
来源:互联网 发布:python 加减法 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 00:01








<!--设计者:uruseibest--><!--blog:http://blog.csdn.net/uruseibest --><!--修改时间:2008.10.15 20:00--><!--完成时间:2008.10.15 20:00--><html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" Content="text/html; Charset=gb2312"><title>备忘录</title><style>body {    font-size: 12px;     border: none;    font-family:Arial,宋体;     overflow:none;     padding:0px;     margin:0px;     background-color:#000100;     }.stylesystime{    color:white;    font-size:10pt;    }   #menu a:visited{    color:red;    text-decoration:none;    }#menu a:link{    color:red;    text-decoration:none;    }#menu a:hover{    color:white;    text-decoration:none;    background-color:blue;    }#menu a:active{    color:red;    text-decoration:none;    }  .viewtable{    font-size: 12px;     border: none;    font-family:Arial,宋体;     overflow:none;     padding:0px;     margin:0px;     background-color:#000100;     color:white;    }.inputtype{    font-size:12px;    font-family:Arial,宋体;     border-color:#000066;    padding:0px;     margin:0px;     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PlayWav="1" then chkSet2.checked=true else chkSet2.checked =false    if ShowNot="1" then chkSet3.checked=true else chkSet3.checked =falseend subsub sysSet1()    if ChkSet1.checked=true then        ShowCnTime="1"    else        ShowCnTime="0"    end if        showsystimeend subsub sysSet2()    if ChkSet2.checked=true then        PlayWav="1"    else        PlayWav="0"    end ifend subsub sysSet3()    if ChkSet3.checked=true then        ShowNot="1"    else        ShowNot="0"    end ifend subsub Getmem()    dim fs    dim sysPath    set fs=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")    sysPath=fs.GetSpecialFolder(WindowsFolder)    wFileName=syspath & "\Mem.txt"    if fs.FileExists(wFileName)=false then        intmemcount=0    else        dim Wf        set Wf=fs.OpenTextFile(wFileName,1)        dim strAll        strAll=Wf.readall        wf.close                strMem=split(strAll,"*")        intMemCount=0        if ubound(strMem)>=0 then        dim intI        for intI=0 to ubound(strMem)        if (left(strMem(intI),2)="&%") and (right(strMem(intI),2)="&%") then        intMemCount=intMemCount+1        strMem(intI)=replace(strMem(intI),"&%","")        strMem(intI)=strMem(intI) & ",0"        end if        next        end if    end if    GetWav(sysPath)    ShowTimeoutMemend subsub GetWav(path)    dim fs    set fs=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")    if fs.FileExists(path & "\media\notify.wav")=true then        ClockWav=path & "\media\notify.wav"        ChkSet2.disabled=false    else        ClockWav=""        ChkSet2.disabled=true        divset2.innerHTML="(不可用,请查看帮助)"    end ifend subsub ShowTimeoutMem()    if ShowNot="0" then            dim intI        if intMemcount>0 then            for intI=0 to ubound(strMem)                dim substrMem                dim MemTime,nowTime                substrMem=split(strMem(intI),",")                MemTime=strFormatTime(substrMem(0))                nowTime=GetCurrentF                                        if (datediff("n",Memtime,nowTime)>=0) and (substrMem(3)="0") then                    substrMem(3)="1"                end if                strMem(intI)=join(substrMem,",")            next            end if           WMemFile(1)         end ifend subsub SetSystime()    showsystime      getMeminfo    Mem_show    window.setTimeout "setsystime",1000end subsub showsystime()    dim y,m,d,hh,mm,ss,w,ww,systime    if ShowCnTime="0" then        y=year(now)        m=right("00" & month(now) ,2)        d=right("00" & day(now) ,2)        hh=right("00" & hour(now) ,2)        mm=right("00" & minute(now) ,2)        ss=right("00" & second(now) ,2)        w=weekday(now,vbMonday)        ww=GetCnW(w)        systime= y  & "-" & m & "-" & d & " " & hh & ":" & mm & ":" & ss & " " & ww    else        y=GetCn(year(now))        m=GetCn(month(now))        d=GetCn(day(now))        hh=GetCn(hour(now))        mm=GetCn(minute(now))        ss=GetCn(second(now))        w=weekday(now,vbMonday)        ww=GetCnW(w)        systime= y  & "年" & m & "月" & d & "日 " & "<br>" &  hh & "时" & mm & "分" & ss & "秒 " & ww    end if    showtime.innerHTML =systimeend subfunction NumToCn(intNum)        select case intNum            case 0:ww="零"            case 