整数状态并返回字符串的映射函数。

32.           Function3<String,Optional<Integer>, State<Integer>, String> mappingFunction =

33.              new Function3<String,Optional<Integer>, State<Integer>, String>() {


35.                @Override

36.                public Stringcall(String key, Optional<Integer> value, State<Integer> state) {

37.                  if (state.exists()) {

38.                    int existingState =state.get(); // 获取存在的状态

39.                    boolean shouldRemove= ...; // 决定是否删除状态

40.                    if (shouldRemove) {

41.                      state.remove(); //删除状态

42.                    } else {

43.                      int newState =...;

44.                      state.update(newState); // 设置新的状态

45.                    }

46.                  } else {

47.                    int initialState =...; // 设置初始状态

48.                    state.update(initialState);

49.                  }

50.                  //返回值

51.                }

52.              };

53.        }}}

54.      **/

55.      * @tparam S 状态类

56.      @Experimental

57.      sealed abstract class State[S]{

58.      ……..

59.      private[streaming] classStateImpl[S] extends State[S] {


61.        private var state: S = null.asInstanceOf[S]

62.        private var defined: Boolean = false

63.        private var timingOut: Boolean = false

64.        private var updated: Boolean = false

65.        private var removed: Boolean = false


mapWithState方法中的StateSpecImpl将传进来的数据进行封装,这里面有key-Value,StateType, MappedType。StateSpecImpl是一个case class,里面的参数是函数function, StateSpecImpl中有一个很重要的方法getFunction,将函数Function返回。使用一个数据结构封装了函数的内容。这里还有getPartitioner、getInitialStateRDD、getTimeoutInterval,这也是一个很好的编程的技巧,从框架的角度封装成一个数据结构。


1.             private[streaming]

2.         case class StateSpecImpl[K, V, S, T](

3.             function: (Time, K, Option[V],State[S]) => Option[T]) extends StateSpec[K, V, S, T] {


5.           require(function != null)


7.           @volatile private varpartitioner: Partitioner = null

8.           @volatile private varinitialStateRDD: RDD[(K, S)] = null

9.           @volatile private vartimeoutInterval: Duration = null


11.        override def initialState(rdd:RDD[(K, S)]): this.type = {

12.          this.initialStateRDD = rdd

13.          this

14.        }

15.      …..

16.      private[streaming] defgetFunction(): (Time, K, Option[V], State[S]) => Option[T] = function


18.        private[streaming] def getInitialStateRDD():Option[RDD[(K, S)]] = Option(initialStateRDD)


20.        private[streaming] def getPartitioner():Option[Partitioner] = Option(partitioner)


22.        private[streaming] def getTimeoutInterval():Option[Duration] = Option(timeoutInterval)


1.             private[streaming] classMapWithStateDStreamImpl[

2.             KeyType: ClassTag, ValueType:ClassTag, StateType: ClassTag, MappedType: ClassTag](

3.             dataStream: DStream[(KeyType,ValueType)],

4.             spec: StateSpecImpl[KeyType,ValueType, StateType, MappedType])

5.           extendsMapWithStateDStream[KeyType, ValueType, StateType,MappedType](dataStream.context) {



6.             ……

7.         private val internalStream =

8.             new InternalMapWithStateDStream[KeyType,ValueType, StateType, MappedType](dataStream, spec)


10.        override def slideDuration: Duration =internalStream.slideDuration


12.        override def dependencies: List[DStream[_]] =List(internalStream)


14.        override def compute(validTime: Time):Option[RDD[MappedType]] = {

15.          internalStream.getOrCompute(validTime).map{ _.flatMap[MappedType] { _.mappedData } }

16.        }


InternalMapWithStateDStream类在历史的基础上进行更新, persist是MEMORY_ONLY的方式,不断的更新内部数据结构,而不是创建一个新的数据结构对象。


1.          private[streaming]

2.         class InternalMapWithStateDStream[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, S: ClassTag,E: ClassTag](

3.             parent: DStream[(K, V)], spec:StateSpecImpl[K, V, S, E])

4.           extendsDStream[MapWithStateRDDRecord[K, S, E]](parent.context) {

5.         persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_ONLY)


7.           private val partitioner =spec.getPartitioner().getOrElse(

8.             newHashPartitioner(ssc.sc.defaultParallelism))


10.        private val mappingFunction =spec.getFunction()


12.        override def slideDuration: Duration =parent.slideDuration

MapWithStateDStream的compute创建一个新的RDD,新的RDD基于BatchDuration时间窗口,当前传进来一个时间,数据可能为空。如果时间里面没有数据,就获取emptyRDD。关键的一行代码是Some(new MapWithStateRDD(      prevStateRDD, partitionedDataRDD,mappingFunction, validTime, timeoutThresholdTime)), 这里有prevStateRDD,partitionedDataRDD,没有看到历史数据,可以看到mappingFunction, 在伴生对象InternalMapWithStateDStream中有CHECKPOINT的时间。


1.          override def compute(validTime:Time): Option[RDD[MapWithStateRDDRecord[K, S, E]]] = {

2.             // Get the previous state orcreate a new empty state RDD

3.             val prevStateRDD =getOrCompute(validTime - slideDuration) match {

4.               case Some(rdd) =>

5.                 if (rdd.partitioner !=Some(partitioner)) {

6.                   // If the RDD is notpartitioned the right way, let us repartition it using the

7.                   // partition index asthe key. This is to ensure that state RDD is always partitioned

8.                   // before creatinganother state RDD using it

9.                   MapWithStateRDD.createFromRDD[K, V,S, E](

10.                  rdd.flatMap {_.stateMap.getAll() }, partitioner, validTime)

11.              } else {

12.                rdd

13.              }

14.            case None =>

15.              MapWithStateRDD.createFromPairRDD[K, V,S, E](

16.                spec.getInitialStateRDD().getOrElse(newEmptyRDD[(K, S)](ssc.sparkContext)),

17.                partitioner,

18.                validTime

19.              )

20.          }



23.          // Compute the new state RDDwith previous state RDD and partitioned data RDD

24.          // Even if there is no dataRDD, use an empty one to create a new state RDD

25.          val dataRDD =parent.getOrCompute(validTime).getOrElse {

26.            context.sparkContext.emptyRDD[(K, V)]

27.          }

28.          val partitionedDataRDD =dataRDD.partitionBy(partitioner)

29.          val timeoutThresholdTime =spec.getTimeoutInterval().map { interval =>

30.            (validTime -interval).milliseconds

31.          }

32.          Some(new MapWithStateRDD(

33.            prevStateRDD,partitionedDataRDD, mappingFunction, validTime, timeoutThresholdTime))

34.        }

35.      }

36.      …..

37.      private[streaming] objectInternalMapWithStateDStream {


39.      }




1.         /** RDD存储mapWithState的Key的状态和相应的映射数据。RDD每个分区具有[[MapWithStateRDDRecord]]数据类型的记录。这包含了StateMap(包含key的状态)和记录的顺序,通过mapWithState函数返回。

2.         @param prevStateRDD  以前的MapWithStateRDD on whose StateMap data`this` RDD

3.                               will becreated

4.           @param partitionedDataRDD Thepartitioned data RDD which is used update the previous StateMaps

5.                                     in the`prevStateRDD` to create `this` RDD

6.           @param mappingFunction  The function that will be used to updatestate and return new data

7.           @param batchTime        The time of the batch to which this RDDbelongs to. Use to update

8.           @param timeoutThresholdTime Thetime to indicate which keys are timeout

9.         **/

10.       private[streaming] classMapWithStateRDD[K: ClassTag, V: ClassTag, S: ClassTag, E: ClassTag](

11.          private var prevStateRDD:RDD[MapWithStateRDDRecord[K, S, E]],

12.          private varpartitionedDataRDD: RDD[(K, V)],

13.          mappingFunction: (Time, K,Option[V], State[S]) => Option[E],

14.          batchTime: Time,

15.          timeoutThresholdTime:Option[Long]

16.        ) extendsRDD[MapWithStateRDDRecord[K, S, E]](

17.          partitionedDataRDD.sparkContext,

18.          List(

19.            newOneToOneDependency[MapWithStateRDDRecord[K, S, E]](prevStateRDD),