1:ww="一"            case 2:ww="二"            case 3:ww="三"            case 4:ww="四"            case 5:ww="五"            case 6:ww="六"            case 7:ww="七"            case 8:ww="八"            case 9:ww="九"        end select            NumToCn=wwend functionfunction GetCn(intNum)    dim strNum,strCn    dim i    strNum=cstr(intNum)    select case len(strNum)        case 1            strCn=NumToCn(intNum)        case 2            if intnum<20 then            strCn="十" & _                  NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,2,1)))              else            strCn=NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,1,1))) & _                  "十" & _                  NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,2,1)))                        end if        case 4            strCn=NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,1,1))) & _                  NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,2,1))) & _                  NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,3,1))) & _                  NumToCn(cint(mid(strNum,4,1)))    end select    if strNum="10" then strCn="十"        GetCn=strCnend functionfunction GetCnW(intNum)    dim ww    select case intNum        case 1,2,3,4,5,6            ww="星期" & NumToCn(intNum)        case 7            ww="星期日"        case else            ww="星期?"    end select         GetCnW=wwend functionfunction strFormatTime(strFormated)    strFormatTime=mid(strFormated,1,4) & "-" & _            mid(strFormated,5,2) & "-" & _            mid(strFormated,7,2) & " " & _            mid(strFormated,9,2) & ":" & _            mid(strFormated,11,2)    end functionsub ShowDiv(intIndex)    showsetdiv.style.display="none"    showadddiv.style.display="none"    showviewdiv.style.display="none"    showhelpdiv.style.display="none"    select case intIndex        case 1            showsetdiv.style.display="block"        case 2        memaddinfo.innerHTML=""            txtMemTime.value=GetCurrentF            showadddiv.style.display="block"                    case 3            ShowMem            showviewdiv.style.display="block"        case 4            showhelpdiv.style.display="block"    end select      menuclose.style.visibility ="visible"end subsub Mem_show()    dim intI    if intMemcount>0 then        for intI=0 to ubound(strMem)            dim substrMem            dim MemTime,MemDone,MemShow            dim nowTime            substrMem=split(strMem(intI),",")            MemTime=strFormatTime(substrMem(0))            MemDone=substrMem(3)            MemShow=substrMem(4)            nowTime=GetCurrentF            if (datediff("n",Memtime,nowTime)>=0) and (MemDone="0") then                substrMem(4)="1"                strMem(intI)=join(substrMem,",")            end if        next            ShowMemInDiv            end ifend subsub AddMem()    dim s1,s2,s3    s1=txtMemTime.value    s2=txtMemTitle.value    s3=txtMemContent.value    if(mid(s1,5,1)<>"-") or (mid(s1,8,1)<>"-") or (mid(s1,11,1)<>" ") or (mid(s1,14,1)<>":") or (len(s1)<>16) then        memaddinfo.innerHTML ="<font color='red'>错误:</font>时间格式错误,请重新填写。"        exit sub    end if    if not isdate(s1) then        memaddinfo.innerHTML ="<font color='red'>错误:</font>输入了错误的时间,请重新填写。"        exit sub    end if    if trim(s2)="" then        memaddinfo.innerHTML ="<font color='red'>错误:</font>标题不允许为空。"        exit sub    end if    if len(trim(s3))>50 then        memaddinfo.innerHTML ="<font color='red'>错误:</font>内容的长度限制在50字以内。"        exit sub    end if    dim MemTime,MemTitle,MemContent    MemTime=mid(s1,1,4) & _            mid(s1,6,2) & _            mid(s1,9,2) & _            mid(s1,12,2) & _            mid(s1,15,2)    MemTitle=replaceTxt(trim(s2))    MemContent=replaceTxt(trim(s3))    if intMemcount=0 then        redim strMem(0)        strMem(0)=MemTime & "," & MemTitle & "," & MemContent & ",0,0"     else        dim intTemp        intTemp=ubound(strMem)+1        redim Preserve strMem(intTemp)        strMem(intTemp)=MemTime & "," & MemTitle & "," & MemContent & ",0,0"        end if    intMemCount=ubound(strMem)+1    dim Fso    set Fso=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")    dim AppendFs    set AppendFs=fso.OpenTextFile(wFileName,8,true)    if intMemcount=1 then        AppendFs.write "&%" & MemTime & "," & MemTitle & "," & MemContent & ",0&%"    else        AppendFs.write "*&%" & MemTime & "," & MemTitle & "," & MemContent & ",0&%"        end if    AppendFs.close    set Fso=nothing    txtMemTime.value=GetCurrentF    txtMemTitle.value=""    txtMemContent.value=""        memaddinfo.innerHTML ="<font color='red'>成功:</font>添加新备忘 " & MemTitle & "成功。"    getMeminfoend subfunction replaceTxt(strReplace)    dim s    s=strReplace    s=replace(s,"<","<")    s=replace(s,">",">")    s=replace(s,",",",")    s=replace(s,"*","*")    s=replace(s,vbcrlf,"<br>")    s=replace(s,"%","%")    s=replace(s,"&","&")    replaceTxt=send functionfunction GetCurrentF()    dim strTemp    strTemp=year(now) & "-" & _            right("00" & month(now) ,2) & "-" & _            right("00" & day(now) ,2) & " " & _            right("00" & hour(now) ,2) & ":" & _            right("00" & minute(now) ,2)    GetCurrentF=strTemp           end functionsub ShowMem()    dim intI    dim strOut    dim i    strOut="<table width='100%' border='0' class='viewtable'>"     strOut=strOut & "<tr>"    strOut=strOut & "<td width='10'> </td>"    strOut=strOut & "<td width='100'>时间</td>"    strOut=strOut & "<td width='*'>标题</td>"    strOut=strOut & "<td align='center' width='24'>到时</td>"    strOut=strOut & "<td align='center' width='24'>显示</td>"    strOut=strOut & "<td align='center'>删除</td>"    strOut=strOut & "</tr>"        if intMemcount>0 then        for i=0 to ubound(strMem)            dim substrMem            dim MemTime,MemTitle,MemTimeout,MemShow,MemDone            dim nowTime            substrMem=split(strMem(i),",")            MemTime=strFormatTime(substrMem(0))            MemTitle=substrMem(1)            nowTime=GetCurrentF            if datediff("n",Memtime,nowTime)<0 then                MemTimeout="否"            else                MemTimeout="是"            end if            if substrMem(4)=0 then                MemShow="<input type='checkbox' id='chkshowmem" & i & "' name='chkshowmem" & i & "' onclick='memshowed(" & i & ")'>"            else                MemShow="<input type='checkbox' id='chkshowmem" & i & "' name='chkshowmem" & i & "' checked='checked' onclick='memshowed(" & i & ")'>"            end if            strOut=strOut & "<tr>"            strOut=strOut & "<td>" & cstr(i+1) & "</td>"            strOut=strOut & "<td>" & MemTime & "</td>"            strOut=strOut & "<td>" & MemTitle & "</td>"            strOut=strOut & "<td align='center'>" & MemTimeout & "</td>"            strOut=strOut & "<td align='center'>" & MemShow & "</td>"            strOut=strOut & "<td align='center'><input type='button' value='删除' name='btnmemdel(" & i & ")' id='btndel' onclick='memdel(" & i & ")'></td>"            strOut=strOut & "</tr>"         next    else        strOut=strOut & "<tr><td colspan='7'>目前没有设置备忘</td></tr>"    end if    strOut=strOut & "</table>"      showviewdiv.innerHTML =strOut  end subsub closeMenu()    showsetdiv.style.display="none"    showadddiv.style.display="none"    showviewdiv.style.display="none"    showhelpdiv.style.display="none"    menuclose.style.visibility ="hidden"end subsub memshowed(intIndex)    dim substrMem    substrMem=split(strMem(intIndex),",")    if document.all("chkshowmem" & intIndex).checked=true then        substrMem(4)="1"    else        substrMem(4)="0"    end if    strMem(intIndex)=join(substrMem,",")    ShowMemInDivend subsub ShowMemInDiv()    showmemdiv.innerHTML =""    dim intPlaysound        dim intI    dim strShowmem    strShowmem=""    intPlaysound=0    if intMemcount=0 then exit sub    for intI=0 to Ubound(strMem)        dim substrMem        substrMem=split(strMem(intI),",")        dim MemTime        MemTime=strFormatTime(substrMem(0))        if substrMem(4)="1" then            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<table class='viewtable' width='100%'>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<tr>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<td colspan='2' align='right' class='showtop' height='10' background='bar.jpg'>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "</td>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "</tr>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<tr>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<td rowspan ='2' width='64'>"            if substrMem(3)="0" then                strShowmem=strShowmem & "<img src='clock.gif' width='64' height='64'/>"                intPlaysound=intPlaysound+1            