20.            newOneToOneDependency(partitionedDataRDD))

21.        ) {

MapWithStateRDD中的重点是compute,获取RDD的迭代器prevStateRDDIterator、dataIterator,最后返回一个 Iterator(newRecord)


1.          override def compute(

2.               partition: Partition,context: TaskContext): Iterator[MapWithStateRDDRecord[K, S, E]] = {


4.             val stateRDDPartition =partition.asInstanceOf[MapWithStateRDDPartition]

5.             val prevStateRDDIterator =prevStateRDD.iterator(

6.               stateRDDPartition.previousSessionRDDPartition,context)

7.             val dataIterator =partitionedDataRDD.iterator(

8.               stateRDDPartition.partitionedDataRDDPartition,context)


10.          val prevRecord = if(prevStateRDDIterator.hasNext) Some(prevStateRDDIterator.next()) else None

11.          val newRecord =MapWithStateRDDRecord.updateRecordWithData(

12.            prevRecord,

13.            dataIterator,

14.            mappingFunction,

15.            batchTime,

16.            timeoutThresholdTime,

17.            removeTimedoutData =doFullScan // remove timedout data only when full scan is enabled

18.          )

19.          Iterator(newRecord)

20.        }


MapWithStateRDDRecord中有2个关键的数据结构:mappedData、wrappedState。newStateMap的数据结构中先对StateMap进行copy,这里copy还是很高效的,然后是dataIterator.foreach 循环遍历,不断的给wrappedState赋值,mappedData是最后返回的值,每次操作之后,判断是否要删除,进行删除操作。对当前的Batch的数据进行计算,对newStateMap进行更新,newStateMap的数据结构保存了整个历史数据,可进行删除、更新操作,有没有对历史数据重新计算或者遍历?没有,没有cogroup的操作,对当前数据进行操作,只在内存中更新数据结构。效率会高很多。


1.         private[streaming] objectMapWithStateRDDRecord {

2.           def updateRecordWithData[K: ClassTag, V:ClassTag, S: ClassTag, E: ClassTag](

3.             prevRecord: Option[MapWithStateRDDRecord[K,S, E]],

4.             dataIterator: Iterator[(K, V)],

5.             mappingFunction: (Time, K, Option[V],State[S]) => Option[E],

6.             batchTime: Time,

7.             timeoutThresholdTime: Option[Long],

8.             removeTimedoutData: Boolean

9.           ): MapWithStateRDDRecord[K, S, E] = {

10.          // Create a new state map by cloning theprevious one (if it exists) or by creating an empty one

11.          val newStateMap = prevRecord.map {_.stateMap.copy() }. getOrElse { new EmptyStateMap[K, S]() }


13.          val mappedData = new ArrayBuffer[E]

14.          val wrappedState = new StateImpl[S]()


16.          // Call the mapping function on each recordin the data iterator, and accordingly

17.          // update the states touched, and collectthe data returned by the mapping function

18.          dataIterator.foreach { case (key, value)=>

19.            wrappedState.wrap(newStateMap.get(key))

20.            val returned = mappingFunction(batchTime,key, Some(value), wrappedState)

21.            if (wrappedState.isRemoved) {

22.              newStateMap.remove(key)

23.            } else if (wrappedState.isUpdated

24.                || (wrappedState.exists &&timeoutThresholdTime.isDefined)) {

25.              newStateMap.put(key,wrappedState.get(), batchTime.milliseconds)

26.            }

27.            mappedData ++= returned

28.          }


30.          // Get the timed out state records, callthe mapping function on each and collect the

31.          // data returned

32.          if (removeTimedoutData &&timeoutThresholdTime.isDefined) {

33.            newStateMap.getByTime(timeoutThresholdTime.get).foreach{ case (key, state, _) =>

34.              wrappedState.wrapTimingOutState(state)

35.              val returned =mappingFunction(batchTime, key, None, wrappedState)

36.              mappedData ++= returned

37.              newStateMap.remove(key)

38.            }

39.          }


41.          MapWithStateRDDRecord(newStateMap,mappedData)

42.        }

43.      }



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