else                strShowmem=strShowmem & "<img src='icon64.gif' width='64' height='64'/>"            end if            strShowmem=strShowmem & "</td>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<td style='font-weight :bolder;'>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<font color=red>★</font> " & substrMem(1) & "(" & MemTime & ")"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "</td>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "</tr>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<tr>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<td class='showtop'>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<textarea cols='25' rows='2' readonly='readOnly' class='tastyle'>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & replace(substrMem(2),"<br>",vbcrlf)            strShowmem=strShowmem & "</textarea>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "</td>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "</tr>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<tr> "            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<td colspan='2' align='right' class='showtop'>"            if substrMem(3)="0" then                strShowmem=strShowmem & "<input type='button' value='知道' id='btnmemknow" & intI & "' name='btnmemknow" & intI & "' onclick='Memknow(" & intI & ")'/>"            end if            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<input type='button' value='删除' id='btnmemdel" & intI & "' name='btnmemdel" & intI & "' onclick='Memdel(" & intI & ")'/>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "<input type='button' value='关闭' id='btnmemclose" & intI & "' name='btnmemclose" & intI & "' onclick='Memclose(" & intI & ")'/>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "</td>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "</tr>"            strShowmem=strShowmem & "</table>"        end if    next    showmemdiv.innerHTML =strShowmem    showmemdiv.style.display="block"end subsub Memknow(intIndex)    dim substrMem    substrMem=split(strMem(intIndex),",")    substrMem(3)="1"    strMem(intIndex)=join(substrMem,",")        document.all("btnmemknow" & intIndex).style.visibility="hidden"      WMemFile(1)    getMeminfoend subsub Memdel(intIndex)        if ubound(strMem)=0 then        if intIndex=0 then            WMemFile(0)        else            exit sub        end if    else         if intIndex<>ubound(strMem) then            dim loopI            for loopI=intIndex to ubound(strMem)-1                strMem(loopI)=strmem(loopI+1)            next         end if         redim Preserve strMem(ubound(strMem)-1)         WMemFile(1)    end if    intMemcount=intMemcount-1        getMeminfo    if showviewdiv.innerHTML<>"" and showviewdiv.style.display="block" then        ShowMem    end if      end subsub WMemFile(intFlag)    dim fs    set fs=createobject("scripting.filesystemobject")    select case intFlag        case 0            if fs.FileExists(wFileName)=true then                fs.DeleteFile(wFileName)            end if        case 1            dim intI            dim strForW            for intI=0 to Ubound(strMem)                strForW=strForW & "&%" & left(strMem(intI),len(strMem(intI))-2) & "&%" & "*"            next            strForW=left(strForW,len(strForW)-1)                        dim WF            set WF=fs.CreateTextFile(wFileName, True)            WF.write strForW    end selectend subsub Memclose(intIndex)    dim substrMem    substrMem=split(strMem(intIndex),",")    substrMem(3)="1"    substrMem(4)="0"    strMem(intIndex)=join(substrMem,",")    getMeminfo    if showviewdiv.innerHTML<>"" and showviewdiv.style.display="block" then        ShowMem    end if  end subsub getMeminfo()    dim intDoneyes    dim intDonenot        intDoneyes=0    intDonenot=0    if intMemcount>0 then        dim intI                for intI=0 to ubound(strMem)            dim substrMem            substrMem=split(strMem(intI),",")            if substrMem(3)="1" then intDoneyes=intDoneyes+1        next        intDonenot=intMemcount-intDoneyes    end if    lblall.innerHTML =intMemcount    lblDoneyes.innerHTML =intDoneyes    lblDonenot.innerHTML =intdonenotend sub</script>  </head><body onload="loadsys">     <div style="width:300px; height: 18px;vertical-align:bottom;" id="showtime" name="showtime" class="stylesystime">    </div>    <div style="width:300px; height: 18px;vertical-align:bottom;" id="showmeminfo" name="showmeminfo" class="stylesystime">    目前备忘总数:<label id="lblAll" name="lblAll"></label>      已处理:<label id="lblDoneyes" name="lblDoneyes"></label>      待处理:<label id="lblDonenot" name="lblDonenot"></label>    </div>        <div style="width: 300px; height: 18px;padding-top:0px;" id="menu" name="menu">        <table border="0" width="100%">            <tr>                <td align ="left" width="80%">                    <font color=white>[</font>                    <a href="#" onclick="ShowDiv(1)" class="menu">设置</a>                    <font color=white>]</font>                      <font color=white>[</font>                    <a href="#" onclick="ShowDiv(2)" class="menu">添加</a>                    <font color=white>]</font>                    <font color=white>[</font>                    <a href="#" onclick="ShowDiv(3)" class="menu">查看</a>                    <font color=white>]</font>                    <font color=white>[</font>                    <a href="#" onclick="ShowDiv(4)" class="menu">帮助</a>                    <font color=white>]</font>                                </td>                <td align ="right">                    <div style="width:40px; height:18px;text-align:left;padding-top:6px;visibility:hidden;font-size:12px;" id="menuclose" name="menuclose">                        <font color=white>[</font>                        <a href="#" class="menu" onclick="closeMenu">关闭</a>                        <font color=white>]</font>                     </div>                                </td>            </tr>        </table>     </div>     <div style="width: 400px; height: 56px;color:White;display:none;" id="showsetdiv" name="showsetdiv">         <input id="ChkSet1" name="ChkSet1" type="checkbox" onclick="sysSet1" />显示中文时间<br />         <input id="ChkSet2" name="ChkSet2" type="checkbox" onclick="sysSet2" />播放声音         <div id="divset2" name="divset2" style="width: auto;color:red;display:inline;"> </div>         <br />         <input id="ChkSet3" name="ChkSet3" type="checkbox" onclick="sysSet3" />显示上次关闭时未处理的备忘(即使已经超时)     </div>     <div style="width: 300px; height:auto;color:White;display:none;" id="showadddiv" name="showadddiv">        <table width="100%" border="0" class="viewtable">            <tr>                <td width="40" align ="center">标题 </td>                <td>                    <input id="txtMemTitle" name="txtMemTitle" type="text" class="inputtype" maxlength="10"/>                </td>            </tr>            <tr>                <td align ="center">时间                </td>                <td>                    <input id="txtMemTime" name="txtMemTime" type="text" class="inputtype" maxlength="16"/>                </td>            </tr>            <tr>                <td align ="center" valign="top">内容                </td>                <td>                    <textarea id="txtMemContent" name="txtMemContent" cols="25" rows="2" style="width:250px;"></textarea>                </td>            </tr>            <tr>                <td>                    <input type="button" id="btnAdd" name="btnAdd" onclick="AddMem" value="增加"/>                </td>                <td>                    <div style="width: 300px; height: 20px;text-align:left;padding-top:6px;" id="MemAddInfo" name="MemAddInfo"></div>                </td>                   </tr>        </table>     </div>           <div style="width: 300px; height: 56px;color:White;display:none;" id="showviewdiv" name="showviewdiv">     </div>     <div style="width: 300px; height: 56px;color:White;display:none;" id="showhelpdiv" name="showhelpdiv">        <textarea style="border:none;color:white;background-color:transparent;width:300px;" rows="7" readonly="readOnly">  ★ 设置——备忘录系统设置播放声音:备忘到时,声音提示。默认声音为 Win$\media\notify.wav如果没有该文件,将不能选择。    ★ 增加——增加新的备忘录标题:最长10个字符;时间:格式如:2008-09-10 10:02;内容:最长50个字符,换行最好不超过2次。  ★ 查看——查看现在已有的备忘录:显示:将备忘显示在提示窗口;删除:删除备忘。           ★ 帮助——您现在看到的信息提供了本系统的操作说明。  ★ 备忘提示窗口知道:标记为处理,但不关闭提示窗口;关闭:标记为处理,并关闭提示窗口;删除:关闭备忘提示窗口,并删除备忘。  ---------------------------  感谢使用本备忘录系统!  详细说明请查看readme.txt!  希望能够对您有所帮助!                 --uruseibest  ---------------------------         </textarea>              </div>         <div style="width:300px; height:auto;color:White;display:none;" id="showmemdiv" name="showmemdiv">        </div></body></html>



clock.gif        icon64.gif
